Living In The Heart
I was having a light discussion about studies with Sunny, Junsu and Changmin when I spotted Yunho with girls around him. They were talking; laughing and he even sit closely to them. My heart really pains seeing him all close with girls like that. No matter how I tried to condolences myself that he was just being nice to the girls, I still can’t help to get all jealousy and all. Aish! This is tiring you know. Who would have thought being jealous could take a lot of work huh. So next time if your boyfriend/girlfriend get jealous, congrats them. It’s not easy being jealous.

To think about it, I’m such a bad type of future girlfriend. He’s not even my boyfriend yet and I’m all jealousy and sensitive like this. What’ll happen if he becomes my boyfriend? I do not dare imagining it. Wanna bet that he’ll suffer? I wasn’t this way when I’m in love with Jaejoong. Of course I get jealous and all but I never let it took over me. I just let it slipped but I can’t seem to do the same with Yunho. It’s just too hard. Maybe because Jaejoong’s my bestfriend and I know how he’s like. Maybe….

“~~~~~~~~!!!!” Junsu suddenly screamed at my ears making me jumped up a little.
“Yah! What are you looking at huh?” He looked at what I was looking and nodded right away.
“Ignore it ~~~~~~~. He’s not in to all of those girls. He’s just being nice”, don’t try to make me feel batter Junsu.
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m a guy. Duh!” Make sense.
“Besides, Yunho hyung isn’t that type of a guy”, true Minnie.
“I know Yunho hyung. He’s my cousin REMEMBER?!” Yeah! I kind off forget about it. I even forget that he’s Jaejoong’s dongseang. You guys don’t know?! It’s a bit complicated. Let me tell you the story.

Junsu and Jaejoong are brothers BUT different mother. Yeah. That’s why they don’t live together and don’t really act like brothers. Yunho is Junsu’s cousin. His mother side that’s why Jaejoong didn’t know him. Junsu and Jaejoong don’t really act as if they are brothers AT ALL! Right? I know! It’s as if they weren’t but they are. I guess they feel closer to each other by acting like friends and not like brothers. I don’t really understand it but its KIM JUNSU and KIM JAEJOONG we’re talking about. They know what they’re doing.

“It’s not only ~~~~~~~ forget it. Even I forget about it too! Even the part you and Jaejoong are brothers”, SEE! Even Sunny doesn’t remember it.
“Me too!” Minnie too!
“Me three!” Even Junsu! hahaha!
“You should get closer with him you know. He IS your brother. You share the same blood!” I agreed with Minnie.
“And how do you suggest that?”
“I don’t know. Go do that hyung-dongseang day maybe?” That’s what people usually does.
“You should use that advice for yourself ~~~~~~~~-ah.”
“What that supposed to mean?”
“You and Jooyeon nuna needs to get closer too”, I looked at Minnie.
“Hey….hey! This is about JUNSU and JAEJOONG. Not JOOYEON and ~~~~~~~~!”
“I’ll do it if you do it too!” Aish! Who’s the one start this conversation again?
“Come on ~~~~~~~-ah. You said that I need to work with my relationship with Jaejoong. You should do the same too!”
“With Jooyeon unnie?! No way!”
“Please….” Not the puppy eyes Junsu.
“Pretty please….” There he goes flipping his eyes open and close.
“FINE!” This is going to be a royal pain!
“YES!” NO!
“When are we doing this?” Excited much, Mr. Dolphin.
“Um…. What if we do it next month?”
“Eh? Why so late?”
“I know you can’t wait to get all brotherly with Jaejoong oppa but I have a test to be retake ok!” Blame my drama teacher for it. She MAKES my test paper lost to wonderland. Now I have to do it AGAIN!
“Ah! Ok than!”
“Thank you! Now are we done talking about brothers and sister here? I need to study ok!”
“Ok. Ok! Calm down will ya!” And our study group was continuing until another royal pain come to disturb us which equal to KIM JAEJOONG! When will I get to study for the test if this keeps happening? I’m so gonna flunk it!

