Chapter 11

The Bodyguard's Krystal


Chapter 11


Amber’s POV


I woke up in the middle of the night because of those dreams… the past that keeps on haunting me up until now. I don’t know why, but somehow that part of my past where I met Kle gave light to the darkness, even for just a small moment. I stood up from my bed and walked towards my closet to get the small box with the memories of my past. There it is. The hanky she gave me.


“I wonder where you are now Kle.” I thought to myself. She gave light to the darkness that’s inside me that moment. I wonder if she can give light to what I’m feeling right now too. Lisa unnie is against to my plan to avenge my parents, and so is Vic unnie. I know it’s not good, but everytime that scene flashback into me, where my parents lie dead on the floor, I seek for revenge. But if there’s really something that I want to know is the reason behind my parents’ death.


I think I sweat too much tonight so I changed my clothes and went outside to the kitchen to get a glass of water. It’s around 2am in the morning the last time I looked at my watch. I’m not that sleepy yet so I decided to take a walk outside the house. Unknowingly, my feet brought me to the garden, to a specific bench. It’s full moon tonight so the light outside is just enough to see what’s in there… who’s sitting on that bench.


Krystal’s POV


I woke up in the middle of the night for unknown reasons. There are just some nights where I wake up in the middle of the night and I find it hard to go back to sleep again. So I just went outside to my usual spot where I can see the beauty nature. What made the scenery more beautiful is the fact that it’s full moon tonight. I was busy listening to my iPod with only one earphone in my ears, enjoying the cold breeze and the view, until…


“Why are you still awake Princess?” a familiar voice asked me. I turned around to see her face again.


“Correction, I just woke up. I can’t go back to sleep again so I went down here to relax. You? Why are you here? Why are you still awake?” I asked her in return.


“I just woke up too Princess. And same as your reason, I can’t go back to sleep again so I decided to walk around the compound until my feet led me here.” she answered.


“Ahh… Is that so? hmm… Want to have a sit?” I asked her as I moved over to the side giving her space to sit.


“Thanks Princess.”


We sat there for a few minutes in silence. I tried to break it by singing along with the song playing in my iPod.


I’m staring out at the sky

Praying that he will walk in my life

Where is the man of my dreams?

I wait forever how seriously


How does he laugh; how does he cry?

What’s the color of his eyes?

Does he even realize I’m here?


Where is he? Where is he?

Where is this beautiful guy?

Who is he? Who is he?

Who’s gonna take me so high?

Where is he? Where is he?

Where is this beautiful guy?

Who is he? Who is he?

Who’s gonna take me so high?




Amber suddenly sang the next line… The line sang by the guy. I didn’t know that she knows this song too.


There’s someone out there for me

I know she’s waiting so patiently


I was surprised but after she sang the next two lines, I did the second voice, just as it is in the song.


Can you tell me her name? (Can you tell me his name?)

This lifelong search is gonna drive me insane.


How does he laugh; how does he cry?

What’s the color of his eyes?

Does he even realize I’m here?


Where is she? Where is she?

Where is this beautiful girl?

Who is she? Who is she?

Who’s gonna complete my world?

Where is he? Where is he?

Where is this beautiful guy?

Who is he? Who is he?

Who’s gonna take me so high?


“Woah! Didn’t know you know that song, and that you can sing!”


“You didn’t ask Princess, but yeah I can sing a little. It just so happen that I know that song so I sang the guy’s part since I have a low voice.” She told me as she showed her bright smile. That smile is so bright that it made me smile at her too.


“You’re English is good too Princess.”


“Of course I’m good. I grew up in America with my sister. We just moved here because our parents want my sister to start knowing the company. I just tagged along because I don’t want to be left alone in the States.”


“Oh… So that’s why. Where did you live then?”


“San Fo.”


“I stayed in LA before. Remember when I told you, Sulli and Luna that I studied in the US for a few years before going back here? So… yeah… Actually I went to San Francisco once to visit a friend and spend Christmas break with her and her family. I think it’s Christmas last two years.”


