Chapter 13

The Bodyguard's Krystal


Chapter 13


Amber POV


“That’s him.” Sulli told me. “Here, come with me. I’ll introduce you to them.” She said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the group.


“Uhh… Guys, this is Amber. She’s a new student in our school and our new friend as well. She transferred from the US. Amber?”


“Hello, my name’s Amber Liu. I’m currently 17 years old but the school didn’t credit the subjects I took back in the US so I’m back in 3rd year middle school. It’s nice to meet you all.”


“Hi Amber, my name’s Ji-young, and this is Suzy. We’re of the same age as Sulli and Krystal. We also have another friend that’s same age, but she won’t be here because of a family meeting or something. Her name is So-hyun.”


“It’s the guys turn. My name’s Onew, 19 y/o.”


“I’m Jonghyun, same age as Onew.”


“I’m Key, 17 y/o.”


“I’m Minho, just turned 17.”


“My name’s Taemin, 16 y/o.”


“My name’s Cheondoong, 18 y/o.”


I shook hands with all of them, and they’re really nice. So Krystal’s crush is named Minho huh? He isn’t that bad, I think.


“Ms. Krystal, the home theater’s ready now, so is the popcorn.” Ard hyung said.


Even though I’ve been living in this house for a month now, I still wasn’t able to have some tour or something. It’s actually my first time to go in their home theater room. According to the map that Jaejoong hyung gave me, they even have a KTV room! This mansion is really something. When we got in the room, the ‘theater,’ I was surprised and amazed because it does look like one. There’s a small room before the actual theater, where you can see a small ticket booth. There’s also a small bar where we get our popcorns and drinks, with Ard hyung as the server.


“Yah Amber, keep an eye on our Princess. Don’t sit too far from her, okay?” Ard hyung said to me through telekinesis.


“Got it hyung. Will the seat behind her suffice?”


“Yep. That’s fine.”


When we got in the theater, I was amazed even more. It’s not the typical theater that you always go to. The interior design is really cool. They put long couches instead of the typical theater seat so you can feel more at home. The ceiling and walls are simple but the stand lamps made the room look more elegant.


“It’s amazing isn’t it?” Sulli whispered to me.


“Yeah. It really is.”


As what hyung told me, I sat behind Krystal, who’s sitting in between Minho and Luna. The seat plan goes like this:


Onew, Luna, Krystal, Minho

Jonghyun, Key, Amber, Sulli

Ji-young, Taemin, Suzy, Cheondoong


Honestly I don’t know what the movie is all about, aside from the fact that it’s a Korean movie, I was also busy watching over Krystal. She seems really comfortable with Minho. Sometimes, I’ll catch them having eye contacts with each other or smile at each other. And everytime I see that, I can feel my chest tightening a bit. After watching, it’s now time for us to eat lunch. As we went out of the theater, Ard hyung welcomed us.


“Ms. Krystal, you can now proceed to the poolside area. Luigi and Jaejoong hyung are now grilling the barbecues. You can go swimming first as planned as you wait for the barbecues to be cooked, though some appetizers have been prepared already.”


“Thank you Ard.” She then turned to us and said, “So, who wants to go swimming?”


“ME!!!” Everyone exclaimed as they raised their hands up in the air. We went to the changing area and they started changing to their swimsuits.


“How about you Amber oppa?” Sulli asked me.


“I don’t feel like swimming right now, but I’ll just go change my clothes anyway.”


I finished changing first and I already saw the guys swimming in the pool. I forgot to mention that it’s winter already. Well of course the water outside the pool is already frozen solid. Let me tell you something about this luxurious pool. The Jung mansion has two pools, one indoor, which is connected to the outdoor pool. The junction of the pools is controlled so that during winter, the water outside won’t affect the temperature of the water inside. We are using the indoor pool now. The water in the indoor pool can also be controlled. The water tank has a special built in heater connected to the pool so that the water won’t be frozen during winter. The indoor pool area also has a barbecue area like the outdoor pool, but it’s just a small space compared to the one outside.


When I got in the area, I approached the three hyungs and helped in preparing the lunch. Since I was living alone almost my whole life, cooking is a must for me to be able to survive. After a few minutes, the girls came marching in with their swimsuits.


Since it’s the first time I see them in their swimsuits, I can’t help but stare for a while, jawdropped, and eyes widened with the sight I’m witnessing right now.


“They’re so hot right?” Ard hyung said.


“Yes. I mean, it is winter but seeing them made me feel like it is summer already.” I told him.


