Chapter 26: Tale of the Goddess | Part 2 |

Angel Princess


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"Cecily..." Cecil said as he looked down at his daughter. Cecilia took a step back as she looked up at her father. Cynthia stood up, holding her bleeding side.

"Cecily! Just run!" she yelled again. Cecilia didn't heed her mother's words. She stood there in complete shock as she watched her father approach closer and closer until he was right in front of her.

"Cecily... be a good girl and stay out of this. Daddy doesn't want to hurt you sweetheart." Cecil soothed as he kneeled down to his daughter's height. He reached out with the sword in his hand and placed the blade at . Cynthia's eyes widen as she placed pressure onto her wound, her hand glowing white and her wound was slowly healing. Cecil pressed the blade closer to Cecilia's throat, drawing a light stream of blood to flow down her neck.

"D-Daddy... w-why?" Cecilia asked, her voice nothing more than a bare whisper. Cecil smirked as he stare at his daugher's fear-stained face.

"Why, my sweet baby girl? It's because daddy has his reasons. Nothing that a mere 12 year old girl will understand." he said with a hint of malice. Tears streamed down Cecilia's cheeks as she stared at her father in the face.

"Don't hurt mom." she said. Cecil's face darken.

"What?" he asked. Cecilia gulped.

"D-Don't hurt mom!" she said with more force in her voice. Cecil growled and pulled the sword away and ed it forward to dig it into the throat of his daughter when he was hit in the face by flame. He yelled in pain and staggered away from his daughter. Cecilia's eyes widen as she watched her father drop the sword and press his hands against his face tightly.

"You son of a !" a female's voice growled. Cecilia turned her head to see ChanMi standing beside her mother.

"Auntie ChanMi!" she called. Cynthia ran over to her daughter and held her in her arms.

"Oh my goodness, Cecily! Are you alright?" she asked, inspecting the small wound in . She pressed her hand lightly against it and the wound healed. Cecilia looked at her mother's distressed face.

"Mom, what is going on?" she asked. Cynthia shook her head.

"I'll explain later we need to get out of here!" Cynthia said taking her daughter's hand. ChanMi looked around frantically.

"Where's ChanYeol?" she asked. Cecilia looked at her.

"He took the survivers into the forest. There's a house there and they will be safe there." Cecilia explained.

"How do you know about this house in the forest, Cecily?" Cynthia asked, looking down at her daughter. Cecily's face flushed a bit as she let out a cough.

"U-Um.. C-ChanYeol a-and I-I found it one day.." she said, rubbing the back of her neck. ChanMi and Cynthia both raised their eyesbrows.

"Oh really?" ChanMi said placing her hands on her hips. Cecilia gulped.

"Anyway! Here, I'll show you where it's located. Come on!" she said quickly and ran towards the forest with ChanMi and Cynthia right behind her. Cecilia ran into lightly lit forest until the house came into view. She saw ChanYeol standing outside, ruffling his black hair with both his hands. "ChanYeol!" she called. ChanYeol's head shot up and a huge smile appeared on his face as he saw Cecilia running towards him. ChanMi's eyes widen as she ran passed Cecilia and hugged her son.

"CHANYEOL!" she cried with tears in her eyes. ChanYeol's eyes widen when he saw his mother running towards him. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. ChanYeol hugged his mother back as he raised his head and looked at Cecilia.

'Thank you.' he mouthed with a grin.

Cecilia mouthed 'you're welcome' back as she smiled. ChanMi let go of ChanYeol as she touched his face.

"My baby. I thought I lost you." she said, crying her eyes out. ChanYeol grinned down at his mother.

"Umma, you'll never lose me. I promise." he said, wipping away her tears. Cynthia smiled and looked down at her daughter.

"Cecilia... about your father..." she began but Cecilia shook her head.

"Mom... please tell me later... I don't think I will be able to handle it now..." she said choking on a sob. ChanYeol raised his head and his eyes widen upon seeing Cecilia's tears. He walked over to her, cupping her face in his hands.

"Cecily... what's the matter?" he asked. Cecilia shook her head.

"It's nothing ChanYeol... I'm fine." she replied. Cynthia and ChanMi exchanged glazes before looking back to their children.

"Cecily... I'll go inside and check if anyone needs healing aid." she said. Cecilia nodded her head towards her mother. ChanMi looked at her son and Cecilia one last time before following Cynthia inside the house. ChanYeol looked down at Cecilia before connecting their lips together. Cecilia kissed him back gently and pulled away.

"I'm glad that you're alright." ChanYeol whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. Cecilia smiled softly.

"I told you I was going to be alright." she said. ChanYeol grinned. He gripped her hands in his tightly.

