Chapter 29: Kidnapped

Angel Princess

Author's POV

"Boss, when are we going to attack those Neverland s?" a deep voiced male ask. He looks over at his boss, who was sitted at his desk with his hands folded; his chin resting on top. He opens his eyes and stares over at the man leaning against the wall.

"Patience Lucian. Our time will come." the Boss says with a sinister smirk. Lucian sighs, running his hands through his hair.

"But Boss, she is going to marry them soon! We can't let that happen!" Lucian shouts. The Boss narrows his eyes towards Lucian with a frown.

"I know that Lucian! I know what I am doing! She will be ours before that petty wedding will take place." he says with a laugh. Lucian looks at his boss with worry before sighing.

"Yes Boss." he says, placing his hand over his heart and bowing his head. The Boss smirks.

"Good. Now go tell the news to Chaos. I know he is itching to take the girl away from those boys. Let's not keep him waiting." he says with the wave of his hand. Lucian bows his head and exits his boss' office. The Boss smirks and turns in his seats, staring out the window to the Dark Forest. "Soon, the time will come. You may have costed me one of my eyes but I beat you to the treasure... my dear wife." he says before letting out a sinister laugh.

Lucian stops in his tracks when he heard his Boss' sinister laugh. He sighs. "I hope the Boss knows what he's doing. There isn't much time yet." he says, walking down the hall towards Chaos' office room, to tell him the news of their next plan.


Serenity's POV

I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror after changing into a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black V-neck shirt. Who would had though that a month would pass by so quickly. My wedding will be in two days and all my dad and sister's been doing was getting me ready for the wedding by rehearsing the wedding over and over. Today was a day off from all of the preparations, so it was good for me. Also in that short amount of time, I was able to gain all of my Markings, thanks to Infinite. Even though it was hard, it was worth it. I smile softly and check my appearance once again, only to sigh once again.

"My hair's growing." I say, brushing my light brown bangs away from my face. My now longer hair rest at the bottom of the nape of my neck and the dark brown shade faded into a lighter shade of brown. I shrug my shoulders, finishing putting on my silver star necklace and wrist bands then exit my bedroom. I walk down the hallway, reaching the top of the staircase and I freeze in my spot. I look over to Zander's bedroom door and sigh. I haven't seen Zander nor Kibum during the last month. I wonder where they have gone to. I descend down the stairs to find the castle empty. "The boys must be with dad and the King." I say, exiting the castle. I make my way towards the garden like how I always do and look for Chi. Like usual, he is playing with his animal friends.

"Chi!" I call. Chi raises his head and hops towards me. I kneel down and pick him up. I smile down at him and kiss his head. Chi nuzzles his head into my chest as I sit down on a bench. I pet Chi gently as I smile softly. Chi makes himself comfortable on my lap and falls asleep. I giggle softly. The garden and the area arond me is quiet until I hear a rustling noise in the bushes. I quickly sit up, holding Chi close to my chest. The rustling noises continues and I take a couple of steps towards the bushes. "Who's there?" I call. There was no response. All of the sudden Chi jumps from my arms and runs towards the bushes. "Chi! Wait, come back!" I call as I run after my bunny.

Chi runs through the bushes with me behind his tail and a gasp escapes my lips as he runs pass the gates and to the path that leads to the Dark Forest. "No Chi! Don't go in there!" I call, running after him once again. For some odd reason, Chi doesn't stop running away from me as I continue on his trail. We enter the Dark Forest and a instants chill runs down my spine. I rub my arms together while running to keep myself warm. My hands emit a light red glow as my body temperature raises to enough to keep me warm. My fire Markings on my thigh glows for a quick second. I run a bit faster until I am right behind Chi. My arms reach out and I take him into my arms but while doing so, I trip over the rocks on the ground and I fall to my knees; with Chi in my arms. I wince from the scraps on my knees as I feel Chi lightly shaking his head. I look down at him to see him looking up at me. "Chi, don't scared me like that anymore." I whisper, rubbing his head. Chi nuzzles his head into my chest and I smile softly. I stand up and wince once again from the pain in my knees."." I mumbled to myself as I take a look around me. A sudden chill runs down my spine as I turn around and begin to head back to Neverland.

