Chapter 15: Bestial AJ

Angel Princess

Sorry if I haven't updated in a couple of weeks, I've been busy with school. Probably will be a long boring chapter.


Do forgive me with all the video game soundtracks for my story xD They just seem to match some of the emotions of my chapters x3


Serenity's POV

I look at my reflection in the mirror as I fix my short brown hair. Images from Alexander and my kiss keeps popping in my head. I bite my lower lip as I smile softly. When I finish with my hair, I turn off the light and exit the bathroom. Today I am going to meet up with my sister to have a nice little walk around the beautiful gardens and hills. The day is bright but windy so I dress for the weather. I wore dark jeans with a long sleeve shirt with a sleeveless small sweater with a hoodie and my favorite black Converse sneakers. I leave my room and walk down the hall. A smile touch my lips as I skip down the stairs. I walk into the Grand Hall, seeing Kiseop exiting the kitchen. I stop, waving at him. "Annyeong Kiseop!" I say with a smile. Kiseop looks at me with a smile. He walks over to me, leaning down and kissing my head.

"Annyeong Serenity." he says softly with a smile. "Going out?"

"Ye. I'm going to meet up with unni for a nice little walk around." I reply with a smile. Kiseop nods his head.

"That's good to know. I hope you have fun." he says, kissing my head again. I smile, nodding my head. I wave to Kiseop then exit the castel. Kiseop smiles softly then walks into the family room. I walk down the path towards the gates of the castle, looking around looking for my sister. When I reach the gates, I touch the cold iron gates, checking if I saw her around.

"Serenity!" I turn my head to see my sister. I smile, walking over to her. I stop when I see something clinging to the side of her elegant pink dress. I take a closer look. My eyes widen when I see a small beautiful child. Eternity giggles softly. "Hello Serenity." she says softly.

"Hello big sister." I reply with a smile. She opens her arms out to me and I walk into them, giving her a gentle hug. She smiles down at me, which I return. She steps asides and looks down at the little boy.

"Serenity, this is my son. GiHyun. He's the second oldest of my three children." she says with a smile. I nod my head, kneeling down and smile at the little boy.

"Annyeong GiHyun. I'm Serenity, your auntie." I say with a smile. GiHyun looks at me before smiling softly. I smile, ruffling his black hair before standing up straight. "Which son is he? Of your husbands I mean." I say rubbing the back of my neck. Eternity giggles.

"He's the son of the second youngest of my husbands, GiKwang." she explains. She looks down at GiHyun. "He looks just like his father." I smile, placing my hands behind my back.

"I see. Well, he's a cute one I must say." I say smiling down at the child. I hear big sister giggling again.

"You should see my husband, GiHyun's father, he's very beautiful." she says in a daydream like tone. I laugh softly.

"Well you've never change sis, always madly in love with your better halves." I say with a small smile. Eternity looks at me.

"How are you doing with your soon-to-be husbands?" she asks as we begin to walk down the path away from Neverland Castle. GiHyun stays by his mother's side, holding her hand. I lower my head, digging my hands into my pockets.

"Well, let's say they all haven't welcomed me yet." I reply with a sigh. Eternity looks over at me, her long caramel hair cascading down her back.

"What do you mean?" she asks. I sigh once again before raising my head, my fringe covering partially my left eye.

"Three... of my fiancees... they don't want me to marry them. They want me to leave the castle and never come back... it's very depressing." I explain, rubbing the back of the my neck. Big sister looks at me with a questionable look.

"Who wants you to leave the castle?" she ask. We walk down the path to a open field of gardens. I sigh, digging my hands into my jeans pockets.

"AJ, Dongho, and Eli. Well not that much Eli, since we've never talked not once, it's mostly AJ and Dongho who don't seem to like me very much." I say with another sigh. Eternity nods her head.

"I see. Just give them time. I'm sure they will come around." she says, pushing a strain of her genlte curls behind her ear. My shoulders slump as I lower my head.

"Yeah I hope so. But... I need to ask you a question, sis." I say shyly. Eternity nods her head with a soft smile.

"Sure, ask me anything little sister." she says smiling towards me.

"Have... AJ and Dongho always been that way? Have they always had problems getting to know someobody?" I ask. Eternity stays silent for a couple of minutes. I look at her, feeling uneasy with the sudden silence. I hope I didn't say anything wrong... I think to myself. The silence becomes painfully long before Eternity breaks it by clearing .

"Serenity, how about we go down by the river? It's very lovely down there." she says with a tight smile. I blink then nod my head, knowing that something must be wrong if she ignores the queston. I nod my head with a small smle and we walk down a pathway to the river.

GiHyun runs up ahead when the river comes into view. He giggles as he splashes into the water. Eternity giggles softly, calling out to him, telling him not to go out into the river that far. GiHyun nods his head and continues to splash and swim around. Eternity and I sit down on the soft grass, watching GiHyun splash around. I sigh softly. "Sorry for that sudden-" before I could finish, Eternity cuts me off.

