What is love?

This is MBLAQ

The next morning I got ready for school and I was surprised to find Mir right at my doorstep.


“Mir what are you doing here?” I asked as I locked to door to my house. He merely grinned at me.


“Well I haven’t spent that much time with you lately. I kind of miss it,” He told me. I chuckled.


“Yah aren’t you going to be tired? I know you guys must have a horrible comeback schedule,” I replied. He shrugged.


“Well if I get to see you then it’s worth it,” He replied. I couldn’t help but blush. Still I rolled my eyes at him.


“You’ve been spending too much time around Joon,” I commented. He shrugged at me. ‘


“So I kind came here so I could ask you something,” He stated, standing up from his sitting position on my doorstep.


“Well what’s so important that you had to come and ask me?” I wondered. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I could see his cheeks turn slightly pink.


“Go on a date with me,” He blurted out. His eyes immediately shot down to the floor.


“On a date…like an actual date?” I questioned. He nodded, his eyes still avoiding mine. I shrugged.


“If you really want to… lets go on a date,” I suggested. He bursted out in to a giant grin and hugged me tightly.


“Great I’ll see you this weekend. We can have a late dinner or something.” He suggested. I nodded and shot a smile at him.


“I’ll be looking forward to it,” I assured him. He stuck his hands in his pockets and swayed happily.


“So do good in school,” He told me as he walked backwards in to the sidewalk. I smiled and nodded.


“Bye Mir,” I waved and walked the opposite direction. I laughed when I heard some cheering in the background. It was obviously Mir.


“You’re unusually smiley today,” Sungyeol commented, appearing beside me. I shrugged.


“Well a friend of mine asked me on a date today. It was funny to see him all happy,” I confessed to him. Sungyeol on the other didn’t find it too funny.


“He asked you on a date huh?” He questioned. I nodded. “Well I hope you have a good time,” He told me. I could tell he was obviously faking enthusiasm.


“Do you want to come eat a slice of cake before I go in to work today?” I asked him. He smiled at me and nodded.


“Yeah, actually I would like that,” He told me. I felt happy to see him smile. It was almost the same way I felt I decided to go on that date just different.


“Great… I’ll meet you afterschool,” I told him. He nodded. I ran in to Ryuki as we walked to class. He looked at me curiously.


“You alright there?” He asked. I shook my head. 


“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m fine,” I replied. He shook his head.


“I’ve been your best friend since we were younger. I know something is bothering you. So tell me Aimee what’s bothering you?” He asked. I sighed deeply. Sometimes I felt that Ryuki knew me better than my own brother.


“Is it possible to feel a boyfriend girlfriend type of love for more than just one person?” I asked. His eyes widened as big as TV screens.


“Whoa… Aimee has boy drama. When did this happen?” He exclaimed as we sat down for class.


“When I met guys that made the drama happen. Now answer my question.” I demanded. Ryuki merely laughed, while taking the materials he needed out of his bag.


“Well I guess it’s possible, but eventually you’ll like one over the other. You just have to be sure that you are making the right choice.” Ryuki told me. I looked over in his direction curiously.


“The right choice huh?” I stated. He nodded.


“Yeah because if it turns out that you loved the other guy more, It’ll be too late since more than likely he’ll try to move on.” Ryuki assured me. I laughed.


“Seriously sometimes I feel like you’re more of an older brother than mine is,” I joked. He shoved me slightly.


“Don’t diss your brother. He works hard. I just do his job since I see you more often,” He joked again. I couldn’t help but laugh.


So could it be I’m in love with both Sungyeol and Mir? Or do I like one more than the other?

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Nakamoto_Yusuki #1
Chapter 5: jealous mir.. XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #2
Chapter 3: i thought ryuki is a girl XD
Nakamoto_Yusuki #3
Chapter 2: lucky! mblaq sleep in her house!
but aimee is studying too hard! well, a smart girl T.T
Nakamoto_Yusuki #4
Chapter 1: Wow! So lucky aimee that she is seungho sister and can meet mblaq!!!
skyerenciel #5
Chapter 44: I read your fanfic in one shot in one day! (Luckily you already completed it >.>) or maybe not? Another one for the epilogue :3
deedae #6
Chapter 44: Epilogue pleaseee..I love ur storyyy :D I'm new n can't stop read ur fic :"
Agh, it's almost midnight here and I just finished this story!
I loved this. I seriously did.
looking forward to reading more of your fics! c:
dejalynnsaili #9
babyindigo #10
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<