Chapter 25: Tale of the Goddes |Part 1|

Angel Princess


Play this as you read this chapter --->


Gaia is a large planet which is full of nothing but friendlyness and hard working people. Gaia is the home of many nations and thousands of people. Gaia is divided into four main nations; Sarada, Ainela, Iris, and Eirn.

Ainela is located in the moutain region of Gaia. Ainela is home of the sages and spell casters. Ainelans are very kind people and welcomes everyone to their nation. The ruler of Ainela is a man named Yuri. King Yuri lives in the castle alone with his young son, Zidane. His wife died when Zidane was very young. King Yuri rules over his nation with pride and honor. He is friends with the three other rulers of the nations.

Iris is located on towards the west of Gaia, in the Land of Mist. The Iris people are a tad bit more serious than the Ainelans and take work very seriously. Iris is the home of people with the power of strength and Earth. The king and queen of Iris are King Leon and Queen Lia. The king and queen live in the castle with their two children.

Eirn is located on the water region of Gaia. Eirn is where the fishermens and people who have the power of water live. The people of Eirn are happy-go-lucky people who love the ocean and fishing. They send water to the other three nations through a underground machine that the people of Ainela created for them. The Queen of Eirn is Queen Zora. Zora has three children and is engaged to her new fiancee.

Sarada is the biggest and the leader nation of Gaia. Sarada rules over all the land located towards east of Gaia. Saradans are very stubborn but friendly people. In Sarada, the people have power and control over fire. Sarada is the home of the Goddess, who is the queen of Sarada. The Goddess is married to Cecil, who is the son of a smaller village between Sarada and Eirn. They met when the Goddess was 16 years old and they fell in love instantly. The Goddess' father didn't approved at first but in time he saw how much his daughter loved this man so he allowed them to be wedded. Six years passed, the Goddess is now queen and pregnant with her first child. Her life could never be better as she awaits the arrival of her precious baby girl.


The sun shone through the bright orange curtains and touched the sleeping face of the Goddess. She stirred a bit before opening her eyes, revealing pure blue orbs. She sat up in bed and stretched out her long, olive toned arms then shook the body laying beside her. "Cecil, darling wake up." she spoke in a song like voice. The man slowly opened his brown orbs and smiled up at his beautiful wife.

"Good morning, my beautiful Goddess." he whispered, touching her cheek. The Goddess giggled softly, placing her hand over her lover's.

"Darling, why do you call me that?" she asked with a sweet smile touching her lips. Cecil smiled, leaning up and kissing his wife's rosey full lips.

"Because you, my love, is like a exotic goddess." he replied. The Goddess laughed softly as she shakes her head.

"You are very sweet, my love." she replied. She kissed him once then gets up from the bed. She slowly stands, placing her hand over her growing belly. Cecil smiled at his wife as he too, emerges from the bed. He walked over to her and touched her belly softly.

"I'm so happy... we are going to have a baby girl. I'm sure she will be as beautiful as her mother." he said. The Goddess smiled softly.

"And she will be strong and graceful like her father." she replied. Cecil smiled up at his wife and leans up, kissing his wife once again on the lips. There was a soft knock on the door. Cecil broke away from his wife and turned towards the door.

"Come in." he called. The door opened and a maid entered, bowing her head.

"Good morning Your Highness and Lady Cynthia." the maid greeted. Cecil nodded his head with a annoyed look.

"Good morning, Sapphire." Cynthia greeted back with a soft smile. Cecil rolled his eye, without his beloved noticing.

"Yes yes, good morning. What is it, Sapphire?" he asked. Sapphire lowered her head for a moment before raising her head.

"Ah... yea. Um.. I wanted to inform you that breakfast is now ready." she said, not making eye contact with the king and queen.

"Thank you very much, Sapphire. We will be down shortly." Cynthia said. Sapphire looked up to smile at the queen but quickly looked away when she saw the intense glare from the king. She bowed her head and quickly left the room. Cynthia looked towards her hushand. "Come. Let us freshen up for breakfast, darling." she said, pecking his lips and walked towards the bathroom. Cecil smiled.

"Yes my love." he said, following his wife to the bathroom.

The King and Queen sat at the giant dinner table with their royal family as they enjoyed their breakfast together. Cynthia's mother, Catherine smiled at her daughter. "My my dear, your belly is getting quite big." she said. Cynthia giggled softly and nodded her head.