“~~~~~~~~-AH!!!!” His voice sounded like a grenade in my ears.
“HYUNG!!” Somebody is exited to see him.
“Um…. Hey Junsu….” Jaejoong just looked at him like he was crazy.
“How are you?”
“Fine…. Why are you acting this way? You’re creeping me out!”
“Why not? I AM your dongseang. We share the SAME blood”, that just sounds creepy.
“Ok…. Btw ~~~~~~~-ah, I need to talk to you NOW!!”
“O-“ Don’t mind saying anything because he just took my hands and dragged me to the gym where it’s perfectly empty. Weird. Usually the basketball team or the wrestling team would be hanging out here.

“Oppa! What’s with you?” Dragging people around like this. urgh!
“Do I look handsome to you?”
“EH?!” WTH??
“How do I look in your eyes?”
“You look like you. Duh! What else?”
“Not like THAT!”
“Than like WHAT?”
“If you weren’t you, how do I look inside your eyes?”
“The problem is I AM me!”
“I said IF!!”
“Aish! I guess you would look dreamy?” Even when I AM me, I still thinks he look dreamy.
“If you were Jooyeon?”
“EH?” This is just getting weird.
“Yah! How the hell should I know? I’m not her!”
“IF ~~~~~~~! IF!”
“Well, you’ll look….hm…. you’ll look stupid?” Maybe. I don’t know.
“Maybe. I don’t know.”
“How could you NOT know? She IS your sister!”
“Hey! You’re Junsu’s brother and even YOU don’t know him right?”
“That’s a different situation ok.”
“Whatever! Now can I go?” He just ruined my mood even MORE!
“Ah! Wait ~~~~~~~~!” He pulled me back just when I was starting to walk away.
“WHAT?!” Annoying much!
“Uh! Mian….” He finally realized that he just makes me MORE pissed off.
“It’s ok oppa….” I’m being stupid too!
“Gwenchanayo oppa.”
“Let’s grab a lunch together. Ok?” I am kind off hungry.
“GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!” Thank you stomach for answering.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Gaja!” AGAIN he dragged me towards his car. In a few seconds, we’re already in the car off to some place to eat.

In the car, Jaejoong constantly asking weird and stupid questions. Would I fall in love with him? Stupid question! I WAS in love with him. Does Jooyeon unnie say anything about him? No because we spend time more on YELLING than SPEAKING! What do I think about how Jooyeon unnie thinks about him? More question rhymes with LEE JOOYEON at the back. What’s up with him huh? In love with Jooyeon unnie? Hahahaha!! That’s funny. There’s no WAY he’s in love with her. I know him and Jooyeon unnie is not his type.

I thank God dearly when we FINALLY reached a place which is SUITABLE enough for Jaejoong’s mood of the day. Gosh! Being with him in the car today feels like HELL!!!! This guy can really be a pain in the sometimes. Now I’m starting to question why I fell in love with this guy at the first place. It’s just doesn’t seemed cool anymore.