“Really? We spent Christmas last two years there too!”


“Really? Woah! It’s like we’re already near each other but too far away to know or meet each other.”


“Yeah… you know what, I’m just wondering, what if we met each other before?” I don’t know why but that idea just popped out of my mind.


“Huh?” Aish… Of course she’ll think it’s impossible too.


“I mean what if we met each other before when we were little, and we just forgot about it. I know it’s impossible, but isn’t it fun?”


“What’s so funny about that?”


“Uhm…” I know it’ll sound weird but… “You know… It’s like destiny really wants us to know each other. Hahaha.”


“Who knows Princess…”


There’s another moment of awkward silence again after that conversation. I put my other earphone in her ear, which startled her a bit.


“I don’t know if you like the type of music that I listen to, but just listen. For me it’s just perfect.”


“Uhm… okay. If that’s what you want Princess.”


I fell asleep and the next thing I know, I was already in my room. I wonder if Amber carried me up here. I wasn’t even able to thank her for accompanying me last night. Oh, I can just look for her downstairs. I hope she’s awake already, since it’s 9:30am anyway.


As I went down to the dining area, I saw Lui preparing the table for breakfast.


“Goodmorning Princess.”


“Goodmorning Lui. Uhm… Can I ask you something?”


“Anything Princess.”


“Have you seen Amber? Is she awake already?”


“After carrying you to your room, she took a nap. Two hours ago she had breakfast and left right after she ate.” Wow, this is what I like about Lui and the other butlers. They’re very detailed when answering my questions. But I was a bit disappointed that Amber left so early in the morning.


“Where did she go? Her off is yesterday so she’s not supposed to go anywhere today. And if she’s going somewhere, she has to ask for my permission first.”


“That’s what I told her Princess, but since you’re still sleeping, and she said that it’s important and that she’ll be back after lunch, I let her go. It’s not like I can prevent her from going too.”


“She better prepare for some punishment later.” I mumbled to myself.



Amber’s POV


I’m supposed to go to Nicole’s place by lunch but I decided to leave earlier. I bought some flowers and went in front of the Han River. I go there whenever I feel talking to my parents and Lisa unnie or Jason. I feel like the river somehow connects me to the people who died for me or because of me.


I said a little prayer for them first before putting the flowers on the water and letting it flow, hoping that at the end of the river, in the next life, they will somehow get it with my message of love and longing for them.


“Lisa unnie… How I wish you were still here with me. The past still haunts me a lot. And whenever I have nightmares, I remember how you will go and get some water for me. You’re always there to listen to me. You introduced me to your God and taught me how to pray. How I miss your lullabies… your soft voice, which always calms my troubled heart put me to sleep.


“Earlier, I remembered you in the person of my boss. You both have such soft voice that can calm my heart, my soul. I don’t know why but when she started to sing a song, and it so happened that I know it too, I sang along with her. Why do I feel so calm and comfortable when I’m with her? Like I can smile comfortably… Like I can be the playful and jolly Liu Yi Yun and not the vengeful M.


“I also dreamt about Kle. I already told you about her. You even said what if she’s my soulmate. But I think it’s impossible unnie, since I haven’t met her again after that. And besides, she’s only two. How can she possibly remember me?


“The mind can forget, but the heart can’t is what you told me. Really unnie? But what you said is true. My heart still can’t forget the pain I felt on that day. I still can’t forget how my heart was shattered into pieces.


“Unnie… You’re still watching over me right? Please continue to do so. Sure I want to avenge my parents’ death, but don’t let me lose myself into the darkness.”


“Jason, I wasn’t even able to say goodbye to you. I was just surprised when I saw you on TV the next morning when I was already in Seoul, lifeless. Thank you for protecting me. Because of you, I met Kle. Without you, I’ll be dead by now, or maybe a crazy person left in the streets begging, collecting social graces. You became a parent to me, even for just 2-3 weeks, but those 3 weeks are the hardest for me. And I’m glad that I have someone like you for those hard weeks. Oh, I’ve found out what happened to Uncle Cao by the way. I will track him down, and I might use the name you wanted to give me before, Yoo Il-un.”


