Chapter 12

The Bodyguard's Krystal


Chapter 12


Amber’s POV


“Do I have some dirt on my face?”


I think I’ve been staring at her for quite some time already, and I was too busy thinking about some things, so I was surprised when I heard her voice.


“Uhm… n..nothing Ms. Krystal.” I stuttered a bit.


“Oh, so then why are you staring at me like that?” She asked as she sat down the bed. “Anyway, have you forgotten already that we’re in school? And because we’re in here; you have to treat me like other students. And, from what I can remember, didn’t I forbade you to be near me within 5 meter radius?”


Oh, yeah I forgot about that punishment. Aish…


“I’m sorry. Uhm… Since it seems like you’re feeling fine now, I can take my leave now. Our next class will start in 10 minutes, just to remind you of the time Krys.” Wait… Did I just call her Krys? I mentally facepalmed myself as I turned my back on her and walk through the door. I hope she won’t notice it. I hope she won’t think that I’m acting like we’re close friends. Aish… This is so troublesome.


“Thank you.” She said when I was about to turn the doorknob of the infirmary.




My chest. What’s wrong with you? I felt my chest as I felt the sudden pounding of my heart. I stopped in front of the door for a few seconds before I gather up my thoughts and replied to her.


“I… It’s… n…nothing. But, you’re welcome.” Right after I uttered the last word, I immediately went outside the infirmary, closed the door and leaned my back on it, still holding my chest. I took two to three deep breaths before standing up straight again and walked my way to the classroom.


Krystal POV


I woke up after having a short nap in the infirmary. I feel fine now, geez, gotta thank Khail oppa again. I then suddenly felt like someone’s staring at me. I turned my head and saw Amber looking at me.




This… What is this feeling? I felt my chest, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked at Amber again. I think she’s not staring at me but is spacing out instead.


“Do I have some dirt on my face?” I asked her. I noticed that my statement surprised her.


“Uhm… n..nothing Ms. Krystal.” Why is she stuttering? I pulled myself off from lying down the bed and asked her.


“Oh, so then why are you staring at me like that? Anyway, have you forgotten already that we’re in school? And because we’re in here; you have to treat me like other students. And, from what I can remember, didn’t I forbade you to be near me within 5 meter radius?”


“I’m sorry. Uhm… Since it seems like you’re feeling fine now, I can take my leave now. Our next class will start in 10 minutes, just to remind you of the time Krys.”




Krys… Did she just call me Krys? Wait, what’s wrong with my heart? Why is it pounding like this? I was too busy thinking about what I’m feeling that I didn’t notice Amber leaving already.


“Thank you.” Thank you for watching over me just now. Thank you for being so patient in tutoring me. I want to tell her those words but my mouth ended up saying just the first two words. But I think it’s enough to stop her for a while.


“I… It’s… n…nothing. But, you’re welcome.” Right after she said the last word, she immediately went outside the infirmary.


I then found myself smiling, thinking of how cute Amber was just now. But really, what’s wrong with my chest? Is this the feeling of…












having a heart attack?


I stood up from the bed and looked for a sticky note. Since Khail oppa wasn’t here, I’ll just leave a note to him.


*Scribble, scribble.


Thank you for the meds oppa ^_^ v and for letting me take a nap <3


There you go. I finished writing the note, fixed my uniform. Hair is okay; face is okay.


I saw Amber already sitting on her chair and reading our textbook for the next subject when I went in the room. I tried ignoring her for the next couple of minutes until the classes are finished. After we heard the bell, signaling for the start of our lunch break, I saw Amber walk out of the room.


“Hey Amber-oppa! Do you want to have lunch with us?” Sulli asked her as she put her arms on Amber’s shoulders. Since when did they become this close?


“Uhm… Sorry Ssul, not this time. I’ve got something to do.” Amber answered.


“Aww… It’s okay, but promise me you’ll have lunch with me next time you’re free, okay?”


“Okay okay, I promise.”


“Pinky promise?”


“Pinky promise.” Amber said as she linked her pinky finger with Sulli’s and flashed that bright smile. What is this weird feeling inside of me that I suddenly felt when she smiled like that to my bestfriend?



