Chapter 26

Follow Me and Run

Because their friends are the way they are, they throw Sehun and Jongin a running away party the night before they plan to leave. “It’s like a going-away party,” Tao explains. “Like for when people go to university and stuff. Except you’re running away instead.”

Understanding as ever about Sehun’s inability to go anywhere during the day, the party is arranged to take place at Luhan and Minseok’s apartment, which is reasonably close to Sehun’s house, starting at midnight. “You guys seriously didn’t have to do this,” Sehun tells them once everyone has arrived. “You could’ve thrown the party at a normal time, it would’ve been fine.”

“But then you wouldn’t have been here,” Luhan points out. “And that defeats the whole purpose of throwing the party in the first place.”

“We did this because we wanted you here, Sehun-ah,” Minseok adds warmly. “And no one is upset about the unusual start time. We all care about you too much for that.” They both smile at him fondly, and Sehun can’t stop himself from tugging them both into a tight hug.

“Thank you so much,” he mumbles into Luhan’s shoulder as they both pat his back comfortingly. “You’re both amazing.”

“We do our best.” Luhan acts like it’s nothing as they pull apart, brushing it off, but his eyes are shining with a mixture of happiness and something that looks suspiciously like tears. Minseok’s expression is similar, a combination of pleased and misty-eyed. They’re holding hands, the way they often are, and even though he and Luhan have always jokingly given each other a hard time about each other’s relationships, Sehun is suddenly overwhelmed by the realization of how much he’s going to miss them.

Sehun is cornered by a determined-looking Kyungsoo as he’s pouring himself a glass of soda some time later. “Let’s sit down,” Kyungsoo says in lieu of a greeting.

“Okay,” Sehun agrees immediately, sensing that it isn’t really a suggestion. They sit down against the wall, somewhat separated from the rest of the group. “What’s up?”

“I think you know,” Kyungsoo replies heavily. “You’re running away with my best friend, after all.”

“Kyungsoo, I -” Sehun tries to speak, but Kyungsoo shakes his head, smiling softly.

“I’m not threatening you or anything, Sehun-ah,” he reassures him. “You’re one of my best friends too, and I trust you. I can see how much you love him, and believe me when I say I know how much he loves you too. I just want you to promise that you’ll take care of him.”

“Of course I will,” Sehun says automatically. “He’s my first priority.”

“I know,” Kyungsoo returns. “And you’re his.” Sehun tilts his head in confusion and Kyungsoo laughs lightly. “I’ve already had this conversation with him about you, you know.”

“I always knew you cared,” Sehun grins, pulling Kyungsoo into an abrupt hug. “We’re gonna miss you so much, Kyungsoo, you better be prepared for multiple calls a day from both of us.”

“I guess I can make time for that.” Kyungsoo pretends to sigh resignedly, but he returns Sehun’s hug fiercely. “Be careful out there, all right? And don’t forget about us.”

“I could never,” Sehun returns, and he really means it.

Tao is the next to try and talk to Sehun one-on-one, although he doesn’t manage to get many words out before tears start to spill out of his eyes. “I’m gonna miss you so much Sehunnie!” he wails. “We can’t be the maknae trio together anymore! I’ll forgive you, but only if you promise you’ll text me every day!”

“I’ll miss you too,” Sehun says mournfully, wrapping his arms around Tao immediately. “And of course I’ll text you, how else will I be able to stay updated about your latest martial arts exploits?”

Tao lets out a watery laugh. “You stopped being impressed by that months ago.”

Sehun just shrugs and smiles. “Who knows, maybe some distance will get me feeling amazed at your skills all over again.” Tao punches him gently in the arm in retaliation before hugging him again and then running off to wash his face and erase any evidence that he cried.

The next time Sehun finds himself talking to someone alone, it’s because he sought the person out himself. “Kris-hyung,” he starts urgently. “I need to talk to you really quick.” Kris raises an eyebrow but motions for Sehun to continue. Sehun takes a deep breath. “Please look after Junmyeon-hyung. I know we’ll be seeing you again relatively soon, but I also know he’s taking this harder than he wants to admit.”

“You know I will,” Kris says simply. “I always have. And I know how much he wants to hide his feelings, but I’ll make sure he’s all right. You have my word, Sehun-ah.”