"I didn't want to talk about it in front of GiHyun. We don't want him to know of that horrible mad man that wanted to destory Neverland and Angel Kingdom." she says with a sudden wave of anger. I flinch.

"What do you mean 'wanted to destory Neverland and Angel Kingdom'? Who wanted to destory them?" I ask softly and quietly. Eternity lowers her head and lets out a sigh. Her hands lay still on her lap.

"There was this man... horrible basterd... he wanted nothing but power of everything that was holy... He was an terrible excuse for an angel..." she says while fighting to hold her tears back. My eyes widen as I quickly wrap my arm around her shoulders. Eternity rest her head againt my shoulder. I my dry lips.

"Who...who was this man?" I ask half afraid and half curious. Eternity sighs once again before answering my question.

"Chaos." she says softly. I blink while raising an eyebrow.

"Chaos?" I repeat as I let the name sink in. Chaos? Hmm... I'll ask Alexander more about this man. I think to myself. I look down at Eternity.

"What did he do sis? Please tell me. I want to know... please." I beg with hopeful eyes. Eternity sighs, raising her head from my shoulder.

"Chaos was a good friend of Father and The King of Neverland. He ruled over the third greatest region of this world. He ruled over Paradise." she says, watching her son play in the river.

"Paradise?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Big sister nods her head slowly.

"Yes. Chaos had seven sons. They called themselves Infinite. They were the most sweetest boys ever, they've never hurt anyone. They were very close to your future husbands, U-Kiss as was I. All of us would hang out together when we were very young. We would always goof off and pull pranks on our fathers. We couldn't been happier... that is... until Chaos turned into a madman." she explains while choking back on a sob. I look over at her, noticing her brown orbs were moisten. My heart suddenly began to ache upon seeing my older sister near tears. She clears before continuing.

"One day, U-Kiss and I were visiting Infinite at their castle in Paradise, their Father wasn't there at the time so we decided to just lay around the castle. During that time, I was engaged to marry Beast, the princes of Mystic Forest and U-Kiss were engaged to their soon-to-be wife at that time." she explains, taking a deep breath. So... there really was another girl before me who was to marry U-Kiss. I think to myself as my sister continues.

"Their soon-to-be wife was very beautiful. She was a Princess from the Kingdom of Sages. Her family was one of the most well known in this world." she says. I lower my head a bit.

"What was her name?" I ask quietly. Eternity looks over at me and smiles a sad smile.

"Century." she replys. I bite my lower lip while slowly nodding my head.

"I see." was the only reply I could make at the moment. Eternity sighs and looks up at the clear baby blue sky.

"She and I were best friends. She would tell me stories about her childhood as I would tell her mine. I've told her about you." she says with a light giggle. I look over to her.

"Really? What did you tell her?" I ask. She giggles again.

"Well I've told her the simple things like your age, your appearance, I told her that you're a big cry baby." she says and I pout.

"Yah! Why did you tell her that? I am not a big crybaby!" I say with a pout. Eternity lets out a genlte laugh. I blink then smile, hearing my sister laughing wholeheartedly. GiHyun runs over her and throws himself on her. She giggles, picking him up.

"Ready to go home?" she ask. GiHyun nods his head. She smiles, kissing his head. I smile as I stand from the grass and dust off my jeans. We walk back to the main path and Eternity looks at me, "Speak with Kiseop. He will tell you the rest of the story." she whispers to me. I nod my head.

"Alright. I'll speak with him." I reply, pulling my sister into a tight hug. She hugs me back, kissing my cheek. I kneel down, ruffling GiHyun's hair. "See ya later GiHyun." I say with a smile. GiHyun smiles up at me.

"Bye bye Auntie Serenity!" he says happily, kissing my cheek. I giggle and kiss the top of his head. I stand straight, wave good-bye to my sister and turn to walk back to Neverland Castle.


Stop the song here and play this one for the rest of the chapter please =3


I walk inside the castle and was welcomed with silence. I sigh, making my way up the stairs. I reach the top and I look towards the right at Zander's bedroom. The door was closed and no light was visible from underneath the door. I turn to my left and begin to walk down the hallway towards Kiseop's room. As I walk, the things my sister said to me still rings in my head. I need to talk with Kiseop to learn more about Century and what happened to her. I hope he's in his room. I think to myself. Too caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice that I ran into someone. I land on my , rubbing it a bit. "Yah! Watch where you're going!" a angry voice yells. I look up and my eyes widen. AJ. I quickly stand up and bow.

"I'm sorry AJ!" I say quickly. AJ glares at me as he folds his arms ]

"So you're still here huh? Even after what Dongho said to you." he says with a disgust look. I gulp as I nod my head.