"Come on. Let's go inside." he said. Cecilia nodded her head and ChanYeol lead her into the house. Cecilia saw her mother kneeling down in front of a child, healing the wounds on his arm. Cecilia smiled as she takes a seat on the couch beside ChanMi.

"ChanYeol sweetie, is there water here? Everyone is thirsty." Cynthia asked. ChanYeol nodded his head.

"There is a river not to far from here. I'll show you the way if you like." he said. Cynthia smiled, nodding her head.

"Yes, please. Thank you sweetie." she said. ChanYeol blushed, ruffling his hair.

"Okay. Follow me." ChanYeol said and walked towards the door with Cynthia behind him.

"Wait! Queen Cynthia may I tag along?" the mother of the child asked. Cynthia smiled, nodding her head.

"Yes you may, MiMi." she said. MiMi smiled as she followed ChanYeol and Cynthia out of the house. A woman walked over to Cecilia.

"Princess Cecilia, are there any rooms for us to rest?" she asked in a gentle voice. Cecilia smiled, nodding her head.

"Yes Mrs. Luna. There upstairs. I'll show you." she said with a smile. Luna bowed her head as Cecilia led her and the others upstiars to the rooms. After a while, Cecilia came back down and saw ChanMi standing outside and She walked over to her. "Auntie ChanMi, are you alright?" she asked. ChanMi smiled at her.

"Yes sweetheart, I'm fine." she said then looked around to see if ChanYeol, Cynthia and MiMi were anywhere in sight. The two were silent for some time until ChanMi broke the silence. "Cecilia... do you... like ChanYeol?" she asked. Cecilia's face grew red at ChanMi's sudden question.

"W-What made you ask that?" she asked, still very red. ChanMi grinned and folded her arms.

"Just wondering. I've never seen ChanYeol act the way he does when around you with other girls. That's why I want to know because..." she trailed off as she lowered her eyes a bit. Cecilia looked up at ChanMi.

"What?" she asked. ChanMi smiled.

"Because ChanYeol likes you. A lot. He would do anything for you." she said. Cecilia changed to a deeper shade of red as she looked away. In the distance she saw her mother with ChanYeol and MiMi. ChanYeol met her eyes and he grinned. Cecilia smiled back and ChanMi giggled.

"Auntie ChanMi... I do like ChanYeol. I do, very much." Cecilia said softly. ChanMi looked at Cecilia with a soft eyes.

"That's good to know," she began as she looked at her son. Cecilia smiled at him when she's suddenly pulled into a head lock by ChanMi. "but even thought I'm best friends with your mom doesn't mean I'mma go easy on you if you hurt my baby Channie!" she said, rubbing her knuckles on the top of Cecilia's head.

"Ow! Aunite! That hurts, let me go!" Cecilia said, trying to break free of ChanMi's hold.

"Umma! Let Cecily go!" he called as he ran over to his mother and Cecilia. ChanMi grinned and let go of Cecilia.

"I was just playing with her." she said. ChanYeol raised an eyebrow as he stared at his mother.

"Right." he said with a laugh. ChanMi smiled at her son. ChanYeol gave a smile identical to his mother's and walked inside with some gallons of water. Cecilia ran upstairs to tell everyone the water has arrived. Cynthia gave everyone some water in small bottles as ChanYeol and MiMi helped her. Cecilia sat down in a chair then had a water bottle shoved into her face. She jumped from the sudden cold and looked up to see ChanYeol smiling down at her. "Here. You must be thirsty." he said.

"Thank you ChanYeol." she said taking it from his hand and taking a sip. ChanYeol sat down beside her and Cecilia rested her head against his shoulder. ChanYeol smiled and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. Cecilia smiled, snuggling into ChanYeol and felled asleep.

The next few days was hectic. The village of Pyro was completely destroyed when Cynthia led them back. Cynthia haven't explained to her daughter what happened with her father because she felt something tragic may happened so she kept quiet, only talking with ChanMi about it. Everyone was told by Cynthia to try find items that were spared by the fire so they could head towards the castle. Everyone did as they were told and began looking. Cecilia and ChanYeol walked towards his home to try finding anything. Cynthia sat on the edge of the giant fountain with her head down. ChanMi sat down beside her and touched her shoulder. "Cynthy... what's the matter?" she asked. Cynthia sighed.

"I don't know what to do ChanMi about Cecilia." she said softly. ChanMi raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" she asked. Cynthia sighed once again.

"I've been called ChanMi... by the council.." she whispered softly. ChanMi's eyes widen.

"What? What do you mean you've been called?" she asked. Cynthia kept her head lowered.

"They want to discuess something with me... about Cecil's plan to control all of Gaia." she explained. ChanMi lowered her eyes.