“But our Princess is the hottest of them all. Just look at her abs. She’s too hot for a 14 year old girl.” Lui told us.

“Did you know that the three of you look so funny right now? You guys should stop staring like some erts and drool over our very own boss.” Jaejoong hyung commented.


Good thing Krystal was too busy talking to her friends so she didn’t see me literally staring at her. For the next 30 minutes, I tried my best to avoid looking at her. I have to keep my sanity intact.


“Yes, you should kid.” Lui hyung told me.



Krystal POV


It’s Saturday morning and my friends are going to come here to hang out. We actually planned it already a week before. My mornings haven’t been that good for almost a week now. Even though I don’t like to admit it or even think about it, I know deep inside me that it’s because of me avoiding Amber. I don’t even know what’s gotten into me to avoid her like this. The punishment is supposed to last for only a day, but after seeing her being close to Hyuna that day, I felt some pain in my chest. What even pissed me off is the fact the Amber just became an official part of the Princes’ Squad. How will she be able to perform her duties as my bodyguard if she will be surrounded by a lot of girls? She isn’t talking that much either when she’s tutoring me. I’m tired of this distance that we have. So when Sulli asked me if it’s okay to bring Amber today, I didn’t think twice and agreed to her. I have to somehow break this invisible wall between us.


I woke up early and found Luigi preparing the dining area.


“Lui, have you seen Amber?”


“He left early. She said she’s meeting up with Sulli.”


“Oh, so you knew that she’s ‘going’ here too.”


“Yes Princess.”


“Lui, can I ask you a question?”


“Anything for you Princess.”


“I have this friend of mine. She and her friend have been avoiding each other for almost a week now with no clear reasons why. Somehow, this friend of mine is tired and sick of being cold to each other, of avoiding each other…”


“So it’s like she misses her friend?”


“They always see each other though, but…”


“Ahh… That friend of yours really misses her friend. She misses their closeness. I think she misses the conversations she had with her friend that make her feel like she’s another person.”


“Yeah, something like that.”


“You know Princess, there are some people that we meet in our lives that will make us feel like we can be our true selves. We can laugh out loud without being embarrassed whenever we’re with that person. We can share our secrets and talk about those secrets with that person comfortably because you know that that person can be trusted. Once we meet that kind of person/s, we should cherish them, and hold on to them, because they’re rare like gems. And they are the ones who will be willing to stick with you through thick and thin. I’m not talking about some kind of lover or something. I’m talking about true friends.”


“True friends?”


“Yes Princess. True friends are treasures. Now, if that friend of yours and her friend are true friends, just a simple talk is enough to fix the problem. You can just talk to Amber like you’re used to. Sure some awkwardness is normal, but it’ll be fine. Sometimes a ‘sorry,’ though only a word, can do a lot of difference.”


“So you mean all I have to do is talk to her?”


“Yes Princess. Who knows, maybe she’s just waiting for you to do the first step?”


“Ahh… Wait! How did you?”


“How did I know that it’s actually you and Amber?”




“She told Ard yesterday, which Ard told me too. And we also noticed some dullness in Amber’s face these past few days. So, goodluck later Princess.” Lui said as he smiled at me.


“Thanks Lui oppa.” I approached him and gave him a tight hug. I’m really thankful to have Jaejoong, Lui and Ard oppas by my side especially when Sica unnie wasn’t around. They are my big brothers. We broke the hug and Lui patted my head.


“Don’t be so sad li’l Princess. Cheer up!”


“Thanks again Lui!”


“Your welcome Princess. I’ll be much happier if you eat the breakfast I prepared.”


“I’d love to Lui.”


After having breakfast, I went up to my room and took a bath. I then heard the doorbell. After dressing up and drying my hair, I went downstairs to check who arrived first. And there I saw Amber and Sulli.


“You’re early Ssul.”


“Krys! Of course I’m early. It’s been a while since we last hung out in your house.” Sulli said answered me.


I then looked at Amber. “So I see you made it here. Good thing you didn’t get lost.”


“I went with oppa. We rode her cool motorbike. You should see it Krys.”


Oh great Amber. That’s so sweet of you. So you let Ssul ride with you, while you didn’t even ask your very own boss?


“No thanks, I’m not interested in those.” I told her as I crossed my arms and sat beside Sulli.


Sulli and I talked about random things while I secretly steal some glances on Amber, until we heard the doorbell. It’s Luna and the others.


