"I'm sorry ~ I've been phone call but that's when this tool is broken. I'm sorry ~" I begged my brother to chase it from behind. "If you can not call why not just message?" My brother said then stopped in front of me . Good luck I did not hot him. "Because ...." there I have exhausted the verse to be illustrated. Why did not I think to message him? I'm stupid. Blame me then. Then he stepped away leaving me alone in the middle of the corridor.

"Don't sad. Suga will ok later."said Jin while holding my shoulder."Do you know where is Jimin?"asked me."Jimin? Hhmm ~ maybe in his room, he's one room with J-Hope." he said. "Ok. Thank you!"said me and quickly go find J-Hope. "J-Hope!" Called me after seeing him with Rap Monster and PD Nim "Ooppss ~ Sorry disturbed. Hello. Can I talk to J-Hope for a while?" I asked politely. "Oh, Hello. Of course you can." PD Nim replied. Then I keep pulling J-Hope's hands and going a little further away from them both.

"Why are you looking for me?" Asked J-Hope."Jimin one room with you, and what is your room number?" Asked me quickly. "Yes~I'm a room with Jimin, number 301. Why?"asked J-Hope. "Thank you!" Replied me without answering the question and went straight to the room numbered 301.

"305, 304, 302 ... hah! I have found it! 301!" Excited me. "I hope that Jimin does not sleep yet. I kept knocking on the door several times. Then after a few taps the door was opened and there was Jimin's face astonished to see me. "Y/N what are you doing here? why do not you go back to your hotel  yet?" Jimin asked. "I'm want to talk something with you." I replied, "hhmm ~ ok. Come in." Invite Jimin into his room.

"It's just a small matter.  I just do not want to see you being hit by a car." Jimin said. "But I am indebted to you very much." Reply me. "If you do not save me then I must have not been on this earth anymore." I said, "What are you talking about this. It's not good enough to say that." Jimin replied in dislike. "Ok. I think now I'm going back to the hotel because it's late at night. "I said, and then got up to go to the door." Okay. "Jimin replied to accompany me.

"Jimin I want to-" said I, turning my body away. That's time is my bad luck because I have hit him and now I am in his catch."Are you ok?" Jimin said. "O-k-" I said stuttering.We're just stiff-necked and looking at each other, I feel I want to stop that moment for awhile. What I am talking about. Y/n wake up Y/N. "I think you can let me go now." I said, "Oh, I'm sorry." he replied, releasing me and then I left the room immediately to return to my hotel.

"It's fun to go here!" Jungkook said happily. "Such many fans here! Oh! Did your little sister come to Suga?" Jin asked. No answer sounds. Then Jin looks down at his back. "Eh, where is Suga? Jin asked, then they all looked at each other, and they just noticed that Suga was not with them.

"A.R.M.Y !!" Rap Monster screamed."Yes!" Answered their fans."Do you all see Suga goes where?" Asked Rap Monster."Yes!" They reply. "Where did Suga go?"asked Rap Monster."Over there!"said them while point to one of big shop there."Thank you. Love you A.R.M.Y!"thanks him. "It's a good idea to do this to find Suga."praised Jin. "Honestly, it's Rap Monster." He's proud of himself. Then they all went to the shop that Suga was.

"Wow!So many candys did you buy.For whom?asked Jimin . "It's not your business," said Suga firmly. "Rarely Suga wants to buy things for people. It must a special person. Or maybe his girlfriend~" Jimin's joke. "What ever." Replied Suga.

And they all resume their journey to attend fansign for a second day in Osaka. Suga is still a secret for whom and why he buys lots of candys.



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gentle la kau tulis ni weyh?
madesunrene75ss #2