“~~~~~~~~! Jaejoong!” A voice called for us as we stepped in the sushi restaurant. We both looked around to see who was calling.
“Yoochun oppa!” I smiled as I saw him.
“Join me!” I quickly looked at Jaejoong. I know how he DOESN’T like to hang out with Yoochun. He just nodded unwillingly.
“Arasseo oppa!” Both of us headed towards Yoochun. I was about to sit next to him when Jaejoong pulled my hand and order me to sit in front of him while he sat next to him. I just followed it. No use arguing with him over this stuff.
“What are you guys doing here?” Yoochun asked with his angelic smile.
“To eat! Duh! Why else?” Why does Jaejoong HAD to be an when it comes to Park Yoochun?
“Oppa!” I sneakily kicked his legs.
“WHAT?!” Owh don’t act all stupid!
“Oppa, are you here alone?” I asked Yoochun.
“Aniya! I’m with….” Before he even got to finish his sentence, a voice suddenly interrupt.
“Me!” I didn’t have to look to know who it was. It’s YUNHO!!
“Aish! Are you guys dating or something?! You’re inseparable! When there’s Park Yoochun, there’s ALWAYS Jung Yunho”, kinda true Jaejoong.
“We’re bestfriend. Of course we hang out together A LOT!” What Yoochun said makes sense.
“Yah! Aren’t you GLAD to see me here?” Yunho spoke as he sat next to ME!!
“No!” Jaejoong is heartless.
“Well I’m glad to see you guys here. Especially you ~~~~~~~-ah”, here we go again! With the sweet words. This is why girls are so crazy over him.
“Stop talking and let’s eat shall we? ~~~~~~~ stomach is weak. She needs to eat on time!” Jaejoong oppa, I officially hate you.
“Arasseo! Let’s eat!” And we started order our food and eat while chatting. Well most of the chatting was done by the guys. I’m the only girl so I let them talk while I EAT! I <3 SUSHI! SUCHI <3 ME! HAHAHAHA!!!!

AFTER we finished eating, it’s time to go home I guess. ! I don’t want to! I want to spend more time with Yunho. Oh well, its ok I guess. I can always see him at the school. “Jaejoong, are you going back to school?” Yoochun asked as we were at the front of the restaurant. Jaejoong just nodded. “I have some work to do. Why?” A HUGE smile formed on Yoochun’s face. What’s up with him?

“I’ll ride with you than!”
“I need to go back to school to meet Mrs. Han. Since I didn’t bring my car, I’ll go with you than.”
“But I have to send ~~~~~~~~ home first!” He tried to make an excuse.
“Don’t worry. Yunho can do that. Right Yunho?” Yunho just nodded.
“There! Problem solve! Gaja!” Jaejoong didn’t get the chance to even say anything because Yoochun just pulled him away living me and Yunho alone.

“Gaja ~~~~~~~-ah!” Yunho and I both smiled and make our way towards his car. When we arrived there, his phone suddenly rang. He looked so happy when he saw who’s the caller is and quickly answer it. I wonder who it is.

“Yeobosayo”, his voice was more cheerful than ever.
“BWOH?! I’ll be there as soon as I can!” It seemed like something emergency came up. He quickly hung up the phone than look at me in a heavy heart. I just smiled.
“You can go oppa. I can take the taxi”, what’s the use of the public transport right?
“Mian ~~~~~~~-ah. What if you wait here for a while? I’ll come back to pick you up. I don’t believe in taxi! It’s quite dangerous!”
“Arasseo! Now go!” I pushed him lightly so that he would get in the car and go.
“I’ll come back for you. I promise!”
“Ok”, and he drove the car away. My eyes stared at his car until it was out of my view. I’m alone at some place I don’t know where. Oh well! Let’s just wait for Yunho. I mean how long could he be gone anyway right?
I walked towards the bus stop near me and sat there to wait for Yunho to come and fetch me up. It’s a good think I bring my phone and Ipod. I could hear some songs in the Ipod while waiting for him and incase something happen, I could call someone for help. Jooyeon’s unnie words are pretty useful after all. She’s the one who asked me to bring this stuff to school today. I don’t know why. At first I rebelled but after having a never-ending fight with her, I decided to just follow her orders.

As I was waiting for Yunho, I saw a lot of couple walking passed by me. All of them look so happy like this world was theirs. I can’t remember when the last time I enjoyed myself on my boyfriend’s side is. You know, even though I was dead in love with Jaejoong before, I still went out with a lot of guy. Even when I don’t love them, I still accepted to go out with them.

I always ended up ending that relationship. It just doesn’t feel right to date him but can’t love him when he loves me with all his heart. I know! Why did I accept them at the first place right? Well, I thought if I date them, maybe I’ll magically fall in love with them. You know, like in the movies and drama. But I guess I live in reality. That stuff doesn’t happen at all. I only ended up hurting everyone else and myself. Stupid ~~~~~~~!!!!

