Chapter 18: Special Offer

Angel Princess


Play this song please ---> 


Serenity's POV

I sit on Sungjong's bed as he searches in his closet for some extra clothes I can change into. He had placed a blanket on the edge of the bed so I can sit without making his bed sheets damp since my clothing are still very soaked from the massive downpour. As I wait, I look around his room, eyes traveling throught the funiture and items. His room was very big. His bed was king sized (althought I don't see why since he is very small and delicate), a huge dresser on the left side of the room against the wall, two windows that both open to a balcony, a bathroom across the end of the bed and a huge walk-in closet, in which, he is basically ransacking through. Sungjong has other little things in his room like a desk with a small lamp, a couple of posters of groups he probably likes and other stuff a teenager might have. After a couple of more minutes, Sungjong walks over to me, handing me some clothes. "Here you go, Serenity Noona. You can change in the bathroom." he says with a cute smile. I smile, taking the clothing from him as I stand from the bed.

"Ne. Thanks again, Sungjong." I say with a soft smile. I walk towards the bathroom and closed door behind me. I strip myself of my clothes, even my shoes and socks. I embarrassingly undo my bra since it was soaked. Sungjong gave me a pair of his boxers that he doesn't really use anymore but I still feel kind of embarrassed about walking around a place with seven guys and not have a bra on. I hope they don't notice, which, they probably will. I shake my head, removing my underwear and replacing it with the boxers Sungjong gave me. They fit me quite well, only being a bit loose. "Man, this boy must really be skinny." I whisper to myself as I grab the shirt. I put it some and I sigh in relief a bit. The shirt was slim fit so it will hold my s and keep them from being noticed. I grab the jeans and put them one, my eyes widening. These jeans were very tight. I look in the mirror, holding up the hem of the shirt so my flat stomach will show. My jaw drop. The rim of the waistband of the skinny jeans barely make it to bottom of my belly button and it shows a little bit of the lining of my hip bones. Oh boy... I gulp, lowering the shirt and started fixing my hair.

My hair is a complete mess. It was soaked and tangled. I curse under my breath as I look around for a brush. As I was looking, there was a sudden knock of the door that scares the out of me. "Noona, are you done?" It was Sungjong. I place my hand over my heart as I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Yes, Sungjong. I just need to fix my hair." I reply to him, opening the door. Sungjong had already changed out of his wet clothing. He replaced them with a black wife beater, covered with a white jacket with black long sleeves passed a little his elbows and white skinny jeans. My mouth hangs slightly open as I stare at him. I snap out of it when he giggles. I lightly shake my head, hoping he didn't noticed me staring at him.

"I can do that for you!" he says with a big grin on his face. My eyes widen as he grabs my shoulders and gently place me in front of the mirror as he stands behind me. He leans over me, opening the drawer and takes out a brush. He smiles at me through the mirror as he begins to brush my hair. I look at his beautiful face through the mirror as I watch him fix my brown hair. He is gentle with me as he takes out the tangles from the rain. He accidentally pulls a strand of my hair and I let out a yelp. Sungjong's eyes widen as he looks at me through the mirror. "Are you okay, Noona?" he ask frantically. I nod my head, rubbing the spot tenderly.

"Yes, just a little pull that's all." I reply with a small smile. Sungjong looks at me with sad eyes through the mirror and my eyes widen as I felt his soft lips press lightly on the spot where the strand of hair was pulled. Sungjong looks at me with a soft smile.

"Better?" he ask softly. I giggle softly, nodding my head. He smiles and continues to brush my hair. He is gentle when taking out the tangles that were hard to get out. He kiss my head everytime he will pull a strand of my hair and I giggle everytime. When is done, he styles my hair nicely and grins when he is done with his work. I look in the mirror and smile widely at the work he did to my hair. He brushed my fringe to the side, covering a little bit of my left eye and braided the right side of my hair, letting the ends fall out in gently waves. I turn, smiling up at Sungjong.


(Similar to Sungjong's hair when he was blonde----> )


"Gomawo, Jonggie." I say with a smile. Sungjong smiles, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him back tightly.

"You're welcome Serenity Noona." he replys with a smile. I smile up at him as he takes my hand and leads me out the bathroom and back into the room. He walks to his closet once again and pulls out a pair of Converse sneakers. "Here, you can wear these. I'll get you some socks now." he says picking  a pair of low cut socks out of his drawer and hands them to me as well. I smile sweetly, taking the pair of socks from him.