As I am walking with Chi in my arms, I hear a loud noise coming from behind me. I whip around, holding Chi close as I look around. "Who's there?" I call out. It was quiet for a moment before my question was answered by a crazy laugh. I jump in fright as that wicked laugh crept inside my body and into my bones. "What the ..." I whisper. I feel Chi shivering in my arms and I wrap my arm around him tighter, keeping him warm with my higher body temperature. He stops shivering and relaxes in my embrace. I take a couple of steps back, only to bump into something hard. I gulp, slowly turning around and seeing a person's chest. Before I am able to look up at the person, I am sent flying backwards into the hard cold ground. I slide on my side, burning and scraping my left arm with the hard soil. I groan in pain then look down at Chi, making sure he was okay. Chi looks up at him, fear in his eyes. I hold him close as I struggle to stand up. The figure walks over to me and lets out a laugh. I look up at the person, noticing it was a man. "W-What do you want?" I ask. The man just continues to laugh. I take another step back and he takes a step forward. I bite my lower lip as I look up at the man's face. He was oddly good-looking; short black hair, big brown eyes, a sharp nose and full lips. He makes his way towards me and I keep moving backwards. "S-stay away from me." I say through gritted teeth. The man ignores me and continues to walk towards me. I bite my lower lip, trying to think of a way to get back to Neverland. I look behind the man, seeing the path to Neverland. I look at the man once, taking a step back then I take a deep breath and run passed the man, towards the path.

"Not... so... fast." says the man as he slowly turns around to see me retreating towards the path. I run as fast as I can as I near the path. I release the breath I've been holding and almost reach the path until I am blown forward from a sharp pain in my back. I fling forward, landing on my stomach onto the ground. I quickly sit up as much as I can, not wanting to squish Chi. I look down at him and my eyes widen. There was a red stain on his snow white fur.

"Chi... you're hurt." I whisper softly. I crane my head to the side, seeing the man making his way towards me. I look back down at Chi. "Run Chi. Go back to the castle!" I say, letting my bunny go. Chi looks at me for a moment before obeying my command and running off, slightly limping down the path towards Neverland. I smile a bit then turn my attention to the man, who, is now hovering over me. His arm shoots out and grips my burned and scraped arm and a short scream escapes my lips. He yanks me upwards, his iron grip getting tighter and tighter. I bite my lower lip, hard, to keep in the screams.

"My my my... what a beautiful young lady." he says with a smirk. I look up at him with a deep glare. The man laughs. "My my, such a mean face you have there. A pretty young lady like yourself shouldn't look so mean." he says, his finger tracing the features of my face. I jerk my head away from him and he sighs. "Not going to be obedient? Well then, you're going to have to be punished."

"What do-" the breath left my lungs before I was able to finish. The man's fist digs harder into my rib cage as I cough out blood. If he wasn't holding onto my arm, I would had fallen on the floor. The man looks down at me with a smirk.

"Now will you listen? It pains me to hurt you like this, love." he says soothing. I growl, stretching out my hand and pressing it firmly against his chest. He raises an eyebrow as he looks down at me. "Now what are you doing?" he ask. I don't respond to him and my hand glows a bright red and his body is engulfed by flames. He lets out a scream, letting me go and trys to get rib of the fire. I fall to the ground and wince when my already scrapped knees make contact with the ground. I struggle to stand up while holding my bleeding arm. I watch the man falls to the ground, life draining from his body. I let out a shaken sigh and turn to leave when I hear a sinister laugh. Chills ran down my spine, I slowly turn around and my eyes widen.

"No... way..." I say


Soohyun's POV

My brothers and I enter Neverland Castle along with Serenity's family and our father. We set the things we have purchase onto the table. Eternity takes them and walks into the kitchen to make some lunch. I follow my brothers, father and Serenity's father into the living room. I take a seat on the couch beside Kiseop. "Well that was quite enjoyable." father says with a smile.

"Yes it was actually." Seraphim says with a smile. A maid enters the room with some tea.

"Welcome home Masters. How was your shopping?" she ask with a smile.

"It was enjoyable! We were able to buy Serenity some very nice clothing for her honeymoon." father says with a wink. My brothers become beet red, except for Kiseop and I. Kiseop simply smirks at our father.

"That is good to know. Would you like me to summon Princess Serenity?" she ask.

"Yes yes, please do." Seraphim says with a bright smile. The maid bows her head and exits the room. I reach across the table, gripping my tea cup with my index finger and thumb. I take a sip of the honey-flavored tea and a smile appears on my face.

"This tea is very delicious." I say with a smile. Father smiles at me.

"I agree. It's very well made." he replys. Kiseop leans over to take his cup but suddenly he stops, his hand twitching. I quickly grip his shoulder.

