
Should I, Should I Not

❝ chapter forty-one

e r i c ’ s



It’s 2am and we’re sitting inside one of our favorite restaurant, basically Yongsun’s favorite beef and intestine soup and my favorite soondae soup. I wake up feeling completely lightheaded, my head feels like someone is hammering on it and maybe it’s because we both didn’t get to eat much at the wedding so we decided to come here at this hour. They serve great soup and the owner is an old grandmother in her 60s who is really nice. Probably way too nice sometimes that she wants to give us food for free every time we went but we insist on paying because she has to make a living too and mainly because we'd feel very guilty if we're eating for free every single time. 


Yesterday was more than I could explained. The whole ceremony was emotional up until the last few hours of the after party when Cho Seho hyungnim and Yoo Jaesuk sunbaenim decided that it was time to go all out on dancing so they promptly hosted a dance party and it went crazy. My friends went out of their ways, dancing while holding their glasses of wine and Yongsun's members were having the time of their lives. For a moment, I think they all forgot they were at a wedding party and not a club but we all had fun and that was all that matter. 


As usual, Yongsun is having her beef and intestine soup and I’m having soondae soup. We’re both completely silent when we’re eating, neither of us really uttered a word. At one point, I thought I caught Yongsun dozing off a little while slurping on her soup. 


    “Are you okay?” I asked when she finally finished her last spoonful of soup. “Do you want to go back home after this?” 


She nods a sleepy kind of nod and I smile at how her eyelids begin to get heavier and heavier. Geez, I might have to carry her on my back on the way back home. Our house is only a few blocks away, that’s another reason why we love coming here. It’s convenience and to be very honest, when you’re hungry at this hour, you really just want to go somewhere quick and eat without having to find a parking lot. 


    “My face is going to be so swollen tomorrow morning.” 


    “Yongsun, please. Did you already forget how many times we woke up at 3am just to eat cup noodles then went back to sleep?” 


She giggles and hums an ah, right. Actually, we never really care about trying to look good for each other anymore, instead of newlywed, right now it feels like we’re becoming middle-aged couple in our first day of being married because we’re a little way too comfortable with each other. I guess that’s how much we spent time together during the last 2 years.  


Yongsun asked if we should wrap any soup to go for my brothers because they looked like they had way too much to drink too last night but I told her they won't be able to eat soup as hangover and they've probably already passed out right now. Eddie would probably go out and find a pizza restaurant with Brittany if he's also awake but it's my brothers we're talking about. Once they passed out, they passed out until morning. 


     "Will we be hearing wedding bells from Eddie soon?" She pushed her bowls away and pull her own bowl of red bean dessert towards her. Geez, I love it when she's eating without having to worry about having to go on diet.


      "Hopefully. He did mention once that he wanted to propose to her later this year." 


Ironic how he was the one who caught the bouquet without even bothering when a few of Yongsun’s friends went out of their ways to stood behind us and even went as far as taking off their heels so they could probably fought for it. Eddie was just talking with Brian about something at the table until a bouquet literally slapped him in his face and fell into his hands. He was so bewildered that he couldn't even register what was happening until we started teasing him and Brittany who was blushing like mad to get married soon too. Wedding bells from Eddie? Hmm.


On our walk home, we talk about this and that, sometimes we go completely random and sometimes, we find ourselves in a sudden serious talk. A few minutes ago, Yongsun was asking me when is my family going back to Atlanta and now we’re suddenly moved on to whether we should give her puppy Jing Jing to her parents and raise a new one or just bring her with us. She did mention her parents love Jing Jing like one of their own because their daughters are never home. 


    “If we ever raise another one, do you want the same breed?” 


    “I’m thinking of a baby Bichon Frise.” Yongsun said. “Jing looks like a grandma, don’t you think?” 


I laugh. When she puts it that way, there really is a resemblance because Jing is kinda old now, and her face completely shows it. Only Yongsun can says Jing looks like something but if she catches anyone else saying stuffs about Jing, she’ll never let it go. She loves the puppy more than her life and for the sake of god, last time her parents went on a trip and Jing was alone at home, she ditched me to accompany Jing in the middle of the night so I ended up sleeping alone that night. 


The last time she was drunk, she sent me loads of i love you, you mean the world to me kind of texts then suddenly, she sent me a picture of Jing Jing and another text that she’d never give up on her. To be really honest, that was the first time ever I’ve ever got so jealous of a female puppy. God, Kim Yongsun. 


soooooo, hi everyoneeee? ahhhh, i'm so grateful for all these supports you've been showing me for this fanfic and i really really appreciate it a lottttt. although it may seems too fast but i just want to inform you guys that the next chapter would be the final chapter for this fanfic and the ddongie journey in this fic will also come to an end :( i'm also sad to end this fanfic but it was a really nice journey to relive and walk through this imaginary memories of ddongie together with you guys and i also had a lot of fun writing about them again ;a; i hope you enjoy reading this fanfic as much as i've enjoyed writing it for you guys and thank you once againnn and have a nice dayyy♡

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soaleiousav #1
Chapter 43: Can you make a sequel???? Pls.
Chapter 16: THEY HAD OMG
Biginshattest #4
Chapter 43: Hi authornim, I’ve read this story thrice already. Do you have plans of making a sequel? ?
Chapter 43: I love Ddongie couple so much, they're my favourite couple aside of Adam Couple <3 Finally got the time to finish reading this fanfic, thank you for making every Ddongie fan's dreams come true, author-nim =)
Chapter 43: I love them since wgm and found this story make me teared up. I literally love then soo much and really want them to be together. Thanks for make my fantasy come true ❤️
tawangwagas #7
Chapter 43: Yesssssssssssss an epilogue!!!! Thank you thank you authornim~ now this story feels much more complete!! ♡
moomooradish #8
Chapter 42: Thank you for this wonderful story ^^