"Yes I know mother. I can't wait to see my little girl be born." she said, rubbing her swollen belly. Catherine smiled warmly at her daughter.

"I'm proud of you my dear. It brings me great joy knowing that I am going to be a grandmother. Isn't that right, dear?" she asked, touching her husband, Virgil's hand. Virgil nodded his head.

"Yes that is true my dear. I am also very glad to have a granddaughter on the way. Congraulations Cecil." he said. Cecil smiled, bowing his head.

"Thank you very much, my Lord." Cecil replied. Virgil laughed.

"Now now, what have I told you? Call me dad." he said. Cecil nodded his head with a smile on his face.

"Ah yes right. Thank you very much, Dad." he corrected himself. Cynthia smiled softly as she ate her breakfast.

"So dear, do you have a name for the child?" she asked. Cynthia smiled as she nodded her head.

"Yes mother. I am going to name her Cecilia." she said. Cecil almost choked on his beverage as he stared at his wife.

"C-Cecilia?" he asked. Cynthia nodded her head. Cecil smiled big and jumped from his seat and hugged his wife. "Oh Cynthia... that's a beautiful name for our baby girl. Thank you." he whispered and kissed her on the lips. Cynthia blushed and giggled softly.

"I'm very glad that you love the name, darling." she said. Her parents both smiled at their daughter and son-in-law.

Cynthia walked through Pyro, one of the small villages in Sarada, while holding her belly. People bowed and greeted her with smiles. Cynthia smiled waved towards them and gave them her bright and sweet smile. Cynthia turned a corner and walked towards a big house on the left hand side. She climbed the two steps and knocked on the door. She waited for a moment before the door opened and a woman holding a baby boy in her arms stood in the doorway. She smiled big. "Cynthy! It's good to see you! Please come in!" she said, stepping aside and Cynthia entered the house. She sat down in the cozy red living room and smiled as the woman sat beside her.

"How are you, ChanMi?" Cynthia asked with a smile. ChanMi smiled.

"I'm doing good. How about yourself? You look like you're about to pop!" she said, pointing towards Cynthia's belly. Cynthia giggled softly.

"I'm doing good. Yes I know, I can't wait until I am able to hold my baby girl in my arms." she said, rubbing her belly. ChanMi smiled as she nodded her head.

"Yap! And she will be best friends with my little ChanYeol. Just like you and I!" she said, looking down at her baby boy. Cynthia smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes, that's right. I want her to have many friends. I think ChanYeol will make a great friend for Cecilia." she said, touching little ChanYeol's hand. ChanYeol smiled and lightly gripped Cynthia's index finger. She giggle softly. "He's precious." she said. ChanMi smiled and kissed her baby's head lightly.

"He looks just like his father." she said with a hint of sadness in her voice. Cynthia frowned a bit and lowered her head.

"He does. He looks very much like him. You should be proud. He will be a great man just like his father." Cynthia said. ChanMi nodded her head.

"Yes, he will. Strong and brave like his father." she said.

"And funny and happy-go-lucky like his mommy." Cynthia added with a smile. ChanMi grinned big as she nodded her head.

"You're right. He will be like both his mommy and daddy. Right ChanYeol?" she asked the baby and he giggled. ChanMi smiled and kissed his head. She looked at her best friend.

"So, you're gonna name her Cecilia?" she asked. Cynthia nodded her head.

"Yes. Cecil loved it." she said, rubbing her belly. ChanMi smiled softly.

"I'm sure he was. I bet he is gonna be a great daddy." she said. Cynthia smiled.

"I know he will." she said.

A couple of months later, Cecilia is born and Sarada created a uproar of cheers and joy filled the nation as the first baby of the King and Queen was born. Cecilia's first few years of life were dined with gold and royality. She gain the ability to control fire by the age of 3 and she already knows how to control it. Ceilia wasn't your ordinary princess. She lay around the castle in princess gowns and wore a crown on her head all the time. She was reckless and loved adventures, much like her mother when she was young. Cecilia would sneak out of the castle and run towards ChanMi's house to play with ChanYeol, who became her bestest friend ever, much like their mothers. The guards would always worry over the princess and would chase after her to bring her back to the castle but Cecilia would always outrun them with ChanYeol by her side. Cynthia would just watch her daughter with a smile on her face unlike Cecil, who wasn't home in the castle much ever since Cecilia was born and that was quite strange for Cynthia. What she didn't know, her husband was planning something. Something horrible.

