Why do you do it?

This is MBLAQ

Sorry readers for taking forever to update... I've been pretty busy but I promise I will finish the story so please do enjoy reading!

“Aimee… you are free to go,” My boss told me smiling at me. I nodded and finished wiping up the counter.


“Thanks boss! I’ll see you tomorrow!” I exclaimed putting up the rag and grabbing my messenger bag.


“Be careful,” my boss called out as I left. I nodded and started walking down the street.


“So you finally got out of work,” Mir said, he was leaning up against a wall. He looked like he had been waiting there.


“Yeah… why are you still here?” I asked. He merely shrugged and started to walk beside me.


“I just wanted to tease you,” He added, grinning. I laughed at him and kept walking.


“Don’t you have a schedule to keep or something?” I asked him, only a slightly curious. He shook his head.


“I finished my schedule before I came in to get a cupcake.” He told me. I nodded understanding. We walked silently for a while.


“Aimee…why do you do it?” Mir suddenly asked me. I sighed.

“I just want to depend on myself. My brother worked hard to be a part of Mblaq and I need to work hard to become someone important in my life. I don’t feel like it’s fair for my brother to feel like I’m his responsibility.” I answered truthfully. Mir looked at me and smiled.


“Hn… you are an interesting person,” Mir spoke. I shrugged.


“Y’know something. I always wanted to be a stylist.” I confessed. He then looked at me with a questionable expression.


“Well then why don’t you ask Seungho to help you out?” he wondered. I shook my head.


“I want to become a stylist on my own merit. I don’t want to be a stylist just because my brother is an idol and I got lucky. I want to become a stylist because I am good enough to be someone’s stylist.” I told him. He merely shook his head at me.


“You are too proud.” He stated. I shrugged at him.


“Yes I am… I won’t deny it” I answered. He turned to look at me. “So have you figured out what you want yet?” I asked, wondering what it took for him to keep his mouth shut.


“No I haven’t… but don’t worry your secret is safe with me… at least until I figure out what I want to do with you.” Mir teased. I playfully hit him. I remembered that I had to change before I got home. I started to take off my shirt and Mir looked at me weirdly.


“W-what are you doing?” He stuttered. I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about, so I shrugged and continued to take off my shirt. “S-stop…” Mir demanded, while holding on to my shirt. I suddenly understood what Mir’s problem was. He didn’t know I had a shirt on under. I started laughing.


“Yah ert… I have a shirt under,” I told him. He turned and looked away. I could tell he was blushing.


“Well you could have said something…” He muttered. I continued to laugh.


“Sorry I’m not used to telling people what I’m doing every second of every day.” I joked, enjoying the sight of teasing Mir. I also switched my shoes and placed all the extra stuff in my bag.


“So what are you going to tell your brother when we get home?” He asked.


“I’m going to tell him that I went to go study at Ryuki’s. I know Ryuki will have my back. Ryuki knows that Seungho would have a fit because I actually work a lot more than he thinks I do.” I told him simply. He looked at me surprised.


“Well I guess you have it all figured out huh?” He commented. I nodded.


“Well I’ve been doing this a while with out him knowing so yeah you could say I have it all figured out.” I answered.


“So what’s the deal with you and that Ryuki guy?” He asked, curious.


“Well Ryuki has been a friend of mine since I was a little kid. I would tell him my darkest secrets and he would keep them for me. Plus Ryuki always knows the trick when it comes to making me feel better. So I guess you could say that instead of having a girlfriend… I have Ryuki,” I told him. He laughed.


“So you consider Ryuki your girlfriend?” He repeated still laughing. I whacked him on the head.


“Not exactly… he’s like a girlfriend because I depend on him and I can tell him just about everything, but he is better than that because he’s a guy so he doesn’t mind if I’m a little blunt every now and then. Plus he can take a punch or two from me with out taking it personally.” I told him. Mir shrugged.


“Sounds like you care a lot about him,” He commented. I nodded.


“Yeah you can say that. Ryuki is really important to me.” I told him. He shrugged at me. Soon we were back home and I was greeted by my brother.


“Where did you go? And why is Mir with you?” He wondered, staring at the both of us.


“I went to go study with Ryuki no biggie,” I told him. He looked at me questionably.


“But your tests are over so why are you studying?” He questioned. I rolled my eyes at him.


“There were a couple things that I didn’t understand that I wanted to go over with him… geez,” I answered.


“It still doesn’t explain how come she came home with Mir,” Joon added, looking up from his phone. I glared at him.


“I ran in to him on my way home,” I told them, which wasn’t a complete lie since I did run in to him as I left work.


“So where did you go?” Seungho interrogated Mir. He merely smiled.


“I went to go get a cupcake,” He answered. Cheondoong soon started to laugh.


“That sounds about right. He told me something about wanting a cupcake but I was too busy trying to beat my high score,” He informed everyone. Then just like that I was off the hook.


“I just worry about you is all,” Seungho told me, while giving me a hug. I hugged him back.


“Don’t worry about it… I’m fine. Plus it’s not like I haven’t lived here forever right?” I assured him. He ruffled my hair and smile.


“I know I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you,” He told me. I nodded understanding his concern.


“Well I am going to change if you don’t mind,” I told him releasing his hug. He nodded and I headed towards my room.


"Put on something longer!" He yelled after me. I laughed thinking he was going to say something about it as soon as I got home.


I felt bad for lying to my brother but I figured as long as it wasn’t bad Seungho wouldn’t be so mad when he finds out. All I have to make sure of it that Mir doesn’t say anything. After all he knows I work there its just... he doesn't know how much I actually work or how I am dressed like. Those are just minor details right?


I hope this doesn’t get out of hand.

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed it!

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Nakamoto_Yusuki #1
Chapter 5: jealous mir.. XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #2
Chapter 3: i thought ryuki is a girl XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #3
Chapter 2: lucky! mblaq sleep in her house!
but aimee is studying too hard! well, a smart girl T.T
Nakamoto_Yusuki #4
Chapter 1: Wow! So lucky aimee that she is seungho sister and can meet mblaq!!!
skyerenciel #5
Chapter 44: I read your fanfic in one shot in one day! (Luckily you already completed it >.>) or maybe not? Another one for the epilogue :3
deedae #6
Chapter 44: Epilogue pleaseee..I love ur storyyy :D I'm new n can't stop read ur fic :"
Agh, it's almost midnight here and I just finished this story!
I loved this. I seriously did.
looking forward to reading more of your fics! c:
dejalynnsaili #9
babyindigo #10
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<