Chapter 32 - Confusion

Angel Princess

Serenity's POV

I run pass trees, bushes, plants, everything as I flee from that horrible place. I keep running and running until I come to a stop in the middle of the forest. I drop to my knees, taking heavy breaths of air. I slowly look up, my face flushed from all the running, and take in the area around me. "Where am I?" I ask no one in particular. I sigh, ruffling my hair. "How do I get myself into these kinds of messes?" I sigh once again. Once I am sure that my breathing in steady, I rise from the ground and continue to walk forward. Twigs and dry leaves crush under my feet as I walk slowly with caution. Suddenly a strong wind picks up, ruffling the towering trees above me. I rub my hands together and I look around, feeling a tinge of panic. I take a step forward but I quickly stop when I hear something coming from behind me. I spin around but I see nothing.


a voice sang in the voice. I turn once again but no one there.

"Who's there?" I call, feeling this weird deja vu about this happening before.


the voice says again. I stop in my tracks and listen to the voice. "Serenity..." My eyes widen a bit. It's a female voice. I look around, searching for the owner of the voice.

"Yes, I hear you. Please, who are you?" I ask.

"Serenity, you need to leave this place. It's not safe for you to be here."

the woman says gently.

"I know that but... I can't find my way out." I reply, lowering my head a bit.

"Serenity, follow my voice. I'll show you a way out of this place."

the woman says softly. That perks my head up.


"Yes. Now follow my voice. I'll lead you back home."

she says. I smile softly, bowing my head a bit.

"Thank you so much. I'm very grateful." I say, placing a hand over my chest.

"But first Serenity, you must do me a favor."

"Hmm? A-ah yes, of course. What is it?" I ask, looking up at the sky.

"We must speak. Just follow my voice and we shall meet."

she says. I blink twice then slowly nod my head.

"Okay, I'll do that." I reply.

"Good. Now... follow my voice."

the woman says. I nod my head and I walk towards where her voice is coming from. I walk west, following the voice as she points me in the right direction. "Walk pass the twin trees and continue forward, dear." she explains.

"Ne." I respond. I follow her intrustions and walk pass the twin trees towering higher than the others. I walk slowly, looking ahead and see a bright light coming through the bushes.

"Come through here."

her voice says softly. I bite my lower lip and slowly but surely, walk through the bushes. The bright lit blinds me for a couple of seconds and I shut my eyes quickly. "Serenity... come to be." she says in a motherly tone and I raise my hand, blocking the bright light. I slowly open my eyes only for them to widen.

Before me is an abandoned graveyard filled with fog. I slowly step through the fog and into the chilly graveyard. Chills runs up and down my spine as I rub my arms, my hands glowing a bright red as my body soon becomes warm. My fire Marking glows through my ripped jeans and stays lit. I walk through the graveyard, looking at old tombstones. I continue walking but I suddenly trip when my foot steps into a ditch in the ground. I land face first into the cold old grass. "Owww!~" I moan in pain as I sit back on my legs, holding my chin. "Aish, why would she tell me to come here?" I mumble to myself as I stand from ground, still rubbing my chin. I continue walking forward and I've notice the fog getting thicker and thicker as I continue to move forward. It also gets darker and creepier. I gulp, slowly lifting my hand and a small flame lightens my way. I keep walking until I stop in front of a large old tree with a swing connecting to it's branch. I gasp when I see a person sitting on the swing.


Play this song please --->


I gulp and take a step closer. As I get closer, I notice that it's a woman wearing a long red dress with her head down. "U-Um excuse me..." I say softly. The woman slowly raises her head and I expect her to be an creepy old woman but to my surprise, she is a young beautiful woman. She smiles sweetly at me and stands from the swing. She steps towards me and I am able to see her clearly. The woman is indeed beautiful. She has big brown eyes, a small pretty nose and full pink lips. Her long brown hair cascades down her back in gentle curls. I look at her closely.

She looks... so familiar... where have I seen her before... I think to myself. She stands in front of me and my goodness is she tall! I look up at her with wide eyes, the flame in my hand dying out.

"Hello Serenity. I'm glad you were able to find this place." she says with a soft smile. I slowly nod my head, a blush appearing on my face. The woman giggles softly and it sounds musical.

"U-Um...y-yeah. T-Thanks t-to you." I stutter, looking away. She giggles once again and suddenly pulls me into a gentle hug. My eyes widen from the sudden skinship but I hug her back slowly. She pulls away and holds my face with both of her hands. She gives me a sad smile.

"You look so much like her..." she whispers.

"Huh? Like who?" I ask softly. The woman smiles softly.

"You're now when the time comes, Serenity." she says. I blink then nod my head slowly.

"O-Okay." I reply. The woman smiles sweetly and leans down, kissing my forehead. My eyes widen as a blush appears on my face.

"Now, come with me. We have much to talk about." she says, taking my hand and leading me further into the graveyard.


Kibum's POV

A sudden gasp escapes my lips as I freeze in my tracks. Zander looks back at me with wide eyes. "Kibum... are you alright? What is the matter?" he ask. I blink a couple of times before looking at Zander.

"She has Serenity..." I whisper. Zander raise an eyebrow.

"Who does, Kibum? Who has Serenity?" he ask. I lower my eyes for a moment.

"It can't be. How was she able to locate her? Unless... she used the help of them." I say to myself, ignoring the odd look Zander was giving me.

"Kibum! You're not making any sense. Who has Serenity?" he ask. I look at him.