"So... you're gonna have to leave again and go back to war then?" she asked, her hand falling from her best friend's shoulder. Cynthia said nothing as ChanMi began to sob. "Why? Why does it have to be you? Why can't they call someone else? You have a child, Cynthy. You can't just abandon her!" she said, tears falling from her eyes. Cynthia's shoulder began to shake.

"I know... I know but what am I to do, ChanMi? Cecil's my husband... so I am held responsible for his actions!" she said. ChanMi bit her lower lip.

"What is Cecil after? Did he tell you?" she asked. Cynthia looked up at ChanMi with watery eyes.

"He told me that he is going to destroy Sarada and the other nations to take over Gaia. I can't let him do that, ChanMi. I have to stop him." she said, tears falling from her blue orbs. ChanMi looked at her best friend and let out a sigh.

"Alright. What are you going to do about Cecily? I would love to take care of her but you know I can't." she said with a sad smile.

"Yes I know. You and ChanYeol have to go. There is only one option left.." Cynthia said.

"And what would that be?" ChanMi asked.

"I know someone who can take care of Cecilia but I must erase her memories." Cynthia whispered with sadness. ChanMi's eyes widen.

"How are you going to do that?" she asked. Cynthia takes out a pendant from her pocket and showed ChanMi.


"With this. This is the Angel Stone. I am able to extract someone's memories into here." she explained. ChanMi nodded her head.

"But... is she able to regain them back?" she asked. Cynthia nodded her head.

"Yes. If she is given this necklace then all of her memories will return to her once again. But in the meantime, I don't want her to have this... not for now." Cynthia said.

"When are you planning on extracting her memories?" ChanMi asked, looking ahead and spots ChanYeol and Cecilia walking towards them.

"Tonight. When she is sleeping in the castle but ChanMi, please do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Don't tell ChanYeol. He will do anything to keep me from extracting Cecilia's memories. He loves her to much to let any harm come to her." Cynthia said with a soft smile. ChanMi nodded her head and let out a laugh.

"Alright. I will make sure that he doesn't find out." ChanMi said watching her son grin at her and waving. She waved back. "I hope one day... if Cecilia regains her memories... I hope she is reunited with ChanYeol again in the future... that would mean to world to him." she said sadly. Cynthia nodded her head.

"I hope so too. I can tell those two will inseparable when that time comes." Cynthia said as she hid the necklace back into her pocket as soon as Cecilia jumped into her arms. Cynthia smiled, holding her daughter close. ChanMi hugged ChanYeol and kissed his face mulitple times as he laughed.

Later that night, they arrived at the castle, which was unharmed by Cecil's sudden attack. Cynthia and ChanMi showed the village folk to the rooms as Cecilia and ChanYeol went to her room. Cecilia jumped onto her bed as ChanYeol sat down on the edge of the bed. Cecilia sat up, grabbed his arm and pulled me down onto the bed with her. ChanYeol laughed as he laid beside her. He wrapped his arms protectively around her waist as Cecilia snuggled up against him. ChanYeol kissed the top of her head. "Try going to sleep Cecily." he said. Cecilia looked up at him with a pout.

"I don't want to... I want to stay awake for a while." she said curling a finger in ChanYeol's soft black hair. ChanYeol looked down at her with loving eyes as he traced a finger along her jawline. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment longer before they closed the gap between each other. The kiss was soft and sweet as Cecilia tangled her fingers more into ChanYeol's hair. ChanYeol trailed his finger down her jawline to her neck then to her collarbone. The kiss soon became more heated when ChanYeol climbed on top of Cecilia, deepening the kiss as his tongue lightly brush against her lower lip. Cecilia allowed him axcess, slightly parting her lips as ChanYeol's tongue entered her warm cavern. The two fought for dominance but ChanYeol won and began exploring Cecilia's mouth. Cecilia let out a soft moan as ChanYeol explored every inch of . He bit down on her tongue before on it lightly. Cecilia ran her hands down ChanYeol's back when she suddenly felt his body tempature grow hotter than a normal human. ChanYeol's hands traveled down to the helm of Cecilia's shirt and buried themselves underneath her shirt, touching her soft flat stomach. They apart, breathing heavyly and stared into each other's eyes. Cecilia slowly smiled up at ChanYeol and he smiled back. He leaned down and began kissing her neck. Cecilia tilted her head to the side, exposing more of her neck as she let out a moan. She gripped the helm of ChanYeol's shirt as he nibbled and on her neck. Just when he is about to take off his shirt, the door opens --

--- and there stood their mothers. Cecilia and ChanYeol both scream as Cecilia pushed him off and sat up in bed. Cynthia and ChanMi both folded their arms, anger colored their faces.