My last relationship with a guy ended up quite badly. He was my long lost ex-boyfriend. We agreed to date. He loves me with all his heart even when he knows I don’t feel the same way for him. I admit I seemed happy besides him but truthfully, I was filling up with guilt and hurt. I only dated him so that I could show to Jaejoong that I’m happy and I don’t need him in my life. I wanted to make him suffer seeing me happy. But truthfully, I’m the one who’s suffering. Not him. I quickly ended up the relationship before I hurt him more. After that, he moved and I never hear anything from him since.

I’m a nappun yoja aren’t I? I know! I’m such a nappun yoja! I said Jaejoong was the nappun namja for hurting me but truthfully, I’m no better than him. I kinda played other people’s heart to satisfy my ego. No wonder I’m being punished by having Jooyeon unnie in my life. Talking about Jooyeon unnie, I wonder what she’s doing right now. Probably hanging out with her student body people or just Taecyeon oppa. OMG! Taecyeon oppa! I haven’t talk to him like AGES! I miss him. Maybe I should call him to see how he is doing.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. “Yeobosayo”, OMG!! I miss that manly voice of his. I really should start talking to other people other than Yunho.

“TAEC OPPA!! BOGO SHIPDA!!” I felt like crying. 
“Yah! Lee ~~~~~~~~! Where have you been huh? I thought you have forgotten about me!”
“Aniya oppa! I’m a bit busy these days. Mianhae….”
“Nah! It’s cool.”
“Oppa, bogo shipda!”
“Same here.”
“At the library”, no surprise there.
“Is Jooyeon unnie with you?”
“She was but Jaejoong just pulled her away.”
“Pulled her away?”
“Yeah. He just burst in the library and pulled her away”, ok. That’s weird.
“Don’t know. They’ve been acting weird lately.”
“Weird? How weird?”
“WAY weird! They’ve been ignoring each other but than when one of them isn’t around, the other one will start to look for that someone. And Jooyeon keeps asking this weird question to me.”
“What kind off question oppa?” This is getting interesting.
“She asks how I see her as a guy. And is she qualified enough to be someone’s girlfriend. Stuff like that. As her bestfriend, of course I answer only the good stuff but than she says I’m just lying because I’m her bestfriend. Can you believe her?”
“You ARE saying that because she’s your bestfriend oppa”, you can’t lie to me.
“Ok but she never doubts my words before!”
“Yeah….” It’s true.
“Well, I have to hang up first. Need to see the principle.”
“Oh! Ok than.”
“Bye ~~~~~~~-ah!”
“Bye oppa”, and I hung up the phone.

Hmm…. you know, this is interesting. Both Jaejoong and Jooyeon unnie’s been acting way too weird lately. Since when did MY Jooyeon unnie care about how she looks in some guy eyes and what’s with the qualified to be someone’s girlfriend? That just doesn’t sound like my sister anymore. I can sense something fishy going on between them. I better get to the bottom of this.

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im_sucks_LOL #1
awesome fic!!!!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: sad :(((( anyways done reading this one ^^
kaijje #3
sorry for saying this but you did mistake while using the words 'than and then' . and it disturbing me enough while i read this story. But i love this story~ mhm.... still don't know the ending though (;
spammer #4
I <3 this story... It has some valuable lesson xD
HatrednAshes #5
Awesome ◕‿◕
chillyshia #6
It's so sad, ~~~~~ has to be strong,she still has close friends that care for her so much<br />
I'll be waiting for the next updates<br />
please,update soon!
chillyshia #7
I do love this fic so much,please do update if you have time<br />
fighting!<br />
thanks for updating:)
qislovcfo #8
i'm sorry 4 not being able 2 update<br />
i've been really busy lately<br />
it's my last year in high school<br />
& i have 2 make sure that my grades will get higher<br />
so i'm really sorry<br />
i'll try 2 do my best 2 update as fast as i can<br />
<3 all of u guys!!!!<br />
again, i'm sorry