"Yes... I'm still here and I'm not planning on leaving." I reply, trying not to sound scared. AJ smirks.

"Oh really? We'll see about that. Let's see how long it takes until you're rushing out of here with your tail between your legs." he says in a harsh voice. My jaw drops as I stare at him. I clench my fist as I glare at him.

"You're not going to make me leave. I will stay here!" I say with more courage in my voice. AJ raises an eyebrow with a amused smile on his face.

"Really? Well let's see how far you go." he says and pushes pass me, slamming his shoulder against mine. I growl softly before yelling out something that I am probably going to regret.

"Why do you hate me? Is it because of Century?" I ask. I gulp when I hear him stop walking. Serenity, you've done it this time. Just leave while you've got the chance and before he tries to kill you. I think to myself as I try to leave but before I could take a step, AJ grabs my arm and slams me into the wall harshly. I wince as I feel a sharp pain in my spine. My eyes are squeezed shut since I don't want to stare at AJ's angry face.

"Look at me you ." he hiss under his breath. I flinch at the amount of malice hanging on every word. I slowly open my eyes and look up at his blazing eyes. I gulp.

"AJ, I-" I began but he shut me off by slamming his hand against the wall on the side of my face. I jump a bit as I whimper. From outside, I could hear the faint noise of thunder crashing. I forgot. AJ has the power to control the weather and the wind capacity  picking up a massive speed.

"Listen here you no good piece of trash... the next time you mention that name in my presence, you will regret it. You hear me?" he threatens with vemon. I bite my lower lip, holding back my tears from falling. AJ's grip on my arm tighens. I raise my other hand to push him away but when it comes into contact with his chest, he grabs my wrist and slams it by my head. I whimper from the massive pain coursing from my arms and back. "Did. You. Hear. Me?" he ask again. I nod my head, tears stinging at the sides of my eyes. AJ scuffs as he slams my back into the wall once again. I yelp, sliding down the wall. AJ glares at me and turns to walk away but stops when he hears a loud angry voice calling his name.

"AJ!" he turns to see Kiseop standing there with the most deadlist glare as he walks over to me, helping me up. He looks at me with soft eyes then turns to AJ. "Next time you put your hands on her again, I will make sure you regret it." he snarls. AJ rolls his eyes and decends down the stairs. The tears I've been holding in finally falls as I cry into Kiseop's shoulder. Kiseop's eyes soften as he holds me close to him. He rubs my back, leading me to his room. He closes the door behind him and sets me down on his bed. He looks at my arms. There was a bruise on my left arm as well as my right wrist. Kiseop's hazel eyes darkens as he begins to get angry. He wipes the tears falling from my eyes as he walks into his bathroom to get some oitment for my bruises. He comes back and sits on the edge of his bed and applies some of the cold cream on my bruises. I wince from the icy cream as Kiseop wraps them up in bandages. Kiseop places the material on his nightstand and my hair. "Are you alright?" he ask.

"A...a.. little.." I say through a sob. Kiseop frowns as he my cheek. Saddnes covers his eyes.

"I'm so sorry... I had a feeling AJ would done something like this... I'm sorry." he whispers, lowering his head. I reach up, gently touching his cheek. Kiseop raises his head slowly and looks at me with moist eyes. I smile weakly.

"It's not your fault, Kiseop." I say softly. Kiseop bites his lower lip as he lowers his head once again. I sit up slowly, trying not to wince from the sharp pain in my back. His hand gently falls from my cheek as buries his head into his hands. I frown slightly. Kiseop... I've never seen him like this before... I think to myself. I reach out, touching his shoulder gently. "Kiseop?" I say softly. Kiseop gently raises his head to look at me. My eyes widen upon seeing tears cascade down his cheeks. I pull him into a hug, his head resting on my shoulder. He wraps his strong arms around my tiny waist and cries on my shoulder. I smile softly, his hair. I begin to hum softly, trying to calm him down. After a couple of minutes, he raises his head, quickly wiping his tears away. "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Ye. Minahae, Serenity." he says softly. I smile, shaking my head softly.

"It's okay, Kiseop. It wasn't your fault." I reply softly. Kiseop looks up at me. I smile softly and he returns a weak one.

"Gomawo, Serenity." he says softly. I nod my head, letting out a sigh. I lower my head for a moment then I feel Kiseop grab my chin and lift it up. I look into his hazel eyes as he leans forwards and gently presses our lips together. My eyes widen before fluttering them close and returning his kiss. A thunder flash outside broke up apart as I lightly yelp. Kiseop chuckles a bit. "You're afraid of thunder?" he ask. I slowly nod my head. He gently lays me down onto the bed and he slides in next to me, pulling me to him. I bite my lower lip from the pain in my back but that slowly subsides as Kiseop rubs my back. My eyelids grow heavy as I slowly fall asleep in his arms. Kiseop smiles softly, resting his chin on top of my head and falls asleep.

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!