I Can Change For You


The next morning I was waiting for Taemin by the elevators like I did every day. But ten minutes past and he still hadn’t come out. Only Key had, and holy was this awkward.

“Where’s Taemin at?” I asked, coolly.

He just shrugged in response. Nice. “Kibum.”

“Don’t call me that.” he snapped. “Didn’t I tell you before? Don’t talk to me.”

I frowned. “But I didn’t do anything.”

He glared up at me and it looked like he wanted to retort, but he decided not to. He humphed and pressed the down button to the elevator; “If you’re waiting on Taemin, he left like really early. A childhood friend of his showed up last night.” He explained.

“What friend?” I questioned as I followed him into the elevator.

“Why are you asking me like I know everything?”

You act like you know everything!“You’re his roommate.”

“So? Doesn’t mean I know everything.”

“Ugh, you make me mad.”

He suddenly laughed. You know that laugh you do when someone says a joke, but it actually hurt your feelings. That’s what it sounded like.  “I make everyone mad. That’s how I am.” He said.

“No you don’t.” I touched his shoulder. “You actually make me really happy.”

He flinched at my touch and moved my hand away. “Don’t touch me please.”

“Kibum, I’m sorry.” I sighed. “I don’t know…this…you’re making this really hard.”

Me? Making this hard?” He looked up at me in disbelief. “What about you mister? Key I have feelings for you but I’m still going out with Taemin and I can’t hurt him cause I actually like him too.”

“I don’t sound like that.” I frowned. “And what about you too? You said you liked me!”

“When the did I ever say that?” he growled.

“Well, saying all that about us being fake and you just wanting to piss off Taemin wasn’t the truth was it?!”

“ARE WE ON THE FIRST FLOOR YET?” He screamed, turning away from me again.

“Let’s talk about this!” But unluckily the elevators slid open and off Key went. He likes me, doesn't he? Why is he denying!?

I sighed as I headed towards the cafeteria for some breakfast. I was feeling really hungry…

Key is so confusing. But we are both confusing. We are confusing each other! UGH, WHY DOESN’T THIS MAKE ANY SENSE?

“Aissssh!” I ruffled my hair in an annoyance.


I quickly turned around and saw Taemin running towards me, with a boy following closely behind. Is that the friend Key was talking about? Taemin wrapped his arms around me; “I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you at the elevator, I was showing my friend Kai around.”

“You should have texted me or something.” I patted his head. “It’s okay, though.”

“Kai, this is my boyfriend, Minho. Minho this is my best friend Kai.” Taemin explained, letting go of me.

“Hi – nice to …” I held out my hand but my voice trailed off because the look Kai’s face was no joke. The kid was legit glaring at me. What’s his problem? “meet you…” I finished.

“Same here.” He responded coldly as he shook my hand. He squeezed it harshly but I did not wince, I squeezed back.

“Let’s all get breakfast now!” Taemin grinned; completely unaware of what just happened.


“I feel bad, because I’m always complaining to you about these things.” I sighed when I finished explaining what happened in the elevator to CL.

“You love him don’t you, Key?” she asked.

I hesitated; “Y-Yes, but…”

“He loves you too, obviously! I mean why would he say that if he didn’t?”

“But Taemin…”

“Since when do you care about Taemin?”

“You’re right, you’re right.” I sighed as I finished my carton of apple juice. “Chaerin, you’re the best you know.” I wrapped my arms around her and squeeze her as hard as I could.  “I love you, girl.”

When I let her go, her face was redder than before. Oops, maybe I squeezed her to hard? “I-I love you too,” she replied, shyly.

I covered my mouth as I laughed.

“Hey, what are you guys laughing about?” Hyuna asked, plopping herself down next to me. I wrapped my arm around her and ruffled her hair. “Yah! Don’t do that! I worked hard on my hair this morning.”

“Sorry.” I chuckled, straightening it out for her. The three of us started chatting normally but somehow it wasn’t so normal. There was this tension in the air between CL and Hyuna – like whenever they spoke to each other it was like found the other annoying. Wonder what happened.

Suddenly I felt two muscular arms wrap around me. “Sorry ladies, can I steal your oppa?”


“Sure, go ahead. The bells going to ring soon.” CL said, grabbing her bag.

“Yeah. The bell.” Hyuna said, leaving.

“How’s my wonderful princess?” Jonghyun nuzzled against my neck, lovingly as he took a seat beside me.

“Your princess? Since when am I yours?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Since forever.” He chuckled. “And I think I’m going to call you princess more often.”

“Why? I don’t like it.”