"Kiseop, what's the matter?" I ask, my eyes filling with worry. Kiseop's hazel eyes changes to a soild gray color.

"Something's wrong... very wrong." he says with a soft gasp.

"What is it?" I ask, turning my body to face him.

"What is the matter, son? Is there something wrong?" Father says with wide eyes. Before Kiseop is able to speak, the maid rushes into the room.

"The princess is gone!" she says, panting from the lack of oxygen.


[ Play this song please ---> ]


"What?!" we all say in union.

"I went to check up on her in her room but she isn't there. I checked the other rooms but she wasn't there either!" she explains, placing her hand over her heart. I look over to Kiseop.

"Kiseop, where is Serenity? Can you locate her?" I ask. Kiseop stays still for a moment before his eyes became hazel once again. He looks at me and my heart stopped as I saw a tear slide down his cheek.

"Serenity... she's in trouble. Someone is after her... someone powerful. We need to look for her now!" he says, quickly standing from the couch.

"Come on! We need to go look for her!" AJ says. We all nod our heads and run out of the castle, our father and Seraphim following us. Eternity exits the kitchen in a panic.

"What is going on?" she ask.

"Someone is after Serenity. We need to find her quickly." Seraphim says to his daughter. We split up to search for Serenity. I ran towards the gates and exit the castle's ground. I run towards the river, hoping that she is there. Serenity, where ever you are, please be safe. We are coming for you. I think to myself.


Kevin's POV

I search the entire garden in search of Serenity but she was not there. I leave the garden and search another area. I look arond the giant shade tree but she wasn't there either. "Where is she?" I ask, worry sinking its way into my voice. I frantically look around the area until my eyes focus in on something white coming from a path. I look closer and a gasp escapes my lips. "Chi!" I call, running towards the small creature. I gentle pick him up and gasp once again when I see the cut wound on his left side. "Hoon! Come quick!" I call for my brother. Hoon runs over to me.

"What's the matter?" he ask. I show him Chi.

"Chi's hurt. Please heal him." I say with watery eyes. Hoon nods his head and heals the rabbit. Chi shakes his head once the would was healed and the blood stains disappeared from his snow white fur.

"There all better." Hoon says. Chi jerks out of my grasp and points his head into the direction in which he came from.

"What's the matter, Chi?" I ask, kneeling down. Chi keeps motioning his head towards the path.

"What is he trying to say?" Hoon ask. I shake my head.

"I don't know. Call Kiseop." I say. Hoon nods his head and goes to look for Kiseop. I look down at Chi and notice that he is shivering. I pick him up gently. "Chi, what is the matter?" I whisper, petting his head.

"Kevin!" I turn my head to see Kiseop running over to me. "What's the matter?" he ask.

"Is it possible to look into Chi's mind? Maybe he knows where Serenity is located." I say. Kiseop looks at me for a moment then down at Chi.

"I can try." he says. He places his hand gently on top of Chi's head and closes his eyes. It's silent for a couple of moments before Kiseop's eyes flash open, glowing silver.

"What's wrong? Did you see something?" I ask. Kiseop holds his head, closing one eye.

"Serenity... she's in the Dark Forest... and she is with someone. Someone dangerous." he says.

"Are you sure?" Hoon ask. Kiseop looks at him, nodding his head.

"Let's go tell Soohyun." I say, gently placing Chi down on the ground. "Chi, stay here. Do not follow us okay." I say softly to the bunny. He understood and hops away towards the garden. Kiseop, Hoon and I call the others and gathers them outside the gates.

"What is it?" Dongho ask.

"Kiseop was able to find Serenity. She is in the Dark Forest." Hoon says.

"What? Again? We told her not to go in there!" Soohyun says.

"She didn't go on her own accord. She was chasing after Chi when something suddenly was wrong with him and she chased him all the way into the Dark Forest. Chi was able to escape but Serenity is still in there... with someone. Someone who's powerful and wants to hurt her." Kiseop explains.

"What? Then let's go! We need to save her before she gets hurt." AJ says. We all nod our heads.

"What is going on!" Father calls, running over to us with Seraphim and Eternity.

"Serenity is in the Dark Forest. We don't have time to explain. We need to go now!" I say. Father's eyes widen for a moment before nodding his head.

"Alright. Let's go." he says. We all run into the Dark Forest to look for Serenity. Serenity... please wait for us. We're coming.


