Chapter 10

Follow Me and Run

“I want you to meet someone,” Jongin tells Sehun after class is over one day. “You know my friend who comes to pick me up sometimes?”

“You mean the one who glares at me like I murdered his cat every single time he looks at me?” Sehun retorts, shuddering a little.

Jongin shoves his shoulder lightly. “Come on, don’t be dramatic. Kyungsoo is just a little wary, that’s all. He thinks of me as his little brother even though he’s not that much older than me, so he can be overprotective. But he’s my best friend, and he’s harmless, really.” Sehun can relate; after all, Chanyeol is exactly the same way. Still, he feels a bit tense as they make their way outside.

Kyungsoo, as expected, is already glowering at Sehun as they make their way over to him. Sehun kind of wants to run away, but he knows this is important to Jongin, so he stays where he is. “Kyungsoo, this is Sehun,” Jongin tells him, apparently oblivious to his friend’s distrustful gaze.

For a moment, Kyungsoo appears to be surprised, but his expression almost immediately shifts back to menacing. “This is the guy you’ve been talking nonstop ab-”

“And Sehun, this is Kyungsoo,” Jongin interrupts hurriedly, blushing slightly.

“Your best friend,” Sehun completes for him and Jongin nods enthusiastically. For Jongin’s sake, Sehun swallows his uncertainty and turns to face Kyungsoo directly. “It’s, um, nice to meet you.” He hesitantly offers his hand for Kyungsoo to shake.

Kyungsoo eyes it distastefully but grudgingly shakes his hand. “You too,” he says, sounding like he doesn’t entirely mean it. “You’re the rich kid, aren’t you?” It’s phrased as a question, but it feels more like an accusation.

“Kyungsoo!” Jongin shoves him lightly. “Be nice.”

Sehun, on the other hand, had been expecting it and simply shrugs it off. “Yeah, that’s me.” He lets out a self-deprecating laugh. “I would be upset about your clear dislike of me, but I get it. I’m just a spoiled and entitled kid who has every material possession I could possibly want. I would hate me too.”

Kyungsoo looks quite taken aback and a bit guilty. “I didn’t - I don’t hate you.”

“It’s fine, honestly,” Sehun sighs. “Maybe you don’t hate me, but you clearly don’t trust me either, which is fine. I just want you to know that I might seem like I have it all going for me, but there’s a lot of things about my life that I wish I had the ability to change.”

“Fair enough,” Kyungsoo concedes. He looks like he’s still trying to riddle Sehun out, but at least he isn’t glaring daggers at him anymore.

The exchange is apparently is enough to appease Jongin, because he beams happily at both of them. “I’m really glad you two finally met. I would’ve introduced you sooner, but -”

He pauses, and Sehun fills in the blank for him. “You weren’t sure if we’d get along.” Jongin nods hesitantly. Sehun glances at Kyungsoo again, locking eyes with him and trying to gauge his expression. He’s difficult to read, but Sehun can see the resolve in his face and knows that for Jongin, Kyungsoo is at least going to try. He turns back to Jongin and smiles reassuringly. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, Jongin. I think we’re going to be fine.”

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Yha-mhine #1
Chapter 27: Omg.. This is amazing.. I wish there is an epilogue.. But all in all its amazing
lirrypad #2
Chapter 27: I love this...i really do, all my fav pairings into one story,perfect. In my head chenlay are dating lol....are you going to do a sequel?
yurrick #3
Chapter 27: oh my gosh, i just powered through this story for the past two hours and #NOREGRETS !!! i love lmr aus so much ESPECIALLY SEKAI ONES OOF and this one was so cute!! thank you so much for writing it!

p.s. is there gonna be an epilogue/extra chapter ? im somewhat curious on life after sekai’s departure but a part of me wants it to stay a mystery! idk if that makes sense lololol