“Thank you,” Sehun tells him gratefully. “I know I told you once that I thought of you as my dad, but I’m really glad that soon, I’ll be able to call you my brother-in-law.”

“Don’t get all sappy on me now,” Kris warns jokingly before ruffling Sehun’s hair fondly. “You’re a good kid, Sehunnie. It’ll be nice to be able to call you my brother-in-law too.”

“Sehunnie! Come here for a second!” Jongin calls from where he’s standing with Yixing. Kris sends him off with a fleeting hug and a warning to be careful “out there in the real world.”

“Sehun-ah, Jonginnie,” Yixing addresses them seriously after Sehun walks over, Jongin’s arm automatically winding its way around his waist as Sehun stops next to him. “I wanted to talk to both of you together before you leave.” He looks at them earnestly. “I’ve known Jongin for much longer, but I love both of you very much. Please take care of yourselves and of each other, okay?”

Sehun has always known Yixing to be very straightforward, but it kind of makes him want to cry now. Jongin, on the other hand, really does tear up, and Sehun quietly steps aside so that Jongin can hug Yixing firmly. Yixing has always been a role model for Jongin, Sehun knows. Out of everyone in their dance class, Yixing was the one that Jongin really strove to emulate, and Sehun lets them have their moment. “I love you too, Yixing-hyung. I’m gonna miss you so much,” Jongin mumbles into his shoulder as Yixing his hair soothingly.

When Jongin releases Yixing, Sehun also embraces Yixing tightly. “I love you, hyung, don’t forget about us!”

“I could never forget about you,” Yixing states, tilting his head to the side as if the concept of forgetting them is entirely foreign to him. Sehun knows that he’s being completely sincere, because even though Yixing is probably the most absentminded person he knows, he’s also one of the most loyal people Sehun has ever come across.

“We won’t forget you either,” Jongin promises, trying to wipe at his eyes discreetly.

Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Jongdae suddenly arrive on the scene. “Xing Xing-ge, you should go try the cake Kyungsoo baked,” Jongdae suggests, pointing in the general direction of the table.

Yixing gives him a puzzled look. “But I already -”

“It’s so good,” Baekhyun adds insistently as Chanyeol tries to physically direct Yixing towards the food. “Just bursting with flavor. You should really go over there and try some.”

“Oh, I understand now,” Yixing says cheerfully. “You want me to leave you guys alone!” He gives Sehun and Jongin a brief joint hug before sauntering off to find someone else to talk to.

“Wow, how’d he figure that one out?” Sehun asks sarcastically. “You were being so subtle.”

“It’s a gift,” Jongdae replies nonchalantly. “Anyway, we noticed everyone else giving you some final talks, so we decided as your oldest and most important friends -”

“Well, only for Sehun, Kyungsoo might hunt us down if we tried to say we’re Jongin’s oldest and most important friends too,” Chanyeol interrupts.

“Okay,” Jongdae sighs, rolling his eyes. “As Sehun’s oldest and most important friends, and as Jongin’s second most important friends, we decided to also have a talk with you.”

“We already had our serious talks, though, so we just have some advice for you instead!” Baekhyun interjects with a large grin. “So, always remember to be safe, and never do anything that isn’t agreed upon. Consent is everything!”

Sehun gives him a look. “Seriously?”

“Also communication is the key to any relationship!” Chanyeol chirps.

“Is this the advice you were given when you were still pining over Baekkie?” Jongin inquires, an innocent smile on his face. Sehun feels himself falling even more in love.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol both look disgruntled, but Jongdae beams. “You and Sehunnie are such a perfect match, really. And in all seriousness, good luck out there in the real world, you two.”

A genuine smile spreads across Sehun’s face. “Thank you, Jongdae.” He lowers his voice. “Don’t tell anyone this but it’s possible that I might actually miss the three of you, like, a whole lot.”

Chanyeol and Baekhyun, fully recovered from their moment of distress, smile appreciatively at Sehun’s words, and Jongdae’s eyes shine with delight. “Don’t worry, Sehunnie. We won’t tell a soul.”

Some time around three thirty in the morning, Sehun finds himself sitting on the couch, Jongin curled into his side, talking to each other in hushed whispers and observing their friends. Jongin has his head against Sehun’s shoulder as he absentmindedly plays with Sehun’s right hand, occasionally brushing light kisses across his knuckles. Sehun has his left arm loosely around Jongin’s frame, periodically running his hand through Jongin’s hair affectionately.

