Living In The Heart



“Bye!” I smiled to my new buddies which is shockingly Jessica (the cheerleader I used to call stupid), Siwon (the hot but brainless guy) and Jiyong (the stylo guy). Since my friends are busy with their senior friends, I decided to hang out with these guys. Yoochun is the one who suggest me to be close to them. It was a great suggestion. At first I thought it was a stupid idea but thank God I tried it. They are fun to be with. Jaejoong and Jooyeon unnie think it’s good too. If I only evolved around the same people, I won’t get to experience a lot of things. I guess I should never judge a book without its cover. Now, I really felt bad about talking trash about them with Sunny before this. Bad ~~~~~~~!


Even thought I hang out with them a lot, I find time for my bestfriend. Actually, I tried to follow their ‘tight’ schedule. To tell you the truth, I’m quite heartbroken when my friends spend less time with me and more time with the seniors but I know they did this for they’re future. They really need the extra marks for the extra curriculum activities especially Changmin. He’s a nerd and nerd does not evolve in curriculum activities as much as Sunny and Junsu. They are masters of curriculum activities but they still work hard to get more marks. I’m really proud. It’s ok if they had to reduce our play time. As long they’re happy, I’m happy too.


There are times, I walked passed by them and I could see how they really enjoy it. Especially Sunny. No surprise there. But it really shows they care about me when I asked if they had fun, they’ll answer “Being with you is a lot more fun” even when I know that I’m not that fun. This is why I love my bestfriend. They might not be great but they always took care of me. I love my new friend too though.


“~~~~~~~-ah, see you tomorrow!” Jessica and Siwon bid goodbye. I just smile and bid them back.

“Hey! Let’s grab a bite together”, Jiyong suddenly asked me.

“Ok!” I’m starving here.

“What do you want to eat?”

“I felt like eating sushi”, I’m craving for it.

“Ah! I know a great place where they make a GREAT sushi. Gaja!”

“YEEEYYYYYY!!” I jumped excitedly and we both went towards his super bike. He putted our bags at the place to put stuff (I don’t know what it’s called) and than offered me a helmet. I took it and then look at him.

“Um….. Jiyong-ah….” My voice was literally shaken. I was terrified to ride that bike.

“Wea yo ~~~~~~~~? Don’t tell me you’re scared”, he looked at me and realized I WAS scared.

“Ah! You are scared.”

“I never ride a bike before. Not just bike, I never even ride a bicycle”, it’s true. Never!

“REALLY?!” Why does he act like it was a really shocking thing in the world? There are a lot of people like me ok. There is right?


“It’s ok ~~~~~~~-ah. There’s nothing to be scared of.”

“But statistic says that most common death in the road is motorcycle people”, I heard it from Jooyeon unnie.

“You’re safe with me. Don’t worry ok?” He offered me his hands. I was worried at first but knowing Jiyong, I know I will be safe.

“Ok!” I took his hand and wore the helmet.


Jiyong got up the bike first than carefully I got up and sat behind him. He than rode the bike away from the school. My hands wrapped closely around him and I smuggle my face on his back. I’m really scared of riding bikes thanks to my unnie. She’s the one who teach me about how dangerous it is. Since I was little, she taught it too me. Not just about bikes but EVERYTHING! She inherits that from my mom. Everyone always says that I’m more like my dad and unnie is like my mom. Even their face is familiar.


After a while, we arrived at the place. I quickly jumped down the bike. Seriously, unnie really successfully altered my mind like hers. I guess big sister does effect her little sister mind and personality. Does my personality reflect hers? Nah!


“See! We arrived safely like I promise don’t we?” Jiyong said as he took the helmet from me and putted it on its place.

“I guess”, I smiled.

“Yah! Kwon Jiyong!” A voice which I think I know called out for Jiyong. We both turned around to see who it was.