"What. The. Hell. Where. You. Two. Doing!" ChanMi yelled, gritting her teeth. ChanYeol raised his hands in defense as he looked at his mother.

"U-Umma... it... let me explain." he stuttered as his mother struts over to him, gripping his ear and pulled up from the bed.

"You shall explain it to me downstairs in the library!" she yelled, pulling her son by the ear and out of the room. The door slammed shut, leaving Cecilia alone with her angry mother. Cecilia fidgetted with her fingers.

"Mommy... I can explain... really we..." she tried saying but Cynthia cut her off.

"Don't. There is no need to explain that you and ChanYeol were getting intimate. May I remind you that you are only 12 years old while he is 14! You need to be more careful Cecilia!" Cynthia said, raising her voice. Cecilia winced from her mother's tone.

"I'm sorry mommy... it won't happen again..." she said, lowering her head. Cynthia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Alright enough of that. Go to bed. It's late." she said. Cecilia nodded her head as her mother gave her a kiss on the head and walked towards the door. "Oh and another thing," she said turning to look at her daughter. "I don't want ChanYeol in here. Understood?" she asked. Cecilia nodded her head.

"Okay mommy. Good night." she said getting into bed. Cynthia nodded her head.

"Good night sweetheart." Cynthia said and closed the door.

When the clock struck mid-night, Cynthia and ChanMi entered Cecilia's room with the Angel Stone in hand. ChanMi closed the door silently as Cynthia made her way towards her sleeping daughter. She looked down at her and her hair. ChanMi walked over to her.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" she asked. Cynthia nodded her head.

"Yes. I need to do this. I can't let her stay here, not when I know it's too dangerous." she said with a sigh. ChanMi folded her arms.

"Plus Cecil will want to go after her right? Because of what the priest foretold?" ChanMi asked, looking over at Cynthia, who nodded her head.

"Correct. Cecilia is suppose to be the one who is to stop her father and bring peace to Gaia but I won't let that happened. I am going to stop Cecil, not my daughter." she said. Cynthia raised the Angel Stone over her daughter's head and gently placed it against her forehead. She closed her eyes and began to chant the spell.

"Dear Guardian of the Angel Stone, heed my words and extract the memories of my daughter. Keep her memories safe with you until the time is right. Please Guardian, protect her memories from this chaos." she chanted as the Angel Stone began to glow. Soon a bright light emerged from Cecilia's head and entered the stone, the blue jewels glowing. Cynthia opened her eyes and raised the necklace and gazed at it.

"It's done. Now I must take her away from here now." she said, picking up her daughter and covered her with a blanket. Cynthia pulled up her hood from her cloak and left the castle with ChanMi behind. "I casted a spell on everyone to believe that Cecilia was kidnapped. The only ones who knows the truth is you and I." she explained to ChanMi.

"Okay. Please do be careful." ChanMi said. Cynthia nodded her head and took off running from the castle.

Serenity's POV


My eyes waters as Kibum continues to tell me the tale. "With that, Cynthia took off into her hidden ship with her daugther and took her away from Gaia forever." Kibum says with a sigh. I clear my throat.

"Did the spell worked? Did everyone believed that Cecilia was kidnapped?" I ask. Kibum nods his head.

"Yes they did but... ChanYeol didn't. He knew the truth. The spell did not work on him." Kibum explained. My eyes widen.

"It didn't? So he knows that Cecilia wasn't kidnapped but taken away from Sarada and Gaia." I say. Kibum nods his head once again.


"Wow. I wonder if he is still alive and wondering where his Cecilia was taken." I say, resting my chin against my knees. Kibum gives a light shrug.

"Serenity, you should go back now. It's rather late and remember you have a wedding preparationg to attend." he said. My eyes widen and spring up to my feet.

"! My dad and sister are on their way to Neverland Castle! I have to go now!" I say in a frantic as I run out of the garden. "Thanks for telling me the story Kibum!" I call back to him. Kibum smiled as he nods his head.

Kibum's POV

I watch her run back to Neverland Castle as a sigh escapes my lips. "Dear Serenity... when are Eternity and the King going to tell you the truth about Cynthia?" I ask myself softly as I walk over to the golden rose. I kneel down and touch its delicate form. "Cynthia... please... tell me what to do. Why do I have this odd feeling that something horrible it going to happen? Please... tell me before it's to late." I whisper to the rose and it glows slightly.


The tale of the Goddess has ended! What did you guys think? Did you guys like it or did it reveal too much O_O Boy, I hope I didn'r reveal to much about what may happen in future chapters. And sorry if the kiss scence . I got kinda embarrassed when I was writing it.. Anywho, I hope you guys like this chapter! I may post the next chapter tomorrow for you guys so please look forward to it. Comment please, it will make me very happy! ~♥

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!