“Hey lovebirds.” Junmyeon sits down next to Jongin with a faint smile on his face. “How are you two feeling?”

“Nervous,” Jongin tells him immediately.

“And scared,” Sehun adds.

“But also a little excited,” Jongin finishes. “It’s starting to sink in that this is really happening.”

Junmyeon nods in understanding. “I know this is probably annoying, especially since I’ve talked to both of you already, but I just wanted to check in one last time.”

“It’s not annoying at all hyung,” Sehun reassures him. “It shows how much you care. We’re really grateful for it, actually.”

“I trust both of you, and I know you’re both resourceful enough, talented enough, and smart enough to make it out there,” Junmyeon says, his voice filled with firm belief. “I just - I want you to hold onto each other, okay? You’re going to be all the other has. I know anything can happen, and maybe things won’t work out the way you planned them to.” Sehun shifts uncomfortably, but Jongin looks unfazed. “But I also know that what you have is special, so don’t take it for granted.”

“We won’t,” Jongin vows. He looks at Sehun, and Sehun can see the determination in his eyes. Sehun thinks he’s probably the luckiest person in the world to have someone like Jongin by his side. “We’re going to make this work, Junmyeon-hyung. I can promise you that.”

Junmyeon smiles at them, getting up and pressing a fleeting kiss on the top of each of their heads. “I love you both so much. Go out there and make me proud.”

“Of course, hyung,” Sehun swears. “We’ll do our best.”

The sun is just starting to peek over the horizon when the party officially ends. Everyone loiters in the doorway of the apartment, and even though they all know they’ll see each other again at Kris and Junmyeon’s wedding, none of them want to be the first to say their goodbyes to the two youngest members of the group. In the end, Sehun turns to Jongin and murmurs, “I think we’ll have to leave first, Jonginnie.”

Jongin nods in agreement, smiling a little sadly as they turn to face their friends. “Thank you guys so much for everything. You’re the best friends we ever could have asked for. We’ll always be thinking about you, and we’ll text the group chat every day.”

Sehun looks around at the group, affection swelling up inside him for all of them. Kris, a melancholy smile on his face, has a protective arm around Junmyeon’s waist, whose eyes are filled with unshed tears. Chanyeol has Baekhyun tucked under his arm, his hair gently as Baekhyun fidgets anxiously. Jongdae is gripping Kyungsoo’s arm tightly as Tao buries his face in Jongdae’s hair and Yixing rests his hand on the back of Kyungsoo’s neck as a source of comfort. Minseok has Luhan’s hand gripped tightly in his own as Luhan’s thumb his hand soothingly. Sehun feels himself choking up a little bit, and he has to hold back his tears as he addresses everyone. “Seriously, we love you all so much. Thank you for being so understanding, thank you for being such amazing friends, thank you for being our family. We’ll miss you so much.”

There are a few loud sniffles and murmurs of appreciation. Sehun can see Junmyeon press his face into Kris’s chest, overcome with emotion, before turning back to look at Sehun. When their eyes lock, Junmyeon doesn’t look sad anymore. Instead, there’s something akin to pride in his eyes as he sends Sehun the tiniest of smiles; Sehun can feel the last of his anxieties melt away. Luhan, standing closest to them, shakes his head fondly at Sehun and Jongin. “Go on, then. We’ll see you when we see you.”

So Sehun takes Jongin’s hand, tangles their fingers together in the way that’s so familiar to them, squeezing gently, and faces Jongin with the faintest hint of a smile on his face. “Let’s go.”

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Yha-mhine #1
Chapter 27: Omg.. This is amazing.. I wish there is an epilogue.. But all in all its amazing
lirrypad #2
Chapter 27: I love this...i really do, all my fav pairings into one story,perfect. In my head chenlay are dating lol....are you going to do a sequel?
yurrick #3
Chapter 27: oh my gosh, i just powered through this story for the past two hours and #NOREGRETS !!! i love lmr aus so much ESPECIALLY SEKAI ONES OOF and this one was so cute!! thank you so much for writing it!

p.s. is there gonna be an epilogue/extra chapter ? im somewhat curious on life after sekai’s departure but a part of me wants it to stay a mystery! idk if that makes sense lololol