I stayed there for a while, and before I knew it, it’s almost 10am. I want to somehow buy something for Nicole so I got up to where I’m sitting and drove my way to the mall. For sure she won’t let me pay her services so I would want to at least give her something. I wandered around the mall until I decided what to give her. I dropped by a cake shop at the mall. I browsed all of the cakes first then, a mango cake caught my attention.


Heh. Krystal’s favorite eh?” I thought to myself as I smirked when I remembered what Jaejoong hyung told me.


“Excuse me miss, can I have this chocolate cake please?”


I got a chocolate cake for Nicole, but I kept my eye on the mango cake as I leave the shop. Maybe I’ll try to drop by again later?


After a few minutes, I was already at Nicole’s. I pushed the doorbell and after a few seconds, the door opened.


“Come in Amber. I’ll just finish this first. Just sit in one of the couches first and feel at home.” I heard her say coming from the kitchen. Instead of sitting, I walked all the way to the kitchen to see a busy Nicole preparing lunch.


“Yah, I told you to just sit down on one of the couches, so why are you here?”


“I bought some cake, and I think I have to put this one in your fridge first.”


“Wow, thanks! Since I’m almost done here, will you please help me in preparing the table?”




Her workplace/office is also her apartment. Her apartment has a mezzanine and that’s where her real ‘house’ is, more of just a ‘bedroom.’ The rest of the room is modified and divided into 3: a small living room, which also serves as the dining area, a kitchen, and her workroom.


After eating lunch and a little chitchat, I gave her the watch I bought yesterday.


“This one’s a nice watch eh?” She said as she observed the watch. “So what do you want me to put here?”


“A tracking device and… a built-in mic/voice recorder.”


“Okay. Do you have you iPhone with you?”


“Yup. Here.” I said as I pulled it out from my pocket and hand it over to her.


“Good. I will put the software for the tracking device and v-recorder here. I’ll BBM you when it’s done.”


I use Blackberry as my main phone and I use iPhone as my “special” phone. My iPhone’s been modified by Nicole a lot before, and it’s quite helpful, and handy.


I left after some more chitchat with her. As I passed by the mall, I remembered the mango cake I saw earlier so I took a U-turn and walked into the cake shop. I stared at the cake for a quite a long time until I decided to buy it.


As I returned to the mansion, I walked straight to the main kitchen and put the cake into the fridge.


“You’re dead young man.” a voice told me. I turned to the direction of the voice and saw Lui hyung looking at me.


“What do you mean hyung?”


“Well unfortunately, the Princess looked for you earlier and when I told her that you left, she became mad. You better prepare for the punishment kiddo.”


“Punishment? I told you it’s something important.”


“I told her that.”


“Aish! Whatever, I’ll just go to my room first and take a nap.”


Ignoring what Lui hyung’s warning, I went to my room and took a nap. The mango cake… I wonder if she’ll like it, also the dried mangoes I bought on my way to the mall’s parking lot.


When I woke up, I took a shower and prepared my notes. I’ll have to tutor the Princess again so I went upstairs, to her room.


Knock knock…


“Ms. Krystal, this is Amber. Can I come in?”


“Neh.” The voice from the other side of the room said.


“Okay I’m coming in now.”


As came in I saw the Princess sitting in front of the room’s glassdoor to the balcony, where you can see the beautiful sunset. She’s sitting there while reading a book. The reddish to somewhat orange light coming from the setting sun reflected on her white skin, giving it a nice, unique glow. The scene I’m witnessing right now is so beautiful. It’s so beautiful you would think it’s a painting made not by van Gogh, Da Vinci or Michaelangelo but a painting made by God himself. I stared at her for a long time until she noticed it.


“Where are you staring at?”