Amber POV


I looked for a place where I can still watch over Krystal without her seeing me. I saw this tree where I can see them in their usual spot in the mezzanine of the cafeteria. It’s a really good spot since it’s hidden, though it’s hard because I have to struggle to climb up there. I found a comfortable spot and sat on the branch. I started eating a sandwich as I watch over her. After a few minutes, I heard some voices under the tree.


“Let go of me! We’re finished, okay?” A girl’s voice uttered.


“No! I won’t accept your reason!” I heard a guy’s voice yelled, but with control. What in the heck is a guy doing in our campus? Men are not allowed inside the campus except during open house days, or if they sneak in.


“Why can’t you just accept the fact that I’m not in love with you? I just agreed to go out with you because I thought of giving you a chance.”


“You’re evil. But you know what, I can be evil too.”


“Let go of me! You’re hurting me!”


“I don’t care! You’ve hurt me too.”


“I said let go of me!”


I tried to peak on what’s happening under the tree and saw a guy pinning a girl against the tree. He was about to kiss her but the girl avoided his lips by turning her face to the side. The girl is struggling so without thinking twice, I jumped down of the tree.


“Didn’t she already tell you to let go of her?” I said as I grabbed the guy’s hand, freeing the girl from him. “Can’t you see you’re hurting her? What kind of guy are you to neglect her feelings like that? How can you say you like her if you ignore her feelings and force yourself to her?”


“Who in the heck are you? Mind your own business!” He said as he tried to pull his hands away from my grip. The girl on the other hand, retreated to the side.


“You know, you’re starting to get on my nerves.” The guy’s really is starting to get pissed right now. He then tried to punch me with his free hand, but I was able to dodge it and quickly released my grip. But because of too much force he exerted on punching me, he was off balanced and almost fell on the ground.


“Argh! You!!!” He charged and threw a right hook to me.


I took one step backwards to dodge it. “Oops, too slow buddy.” I teased as stuck my tongue out.


Left hook.


Dodged it again by stepping backwards.


“Don’t be a coward and face me! Don’t just keep on dodging you punk!”


I smirked with his attitude. You really want to me to fight you? Fine, you’ll get what you want.


He then threw me another punch, but this time instead of stepping backward, I ducked as I stepped forward towards him. I twisted my body so now my back is facing him, and grabbed his arm. Using the weight he put on his attack, I used it to pull him towards me, lifted him up and pulled him towards the ground.




I can see that he’s hurt by my counter attack. He struggled to get back on his feet, and when he did, he charged again and threw me another right punch. I stepped a little bit to the left and kicked him on his abdomen at the level of his diaphragm just below his bone. He is now struggling to breathe and I used this as an opportunity to give him a turning around 45 kick, hitting the back of his head.


Oops, I think I overdid it. When I saw that he’s still moving but is badly hurt, I didn’t waste time and ran towards the girl. I grabbed her wrist and faced the guy one more time and uttered the words…


“You are not worthy enough for her... Jerk!”


As I said the last words, I faced the girl, smiled and told her “Let’s get outta here quick, before he regains strength.”


When we were finally inside the building, I let go of her hand. I can see that she’s panting heavily.


“Wait here. I’ll be back.” I said as I started to run to the cafeteria.


“Here, take this.” I said as I reached a cold bottle of water to the girl who is still panting heavily.


“Th… Thank you. huff… huff…” After drinking the whole bottle of water,


“Oh no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to finish…” I cut her words and told her that it’s okay.


“I’m fine really. You don’t have to apologize. Besides, I’m not that tired of running anyway. Just stop going out with some jerks, they’re dangerous creatures.”


“O… Okay, as you say so. By the way, why are you here? Men aren’t allowed inside the campus.”


“Uhm… I am actually a girl.”


“What?! No way! Did you know that the guy you knocked down earlier is a rugby player?”


“A rugby player? Wow! No wonder his body’s like that.”


“But still… You’re… I’m speechless.” The girl said with so much amazement.


“He’s just big, but he doesn’t know how to use his body well. He didn’t even know how to punch.” I said as I laughed out loud. She then followed afterwards. The people around us are now starting to think that we’re weirdos, but who cares?!


“By the way, my name is Hyuna. So… What’s the name of my savior?”


“What?! Savior? hahaha! My name’s Amber… Amber Liu. Pleased to meet you Hyuna.” I said as I tried to reach my hand to her for a handshake, but I was surprised when she hugged me instead. I stood there, frozen for a few seconds then the bell rang.