Serenity's POV

I take a step back in horror as I see the man raise from the ground, dusting himself off as if he wasn't just on fire. His appearance changed completely. His black hair was now snow white and his eyes no longer brown but a icy cold blue. He looks at me with a amused smile. "My I must admit... you're quite the strong one. I like that." he says with a sick smile. I growl.

"Who are you?" I ask. The man just laughs.

"Me? Well it's quite simple. I'm the one that is going to make your heart stop beating." he says, raising his hand and a purple energy ball appears in his hand.

"Why are you after me?" I ask, taking another step back. The man chuckles.

"Well it's quite simple. I was ordered to retrieve you." he says.

"Retrieve me? By who?"

"Well I can't really say. You shall find out sooner or later ma belle fleur." he says. I frown.

"Whatever it is you want, you're not going to get it." I say. The man laughs.

"Oh?" he says with a smirk. He walks towards me. "I beg to differ, my sweet." He throws the surging purple energy towards me and I dodge it. When I look up, my eyes widen when I saw him no longer there.

"What the..?" I say. Suddenly, a arm wraps itself around my neck and lifts me up from the ground. The man laughs.

"My my, aren't we feisty." he says with a laugh. I grip his arm, digging my nails into his skin. He laughs again. "Oooh yes the pain." he says. I growl.

"Let me go you sick freak!" I yell. He laughs again, this time, a sick laugh came from him.

"Freak you say? Trust me, ma belle fleur when I saw, I'm not a freak. I'm just simply mad." he says, laughing his crazy laugh once again. I struggle in his grasp.

"Let me go!" I say, gripping his arm, freezing it. I break free of it and step away from him and break his arm off in the process. I expect him to cry out in fear but to my dismay he doesn't. Instead he just laughs again. "What the hell?" I ask. The man continues to laugh until he comes to a stop.

"Well well, that was very good. You almost had me there for a second." he says. He raises the nub of his right arm and my eyes widen as I saw it regenerate.

"N...No way... how can that be?" I ask. The mad man laughs once again.

"You see, ma belle fleur, you can't kill me. Haha! I can regenerate my body. It's one of my special abilities." he says, walking over to me. I step away.

"Go away. Don't come near me!" I say, fear slowly seeping it's way into my heart and mind.

"Now now, there's no need to be afraid. I won't hurt you... much." he says. He swings his arm towards me but I duck and run away from him, although, I didn't get far since he appears right in front of me and sends a wave of electricity through my body when he grips my arm. I scream and fall to the ground. I twitch a bit before rolling on my side. I try to crawl away but the man stands over me. "You're not going no where." he says, reaching down and grabbing the collar of my shirt.

"Please... let me go." I say. The man laughs. He pulls me up and looks at my face.

"You really are a beauty. I hope I can keep you for myself. We will have lots of fun together." he says and laughs once again.

"Serenity!" voices call from behind me. The man looks up and smirks.

"Well looky here. You're knights in shining armor are here!" he says. He flips me around and grips my throat with his clawed hands. My eyes focus on my fiancees and my father and sister.

"Guys... please help me..." I say, a tear running down my cheeks. I see my father's eyes widen.

"You..." he says, pointing to the man. "Wh-Why are you still alive!" he yells. The man laughs.

"Well it's very good to see you again Seraphim. I hope you don't mind me taking your daughter." he says with a laugh.

"Belmus! Let go of my daughter! I thought I killed you and the rest of your crazy sick family!" he yells.

"My family yes, but not me." he says, erupting in a crazy laughter.

"Belmus, give me back my daughter. I don't know what you're up to but give her back at once!" my dad yells, a powerful aura emitting from him. Belmus laughs once again.

"My my, you're quite funny. Sorry, but I cannot return your daughter. Not after I am finished with her." he says, squeezing me tighter. I let out a scream of pain when I feel his nails digging into my throat.

"Belmus!" dad yells again. I see my husbands running towards Belmus but he raises his hand.

"Sorry but I must go now. But here, have fun with my little pets." he says, summoning creatures from the ground. They roared and ran towards my family.

"No! Guys!" I call. Belmus turns me around to face him. He run his fingers down my cheek.

"Now now, ma belle fleur. Take a nice nap." he says, opening his palm and a smoke fills my head and my eyes become droopy.

"Serenity!" I hear my family call. My head falls forwards, onto Belmus' shoulder and the last thing I hear, is his crazy laughter and the cries of my family before blacking out


Hey guys, sorry if it's to long! I hope you guys like it! Please comment and tell me what you think. Hopefully the next chapter will be up tomorrow. Bye bye! ~♥

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!