Chapter 10: Cold Hearted Dongho

Angel Princess 

Please play this song as you read this chapter okay. I'm not sure if it matches but I like it a lot.

Dongho's POV

I strolled into the kitchen , whisting a tune. I passed Hoon hyung in the hallway while carrying Serenity in his arms. I frowned, remembering the we went through just to save her back in the Dark Forest. "Aish... why do have to marry her out of all people?" I mumbled, opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Shutting the door of the fridge, I grabbed a family bag of chips and made my way into the family room. No one was occupying it so I plopped down on my favorite seat (the one right in front of the television) and grabbed the remote, turning on the T.V and began to watch some random shows. I opened the bag of chips, digging my hand inside and began to dig in. As I was basking in the total peace and quiet, someone ruined it (which so happen to be Soohyun hyung). He grabbed the remote, turning off the T.V. "Yah! Hyung, I was watching that!" I exclamed. He looked down at me with a cold glare.

"We need to talk Dongho." He said folding his muscled arms. I rolled my eyes, sitting back in my chair.

"About what?" I asked. He smirked a bit. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. What's he's smirking about? I thought to myself.

"It's about the way you, AJ, and Eli are acting towards Serenity." he said. I sighed, looking away from him.

"What? I don't like her hyung. I dont' want to marry her." I replied, sitting up and looking up at him.

"That's to bad. You're going to marry her just like the rest of us." Soohyun hyung said with a glare. I scuffed while looking away from him once again.

"Why was she choosen? Why couldn't Father pick Eternity for us? I like her a whole like better!" I asked looking down at my lap. I heard Soohyun hyung sigh.

"She was already betrothed  to the Princes of Mystic Forest. Father couldn't do anything about it. The King of Angel Kingdom told us to marry his youngest daughter, which is Serenity. It can't be helped Dongho." he explained. I rolled my eyes, standing from the seat and walked towards the exit of the family room. Soohyun hyung grabbed ahold of my wrist and I turned around to look at him.

"Hyung, I'm not going to marry Serenity." I repeated. He looked at me with his cold hard glare as his grip tighten its hold on my wrist. I felt a sharp burning pain coming from his hand. I growled, pulling my hand away. "You can't force me to marry her!" I snapped.

"Well you must and you are! That's final!" Soohyun hyung barked back. I bit my bottom lip, holding back my temper.

"Why? Why is she so special that she was choosen for us?" I asked, clenching my fist. Soohyun hyung sighed once again.

"That's what Father wanted. He said he wanted Serenity as our wife."

"BUT WHY?" I yelled. Soohyun hyung grabbed my throat, his eyes filled with malice.

"Never... and I mean NEVER raise your voice to me again. We are to marry Serenity and that's final. Do you understand me Dongho?" he hissed while holding my throat. The sharp pain came back and I grabbed his wrist, my hand glowing blue. Hyung's hand became frozen and I pryed it off my neck. I glared at him, watching the ice melt away with the fire burning so fiercely from his palm. I growled again.

"Whatever hyung. Just give me time. We'll see if I can learn to deal with her being our future wife. If she can win me over, then I will consider marrying her, just like you and the other hyungs but, " I said with a smirk, "If she can't, then I am not marrying her." Before Soohyun hyung could say anything else, I left the family room.

Hoon's POV

I gently closed the door to Serenity's room after putting her to sleep. I walked down the hall but stopped short upon seeing Dongho decend from the stairway, a deep glare on his face. I looked at him puzzled. "Are you alright, Dongho?" I asked. He looked at me and snarled.

"I'm fine! I was just talking with Soohyun hyung about the girl." he said with disgust. I folded my arms.

"You mean our wife." I said with a soft voice. That made Dongho explode.

"She's not our wife! I don't see what the do you guys see in her! She's pathetic, she's weak and she's annoying. I don't even know why Father wants us to marry her!" he roared. I closed my eyes, lowering my head with a sigh.

"Dongho, we've went through this when we spoke to Father. You know why she must be our wife." I said calmly. Dongho laughed darkly.

"Oh really? I hardly believe that girl will be able to help us with that! She can't undo the mistakes we did in the past! There's no way she can. Only the most powerful Angel can do that and from what I saw in the Dark Forest, it ain't her." Dongho said. Before I could say another word, he stormed off into his room. I sighed once again, rubbing my temples. I felt a hand squeeze my shoulders. I crane my neck to look behind me and saw Kiseop hyung.