“Thanks again Amber Liu. I’ll remember that name.” She said as she broke away from the hug and walked away.


I was still shocked with that sudden action of hers.


“Who’s that? Your girlfriend?” a familiar voice asked me. As I turned around, I saw Khail hyung with Krystal, Luna and Sulli.


“What?! No! We just met today Luna.”


“Really oppa?” Sulli asked me again as she put her arms around mine.


“Yes Sulli, I guarantee you.” I smiled at her. I then turned my attention to Krystal who is just standing there with her arms crossed. After our eyes met, she walked past through me.


“C’mon Ssul, Luna, classes are about to start.” She said as she grabbed Sulli away from me.


“See you again later Amber.” Luna said as she walked away with the two.


I then turned my attention to Khail hyung.


“You’re dead meat kid.” He smirked.


“Huh? Why? What did I do?”


“Aish… You’re so innocent Amber. You better prepare yourself for later. I pity you.”


“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about hyung.”


“Na a a… I will not tell you.”


“But why?”


“Because I don’t feel like telling you.” He then showed an evil smirk.


You’d better go to your class now, or else you’ll be late.”


“Oh sh**! Gotta go now.”


I ended up my telekinetic communication with Khail hyung and ran to our classroom.




The past three days just passed by so fast. I don’t know why but those three days, including today are like the most boring days of this week so far. I am now on my way to Nicole’s place to get the watch I asked her to modify.


“How are you going to give it to her? What are you planning to do now?”


“I don’t know. She’s been so cold to me these past few days. And even if she isn’t, I still don’t know how will I make her wear this watch everyday.”


“Oh well, it’s not my problem anymore Amber. You know you’re talented and smart and stuff, but I still don’t get it why do you have to work as a bodyguard. There’s a lot of opportunities waiting for you in the US but you just left and started working a bodyguard, watching over someone you don’t even know.”


“There are just some things that I can’t tell you Nicole. I hope you can understand. And besides, you followed me here in Korea too.”


“Well it’s because… because… I was offered a job here.”


“Really? Isn’t it because of me?” I .


“Yah! It’s not because of you okay?”



Nicole POV


“Really? Isn’t it because of me?” She teased me.


Yes Amber, it’s because of you. I followed you all the way here because I don’t want to be far from you. I want to keep our closeness.


“Yah! It’s not because of you okay?” I exclaimed. “And what made you think that huh?”


“Hehehe, nothing. It just so happen that you left one week after I left US for Korea. But hey, don’t be so mad, I’m just joking okay?”


There was a short moment of awkward silence until I broke it by telling her how to used the applications/softwares I installed and how will the transmitting device works. After that, she bade me farewell and promised that she’ll visit when time permits her.


I then thought of what we talked about earlier. I know she’s just joking and teasing me but it made my heart hurt so much. If you only knew how much I love you, Amber, how much I wish that it were me whom you’re taking care of, whom you watch over and worry for. How I wish you could also feel the same way I feel for you, but how is that possible? It’s like you’re this close to me but can’t even hold you in my arms. You’re near yet so far.


Amber POV


It’s only been one month since I moved in the Jung’s mansion and started studying in this all girls’ school. It’s also been almost a week since I got the watch from Nicole after asking her to modify it. I still don’t know how to give this to Krystal, and how will I make it possible for her to wear it all the time. It has also been almost a week since she started to be cold to me. I tried to ask the “3 Musketeers” but I didn’t get anything from them. I know that they knew the reason because I can sense it, knowing that Khail hyung, the school nurse, is also a musketeer. After meeting Hyuna, we always greet each other everytime we meet or ran into each other in the hallway or anywhere around the campus.


I was walking towards the cafeteria to buy a box of orange juice until I notice people staring at me, and then I will hear them talk about me. What’s wrong with them? I turned my gaze to Krystal’s table, and looked at Sulli and Luna who just both smiled at me. When my eyes met Krystal’s, she just rolled her eyes and avoided having eye contact with me. After a few minutes, the whole cafeteria was filled with squeals. I just ignored them and got my drink from the vending machine.


“So… you’re Amber?” an unknown voice said as I felt someone tap my shoulders. I turned around and saw an American girl with blonde hair up to her shoulders. Behind her is an androgynous-looking girl with short hair and glasses.