"The Fire Queen." I reply. Zander's eyes widen. He grips my shoulders.

"You mean... the ruler of Kilika?" he ask. I nod my head once.

"Yes her. So... Serenity is in good hands. The Fire Queen won't harm Serenity. She cares about her too much to do so." I explain. Zander slowly nods his head. He folds his arms.

"So what do we do?" he ask.

"We wait. Knowing the Fire Queen, she will return Serenity back home." I say. Zander sighs, nodding his head. I press my lips into a tight line. If she has her then... does that mean he knows that she is alive and well? If so... he'll be the happiest person in Kilika. I think to myself with a small smile.


Serenity's POV

The woman leads me to a cozy brick house in the middle of a forest. We both enter the house and she sits me down on the couch. I look up at her as she smiles down at me. "Sit here. I'll be right back." she says. I nod my head and she gracefully leaves the living room. I look around the large red living room and raise a eyebrow. This place looks oddly familiar but I know I've never been in a room like this before. I look towards the table beside the couch and my eyes land on a picture frame. Curiousity got the better of me and I reach over, picking up the picture. I hold it in both hands and gaze at the picture. It was a picture of the woman and a very tall boy beside her. I take a closer look at the picture as I scan their faces. They both look very much alike in the eyes, the nose and the smile. I tilt my head to the side as I take in the features of the boy. His brown hair was in a mess of curls, very much like the woman beside him. His eyes were big and filled with light. His nose was sharp and perfect with full lips and high cheekbones. A soft cough interrupted my thoughs and I look up to see the woman smiling down at me. I blush and quickly place the picture frame back on the table.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I say, bowing my head. The woman laughs.

"It's alright Serenity. You may look at the picture. Here. I've made some tea." she says, handing me a teacup. I nod, taking it from her hand.

"Thank you." I say softly. I sip the tea. It the delicious. "Mmm~ It's very good." I moan with delight. The woman giggles softly.

"I'm glad you like it." she says, sipping her own tea. I smile shyly and look towards the picture once again.

"May I ask you a question?" I ask shyly.


"Umm.. what is your name?" I ask, looking towards her. The woman blinks then smiles softly.

"My name is ChanMin." she replys softly. My eyes widen as I look at her lovely face.

"C-ChanMin?" I ask. She smiles softly, nodding her head.

"Yes. My name is ChanMin. I am the ruler of a city called Kilika." she says.

"Kilika?" I repeat. She nods her head. I make a 'o' expression and she giggles. I look towards the picture once again. She notice me looking at the picture before giggling once again.

"That's my son with me in the picture." she says. I turn my head to look at her.

"Y-Your son?" I ask in disbelief. She looks so young to have a son that is probably my age or two years older. I think to myself. She nods her head with a sweet smile. I blush.

"Yes, my son. He's my pride and joy. I would do anything for him." she says, smiling sweetly at the picture. I look up at her, bitting my lower lip.

"W-What i-is his name?" I ask, stuttering for some odd reason. ChanMin looks at me and laughs. She gives me a big smile, matching her son's in the picture. I look at her lovely face and notice that she has dimples. She ruffles my hair gently.

"No need to feel embarrassed about asking his name, Serenity." she says with another laugh. I blush deeper as I lower my head, shyly. ChanMin smiles sweetly. "His name is Chanyeol." she replies. My eyes widen hugely as I look up at ChanMin.

"Ch-Chanyeol? His name is Chanyeol?" I ask. She nods her head with a smile.

"Yes. Park Chanyeol. He's the most sweetest boy ever. He's two years older than you." she says, ruffling my brown hair. I blush once again and nod my head. ChanMin smiles at me. I clear my throat and look up at her.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask. The look in ChanMin's eyes darkend a bit as she lets out a sigh.

"Serenity... the thing that I wanted to speak to you about is something you may not recall or remember." she says. I blink twice, not understanding what she is saying.

"What do you mean?" I ask. ChanMin looks me in the eye.

"Serenity... you are somehow connected with Cecil's daughter." she says. My eyes widen.

"What..? I don't understand what you mean?" I ask. ChanMin sets her cup down on the coffee table and turns to face me.

"What I mean is... you are apart of Cecilia... I assume you know who she is." she says, tilting her to the side slightly. I slowly nod my head.

"Y-Yes I do but... how am I apart of her?" I ask. ChanMin takes my hands in hers.

"Serenity... you and Cecilia share the some heart. You and she are connected in a magical way that is nearly impossible to understand. You and Cecilia are one." she explains. I look at her as confusion washes over me.

"Bwoh? I-I am connected to... Cecilia? She and I... are one? What... how...?" I look away from her face as I try to figure out what all these means.

"Serenity... I know it's confusing but it's true. You shall understand it all much better someday but in the meantime I'll shall watch over you and keep telling you bits of pieces. Alright?" she says, giving my hands a squeeze. I stay silent for some time before finally nodding my head.

"A-Alright... I understand." I say but inside I'm actually very very confused. ChanMin smiles sadly.

"Okay. Here, let me take you back home." she says, standing from the couch and leading me out of the house.


Here's chapter 32 guys! I hope you guys like it! Yap ChanMin makes her appearance to Serenity. Now if you guys are confused what she and Belmus are talking about with Serenity being connected with Cecilia please let me know and I will explain it to you guys. Please comment, telling me what you guys think alright. Bye love you guys! ~♥

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!