"Thanks again." I say, sitting on the edge of the bed and put on the socks and shoes. I stand from the bed, testing out the shoes. I smile. The shoes fit very well. Sungjong smiles, walking over to me.

"Do they fit well, Noona?" he asks. I look up at him, nodding my head.

"Ne, they do. Thanks Sungjong." I reply with a kind smile. Sungjong giggles, takes my hand and leads me out of his room.

"Come. My brothers are waiting for us in the Library." he says, lightly dragging me down the hallway. Sungjong opens the double doors, entering the Library, where his brothers were waiting. The Paradise Princes were gathered around a large table, speaking among themselves. Two chairs were vacant, being probably for Sungjong and I. The first to notice our presence was the oldest, Sunggyu. He smiles, standing from his chair, motioning us over with the wave of his hand.

"Serenity-ah, Sungjong-ah. Please come and sit down." he says with a soft smile. Sungjong nods his head, pulling me towards his brothers. He pulls my chair, which, was placed beside the long haired prince, Sungyeol. I sit down, smiling up at Sungjong. He smiles back before leaving and taking his spot right beside Woohyun. Woohyun ruffles Sungjong's hair. Sunggyu looks at me and begins speaking. "Serenity, I assume you've heard some things about us, correct?" he ask. I gulp, nodding my head.

"N-Ne. I have." I reply softly. The boys all keep their eyes on me, making me feel very nervous. I begin to fidget with my fingers on my lap.

"I see. From who, may I ask, did you hear about us from?" Sunggyu asks, keeping his gaze on me. I narrow my eyes from his and his brother's instants gazes to my lap.

"F-from my older sister..." I say softly. Sunngyu raises his eyebrow, exchanging looks with his brothers. Hoya looks at me with an instant gaze mixed with... a bit of coldness.

"Who is your sister, if I may ask?" he ask, folding his musculed arms across his muscular chest, giving me a hard gaze. I gulp once again before finally answering.

"Eternity..." I say in a low voice.

"What?" Hoya ask with a strong voice, scaring me a bit. Sunggyu looks over at Hoya.

"Hoya, calm down a bit alright. You're scaring her." he says. Hoya rolls his eyes before looking over at me.

"Eternity." I say more loudly. The boys looks at me with wide eyes then exchanges glances with one another before focusing back on me. Hoya frowns as he leans his elbows against the table, staring right at my face.

"You're sister is Eternity? Princess of Angel Kingdom?" he ask, as if he was making sure who I was. I stare at him as a small gasp leaves my lips. He doesn't believe me? What will give him the reason not to believe me? I think to myself as I frown a bit.

"Yes, I am the younger sister of Princess Eternity of Angel Kingdom." I say with a firm tone. Hoya holds my gaze for a second longer before looking towards Sunggyu. Sungjong looks at me with a soft smile from across the table. I give him a small smile before lowering my head a bit. Sunggyu looks at me before clearing his throat.

"Well, it's a real honor having the youngest daughter of one of the greatest kingdoms here with us." Sunggyu says with a soft smile as he looks at me. I look up at him with a shy expression.

"I didn't know Eternity had a younger sister. I thought she was an only child considering we've never seen you around Angel Kingdom all these years." Woohyun says with a raised eyebrow. I look over at Woohyun.

"I think my older sister only told Century about me..." I say shyly.

"I see. Well at least now we know who you are, Serenity." Sunggy says with a cute eye smile. I feel myself blushing and I quickly lower my head. I hear chuckling coming from the boys. Silence fills the rooms before one of the boys breaks the silence.

"Since you're the youngest daughter of Angel Kingdom, then you must have a Marking somewhere on you." the cute male with the dark blue hair says with a huge smile. I look over at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Marking?" I repeat. The bluenette looks at me as if I am crazy.

"Yeah, the Marking the ones everyone has. It displays what power they have." he explains. I purse my lips in deep thought as I try to recall what he was talking about. My sister haven't mentioned anything to me about Markings. I look over to the bluenette.

"I'm sorry... but my sister nor my father have told me anything about these Markings." I say, slightly afraid they were going to get angry at me. The bluenette's mouth dropped open as he stares at me.