Great… Think Amber, think.


“I’m staring at the beautiful sunset right across your balcony Princess.”


“Oh… It’s beautiful, isn’t it? This is what I like in this room. So what did you come in here for?”


“I came here for your tutorial lessons Ms. Krystal.”


“What? But it’s Sunday today!” She pouted.


“I know Ms. Krystal, but remember we had an assignment in Math and Korean language.”


“Aish! Math?! Not again…”


We started our lessons and finished the first half for two hours, with 5-minute breaks of course, every 15-30 minutes. Although she’s really having trouble with Math, I like how she does her best in understanding the problems and try answering them.


I went to the employees’ kitchen to eat my dinner while Krystal had her dinner in the dining hall. Of course I didn’t forget to ask Lui hyung to serve the mango cake I bought earlier. I hope she’ll like it. She deserves it anyway. She worked harder than I thought she would.


Before we started the 2nd half of our lessons, she asked me something about earlier.


“Where did you go earlier?”




“I said, where did you go earlier? Lui said you left early because of something important. If it’s really important, why didn’t you tell it to me?”


“Oh, that… I’m sorry Young Miss, but you’re fast asleep so I just told Lui hyung.”


“Why didn’t you just wait for me to wake up or just woke me up?”


“But I…”


“And besides, it’s not your day off today remember?”


“Y… Yes.”


“Therefore, you violated some house rules. And because of that, I’m forbidding you to be near me, Luna and Sulli at school. You’re not allowed to be near me within 5-meter radius. Do you understand?”


“I understand Young Miss.”


So you’re trying to make things harder for me again eh? We started studying again and finished after two hours. I bid her goodbye and goodnight before going to her door. When I was only a few steps away behind the door, she ordered me to stay a little bit longer.


“Thank you Amber… for the cake.”


“Oh, you mean the mango cake? How did you know about it?”


“Lui and Ard told me.”


Aish! Those ahjussis…



Krystal’s POV


The next morning


“So how are your weekend girls?” Our teacher asked us.


The whole class is silent. Who would be interested to answer our Math teacher anyway? Who would even want to go to school this early just to go to Math class? I looked at Amber’s direction and her facial expression is so neutral.


“Sure you enjoyed it? It’s almost Christmas break, and because I love my students… I want you to become better students in Math. So, bring out your pencils and keep your books and notes, we’ll be having a surprise test.”




Everyone inside the room started to panic, except for Amber. We tried to glance over our notes as if it would help us answering the test.


“Okay… You can start answering now. You have 40 minutes to answer 15 problems. That’s too much time for you to answer those “easy” problems.”


Easy? It was easy for you since you are the one who made this test, babo teacher! When I flipped over my test paper and started reading the first problem, I was surprised. How come it’s so easy? Wait… I’ll read the rest of the problems first. Hoooly s***! This test is really easy. It’s good to know that I can understand the problem and can solve it.


“Math problems are all the same. They just kept on repeating, asking the same questions but with different givens. You just have to look for everything in the question itself.”


I just remembered what Amber told me once while she’s tutoring me. Tsk… Guess I have to thank you again. I finished earlier than the others, or someone finished before me?


“Ms. Amber? Ms. Krystal? Are you guys done already?” Our teacher asked us when he noticed that we’ve put our pens down already.


“Yes teacher.” I hear Amber said to him.


“You can hand me your papers now.”


We both stood up and walked towards him to pass the paper.


“Please wait outside while the others are still answering the test. You can go to the bathroom or cafeteria or anywhere around the campus, just don’t be noisy, and come back after the period.”


With that, we both gathered our things and went outside the room. I started walking towards the school infirmary since I’m starting to feel some pain on my head. Expectedly, Amber was following me.


“Goodmorning student.” Someone greeted when he heard the door opened.


“It’s me Khail oppa.” Khail oppa was the school nurse since my sister’s time. And yes, I call him oppa since we, the Jung sisters were close to him, and as his request too.


