I think I love you

This is MBLAQ

After the photo shoot my brother decided that he wanted to take us out to eat. It was kind of awkward since I was sitting beside my brother and Mir at the restaurant, but I tried to focus on eating.


“So it seems like the photo shoot went well huh?” G.O commented out of no where. We all nodded. I took a sip out of my drink. Mir kept playing footsies with me. I tried to keep my feet away from him, but he always managed to do it again.


“Mir stop it,” I whispered at him. He grinned at me knowingly.


“What do you want me to stop?” He wondered, quietly. I rolled my eyes at him an shoved him lightly.


“Aimee?” a voice asked. I looked up at a curious Sungyeol.


“Yeolie what are you doing here?” I wondered. I mean this restaurant was quite a distance away from home. I didn’t know what he was doing here.


“Well I just got back from a training session. I got hungry and since no one is home I decided to go out and buy some kimchi jijae.” He told me. I nodded. Then the rest of the guys gave me this look like ‘introduce’ him.


“Well why don’t you pull up a chair? I’ll introduce you to everyone.” He nodded and I turned to see an irked Mir. He sure wasn’t happy Sungyeol was there.


Maybe I should make him suffer…


“Sungyeol this is my brother Seungho, and s Joon, G.O, Cheondoong, and you’ve met Mir.” I said pointing to all of them. He bowed ninety degrees and waved.


“Annyonghaseyo I’m Sungyeol.” He greeted them. They all waved and my brother patted his back.


“Relax Sungyeol, you seem like you’re a pretty good guy,” My brother commented. He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.


“Thanks,” He muttered.


“Yeah he’s our neighbor. So when I get bored or lonely I invite him over,” I told Seungho, keeping a close eye on Mir. He stabbed his food angrily. I mentally chuckled.


“Really now? It seems you’ve been taking good care of my sister. Thanks.” Seungho told him. “In fact here sit next to my sister,” Seungho offered him his seat.


“Umm you really don’t have to do that hyung,” Sungyeol answered, feeling shy. Seungho insisted and he ended up sitting next to me. It was funny because with out knowing Seungho had the same plan as I did. Seungho was being oddly nice to Sungyeol. The other members caught on as well.


“Sungyeol you’re quite handsome.” G.O complimented. He shook his head vigorously.


“No, not really I think I look normal.” He insisted. I shoved him lightly.


“No really Yeolie you’re handsome,” I said. Mir had been looking down at his plate for a long time. He hadn’t said a word since Sungyeol arrived. I was starting to get a little worried. Sure, I wanted him to suffer, but I didn’t want to make him feel bad. When dinner was over Sungyeol and Mir ended up taking me home. The air felt dense being between those two.


“So we should hang out tomorrow,” Sungyeol suggested. I nodded.


“Yeah what are we going to do?” He shrugged at me.


“We can figure it out tomorrow,” He told me. I nodded and hugged him as he walked towards his house. I was alone with Mir. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling. He seemed indifferent.


“Umm so you can go home now,” I told Mir. Then he grabbed my wrists and pulled me close to him so that I was hugging him.


“Do you like him better than me?” He asked. I immediately knew who he was talking about.


“I like him…” I told him quietly. Then he let me go and looked at my face.


“Tell me if you like him better than me,” He insisted. I sighed and looked him in the eye. I knew that I didn’t like Sungyeol the same way that I liked Mir.


“I can’t…” I muttered. Then we stood there staring at each other.


“I don’t know how to apologize, but after tonight I realize I can’t stand thinking that one day some guy is going to sweep you off your feet, and it won’t be me.” He commented. I really wasn’t sure where he was going with this.


“So what are you going to do?” I wondered. We sat down on the step right in front of the door. The night was dark and the air was cool. You could see a few stars despite the fact that we were in the city.


“Be my girlfriend.” He demanded. I was taken back by what he suggested. I looked over at him, and his expression was serious. He meant it.


“How can I trust that you really feel for me what you say you do? How don’t I know that you’ll go running to Hyomin tomorrow?” I asked. He sighed.


“Just give me this chance. If I break your heart then have all of Mblaq beat me up for all I care. Just please let me try and be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.” He insisted. I took a deep breath.


I’ll take a chance.


I leaned in and kissed his cheek.


“I’ll give you this chance… just don’t break my heart,” I told him. He hugged me tightly and we sat there together for what seemed like an eternity.


“Are you still going to hang out with Sungyeol tomorrow?” He asked. I nodded.


“Yep I told him I was so I am.” I stated. He pouted at me.


“I don’t like that Sungyeol is so close to you.” He complained. I laughed and kissed him lightly.


“You need to trust me like I’m trusting you.” I told him. He nodded and I stood up to go in to my house. He smiled at me, watching me open my door.


“Aimee,” He called me. I turned and looked at him curiously. “I think… I love you,” He confessed. A little bit of pink showed on his cheeks and he kept fidgeting nervously. I chuckled at his innocence and opened my door.


“I think I love you too,” I told him. I blew a kiss at him and entered the house. Cheondoong is smart. Making him suffer really worked. 

So i'm sorry i took an eternity to write this one. I had midterms recently and yeah it was a pain in my rear X.x This post probably doesn't make up for it but please try and understand. I hope you guys enjoyed it... i thought it was kinda corny but it'll do XP


Any inspirits out there? <3 Infinite's paradise is awesome. Everyone looks great! I love all the members.. <3 they are so great together ^^

anyways til next time ^^

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Nakamoto_Yusuki #1
Chapter 5: jealous mir.. XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #2
Chapter 3: i thought ryuki is a girl XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #3
Chapter 2: lucky! mblaq sleep in her house!
but aimee is studying too hard! well, a smart girl T.T
Nakamoto_Yusuki #4
Chapter 1: Wow! So lucky aimee that she is seungho sister and can meet mblaq!!!
skyerenciel #5
Chapter 44: I read your fanfic in one shot in one day! (Luckily you already completed it >.>) or maybe not? Another one for the epilogue :3
deedae #6
Chapter 44: Epilogue pleaseee..I love ur storyyy :D I'm new n can't stop read ur fic :"
Agh, it's almost midnight here and I just finished this story!
I loved this. I seriously did.
looking forward to reading more of your fics! c:
dejalynnsaili #9
babyindigo #10
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<