Night fell upon Gaia and the nations. Everyone laid in bed, ready to fall into a peaceful slumber, all but two youngsters who escaped from their homes to meet up in one of the forests outside Pyro. A 12 year old Ceilia ran down the hidden path in a pair of her mother's old trousers when she was young and a black tunic. She reached the forest and waited by one of the many trees. Her long brown hair was tied up in a ponytail to keep it from falling into her face. The forest was quiet until she heard a soft ruffle behind her and before she was able to turn around, a pair of long arms wrapped themselves around her waist. She let out a soft yelp as she looked at the person behind her before hitting the person's shoulder. "ChanYeol! You scared the crap of me!" she whispered. 14 year old ChanYeol grinned at her.

"Haha! Sorry about that Cecily." he said. Cecilia pouted as she looked up at the tall boy.

"It's okay. Now come on, we don't want to waste time." she said. ChanYeol nodded his head and raised his hand. A ball of fire appeared in his hand.

"Alright then! Let's go, Phoenix." he said, using the nickname that everyone in Sarada gave Cecilia due to her ability to make a flaming phoenix when she was only 4.

"Okay Pyromaniac." Cecilia replied, using ChanYeol's nickname due to the fact he is reckless with his fire ability. ChanYeol grinned and the two ran into the forest side by side. It takes them a couple of minutes before reaching their hiding place, a small stoned house they found a couple of years ago.

Cecilia opened the door while ChanYeol kept the fire blazing. When the door opened, both of them stepped inside. Cecilia lit the oil lamps until the whole house was lit brightly. She grinned. "There." she said. ChanYeol smiled and the fire ball in his hand disappeared. He sat down on the red couch in the cozy living room. Cecilia sat down beside him as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"You seemed to be comfortable." he said, looking down at her with a grin. Cecilia looked up at him and returned his grin.

"Yes I am. You're very comfy." she said, nuzzling her head against his shoulder. ChanYeol grinned, resting his head against hers as he stared out the window. The two remained quiet until Cecilia sighed.

"Are you okay?" ChanYeol asked, looking down at her. Cecilia shook her head and lift her head up, looking down. ChanYeol looked at her with worried eyes. "What's the matter?" he asked. She sighed again.

"ChanYeol... I...I.. have something to tell you." she said, fidgeting with her thin fingers. ChanYeol tilt his head to the side and stared at her.

"What is it, Cecily?" he asked. Cecilia kept her head down then looked up at ChanYeol.

"W-We've been best friends since we were young... and I am very happy that you became my first best friend..." she started. She her lips before continuing. "I wanted to tell you this... but I've never had the courage to.." she said.

"What?" he asked. Cecilia turned to face him and looked up at him.

"C-ChanYeol... I-I like you... a lot." she said shyly. ChanYeol's eyes widen, making them bigger than what they originally were.

"Wh-What?" he asked. Cecilia gulped, a deep red color on her cheeks.

"I like you...I really like you a lot, ChanYeol." she said. ChanYeol's mouth dropped as he stared at his best friends flushed face. The room was filled with silence and Cecilia looked away. "I'm sorry..." she said, feeling rejected since ChanYeol didn't say anything. She stood from the couch and bowed. "I'm sorry." she said and quickly ran for the door.

"Cecilia!" he called and ran after her. He ran out of the house and followed her as she ran into the darkness. He flared up, lightening the way. He ran for a while until he stopped. He looked around. "Cecily!" he called. I looked around frantically until he heard sobbing. He followed the sound and found Cecilia sitting on a rock by the river. "Cecily.." he said softly and walked over to her. He sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Go away ChanYeol... I don't want bother you anymore.." she sobbed. ChanYeol sighed as he shook his head.

"You're not bothering me Cecily. You're never bothering me." he said. Cecilia continued to sob and didn't looked at ChanYeol. ChanYeol sighed, grabbing her chin and turning her head so she can look at me. Cecilia's brown eyes glistened with tears as she looked up at ChanYeol. "Cecily... please don't cry. I hate it when you cry." he said.