OMG!! It’s the jacket guy! You know the one I meet when Yunho forgot to pick me up. That one. The smiley cap guy. I never thought I would see him again.  “Yah! Dong Taeyang. Where have you been huh? It’s been month since the last time I heard from you. I thought you were dead!” Jiyong and that guy hugged. So Jiyong is his friends and his name is Taeyang. Nice name.


“I’ve been busy with my preparation moving around here.”

“You live here now? where?”

“Few blocks away from your house.”

“Yah! And you didn’t tell me? What kind of a friend are you?”

“Sorry. It was a bit sudden. You know my umma right. She always do stuff unexpectedly.”

“So are you going to the same school as me?”

“Yup. Being a newbie tomorrow.”

“Cool!” And they do a knuckle buck (is that really the name of it?)

“Ah! ~~~~~~~-ah!” Oh! Thank you for remembering that I was here all along.

“Hey! You! The bus stop girl” I take that as this Taeyang guy recognize me.

“You guys know each other?” Jiyong looked at the both of us.

“Yeah. It’s a long story”, I don’t want to talk about it.

“How are you?”

“Me? Good!” You should see me few weeks ago. I look pathetic.

“Hey! Since you’re here, come and join us”, good idea Jiyong.

“Join you?”

“Eating sushi. ~~~~~~~ wants to eat it.”

“Yeah! Come and join us!” Did I just say that? What the hell!


“Great! Let’s go eat!” I think Changmin eating ghost possesses my body because I dragged those two inside the sushi restaurant and quickly order anything that I could eat. The both of them were like ‘wow this girl eats a lot!’. hahaha! Like I said before, I’m craving for sushi ok. 


The two boys chatted as they eat but me; I eat all the way and didn’t even care about their conversation. I only hear stuff like music, dance, studio, Seungri, Top and Daesung. From the looks of it, they share something in common and that is their passion in music stuffie. Just by looking at their style, I knew they enjoy that stuff.  it really attractive you know.


“So!” I finally finished my food. The both of them just look at me like a was a monster or something.

“I know! I eat like a pig. Can’t help it. These days, I’m hungry all the time!” Its true.

“Does Jooyeon nuna forget to feed you? You look like you’ve been starving for ages!” I know Jiyong.

“Nah! It’s just me. I eat a lot and drink water a lot. I don’t know why.”

“Don’t you worry about the weight gain that you will have after eating all that food?”


“You’re so not like Sica. She even count the volume of calories she ate everyday.”

“I know! Yesterday, we ate lunch along with Siwon. She asked the lunch lady about how many calories does the food have and blah…. blah…. blah…. It was rather funny. Siwon on the other hand eat anything he could lay his hands on”, my new friends have a very interesting character.

“Yeah. I know. Changmin eats like a pig too right?”

“Umhmm. He eats more like a lion than a pig actually”, we both laughed.

“I’ve seen him eat and God it was terrifying.”

“I know. I see it everyday since kindergarten!” We than continue babbling about stuff that aren’t needed. I didn’t realize at all that Taeyang was staring at us with his eye smile on. Gosh! He looks so adorable when he smile.


“How long have you been friends?” Taeyang finally say something.

“Being just friends, since primary school but being close friends, just few weeks ago”, I’m so glad I did.

“She really is a fascinating girl once you’ve known her”, I know Jiyong. Hahaha!

“Oh! I’m looking forward to know you better than”, me too Taeyang.

“Hey! Do you know where our school is?”

“I’ve been there once but already forgot the way.”

“In that case, drop by my house in the morning. We’ll go together”, looking at how close this two reminds me of my friends. I wonder what they’re doing right now. Do they miss feel the same as I feel? 


We finished the food. And when I wanted to pay, Taeyang quickly pay it. He said it’s his treat. I just smile. Hey! Who doesn’t want people to pay for your food right? I know I don’t mind it. I actually prefer it. Taeyang than follow us towards the bike. When I reached there, my heart started to pound so hard. I don’t really think I can ride that thing again.


