Chapter 7

Follow Me and Run

The weeks fly past, over the course of which Sehun manages to successfully learn two dances, get Jongin’s phone number, and befriend everyone in his class. As Sehun walks out of class laughing and talking with Jongin one day, he notices that the others are behaving strangely. Yixing has his head tilted to the side, his forehead scrunched in confusion as he stares out at the road. Next to him, Tao’s eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly agape as he focuses on the same area as Yixing. Even Luhan and Minseok, normally too caught up in each other as they walk hand-in-hand to notice the outside world, are looking with interest out at the street.

Sehun follows their gazes and tenses slightly when he sees the expensive luxury car parked outside the building, so out of place on the modest street corner. A young man in an impeccable suit and sunglasses is leaning against the car casually. “Wait here,” Sehun tells Jongin quickly, who looks a little bewildered, but does as he’s told.

Sehun makes his way over to the car, pointedly ignoring the amazed looks on all his friends’ faces. They all know he’s rich, of course, but it’s the first time they’ve really seen the degree of his wealth. “Hi Sehunnie!” Junmyeon calls sunnily. Apart from the bright smile adorning his face, he looks every inch the son of a wealthy businessman that he is.

“What are you doing here, Junmyeon-hyung?” Sehun sighs.

“What, I can’t come pick up my favorite brother from dance class?” Junmyeon pretends to look offended.

“I’m your only brother,” Sehun reminds him, rolling his eyes. He isn’t really upset, just confused as to why Junmyeon is here. “But really, you’ve never come to pick me up before. What’s the occasion?”

“Well.” Junmyeon’s smile dims slightly. “Mother and Father are in a mood today, and I thought that you might want to go out for lunch instead of going home.”

Sehun immediately understands. “That was a good thought,” he says gratefully.

Something on his face must have given away that there was more to the statement than that, because Junmyeon asks, “But?”

“I was actually gonna go eat with one of my friends,” Sehun admits.

“Bring him along.” Junmyeon waves it off. “It’ll be fun! I haven’t met one of your friends in forever.”

Sehun wants to point out that he literally saw Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Jongdae less than 24 hours ago, but he also knows that Junmyeon doesn’t count them in the “Sehun’s friends” category anymore because they’ve all been Junmyeon’s friends too for years now. “I’d have to ask Jongin if he’s okay with it, though.”

“Ask me what?” Jongin appears at Sehun’s side, looking a little disgruntled. He indicates Junmyeon. “So, who’s this?”

“Jongin, this is my brother, Junmyeon,” Sehun informs him. “Hyung, this is Kim Jongin.”

Jongin’s rather unhappy expression is immediately replaced by something like nervousness as Junmyeon takes in his piercings and eyeliner. Sehun knows he’s expecting judgement from Junmyeon, but luckily, Junmyeon is the most atypical aspiring businessman the world has ever seen, so his smile just widens as he holds out a hand for Jongin to shake. “Nice to meet you!” he beams. “Sehun was just saying that you were planning to go get something to eat. Mind if I tag along with you youngsters?”

“Hyung, stop trying to be cool,” Sehun groans. “You’re embarrassing.”

Jongin, on the other hand, far from looking embarrassed, appears to be delighted by Junmyeon’s suggestion, a bright smile on his face as he returns the handshake. “Of course not, Junmyeon-ssi, it would be a pleasure.”

“Please, you can call me hyung,” Junmyeon says airily. “You’re Sehunnie’s friend, there’s no need for formalities.”

Jongin looks entirely too pleased at the situation. “Why did I agree to this again?” Sehun mutters, mostly to himself.

“You love us,” Jongin sing-songs. “Come on, Sehunnie, let’s go!”

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Yha-mhine #1
Chapter 27: Omg.. This is amazing.. I wish there is an epilogue.. But all in all its amazing
lirrypad #2
Chapter 27: I love this...i really do, all my fav pairings into one story,perfect. In my head chenlay are dating lol....are you going to do a sequel?
yurrick #3
Chapter 27: oh my gosh, i just powered through this story for the past two hours and #NOREGRETS !!! i love lmr aus so much ESPECIALLY SEKAI ONES OOF and this one was so cute!! thank you so much for writing it!

p.s. is there gonna be an epilogue/extra chapter ? im somewhat curious on life after sekai’s departure but a part of me wants it to stay a mystery! idk if that makes sense lololol