"Kiseop hyung." I said looking at him. He smiled a bit at me.

"Dongho again?" he asked with a soft tone. I sighed.

"Yes. He is so difficult." I said running my hand through my hair. Kiseop hyung looked down, his fringe covering more of his hazel eyes.

"He is still grieving over the lost of Kibum and Zander hyung." he said with a soft voice. I looked at him.

"So are you. You were very close to Zander hyung as Dongho was to Kibum hyung." I said. Kiseop hyung cracked a small smile as he lift his head to look at me. His eyes were becoming moist with tears.

"But I learned to hide my emotions from that day. That's the difference between Dongho and I." he said. I slowly nodded my head, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I guess you're right."

"Just give him time. He'll come out, as will AJ and Eli." Kiseop hyung said. He squeezed my shoulder again before walking down the stairs. I watched his retreating back with a soft sigh. Zander hyung... Kibum hyung, I wish you two were still us. Things have been chaotic without you two here. I thought as I walked down the stairs.

Serenity's POV

I opened the door to my room and exited into the hallway. I stretched my arms out and let out a sigh. That was a good nap. I can't believe I cried like that in front of Hoon. That was the first time I've ever told anyone about Taemin and everytime I think about it, I become sad and cry. I really do miss Taemin, I hope he's okay. I walked down the hall, only to bump into Dongho. "Oh! Dongho, annyeong." I said with a smile. My smile faded once I saw his death glare.

"Get the hell out of my way, weakling." he snarled. I flinched at the amount of malice in his voice. I looked down.

"D-Dongho... w-why do you h-hate me s-so much?" I stuttered, not meeting his eyes. I heard him laugh darkly.

"Hate you? I despise you! I can't stand seeing you! Why are you even here? You should get the out of here and go back to wherever you came from!" he yelled. I bit my lower lip, holding back my tears. Dongho... really hates me that much? But.... why? I thought to myself. Dongho scold, walking pass me while slamming into my shoulder. "Do us all favor, Serenity, pack your things and disappear from our lives. We don't need you." and with that he left me there alone in the hallway. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I fell to my knees and broke down. I hugged myself as I weeped, feeling the amount of hatred and loathe that Dongho had for me. If he hates me this much, how much does AJ hates me? And Eli as well. My back pressed against the wall as I hugged my knees and cried my eyes out. I was happy to tell you to truth. I was happy no one heard my misery in the hallway. Maybe I should leave. Dongho clearly doesn't want me here and I bet neither does AJ and Eli. Maybe I should just go home... I know where I'm not wanted. I thought to myself. I stood up and walked over to my room at the end of the hallway, tears still coming down my already tear-stained face.


Hey guys! Sorry if I haven't updated in so long! I've been busy with school and collage. I may update tomorrow so please expect a chapter tomorrow okay guys! =) I'm sorry if Dongho is so mean to Serenity but he will warm up to her... eventually xD. So I hope you guys like this chapter. Comment and Subscribe please!

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Sorry if I am taking to long in updating. Hopefully I will post an update tonight or tomorrow after school


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kpopmusiclover #2
Chapter 33: Pls update soon! It's been quite a long time since you updated though :( chanyeol still misses her right?
Please update soon.
girlyoudontknow1708 #4
Chapter 33: Ooh~ I wonder how many different power she has. Hmm. I hope she can make Zander and Kabul come back to life, I wish. Plzz update
The_Silent_Reader #5
Chapter 33: Ohhhhhh so if she leaves Neverland, there's a big chance that Chanyeol we'll find her, recognize her, but he'll think it's Cecilia not Serenity, causing him to think that she still likes him
Chapter 33: Update soon please ;DD
Chapter 32: I've been gone for a while....all the feels your updates gave me is hard to explain>.<
sonesn #8
Chapter 32: update soon!
Tihlee #9
Chapter 32: YAY She's going back home.
Frenshyiiz4 #10
Chapter 32: Oh so somehow Chanmi and Chanyeol are still alive, somehow Serenity and Cecilia are one like some kind of transfer or something, AND somehow Cecil is himself alive too... WOW so now what? S needs to master her powers in order to kill these gyus bcoz they seem UNBREAKABLE!