“Jiyong-ah, do we have to ride it again?” I don’t think I can survive it.

“Yeah. Why?”

“Umm….” I can’t just simply say that I don’t want to ride his bike again.

“Are you still scared?” I just nodded.

“Scared?” Taeyang look lost.

“~~~~~~~ is scared of riding bikes.”

“Owh. Ride with me than. I bring my car”, Oh! I’m gonna love you forever Taeyang.

“Cool than. Taeyang, take care of her!”


“Ah! And ~~~~~~, Siwon says that he’s stoping by at your home toning to ask you about math and Sica asked you to wear a heart shape earrings so that it’ll match hers”, can you believe it, someone is making me their reference in math. Thanks to Yunho that is. Aish! Why think about that guy.


“Bye!” He zoomed off away from there.


“Shall we?” I nodded and we both walked towards his car. We walked in and he just drove the car away. It was quiet in there. I don’t know what to say. It was easier when Jiyong is there.


“Care to tell me what happen?”

“What?” I looked at him.

“Between you and that guy.”

“Ah! Well…. I do what you asked me to.”


“And we never spoke to each other now”, every time I talk about this, my chest started to hurt.

“Owh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Nah! It’s ok.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“What more can I do?”

“Don’t you want to work for your love?”

“No use. He’s owned and he really love that girl”, it’s painful me to admit it but that’s the truth. No use denying it.

“It must be painful”, it is.

“Yeah….” So painful.

“But I can endure it. Life must go on. There are times when you suffer so much that you hope everything will end but all of that will go away one day. Right?”

“Right”, he just smiles at me admirably. I felt comfortable around him. Like the first time we meet, I can easily tell him my worries. It’s not likely I’m acting this way with a stranger.


“Since we’re going to the same school, can I be your friend?”

“Of course Taeyang!” I would love that.

“So care to feed me about the school?”

“Let’s see. Um….” What should I tell him first?

“We have a student body organization. My sister and Jiyong is one of them. The president is the guy I like. His name is Yunho.”

“Sounds like he’s a great guy.”

“He is….” All the memories I have about Yunho was playback inside my mind. Only God knows how much I miss him.

“You love him so much don’t you?”


“So why don’t you try to get him besides you again?”

“I believe in the saying ‘what goes around, comes around’. If I take him from his girlfriend, soon, someone will take him away from me. And I don’t want to live with an image of a boyfriend thief tagging around me forever”, it’s a bad thing to take something that’s not yours.

“You’re a nice girl ~~~~~~~-ah”, yeah. I know. Hahaha!

“Well nice isn’t giving me Yunho back isn’t it?”

“Trust me, there is someone out there created by God just for you.”

“You think so?”

“I know so”, our smile becomes wider. I don’t know Taeyang pretty well but I already felt compatible with him. Maybe God take Yunho away but he gave me Taeyang. Thank you God.

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im_sucks_LOL #1
awesome fic!!!!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: Awww.....so sad :(((( anyways done reading this one ^^
kaijje #3
sorry for saying this but you did mistake while using the words 'than and then' . and it disturbing me enough while i read this story. But i love this story~ mhm.... still don't know the ending though (;
spammer #4
I <3 this story... It has some valuable lesson xD
HatrednAshes #5
Awesome ◕‿◕
chillyshia #6
It's so sad, ~~~~~ has to be strong,she still has close friends that care for her so much<br />
I'll be waiting for the next updates<br />
please,update soon!
chillyshia #7
I do love this fic so much,please do update if you have time<br />
fighting!<br />
thanks for updating:)
qislovcfo #8
i'm sorry 4 not being able 2 update<br />
i've been really busy lately<br />
it's my last year in high school<br />
& i have 2 make sure that my grades will get higher<br />
so i'm really sorry<br />
i'll try 2 do my best 2 update as fast as i can<br />
<3 all of u guys!!!!<br />
again, i'm sorry