“Ssul! Krys!” Luna yelled as she ran towards us hugged us. I then saw Cheondoong, Onew, Key, Jonghyun, and Minho oppas together with Taemin, Jiyoung and Suzy. We greeted and hugged each other. I can’t believe I’ll be seeing Minho oppa again.


“Hi Krys. It’s been a while.”


“Yes oppa. It’s been like two years.” Minho oppa was my first crush. He’s been like my big brother protecting me, watching over me. I then suddenly realized that I’m starting to like him.


“I’m sorry if I wasn’t able to attend you 14th birthday party.”


“It’s okay oppa. I wasn’t able to go to your 17th birthday as well.”


“So we’re just even I think?”




“It’s only been two years that I didn’t see you, and look at you now. You look much prettier.” He complimented as he pinched my cheeks. I blushed a bit with what he said. I mean who wouldn’t? My childhood crush just complimented me.


“I’ve always been like this oppa.” I said as I stuck my tongue out to him.


“What? Aish my little sister has already grown up!”


We were so busy teasing each other that I totally forgot about Amber. I didn’t even notice Sulli dragging her towards us.


After the introductions, we went to the home theater. Although I wanted to sit beside her, I didn’t have to courage to ask her. I wasn’t able to concentrate on the film knowing that she’s just sitting behind me. I kept on turning my head to the side pretending that I was looking at Minho oppa but I was actually trying to glance at her. Sometimes Minho oppa will also look at me so I just smiled at him. Is she looking at me? I wonder what she’s thinking right now. What am I going to do? How am I supposed to talk to her?


When we’re changing to our swimsuits, Amber was the first one to finish. It’s a good thing because I can’t decide which one to wear. Aish! Why am I thinking too much about which one should I wear? It’s not like I’m trying to impress Amber but I’m just… just… I just want to look y in… in… her eyes… I mean to my friends’ eyes. Aish! I ended up choosing a black one-piece swimsuit, which reveals a part of my belly.


When we got in the pool area, I saw Amber helping Ard, Lui and Jaejoong.


I kept on telling her in my mind, “Hey Amber, look at me! Aren’t I y? Do you think it suits me? Hey…”


“Hey Krys, you look so gorgeous.” Minho oppa complimented me again. But this time, I didn’t blush. Though I lowered my head a bit because of shyness.


“Thanks oppa.”


“Aigoo… Our li’l Krystal is so cute being so shy.” Jonghyun oppa said as he patted my head.


“Yah, you guys! Why are you just complimenting Krystal? We’re wearing our swimsuits too.” Luna unnie said.


They continued teasing each other while I pretend listening to them, laughing occasionally when they laugh. While here I am stealing glances to Amber. I then saw Lui, Ard and Jaejoong left the pool area, to get something inside I think. That’s it, I’ll use this opportunity to talk to her. I stood up and approached Amber. I’ll pretend that I’ll just check if the barbecues are ready.


“Uhm… Hey Amber, are the barbecues ready?”


“Not yet Ms. Krystal, but it’s almost done.” She said without even looking at me. Yah! Aren’t I attractive enough for you? Even Minho oppa said I look gorgeous. Why don’t you just look at me even for a second and tell me that I’m beautiful?!


“Hey Amber oppa, I’m already hungry.” Sulli ran in to her and hugged her from the behind. After breaking the hug, Amber turned around and smiled at Sulli.


“So am I Ssul. Don’t worry the food is almost done. You can try the appetizers first if you really can’t wait.” She said as she patted Sulli’s head.


“I want to taste the one that you’re making oppa.”


“Really? Thanks.”


So what? I was totally ignored now?


“Hey Amber oppa, what do you think of me? How do I look in a swimsuit?”


“Uhm… pretty? y?”


“Yay! Thanks oppa!”


“Yah yah, what about me?” What in the heck did I just say? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! But because of that, she finally looked at me.


“Uhm…” She furrowed her eyebrows, fingers tapping her chin then answered, “pretty and y too.”


“Ahh… Really? Thanks.” What the heck? You just said the same words you used to describe Sulli! I hate you Amber! I hate you!


I faked a smile and jumped into the pool.


“Hey Krystal, can you still do the back flip dive?” Cheondoong oppa asked me.


“Of course oppa!”


“Then let’s do some. All of us should do a trick as we dive on that diving board. How deep is the water there again?” Jonghyun oppa asked.


“12 ft. oppa.”




We started doing some unique and creative way to dive. On my second turn, I did the back flip once again, but as I jumped, my leg cramped. I landed awfully in the water. I can’t move my feet. Air… I need to breathe. A few moments more and I out.