"They haven't told you anything yet?" he ask in disbelief. I shake my head slowly.

"No... sadly they haven't told me anything about that yet." I reply. Sungyeol turns in his chair and stares down at me directly, his right arm slingged over his chair.

"So you're telling us that they haven't said anything about the Marking nor about your powers?" he asks, looking down at me. I look away slowly, shaking my head. Sungyeol slaps his forehead.

"You've got to be kidding me! What have they've been doing all this time then?" he ask, suddenly irritated.

"They've been working on my wedding with the Neverland Princes which is in a month." I say, sighing while ruffling my brown hair. Sungyeol looks down at me with a frown.

"Wow... that this time... just for a freaking wedding." he says rolling his eyes. Sungjong beams at me.

"You're going to invites to your wedding, right Serenity Noona?" he ask with a huge smile. I blink, looking at him before laughing.

"Of course you can come, Sungjong." I say with a smile. Sungjon smiles as he jumps up and down in his seat. I giggle softly. The bluenette smiles, standing from his seat.

"Sunggy hyung, why don't we train her and help her get her Marking?" he suggests with a huge smile. Sunggyu looks up at him.

"I don't know, Dongwoo. I don't want U-Kiss getting suspicious with Serenity disppearing during the day and whatnot." he says ruffling the back of his hair.

"Why doesn't she come during the night? One of us can meet her each night and bring her here for training." Myungsoo says. I look over at Sunggyu.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I mean, my sister and father aren't going to tell me anything since they are to caught up in preparing my wedding and I know my fiancee's aren't going to help me with this either." I say with a sigh. Dongwoo looks at me with a smile.

"Then that settles it! Serenity, we are giving you this special offer of training you!" he says patting my shoulders gently. Dongwoo looks at the others. "Do you guys agree?"

"Well I guess it's worth a shot. I'm in." Woohyun says with a smirk.

"So am I! I'll be happy training Noona!" Sungjong says. I smile softly at him as Dongwoo squeezes my shoulders.

"Why not?" Myungsoo says with a light shrug. "It's not a bad idea."

"This should be fun." Sungyeol says with a smirk, twirling a strand of my hair withi his index finger. Hoya looks at me with a frown before shaking his head.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." he says with a sigh. Sunggyu looks at his brother then at me. He searches my face, making sure if this is what I want. I slowly nod my head with a soft smile. He smiles back.

"Alright then. Starting tomorrow night, Serenity's training begins with us, Infinite. The Princes of Paradise." he says like a true leader. The boys cheers in truimph as I slowly smile to myself.

Sungjong walks beside me, swinging our intertwined hands as he takes me home. We walk through the giant meadow and cross the river. When Neverland Castle comes into sight, we stop in our tracks and face each other. Sungjong smiles and embraces me in a tight hug. I smile, hugging him back. "I'm really happy I was able to meet you Noona." he says with a soft voice.

"Me too, Sungjong." I whisper. Sungjong smiles at me, leans forwards and kissing my cheek. I gasp as a deep blush tints my face. His lips are soft against my skin as he give me another one. He smiles softly.

"See you tomorrow night, Noona." he says softly.

"S-see you to-tomorrow night, Sungjong." I stutter lightly. He giggles. I turn, walking towards the castle. I reach the back door then turn around to see Sungjong waving to me. I smile, waving back. He giggles then turns and disappears beyond the path. I smile softly before entering the castle. I quickly tip toe up the stairs. As I was going to turn left down the hall, I've notice Zander's bedroom door. I stop, sighing softly. It's been a while since I've last seen Zander. I wonder how is he doing. I think to myself. I smile softly then quietly walk down the hall towards my room.

Zander's POV

I watch as Serenity walks down the hall towards her bedroom. I cross my arms over my chest as a soft sigh escapes my lips. "Serenity... Be careful not to get caught with this secret training... Don't get in trouble because of Infinite..." I whisper, hoping the message can reach her in her dreams tonight. I turn slowly and enter my room, closing the door before me and turning off the lights.



Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a while. My graduation is coming up soon and I am currently doing my finals now. Hopefully tomorrow I can update since I only have a Spanish final tomorrow and I will breeze through that in less than 10 minutes so I'll be back home at least by 8:30 AM. I hope you guys like this chapter! please comment and subscribe! ~♥

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!