Chapter 11: Mysterious Male: Alexander

Angel Princess  

Play this song as you read this chapter please =D I hope you like this chapter


Serenity's POV

I dragged my feet down the hall to my room with tear-stained cheeks from the confrontation I just had with Dongho. That freaking jerk, he's such an ! How can he just say that to my face like that? I suddenly stopped in my tracks by my bedroom door, lowering my head. What if he said was true. What if the rest of U-KISS didn't care for me like Dongho does. Then... maybe Dongho's right. I thought to myself as I sighed. I opened the door to my bedroom and walked inside. I opened my closet, finding my things still packed. I smiled sadly, taking ahold of the handle and pulling it out of the closet. I dragged it gently to the door and exited my room. I turned to leave down the hall but suddenly stopped. I crane my neck to look behind me and saw a mysterious open doorway at the very end of the hall.  A door? I've never took noticed of that door before. And... it's open. I wonder where it leads to. I thought, leaving my suitcase by my bedroom door and began to slowly walk to the door cautionally. My mind yelled at me to turn back around and leave the castle but my body didn't listen to my mind as it continued to walk towards the door. I stood before it, peeking inside and saw carpet steps leading up. I gulped, looking behind me to make sure no one was around and slowly moved up the stairs.

I stopped in front of a copper door at the top of the stairway. Grabbing ahold of the cold handle, I opened the door with the upmost care and caution. I was met with a blast of cool air, kissing my face. My bangs blew out of my eyes as I stepped forward, realizing it was the castle's roof! I looked around the partially bug roof area, scanning the outlooks of the trees and gardens. I walked over to the stone wall and looked over the edge. I gasped as my heart rate picked up. The roof was high up from the ground... a little TO high up from the ground. I stepped back, hearing my heart rate sky rocket. I've always been deadly afraid of highs since I was a little girl. I couldn't do anything that involved going up to high. Placing my right palm against my chest, I took deep breaths, trying to calm my precious organ. Once my heart rate lowered to normal, I continued to look around the big rooftop before turning around to head back to the door. But when I faced the doorway, I froze in my steps when my eyes met those of a boy who was standing by the doorframe, blocking my way.

The boy stared back at me with his beautiful eyes. I'd admit, he was very good-looking. His skin was a tan color (which was a very beautiful skin tone), brown hair that reached to the nape of his neck and his face, must I say again, was gorgeous. His fringe covered his forehead, lightly pushed to one side. His clothing consisted only a white long sleeve button up silk shirt with the first two buttons undone, showing partially his c0llarbone and dark jeans. He wore two wristbands on his left wrist along with two rings, one his middle left finger and other on his right index finger. We stared at each other for a while before he smiled at me. My heart stopped at that moment, his smile was beautiful. A blush suddenly tinted my cheeks and he chuckled. He motioned me to follow him with his index finger. I hesitated for a moment but suddenly my feet dragged my body towards him without my permission. He smiled once again and decended down the stairs with me following behind him as we entered the second floor hallway but it was much different. Everything seemed to have become bright with a cool feeling in the air. I rubbed my arms together as I followed the boy down the hallway. For the entire time, neither of us talked as the boy stayed silent beside me as he led me down the hall until we reached the other end of the hall. He stood in front of a room and looked down at me. I opened my mouth to speak but he pressed his index finger to my lips and caused me to shiver. His finger was ice cold. He opened the door, a bright light emerged from the room, blinding me. Out of instinct, I quickly closed my left eye and waited for my eyes to adjust. Once they adjusted to the light, I stepped into the room with the boy behind me, closing the door.


Stop the music here and play this one for the rest of the chapter okay =)


The room was a big bedroom with bright white walls. The curtains were white, the bedspread was white, the carpet was white. Pretty much the whole room was WHITE. The boy motioned me to sit on the bed as he opened the curtains to let the sun in, making it the room more bright. The boy walked over to the bed, sitting beside me. I looked at his gorgeous face when he turned to face me. He smiled at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I m dry lips before speaking. My eyes scanned his face with big eyes. "Who... who are you?" I whispered. "Why did you lead me to this room?" The boy smiled once again.

"I am the eldest one of the King of Neverland." he said softly. My heart skipped a beat. Even his voice was lovely and soothing. Wait... did he say the eldest son? The King only has seven sons. I thought to myself. I blinked a couple times before replying.

"But... I've met the sons of the King. All seven of them." I said softly. The boy smiled, pushing a loose strain of hair out of his olive-green eyes.

"I guess they haven't told you the story about me yet, huh?" he asked, looking a bit disappointed.

"Story... about you?" I repeated even more confused. What is he talking about? "I'm sorry... they haven't." The boy sighed.

"Oh well, it can't be helped. I'll tell you just a bit of my story but..." he started with a grin. I blushed, seeing his cute dimples. "You have to find the other pieces of the story for yourself as you continue to live here." he said. I looked at him then lowered my head.

"But... the princes don't want me here. Dongho said so himself." I said sadly. The boy lightly touched my chin and lifted my face up to look into his eyes. He smiled softly.

"He doesn't mean that. Dongho... its just hard for him to trust people so quickly." he said softly. I looked up at him, blinking with confusion.

"He doesn't? Did something happened?" I asked. Alexander smiled, slowly nodding his head sadly. His eyes became moist as a tear came down. On instinct, I reached out and wipe the tear away with my thumb. His eyes widen as I pull my hand away.

"Sorry... I muttered." Alexander smiled.

"It's okay. Now it's best if you go. I don't want the others to see you here." he said standing from the bed. I looked up at him as he pulled me up along with him.

"But won't they see me with you?" I asked. Alexander chuckled as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway with me by his side.

"No... they won't." he said softly. Before I could ask him what he meant, I heard someone call me from down the hall.

"Serenity!" I looked forward and saw Kevin running over to me.

"Kevin." I said walking over to him. Kevin stood in front of me, breathing a bit heavy. "Where were you?" he asked.

"I was here with..." I turned to my side but Alexander was gone. My eyes widened.

"You shouldn't be here by yourself. Come on, Father wants to see you." he said with a grin, taking my hand and pulled me down the hall. He didn't see Alexander... but he was right there next to me... how come he didn't see him? I thought to myself as Kevin led me to his dad's office.


Hey sorry for not updating yesterday like I promise, I had something to do. I began writing it but I had to leave so I saved it, xD. Please tell me what you guys think about this chapter okay! Oh basically Zander's clothing is this: 

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!