Chapter 16: Quiet Prince, Eli

Angel Princess

Sorry for not updating for a couple of weeks, I've been busy with school and my senior dues and grauduation (which is in a couple of weeks) So I hope you like this chapter =3


Listen to this as you read this chapter : 


Serenity's POV

The iron gates of Neverland Castle opens with a creak as I enter after my walk with big sister. Closing the gates behind me, I puff out some air and make my way towards the castle. I see the servants working around the castle's land and some greeted me with a smile. I wave to them, walking up the giants steps towards the front doors of the grand castle. The castle is quiet, which, isn't very unsual since the boys are usually always out or doing some things with their father about the wedding. Oh God, the wedding. I sigh, dropping my head, folding my arms across my chest. I still haven't earned the you-are-worthy-of-being-our-wife title from AJ, Dongho or Eli yet. Speaking of Eli, I haven't not once spoken to him ever since I've moved in here. To think I could have at least said one word to him. I tilt my head to the side before proceeding into the family room. To my luck, Eli was there, sitting by the window, looking out to the garden. I freeze in my tracks, gulping as I slowly begin to take steps backwards out of the family but unfortunately, Lady Luck isn't on my side when I see Eli's eyes meets mine. I curse in my head before coughing and awkwardly sit down on one of the couches. Eli keeps his gaze on me before looking back out the window. The room fills with dead silence since not one of us wants to talk. After what seems like forever, Eli stands from the windowsill and makes his way over to me. My heart pounds in my chest as I tense up upon seeing him approach me. He kneels down in front of me, staring at my face. I flush and looking away from him. I feel Eli's hand gently cup my chin, turning it slightly to look back at him. I narrow my eyes before staring back at him.

Eli watches me, studying my facial features until his eyes land on mine. I flush a darker red as I make direct contact with his lovely, dark, mysterious eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, his voice soft and soothing. "You're really lovely. I think you will make a wonderful wife to us." he whispers softly. My eyes widen as a deep shade of red tints what feels like my entire face. He spoke to me... he finally spoke to me and he didn't even insult me like AJ and Dongho did. I think to myself as I stare into Eli's eyes. Eli cracks a small smile before gently letting his hand fall from my chin. He stands and lets out his hand to me. I blink, staring at his hand for a moment before looking back up at him. He smiles softly. "Would you care to take a walk with me?" he ask. I slowly nod my head, taking his hand and allow him to pull me up from the couch and out the family room.

Eli and I walk out of the castle and down a path I've never taken before. We walk in between the trees and bushes, following the slightly narrow path. Eli keeps my hand in his the whole time we are walking. My eyes wonder the sylvan area I've never seen before as we proceed down the pathway. I don't notice Eli stopping and I run into his strong back. I hold my nose and mumble a low "Sorry" as I look pass him at our location. When I focus on the area, my eyes widen. Eli has take me a Japanese pond with silver stones used a walkpath across the river. Flowers and plants surround the pond, making the pond look more beautiful and delicate. Eli smiles at my reaction, grips my hand tightly as he leads me across the silver stones. He steps onto the first stone then onto the second one while I freeze in place, scared that I am going to fall into the pond. Eli lets out a throaty chuckle. "Don't worry. You're fine. You won't fall, I'm here with you." he says reasurringly. I look at him, nod my head and take a slow steady step onto the first stone. My right foot press firmly onto the stone and I did the same with my left. I stand gracefully onto the stone and smile up at Eli. Eli nods his head then proceeds to walk down the stone path with me closely behind him. Just ahead of us is a small tree with purple lovely flowers blooming from it. Eli reaches the last stone and step onto the cement path. I step off the stone, standing beside Eli on the cement path. "You see. You didn't fall." he says softly. I nod my head and we walk down the path, shaded by the leaves of the trees. Eli leads me down the shaded path that opens out to a open field of green grass.

"Wow! It's beautiful!" I say with wide eyes. I look up at the clear blue sky as I fall back onto the soft grass. Eli smiles as he joins me, sitting beside me. I flutter my eyes close as I feel the light breeze kiss my face. "The breeze feels so nice." I whisper.

"You can come here whenever you want. It's a nice place to clear your thoughts." Eli says in a soft tone. I open my right eye and glance at him. He was staring out into the distance, the wind blowing his soft hair. I plop myself onto my elbows. 

"Is this where you go to when you need to clear your thoughts?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. Eli smiles softly as he continues to stare out to the open field before turning his attention towards me. I blush at the way he was looking at me that I look away. Eli chuckles as he lays back onto the grass. I narrow my eyes to look towards the right down at him.

"To answer your question, yes I do come down here to clear up my thoughts." he replys with a small smile. I nod my head while making the 'o' expression. I pull my legs close to my chest as I look out at the open field as the breeze ruffles the grass. The atmosphere becomes silent until I open my mouth to ask Eli a question.

"Hey... Eli?" I ask hesitely.

"Ne?" he ask with his eyes closed. I look over at him quickly then back ahead.

"Umm... why... does Dongho and AJ hate me so much?" I ask. I know it's a similar question that I asked big sister but I need to confirm it with at least one of the boys sinec I've haven't seen Alexander in a while. I think to myself. Eli remains quiet for a few minutes before breaking the silence.

"They have their reasons. I don't know what they are thought." he says with a light shrug and I know that I shouldn't persue him anymore on the topic. We sit in silence for what seems like hours with only the sound of the gentle breeze whipping passed us. After a couple of hours there in the field, having a little conversation here and there until the sun sets. We reach the castle and we enter the castle. Everyone inside was asleep since all the lights were off. I search for the steps only to trip over something and fall forwards. I close my eyes, expecting to hit the floor but I never do because Eli wraps his strong arms around me and helped me stand straight up. I clear my throat quietly before slowly letting him go, althought I couldn't see him.

