Chapter 11

Follow Me and Run

Sehun wakes up when it’s still dark to his phone buzzing, notifying him of a new text.

From: Jonginnie :3

come 2 the train tracks

To: Jonginnie :3

its 5 am

y so early!!

From: Jonginnie :3

pls sehunniieee :((((

wanna show u smth :D

To: Jonginnie :3

fineee be there in 10

In his still half-asleep state, Sehun somehow manages to throw on his favorite pink sweater and some pants and make it through the dark woods using only the flashlight on his phone. At the train tracks, he finds a wide-awake Jongin beaming at him. Considering the unearthly hour, Jongin looks unfairly good, his hair stylishly messed up and a thin scarf wrapped decoratively around his neck. “Hi! Sorry for making you wake up.”

“It’s fine,” Sehun reassures him, stifling a yawn and trying not to make it obvious that he’s staring. “So, what did you want to show me?”

Jongin’s smile widens as he reaches out and takes Sehun’s hand. “You’ll see. Come on.” They walk in silence, their fingers tangled loosely together, until they come to an abandoned tunnel with one side open and supported by sturdy cement pillars. It’s dark, the only light being provided by the sun beginning to creep over the horizon, but Sehun can see the colorful graffiti that’s splattered all over the walls.

“What is this place?” Sehun wonders aloud, marveling at the sight before him.

“This is my getaway place,” Jongin declares proudly. “Kind of like the train tracks are for you. I come here when I need to get my mind off things.”

“Did you paint all this?” Sehun asks in awe as they walk through the tunnel. “It’s amazing!”

Jongin smiles shyly. “I did most of it. Kyungsoo comes along sometimes so he helped a bit.” Sehun feels the beginnings of jealousy bubbling up inside him at that (despite rationally knowing that Jongin has known Kyungsoo for years and Sehun only for a few months), but before it can fully manifest, Jongin tosses him a can of spray paint. “Here, I wanted you to try, too.”

“Really?” Sehun looks at Jongin with wide eyes. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t want to mess it up.”

Jongin smiles at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “The thing is, it’s basically impossible to mess it up, because it’s a way of expressing yourself. You can essentially do whatever you want, and it would still look amazing because it’s your creation from your mind.” He squeezes Sehun’s shoulder reassuringly. “But if you’re really worried, I can help you.”

“Yes, please,” Sehun agrees gratefully, and Jongin’s smile widens.

He places his hand over Sehun’s on the can of spray paint and brings it up to the wall. “Shake the can first, and then start spraying the paint,” Jongin murmurs. “And after that, just let your mind take over.”

Sehun tries his hardest to concentrate, but Jongin’s chest is pressed to his back and his free hand is lightly resting on Sehun’s waist and his breath is ghosting over Sehun’s ear every time he speaks and Sehun can’t help but be distracted. As Jongin’s hand guides his own, spraying paint across the wall, Sehun turns his head to glance at Jongin. His breath catches in his throat, because Jongin’s hair is glowing in the light of the sunrise and his eyes are shining as he meets Sehun’s gaze and he’s beautiful.

The can clatters on the ground, forgotten, as Jongin slowly brings his hand to cup Sehun’s face. Sehun lets his eyes flutter closed as they lean closer to each other, their lips finally meeting in a soft, chaste kiss. They separate for a moment, their faces only centimeters apart, and Sehun turns so that he’s facing Jongin fully, his arms wrapping around Jongin’s shoulders as they lean in again.

It’s the first time Sehun has ever experienced anything like this. He can feel heat coursing through his veins, clouding his brain until the only thing on his mind is Jongin - the way his hands feel on Sehun’s skin, the taste of his lips, the fervor with which he presses Sehun up against the wall so there’s no space remaining between them. Sehun lets the sensation consume him; the feeling of Jongin’s lips on his own is electrifying and intoxicating and he thinks he could stay like this forever.

When they pull apart, they’re both panting, their faces flushed and their lips puffy and red. “Wow,” Sehun breaths, feeling a little dazed.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a really long time,” Jongin admits breathlessly, his pupils dilated and his hair even messier than it was before. A thrill goes through Sehun’s body as he realizes that he had this effect on Jongin. “Pretty much since you first walked into class that first day.”

“I was intimidated by you,” Sehun tells him, laughing a little at how much his perception of Jongin has changed since then. “But I also thought you were the most attractive person I’ve ever seen.”

Jongin smirks, the same smirk that adorned his face on Sehun’s first day of dance class, and Sehun finds that it’s as attractive as ever. “Are you still intimidated by me?” Jongin teases, grazing his lips along Sehun’s jawline.

“Of course not,” Sehun exhales, leaning his head back against the wall as Jongin continues to mouth at his neck. “But you’re still the most attractive person I’ve ever seen.”

Jongin lets out a breathy laugh against Sehun’s skin. “Good,” he murmurs. He flashes another ridiculously attractive smirk at Sehun before allowing Sehun to pull him in for another kiss. They stay there, a mess of hands tangled in hair and lips meeting again and again, as the sun climbs over the horizon and into the sky.

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Yha-mhine #1
Chapter 27: Omg.. This is amazing.. I wish there is an epilogue.. But all in all its amazing
lirrypad #2
Chapter 27: I love this...i really do, all my fav pairings into one story,perfect. In my head chenlay are dating lol....are you going to do a sequel?
yurrick #3
Chapter 27: oh my gosh, i just powered through this story for the past two hours and #NOREGRETS !!! i love lmr aus so much ESPECIALLY SEKAI ONES OOF and this one was so cute!! thank you so much for writing it!

p.s. is there gonna be an epilogue/extra chapter ? im somewhat curious on life after sekai’s departure but a part of me wants it to stay a mystery! idk if that makes sense lololol