“You’re face gets red whenever I say it.” Jonghyun pecked me on the cheek. “Princess, princess, princess!”

“I-It’s not because I like it. It’s just embarrassing.” I told him.

“Whatever Bummie, I know you like it.”

“Did these pet names just pop up in your head this morning?”

“Maybe,” Jonghyun winked as the bell rang. “Come on, let’s get to class~!” He grabbed my hand; “I’ll walk you to class!”

Not that Jonghyun isn’t already odd – he’s acting really odd today. Princess? Bummie? Where the hell did these names come from?

“Fags,” we heard Doojoon cough as we walked towards the class building. I realized we were still holding hand. As Doojoon and his friends laughed, I attempted to let go of Jonghyun’s hand but he held tight.

When we reached my classroom, he pulled me into a tight hug and said goodbye.

…Wonder what’s wrong with him…


After all classes were finished I made my way towards my locker to put my books and things away. I shut my locker, closed and realized I forgot my bag for dance practice back at my dorm. , I am way too lazy to walk all the way back there. I tried calling Bom but she wasn’t answering.

Guess I’d have to walk.

I made my way to the stairway when I heard voices.

“How can that guy be your boyfriend?” someone demanded. I took a few steps down the stairs and I could see some guy, who was definitely not Minho and Taemin.

“I like him, Kai. I really like him.” Taemin replied.

“You made a promise to me, though! Don’t you remember?!”

“N-No. Kai…this position is kind of…someone will get the wrong idea…”

“I’m going to make you remember then!”

I watched as the taller male leaned down and placed a kiss on Taemin’s lips.

Oh my god! Taemin cheating on Minho? And he calls Kibum a ? Tsk. “AHEM!” I cleared my throat loudly.

The guy – Kai – stepped away from Taemin quickly. Taemin was frightened at first, but his face relaxed when he realized it was just me. “C-Chaerin.”

“Did you and Minho break up? Is this your new boyfriend? That was quick.” I simpered.

“N-No! Th-that’s not it. Minho and I are still together. Th-That…” he stammered.

“Leave us alone.” Kai snapped as he grabbed Taemin’s wrist and dragged him down the stairs.

At that moment my phone rang; “Yah! Chaerin-ah? What do you need?” Bom’s voice demanded.

“Ah, thank god. Where are you?”

“I just got at the dorm. I’ll be back in the dance studio before you know it.”

“Oh! Could you get my bag for me? It has my clothes in it, and I forgot to grab it this morning.”

“Sure thing~”


“Damn it! Let go of me!” I shouted, yanking my hand away from him. “The ’s wrong with you!”

“You forgot all about me, Taemin.” Kai frowned.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You promised me you wouldn’t be with anyone else. That you’d wait for me.”

…The memories were finally coming back to me now. . “T-That was over ten years ago, Kai. When we were kids, we didn’t know what we were talking about!”

“What’s so great about that Minho guy anyway!?” he demanded.

My eyes softened; “I could go on and on about what’s great about him.” I whispered.

“I doubt he’s that perfect.” Kai rolled his eyes.

“He is though!” I protested. “What would you know Kai?” He was taking too long to answer so I just spoke again. “I have to go. I’ll be back at the dorms at around six.”

“Hyung.” He called as I began to walk away.


“That kiss. Did it at least mean anything to you??”

My eyes wandered to the floor, while I thought of an answer. “Kai, we’re better off at friends though.”


eh this chapter was pure . i started it at 12:30am...its 2;28 right now.
there probably are typoes...a lot...
chaerin's prob gunna use that info for something.
kai's prob gunna go find minho and say some
minkey are prob gunna get closer.
agh sleepy. ok hope u enjoyed.


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Thanks for reading: I Can Change For You. :*


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sookinim #1
Chapter 31: Wait,okay this was amazing and it made me stay up alot(so worth it though) and i love you...thing is a 2min,jongkey and onewxchicken was an ending I expected..but this was a nice story~
Noooor #2
Chapter 6: Minkey supporter ❤️
Omg its so good! And I need subscribers to update new chapter. Maybe you'd like to check or subsrice my story? Thanks
Chapter 31: This was such a cute story!!! Thank you for writing it.
Chapter 15: kyah, kai! dang, i'm such an exotic! XD i love your ff soooooooomuch!!!
Chapter 31: wow I really finished this within a day . I love the story but in a way I'm sorta mad at the pairings but ____ it it's a good ___ story so I can look pass it. on to another one of your stories now bye~
Chapter 6: hotnessssss~

2min 4eva
Chapter 31: really a great story!! i wish it was longer, hehe.
MinKey in the end. <3