“Oh, it’s you Krystal. What brought my favorite student/patient here? Are you hurt somewhere? And oh, a companion?” He asked as he saw Amber behind me.


“I’m having a headache oppa. And yes, this is Amber, she is a new student here.”


“Ohh… I see. Here you go, drink this and maybe you want to take a nap?”


“Thanks oppa, will do.”


I took the medicine he gave me and took a nap.



Amber’s POV


Why do I have this feeling that this guy can’t be trusted? Better be careful. I have to stay by Krystal’s side until she wakes up.


“I’ve been the school nurse of this institution ever since Jessica’s time. How come I can’t be trusted? I’ve been watching over the Jungs’ health whenever they’re in school ever since I met them.” Khail-sshi told me as if he read my mind. Wait… He just read my mind. Don’t tell me he’s a…


Yup, you’re right… I’m also a musketeer… One of the Jungs’ Musketeers.” He didn’t say anything but I heard a voice. Wait…. don’t tell me we’re having a mental conversation?


“You’re right again kiddo.”


“What? I didn’t know teleknesis so how come I…”


“Didn’t they tell you that once you’ve become a musketeer, you’d be able to have telekinetic powers? But you can only talk to US, musketeers, mentally, not to other people.”


“But… Why?”


“That is what we don’t know. Maybe the will to protect the Jung sisters and make them happy, which unified us, made it possible for us to be one in mind.”


“So you mean…”


“Yep, that only means, you’re also more than willing to do your job as Krystal’s bodyguard.”


“What? How did you know that I’m her bodyguard?”


“D told me. You’re already one of us anyway. So, welcome to the club?”


“This is weird and at the same time amazing.”


“It’s fun… mwahahahaha… Anyway, why don’t you sit on that chair beside the bed where Krystal’s sleeping?”


“Oh, yeah. Thanks…”


“Khail hyung, or simply hyung…”


“Thanks hyung.”


“You’re welcome kiddo. Anyway I’d better leave you guys alone for a while. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet so I’ll just go to the cafeteria first. You keep an eye on the Li’l Princess.”


“Will do hyung.”


With that, he left Krystal and me inside the infirmary. I approached the sleeping beauty as she’s enjoying her morning nap. Sleepy head… I sat on the chair beside the bed and examined her face. She looks like she’s having a dream… a good one. I wonder what she’s been dreaming of.


As I stare at her beautiful face, I remembered what happened last night. That was the first time that I heard her sing. Her voice is like that of an angel. I don’t know why but I at that very moment in time, I suddenly felt like I want to be the closest person to her, to hear her voice. So I asked Nicole to install a mic on the watch instead of just the transmitting device. Princess Krystal Jung, what is it in you that make me feel so calm, as the waves of the sea touches the sands of the shore in a quiet beach on a sunset; calm as the birds fly up in the sky before the sky becomes dark; calm as the cool breeze touches my skin as I stand up in the middle of your garden.


“Do I have some dirt on my face?”

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1140 streak #1
Chapter 36: Masterpiece!
Chapter 36: Not gonna comment on how stupid I am for not noticing this masterpiece earlier. 🙄 BUT!!!!
This is good, like super good. Twisted twist that I can't twist it anymore. And rereading this in 2021 after aespa debuted is quite....... Something, idk. Winter Liu. Also possible. Damn. SM is legitly a big happy fam from jaejoong(dbsk) to winter(aespa).

bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 37: Thank you for sharing this fiction, me love reading it. Love the way Krystal fight for Amber's love.
Chapter 36: I can't believe it i survived xD Nice story!!!
ed_peniel #6
Its getting bored
Mika14 #7
Chapter 17: What's the title of the song in Chapte?
Chapter 36: wow nice story!!!!
Chapter 2: Why does it looks like another story?? amp i think i read a story that is super like this.. damn..
Chapter 37: You know author, I'm waiting for the stories that you mentioned in your A/N here. I hope you'd have the time to post them keke.