When I woke up, I was already in my room.


“Krys, are you okay? You feel anything? Are you hurt somewhere?” Suzy asked me.


“Yes I’m fine now. I’m not hurt or anything.”


“Thank God you’re okay.” Suzy let out a sigh of relief.


“Yah! Don’t make us worry like that again.” Luna told me.


“We thought you’re going to die.” Sulli said.


“Good thing Amber’s with us.” Ji-young uttered.


“Huh? Amber? Why? What did she do?”


“Well at first we thought that you just had a bad landing on your second dive. Since the food is ready, we left the pool. We were all busy getting food and laughing and didn’t realize that you haven’t got into the surface yet. Until somebody jumped into the pool.” Suzy started telling the story.


“It was Amber oppa. When she got out of the pool, you’re already unconscious. She’s so mad because we didn’t even realize that you’ve been in the water for like two to three minutes already.” Sulli continued.


“We tried waking you up but you’re not breathing.” Luna said.


“Wait, so you’re telling me that I drowned. And then…”


“Yeah. Since none of us know how to do CPR, but Amber…”


“A… Amber…”


“Yes. She’s the one who saved you.” Ji-young told me.


It’s not the idea that Amber saved me that my I felt my heart jump, but the very fact that Amber did CPR on me. Our… lips…


While I was busy thinking about what happened, Amber went into my room carrying a tray of food.


“Uhm… I think we should take a leave for now guys.” Luna told the other girls.


There’s awkwardness again. I sit up on my bed as Amber laid down the tray with food on it.


“I’m sure you’re already hungry.”


“Uhm… yes.” I started eating the food. She then moved towards the glass door to the balcony and faced it.


“You should be careful next time. You made me worry so much.”


That very statement made me stop from chewing for a while.


“You could’ve died, you know that?”


“Are you trying to lecture me?!” I said, raising my voice a bit.


“Yes Ms. Krystal, because you almost died in there!”


“Oh, so you’re raising your voice to your boss now? Don’t you think it’s better if I just died there so you will no longer have to watch over a brat like me?!”


“What?! I never said that you’re a brat Ms. Krystal.”


“You don’t have to say it, because I can feel it.”


“You can feel it? Well let me tell you something Ms. Krystal. Maybe you feel or think that I’ll be happy if you die, but you know what, that very moment that I sensed that there’s something wrong because you haven’t surfaced yet, my heart’s racing like crazy. Let me tell you more specifically what I felt. I was afraid! I was afraid that you’d die, because… because…”


“Because what Amber!?”


She paused for a while. My heart… It’s been racing like crazy too. I wanted to hear your reason Amber.


“Because… you’re… important to me.”


That’s it… I admit I lost in this conversation.


“I’m… I’m sorry if raised my voice Ms. Krystal.” She uttered as she bowed to me, and walked fast to the door.


“Wait! Don’t leave.”


She turned around and faced me.


“I’m… sorry too. I’m sorry for being such a spoiled brat. I’m sorry for being so cold to you these past few days. I’m sorry if kept on avoiding you, while I don’t even know the reason why. I’m sorry if I got mad when you just didn’t notice the way I looked today…” Wait why did I mention that?


“Oh that…” She smiled.


“So do you think I’m beautiful?”


“No. I don’t think you’re beautiful.”


As I have thought. My chest suddenly felt this pain and felt like tears are building up on the sides of my eyes.


“I think you’re beyond it that I can’t even find the words to describe you.”


I lifted my head up and I saw her smiling at me, with those eye smiles. I can feel blood rushing to my head, so I lowered down my head again to hide my blushing face.


“T… Thanks… for the compliment.”


“You’re welcome Princess.”


She was about to leave the room only to be stopped by me again.




“What is it this time Princess?”


“Thank you… for saving me… for watching over me… for taking care of me… for being so patiently teaching me… for everything.”


“You’re always welcome Princess.” She then turned around and before opening the door she said, “It’s my job after all.” With that she left the room.


I suddenly felt the pain in my chest when I heard the last words she said. What am I thinking? Of course it’s her job to protect me. Of course it’s her job to watch over me. Of course… sniff… sniff… because you’re my bodyguard. I cried silently as I eat the lunch Amber brought all the way up here. No wonder the food is salty… I was hurt by the fact that whatever the reason she’s treating me right now, it’s all because she has to, not because she wanted to. Well it’s not that I like her like ‘that’, right? And besides, I’m straight, aren’t I? She’s just a friend, isn’t it? What are you thinking Krystal?

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1139 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.