"Gomawo, Eli..." I whisper shyly. Eli lets out a chuckle before wrapping his arm around my waist and escorts me upstairs to my room. When we reach my door, I bow a bit while Eli just chuckles again and kisses the top of my head.

"Good night Serenity." he says.

"G-Good night Eli..." I reply, opening the door to my room and slip inside.


Stop the music here and play this one for the rest of the chapter please: 


The loud pounding of the hard rain outside woke me up with a start. I rub my left eye before looking at the clock on my nightstand. It read 3:42 AM in the morning. I groan, pushing the duvet away from my small frame and head towards the bathroom. When I exit the bathroom, I walk towards the window and look out to the darkness. I slowly raise my hand, pressing it against the cold surface of the window. My eyes travel through the wet gardens until they land on a figure standing in the middle of the garden, staring up right at my window. A small gasp escapes my mouth as I back away from the window. The thunder flashes outside, illuminating my face and the area outside my window. My feet regain their feeling, I slowly walk towards the window, pressing my hand back against the surface of the window. The figure is still standing there, staring up at me. I keep my gaze upon the figure as I slowly open the window, stepping onto the balcony. The rain hit me hard, soaking me in seconds. My hands find the cold bars of the railing as I look down at the figure. I see the figure raise their hand, motioning me to come and follow them. My eyes widen as I see, what I thought, was a smile before the figure runs off. "Wait!" I call out to figure, who looks back at me, waving me to follow and continues to run. My instincts tells me not to follow the figure but my mind tells me to go out and follow whoever it is. In the end, I listen to my mind and run inside my room. I change out of my soaked night gown, replacing it with jeans, a black T-shirt and my black hoodie with a green bunny on the front. I put on my favorite green sneakers and exit my room. I make sure that I am very quiet when speed walking down the hall and stairs. I reach the front doors, creak them open and run out into the pouring night, looking for the figure in the darkness.

I see the figure standing by the path where Eli showed me the pond. The figure smiles, waving me over. From this distance, I can make out a few of the features of the figure. The figure was male with black hair, his fringe covering the right side of his face and eye. He was tall and wore black clothing with a black trench coat. He waves me over and runs down the path. I quickly follow him down the path, the rain soaking me to the bone. I stop in front of the stone steps as the male gracefully walk across it. I look at the stones hesitately like earlier but shake my head and quickly follow the figure across the pond and into the path with the shading trees. He waits for me at the end of the path just before the giant field. I stop a couple of cenimeters in front of the male before he waves again and runs to the open field. "Hold on a second!" I call out to him, running after him. I stop in the middle of the field, searching the area for the male but he was no where in sight. A faint giggle appears behind me, causing me to quickly turn around to see the male there. He stood right behind me, making see that it wasn't just a male but as young boy. A small gasp escapes my lips. The boy was breathtakingly beautiful. His face was delicate, his nose lovely shaped and his smooth looking plump lips. Althought he was thin, he was still gorgeous. His brown eyes stare into my own as he walks a bit closer towards me. I open my mouth, hoping to hear my voice clearly but the only thing I can hear was a soft whisper. "Who are you?" I ask the boy.

The boy smiles sweetly at me, walking closer to me until I can feel his body just inches from mine. His beautiful face close to mine with the same sweet smile. "Hello Serenity. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard the Neverland Princes had a new fiancee. One that is supposedly better and more powerful than the first." the boy says in a sweet soothing voice.

"H-How do... you k-know my name?" I ask shakenly. The boy giggles softly.

"I'm sure you've heard of me... from someone you know." he says with a smile. I look at him puzzled, thinking who could have told me about a drop-dead gorgeous boy who possibly is way younger than me. When I didn't answer him, he giggles once again. "Well I guess I can give you a hint." he says. He twirls a wet lock of my short hair in his fingers, delicately. He smiles at me. "I'm a prince... now think about it. What other princes have you've heard of?" he ask. I look at him confused until it registers in my mind.

"Wait... can you be... one of the..." before I can finish, he nods his head, as if he'd read my mind.

"Yes... I'm one of the princes your sister talked about with you today..." he says softly. My eyes widen.

"No way... you're one... of the... Paradise Princes..?" I say with wide doe eyes. The boy giggles, nodding his head. He opens his mouth, possibly about to tell me his name.

"Bingo! I'm one of the Paradise Princes... my father was Chaos... I assume you've spoken to Kiseop hyung about it." he says, still twirling a strain of my hair. I bite my lower lip.

"Actually... I haven't asked him yet... there was a small problem when I was going to speak to him about the matter." I say shyly. The boy sighs, shaking his head.

"Was it because of Dongho? Or AJ hyung?" he ask, tilting his head to the side slightly. I bite my lower lip harder before answering him in a shaken voice.

"It... was because of AJ..." I reply. The boy sighs before ruffling my hair. I blink, looking up at him. He smiles down at me. I my lips before asking him a question. "What... is your... name?" I ask. The boy blinks before giggling.

"Oh! Right! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is..."


Tee hee! Sorry for the cliffhanger you will have to wait until the next chapter (which hopefully will be posted up by Friday). Sorry if the chapter is boring in anyway I hope you guys like it and who do you think the boy is or is it to obvious who it is?

Oh! Here is the Japanese pond looks like this kk: 

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!