“Uhm… Yes I am Amber. Do I know you? From what I can remember, it’s my first time seeing you.” I answered.


“My name’s Rex, and this one is Zi. Haven’t you seen the bulletin board yet?”


“Uhm… nope. Why? What’s in there?” Zi and Rex then dragged me to the bulletin board.


“What… the… heck.” I said as I was surprised by what I saw from the bulletin board. It’s me… They are pictures of me fighting Hyuna’s ex-boyfriend, and running with her while holding her wrist. There’s also a picture of me on my motorbike.


I then saw a poll asking if I should be granted the opportunity to be part of the Princes’ Squad, and it’s a 100% yes.


“You might be confused, but Amy, my girlfriend, is part of the school’s journal and is the photography editor. Hyuna on the other hand, is the president of the Princes’ Squad Fanclub. Princes’ Squad is a special club for students with such charisma that even girls will fall for them, and Rex and I are part of it. Hyuna told us about your heroic deed and we, together with the fan club, were impressed. Luckily, during the meeting, Amy was there and informed us that she was able to take some pictures of the whole scene. Even Hyuna was surprised because she didn’t know that Amy was following her and her ex-boyfriend.” Zi elaborated to me.


“What?! I still don’t get it.”


“Because of a 100% yes on the poll, you are now automatically part of the Princes’ Squad. You actually have a fan club already, they are called Embers and they gave you the nickname Prince in a Shining Armor.” Rex explained to me.


“Fan club? Nickname?”


“Yup. My fan club’s name is Rexaurus and they gave me the nickname Prince Charming Rex. Zi on the other hand, was called Prince of the Zappers by her fan club Zapped.”


“Can I decline your offer?”


“Didn’t I tell you already? Once you’ve become one of us, you’ll forever be one of us.” Rex insisted.


“Anyway, we understand that you’re still shocked of all things happening to you so we’ll just give you some space for you to adapt to your new life as a Prince. Don’t forget to visit our crib.” Zi told me as she scribbled something on a paper and gave it to me. It’s the crib’s location in the campus.


When I got home, I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks only to be greeted by Ard hyung.


“What’s with that face dongsaeng?” Ard hyung asked me.


“Nothing. I’m just a bit tired I guess? Where is Lui hyung by the way?”


“He’s with Jaejoong preparing dinner. Tired? Did something bad happen in school? Oh c’mon, tell me what happened.”


“I suddenly became a part of the Princes’ Squad. I’m not used to people having all of their attention on me.”


“Princes’ Squad? Woah! Are you crazy? Be proud!”


“Why would I be proud? It’s embarrassing… and annoying.”


“Did you know that Yuri became a part of the Princes’ Squad?”


“Woah! Really?!”


And then Ard hyung started his looong story about the Yuri unnie becoming the school’s one of the most popular and elite Prince. Good thing it’s Friday today, which means that we won’t have school tomorrow and it’s also my day off. I was about to sleep when I got a message from Sulli.


Sulli: Amber oppa, do you wanna go with us to Krystal’s place tomorrow? We’re going to have a movie marathon. Please?


Amber: I’m sorry Ssul, I’ve got something to do tomorrow.


Sulli: Aw… Don’t you really like us? Do you hate me? It’s like you’ve been avoiding me for more than a week now.


Oh yeah, because of Krystal’s punishment, I wasn’t able to hang out with them especially to Sulli. I suddenly felt the guilt.


Amber: I’m sorry Ssul. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I hate you or something. I’m just really busy these past few days. And besides, did Krystal approve to it? Is it okay for her to go to her place?


Sulli: Yes, I told her that I’d invite you too.


Amber: Okay, to compensate for my evilness to you this past few days, I’ll go.


Sulli: Yay! Do you want to meet up? Now that I think about it, you haven’t told me where you live oppa.


Amber: I live in a house for humans, don’t worry.


I wonder what will her reaction be if she discovered that I live in the very same house where Krystal lives.


Sulli: Aww. I’m not joking Amber oppa.


Amber: Let’s just meet in the convenience store near our school.


Sulli: Okay. Luna, and the others will be heading straight to Krystal’s place. Let’s meet there at around 9am.


Amber: Got it. Wait, “the others”?


Sulli: Yep. Don’t worry. You’ll meet them tomorrow, especially Krystal’s crush since childhood!


Amber: Krystal has a crush?!


