Chapter 20

Follow Me and Run

The showcase ends before midnight, but of course, after a flurry of congratulations, praise, hugs, and overly-large bouquets (courtesy of Junmyeon), the friends decide to grab something to eat together in celebration. Kris jokingly suggests that they get a bottle of champagne, which causes a ruckus among the underage boys who are all for the idea. They’re swiftly shut down by Junmyeon moments later, who thoroughly scolds Kris for bringing it up in the first place. Still, Sehun can tell that everyone is having a good time regardless, judging by how warm and happy they all are as they share food and lean against each other contentedly.

It’s nearly two in the morning when they finally say their goodbyes, Luhan and Minseok bringing Kyungsoo to his house before heading off to their shared apartment; Kris driving Tao home; Yixing giving Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Jongdae a lift to Jongdae’s house; and Junmyeon taking Sehun and Jongin in his car so they have more time to spend together before Jongin gets dropped off at home.

The moment Sehun and Junmyeon enter their house, Sehun knows something is wrong. The lights are all on despite the late hour, which can only mean one thing: their parents are home earlier than they said they would be. Sehun immediately knows there’s no way he can worm his way out of this. Even if he tries to lie about where they were, the remnants of his makeup are still visible, he’s still in his duet outfit, and moreover, his parents aren’t stupid; they know tonight was the night of the showcase.

Sure enough, Sehun and Junmyeon hesitantly turn the corner to find their father standing in the hallway, arms crossed menacingly, a furious expression on his face. “So,” he starts grimly. “You’ve decided that some stupid dance performance is worth directly disobeying your parents?”

“Father -” Junmyeon tries to interrupt, but he’s cut off.

“Silence, Junmyeon. I’ll speak with you later about your role in all this,” their father says dismissively. He turns back to Sehun. “This is really the last straw, Sehun. Time and time again, your mother and I have made concessions for you, and you simply take us for granted.”

“What concessions?” Sehun snaps, unable to stop himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Junmyeon wince. “When have you ever willingly allowed me to do anything I wanted to? You only let me do things because they make you look good, or because Junmyeon-hyung managed to convince you to let me. I haven’t taken anything for granted, because you’ve never allowed me to have that luxury.”

Sehun’s father is stony-faced. “If you ever speak like that to me again -”

“Like what?” Sehun interrupts. “Like I actually care? Like it matters to me how my own parents treat me?”

“We’ve tried, Sehun.” His father’s tone is frigid and unforgiving. “Your brother has never given us this kind of trouble.”

“For your information,” Junmyeon cuts in coldly, “his brother is just better at hiding it.”

It successfully distracts their father for a moment, and he turns to face Junmyeon, one eyebrow raised. “And what do you mean by that, exactly?”

Junmyeon doesn’t even flicker an eyelid as he stares their father down. “I’m dating Kris,” he reveals.

“Hyung!” Sehun gasps. “What are you doing?” Junmyeon’s eyes meet Sehun’s for a moment. Sehun sees the anger, the passion, the determination blazing in them and immediately understands. He’s trying to take the hit, Sehun realizes. He’s trying to shift the attention away from Sehun, and he’s doing it by revealing his biggest, most incriminating secret. Sehun kind of feels like crying at how brave his brother is, at how lucky he really is to have Junmyeon.

“I’ve been dating him for five years,” Junmyeon continues steadily. Their father already looks ready to explode, but Junmyeon doesn’t stop there. Sehun watches in morbid fascination as Junmyeon’s hand moves towards the collar of his shirt; he can’t believe Junmyeon’s nerve. “He asked me to marry him a few weeks ago, Father, and you know what?” He pulls the chain that’s hanging around his neck out from under his shirt to reveal the ring hanging there. “I said yes.”

Their father turns an interesting shade of purple as he stares, first at the ring, and then at his older son as if he’s never truly seen him before. “Junmyeon,” he starts, his voice tense with rage. “Think about what you’re doing. Think about your future, about the company’s future.”

“That’s all you’ve ever thought about, Father,” Junmyeon says scathingly. “‘What’s best for the company?’ ‘How does this affect our image?’ Have you ever considered that maybe it’s possible to successfully run a business while being married to someone you actually know and love and want to be married to?”

Their father narrows his eyes, considering Junmyeon’s words. He nods curtly a few moments later, seemingly having come to a decision. “There’s merit in what you say, Junmyeon. I certainly do not approve of your choice,” he shudders slightly at the apparent thought of Kris, “but as you will be taking over one day, I suppose I can allow your marriage.”

Sehun discreetly lets out a sigh of relief. Junmyeon appears to do the same. “Thank you, Father.”

The feeling of relief only lasts a second, because their father turns back to Sehun, and his face is far less forgiving. “Unfortunately, Sehun has repeatedly insinuated that he doesn’t desire to join you. As such, it’s only fitting that his image be restored in some other way.” Sehun winces, and Junmyeon’s eyes widen in horror. “Absolutely no more dancing, of course, but certainly no more of that punk rabble or those three hooligans, either. The only way to quell your need to rebel seems to be to give you no way to do so.” He glances at Junmyeon quickly, who’s shooting daggers at him with his eyes. “And of course, I already have a son marrying outside the usual spectrum, so no one will question your age.” He stares straight at Sehun. There isn’t an ounce of warmth in his gaze. “Which is why I will be arranging for you to be married next month.”

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Yha-mhine #1
Chapter 27: Omg.. This is amazing.. I wish there is an epilogue.. But all in all its amazing
lirrypad #2
Chapter 27: I love this...i really do, all my fav pairings into one story,perfect. In my head chenlay are dating lol....are you going to do a sequel?
yurrick #3
Chapter 27: oh my gosh, i just powered through this story for the past two hours and #NOREGRETS !!! i love lmr aus so much ESPECIALLY SEKAI ONES OOF and this one was so cute!! thank you so much for writing it!

p.s. is there gonna be an epilogue/extra chapter ? im somewhat curious on life after sekai’s departure but a part of me wants it to stay a mystery! idk if that makes sense lololol