Chapter 21

Follow Me and Run

It’s three in the morning when Sehun manages to sneak out of the house and run to the train tracks to meet Jongin. His boyfriend is already waiting for him, his pink hair glowing in the moonlight. Without a word, Jongin envelops Sehun in a tight hug. Sehun melts into it immediately, burying his face in Jongin’s shoulder, trying to fight the sudden, overwhelming urge to cry.

“Hey,” Jongin whispers. “I’m right here. Breathe.” Sehun is still tucked in his arms as Jongin slowly lowers them to lie down on the grass. He Sehun’s hair gently. “I’m listening if you want to talk, okay? And if you don’t, that’s fine too. Whatever you want.”

Sehun closes his eyes, letting Jongin’s voice wash over him. “I’m scared, Jongin.”

“What are you scared of?” Jongin’s voice isn’t demanding; instead, his calm words are a soothing balm on Sehun’s tortured emotional state.

“They’re marrying me off,” Sehun says hollowly, which he knows Jongin is already aware of. He’s grateful that Jongin doesn’t point it out. “They’re tossing me aside, but I don’t care about that. It’s what comes after that I’m terrified of. I’m afraid of never seeing Chanyeol or Jongdae or Baekhyun or the dance class again, of never seeing Junmyeon-hyung or Kris-hyung again, of never seeingyou again.” He gazes at Jongin’s face intently. “I can live with being neglected by my parents, I’m used to that anyway. But having the people who make my life worth living ripped away from me - I don’t think I could withstand that.”

Jongin just looks at Sehun with worry and sadness and love on his eyes, and when he leans in to kiss Sehun, slow and deep, Sehun melts into it immediately. “I love you so much.” It’s barely more than a whisper, a hushed declaration in between kisses, but Sehun hears it clearly and it makes his heart race.

“I’m so in love with you,” is Sehun’s equally quiet reply. “So, so in love with you.”

“Run away with me,” Jongin murmurs against Sehun’s lips.

“W - what?” Sehun asks, pulling away. He’s sure his face reflects how stunned he feels at the sudden suggestion.

“I’m serious,” Jongin says softly. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently, actually.”

“What brought this on?” Sehun inquires cautiously.

“I don’t know,” Jongin sighs, rolling over to lie on his back. His eyes are glassy as he gazes up at the stars. “It’s just, I’m not going to university anyway, and it’s not like my dad wants me out of the house, but we both know it would be so much easier for him if I weren’t there.”

Sehun turns so he’s lying on his stomach, resting his chin on his hand as he looks at Jongin. “And you would want me to come with you?”

Jongin gives Sehun a look. “Of course I want you with me. I love you.” His hand finds Sehun’s free one in the darkness and he tangles their fingers together. “Obviously, I would never force you to. I know we’re still so young, and we haven’t even been together for a full year, and you have a lot here that you wouldn’t want to leave behind.”

Sehun is silent for a few moments. Jongin is right, of course. Sehun knows he’s absolutely in love with Jongin, but they’re still so young; it feels impossible, but logically he knows that there’s always the chance that their feelings could change. And on top of that, many aspects of Sehun’s life - all his friends, his brother, his comfortable lifestyle - would be difficult to leave. But at the same time, he also sees the merit in Jongin’s idea. His parents have made it clear that he will be marrying the girl they want him to, and that once he does, he won’t be allowed to do much of anything besides attend important functions and (if he’s lucky) get a job.

“I’m not saying no,” Sehun replies slowly. “Yeah, it would be tough to leave everyone behind and go from relative stability to complete uncertainty. But I don’t think it would be impossible. It’s not like my parents would pay for university anyway, unless I agree to study business or finance.”

“If there were no consequences, would you do it?” Jongin wonders aloud.

“In a heartbeat,” Sehun answers immediately. “If it were that easy, then there would be no competition between a luxurious, lonely life and an uncertain future with you. I’d choose you every time. But there’s more people at stake than just us.”

“I know.” Jongin smiles wryly. His expression is wistful, but his eyes are full of love as he looks at Sehun. “Your brother would probably go crazy with worry, and all our friends would kill both of us.”

“Actually,” Sehun realizes suddenly, “it might be good for Junmyeon-hyung.”

“What do you mean?” Jongin looks at Sehun curiously.

“The only reason he’s still living in our parents’ house is because of me,” Sehun explains. “If I weren’t there, he would have moved in with Kris a long time ago. I know Junmyeon-hyung - even after they’re married, if I’m still there, he’ll try to stay with me. I know it’s his choice, but sometimes it feels like I’m holding him back.” The idea of running away with Jongin, escaping it all together, is appealing to Sehun more and more with each passing moment. “And honestly, I think our friends would understand why we did it. I don’t want to live the rest of my life as a prisoner to my parents wishes with a wife I never wanted, and you want the best for your father.”

“Could we really do it?” Jongin breathes, squeezing Sehun’s hand briefly. “Do you really think we could?”

Sehun gazes at Jongin for a long moment, taking in every feature as if memorizing his face. “Yes,” he finally says. “I think we’d find a way.”

Jongin brings a hand up to pull Sehun’s face to his, kissing him deeply. Sehun can taste the uncertainty, the fear, the desperation on his lips, but he can also sense the clear undercurrent of devotion, of love, that Jongin is pouring into the kiss. When they pull apart, Jongin looks into Sehun’s eyes and takes a deep breath. “Then let’s do it.”

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Yha-mhine #1
Chapter 27: Omg.. This is amazing.. I wish there is an epilogue.. But all in all its amazing
lirrypad #2
Chapter 27: I love this...i really do, all my fav pairings into one story,perfect. In my head chenlay are dating lol....are you going to do a sequel?
yurrick #3
Chapter 27: oh my gosh, i just powered through this story for the past two hours and #NOREGRETS !!! i love lmr aus so much ESPECIALLY SEKAI ONES OOF and this one was so cute!! thank you so much for writing it!

p.s. is there gonna be an epilogue/extra chapter ? im somewhat curious on life after sekai’s departure but a part of me wants it to stay a mystery! idk if that makes sense lololol