Sulli: Yup. She’s been hiding her feelings for him for so long now. They really get along well, so no wonder Krystal will start liking him. But she always tells us that it’s just a crush, she just admires him. We will then tell her “Admire? Admire your face Jung Soojung!”


Amber: Hahaha! Anyway, I’ll go to sleep now Sulli. I’m a bit tired. See you tomorrow.


Sulli: ‘Kay. Good night Amber oppa. Don’t be late tomorrow J



The next day…


“Good morning oppa!” Sulli greeted me as she waved her hand. She then ran towards me and hugged me.


“Good morning giant Ssul!” I said as I hugged her back. Don’t think of anything stupid, okay? Sulli is like a little sister me. She’s so sweet and caring, and cute too.


“Am I late oppa? How long have you been waiting here?”


“No, you’re not late, in fact I just came here five minutes ago.”


She then flashed this wide grin of hers and said, “I’m glad. So shall we go?”


“Yep, let’s go.”


“Wait, I brought my car and driver with me, did you bring yours too?”


“Car? Driver? Nah, I just rode my motorbike to come here.”


“Oooh! Motorbike?! Do you have an extra helmet? I wanna ride one.”


“Really?! Uhm… I have an extra helmet but will it be okay to your driver?”


“Uhm… Wait here.” She ran towards her car and talked to the driver. Few seconds later, the car left and Sulli went in the convenience store again.


“I already told my driver that I’ll go with you to Krys’ house and that he’ll just fetch me there later.”


As we walked our way to the parking lot to the parking lot, I asked Sulli something.


“Ssul, since you’re Krystal’s bestfriend, do you know why she’s been cold to me lately? Is she mad at me?”


“Krys? She always tells us that just doesn’t feel like being close to you.”


“Is that so? *sigh”


“But I think there’s a deeper reason behind her treatment towards you, but I still have to confirm it.”


“Reason? What is that?”


“It’s a secret oppa! Merong!”


“Aish! This kid! Anyway, we’re here. This is my motorbike.” I then pulled out the extra helmet in the bike’s compartment and gave it to Sulli. “Here’s your helmet.”


“Woah! It’s sooooo COOL!” She said in amazement as she grabbed the helmet.


She’s still amazed and stood there for a while. I then started my motorbike’s engine and said, “Are you just going to stand there for a whole day or you’re going to jump in here so we can leave?”


“Oh I’m sorry.” She sat behind and put her hands around my waist. “Let’s go oppa.”


When we got in the mansion, Lui hyung, Ard hyung, Jaejoong hyun and the others greeted us. They’re also good in acting like they don’t know me, like it’s their first time to see me. They let us sit in the living room while waiting for Krys to come downstairs, and for Luna and the others who are still on their way.


“Lucky punk.” I heard Lui hyung said to Ard. Having mental conversations again huh?


“You know that I can hear your mental conversations right?” I said as I looked at them.


“Aish! I forgot about that. Yah! You better not make our Princess be in a bad mood today okay?” Lui uttered.


“Hey you guys, you better stop having mental conversations with Amber. Ms. Sulli might think you guys are weirdos, staring at each other like crazy. Lui, let’s start preparing their snacks. Ard, you help us too.” Jaejoong hyung said, cutting our conversation.


“What the? Don’t tell me Jaejoong hyung is also a…”


“Yes, he is.” Ard hyung answered before leaving to the kitchen.


“You’re early Ssul.”


“Krys! Of course I’m early. It’s been a while since we last hung out in your house.” Sulli said to her.


Krystal then looked at me. “So I see you made it here. Good thing you didn’t get lost.”


“I went with oppa. We rode her cool motorbike. You should see it Krys.”


“No thanks, I’m not interested in those.” She said as she crossed her arms and sat beside Sulli.


Krystal and Sulli talked about random things until we heard the doorbell. It’s Luna and “the others.”


“Ssul! Krys!” Luna yelled as she ran towards the two and group-hugged each other. I then saw six guys and two more girls walking towards them. They started hugging each other, showing how they really missed each other. Seems like it’s been a while since they got together. And then I saw Krystal acting weird towards a certain guy in the group. She looked so shy and is blushing a bit just by talking to that guy.


“That’s him.” Sulli told me. “Here, come with me. I’ll introduce you to them.” She said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the group.


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1155 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.