Chapter 14

Follow Me and Run

To: Jonginnie <3

wanna come over

From: Jonginnie <3

sure! :D whats the occasion lol

To: Jonginnie <3

do i need a reason 2 see my bf?? :P

From: Jonginnie <3

ofc not :P

just curiouss

To: Jonginnie <3

i was thinking we can practice a bit

From: Jonginnie <3

sounds great! :D see u! <3

Sehun is sprawled across his bed, his head hanging off the side, when there’s a tentative knock on his door. “Come in!” he calls, unwilling to get up.

Jongin walks in, his face lit up with awe. It’s not fair, Sehun thinks. I’m looking at him upside-down and he’s still so good-looking. “Sehunnie, your house is incredible! I would’ve gotten lost if one of the maids didn’t guide me here!”

“I get lost too, sometimes,” Sehun admits with a grin. “So mostly I just walk between my room, the kitchen, and Junmyeon-hyung’s room.”

“Is Junmyeon-hyung here?” Jongin asks, stooping down to press a quick kiss to Sehun’s lips.

Sehun sits up and pulls Jongin in for a proper kiss. It’s quite chaste and only lasts a few seconds, but Sehun still feels lightheaded and giddy when they break apart. “No, not today,” he replies as Jongin drops onto the bed, moving to rest his head in Sehun’s lap. “Kris-hyung is a really good artist and he had an exhibition today, so of course Junmyeon-hyung went to go support him.”

“That’s cute,” Jongin comments, smiling up at Sehun as he plays with Jongin’s hair absentmindedly. “I would say that I would do the same for you, but -”

“You’ll be onstage with me instead,” Sehun finishes, grinning. “Don’t worry, that’s just as good.”

“Speaking of which,” Jongin says, “where are we gonna practice? In here? It’s definitely big enough.”

Sehun laughs lightly. “If you want to, I guess we could stay here. But we do have a practice room.”

Jongin sits up and stares at Sehun with wide eyes. “You have a real practice room in your house?”

“It’s supposed to be for ballroom dancing, I think,” Sehun tells him sheepishly. “But it can really be used for anything.”

“Let’s go!” Jongin says excitedly, tugging at Sehun’s sleeve.

“Alright, alright,” Sehun agrees, a smile spreading across his face at Jongin’s eagerness. He can’t help pulling Jongin close to peck his cheek lightly, watching the flush that blossoms on Jongin’s face spread across his cheeks. “Follow me.”

He takes Jongin’s hand, and with their fingers tangled together, they walk through Sehun’s enormous house until they reach the practice room. “Wow,” Jongin gasps, his mouth agape as he lets go of Sehun’s hand to spin around and look at the room fully. “This is so cool!”

Sehun watches Jongin take in his surroundings, not even trying to hide the fond smile on his face. “I’m glad you like it.”

“Do you have a recording of our song?” Jongin asks, still looking around the room in fascination.

“Of course,” Sehun says, laughing a little. “I have it on my phone, I have a CD, I even have it on a USB. Chanyeol would probably kill me if I didn’t keep a copy of that song in every form possible. And if he didn’t kill me, then Baekhyun probably would.”

Jongin’s eyes widen in realization. “Oh! Are they the friends who recorded the song?”

“Yeah,” Sehun confirms. “Remember how once I told you that my friends are all amazingly talented? Music is their talent. And it turns out that ours isn’t even the only song they’ll know. Yixing-hyung said his friend sings the song that Lu-hyung and Minseok-hyung are dancing to, right? Well, I asked him about it because I suspected the singer might be Jongdae, and it is!”

Jongin’s face lights up in excitement. “They’re all coming to the showcase right?” Sehun nods. “They’ll get to see us performing to their own songs! How cool is that?”

“They’ll love it,” Sehun predicts with a grin.

“We have to make it perfect for them,” Jongin decides. “Let’s do this.”

It’s easy for them to separate work from play. Sehun loves spending time with Jongin, of course, but when it comes to choreographing together, they both know to be focused and serious about the task at hand. They work in almost complete silence, the only sound coming from their shoes squeaking on the floor, the music that periodically filters out of the speakers, and the occasional correction they have for each other. Their movements are fluid and smooth, the result of hours of deep concentration and hard practice.

After about an hour of running through their dance several times, Sehun catches Jongin’s eye in the mirror and simultaneously, they both decide practice time is over. “Let’s get some water,” Sehun suggests after they finish doing their cool-down stretches.

“Yeah, and then let’s sleep for ten years,” Jongin adds, yawning as he lets Sehun pull him up from where he’s sitting. He rubs at his eyes and scrunches his nose a little. “I’m tired.”

Sehun smiles fondly, letting Jongin lean his head on Sehun’s shoulder. “Come on, Jonginnie. We’ll stop by the kitchen really quick and take showers and then we can sleep.”

They end up curling up together on Sehun’s bed after they’re freshly showered and hydrated, Jongin fast asleep with his head tucked under Sehun’s chin and Sehun comfortably sleeping with his arms wrapped protectively around Jongin. (While they’re all eating breakfast the next morning, Sehun finds a picture of them sleeping together on Junmyeon’s phone. Kris explains that they were just too cute to not take a picture of as Sehun protests indignantly; in the meantime, Jongin asks Junmyeon to send the picture to him.)

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Yha-mhine #1
Chapter 27: Omg.. This is amazing.. I wish there is an epilogue.. But all in all its amazing
lirrypad #2
Chapter 27: I love this...i really do, all my fav pairings into one story,perfect. In my head chenlay are dating lol....are you going to do a sequel?
yurrick #3
Chapter 27: oh my gosh, i just powered through this story for the past two hours and #NOREGRETS !!! i love lmr aus so much ESPECIALLY SEKAI ONES OOF and this one was so cute!! thank you so much for writing it!

p.s. is there gonna be an epilogue/extra chapter ? im somewhat curious on life after sekai’s departure but a part of me wants it to stay a mystery! idk if that makes sense lololol