"I'm sorry... I can't help it..." she said as more tears felled from her eyes. ChanYeol wipped the tears away with his thumbs.

"Cecily... I like you too. I always did." he said. Cecilia's eyes widen as she stared at ChanYeol's gorgeous face.

"R-Really?" she asked. ChanYeol nodded his head as he smiled.

"Yes. I really do like you, Cecily." he said. Cecilia laughed softly as she looked up at him.

"ChanYeol... I-I'm glad... that makes me really happy to know." she said with a sob. ChanYeol grinned as he leaned down towards Cecilia's face. Cecilia leaned up and closed the gap between them as their lips touched lightly. Their lips molded together perfectly as the kiss became sweet and loving. ChanYeol pulled away slowly, lightly brushing his upper lip against her lower lip. Before he could pull away completely, Cecilia bit his lower lip. ChanYeol laughed a bit as he slowly opened his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers. Cecilia smiled.

"You're lips are very soft." ChanYeol whispered. Cecilia laughed as she slapped his arm lightly.

"Shut up!" she said with a light blush. ChanYeol grinned and leaned in to kiss her again when a sudden scream was heard. They both jumped up. "What was that?" she asked.

"I don't know but I think it came from the Pyro." he said. They looked at each and both ran towards the village. When they got there, only horror filled their eyes.

"Oh no..." Cecilia whispered as she saw the whole village on fire. People were running from their homes as soliders were destroying the homes and killing people.

"Umma..." ChanYeol said and ran into the village to look for his mother.

"ChanYeol! Wait up!" she called and ran right behind him. Soliders ran towards ChanYeol and Cecilia with their guns and swords raised but ChanYeol burned them away and ran passed them. Cecilia tried her best to keep up with them as she advoided being hit by collasping buildings. ChanYeol made it to his house and ran inside, searching the entire house. Cecilia stepped onto the porch and ChanYeol ran back outside.

"She's not here! Where she is!" he said in a frantic. Cecilia grabbed his arm before he was able to run off again.

"ChanYeol calm down! We'll find her don't worry." she said looking at him. ChanYeol looked at her for a moment with watery eyes before nodding his head.

"Alright. Come on. We need to help the people." he said. Cecilia nodded her head and they both ran deeper into the village. They saved a couple of people from the soliders and building fires.

"ChanYeol take them to the house. They will be safe there." Cecilia said. He looked at her with wide eyes.

"What about you?" he asked. Cecilia smiled.

"I'll be okay. I'll look for more survivers and bring them there." she said. ChanYeol seemed hesitate for a moment before nodding his head.

"Okay." he said. Before Cecilia was going to run, ChanYeol grabbed her arm. She turned to look at him, about to open to speak when he forcefully kissed her on the lips. Cecilia kissed him back with the same force and pulled away. "Be careful Phoenix." he said. Cecilia smiled.

"I will. You be careful to, Pyromaniac." she replied. ChanYeol smiled and turned to lead the people towards the house in the forest. Cecilia searched all the houses and found no suvivers. When she was about to turn to run to the stone house, she heard a woman's scream. She quickly ran towards it. When she reached the destination of the scream, her eyes widen. Her mother was thrown onto the floor with a man standing over her. Cecilia hid as she watched for a moment.

"Why... why are you doing this?" she cried. Cecilia's heart broke upon seeing her mother in this state. The man slapped her across the face and Cecilia's eyes slit as she flared up. Just as she was going to attack the man, her mother spoke. "Please... Cecil don't do this..." she said. Cecilia's eyes widen as her heart sank.

"D-Daddy..." she said as tears stung her eyes. Cynthia looked over at her daugher and gasped.

"Cecily! Please run!" she yelled. The man slowly turned to face the 12 year old. Cecilia lightly gasped as she saw the face of her father staring back at her with a blood stained sword in his hand.

"Cecily.." he said.



Here part I of the tale of the Goddess. Part II might be up tomorrow hopefully. I hope you guys like this chapter and I hope you like that I added Chanyeol in it. Sorry I couldn't here it since Sarada is the nation of fire haha! Please comment and tell me what you think! I love you guys! ~♥ Oh! The picture is a basic visual on how Cynthia looks like. Really pretty right? =3


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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!