'' We're back~'' echo the voice of seven men and the voice of a woman who just faintly heard. '' Ya! I was very tired today but it's fun to eat.''  Jin started talking after sitting on the couch in the living room. "'As long as the food is fun for you, it's right?'' Jimin answered then sits next to the Jin. ''It's right! '' Short cut V before Jin had time to reply to Jimin. '' So tonight Y/N  will sleeps in which room? '' Asked Jungkook who had evaporated several times indicating that he was drowsy. '' My room! '' Rap monster speed. '' Eh? Why your room? I am supposed to . '' ask J-Hope. ''Because I am leader of this group. '' Said Rap Monster. And once again they all argue to each other to sleeping with me.

''You all must not fight each other if I'm not sleeping here. I'm sorry to you're all I'm not supposed to be here.'' gap Y/N.


'' Tell Jin to send me back home.''message me when I'm on my way to the BTS car. ''Ok.'' My brother replied, maybe he's too tired to use his energy even though he wants to talk. ''Ya! How can a beautiful girl live alone at home '' The slit that sounded between me and my brother just recently. '' It does not matter I'm used to it when my brother's are not at home. '' reply me then leave him in back.'' No way. As Y/N security officer is required to keep your safe for 24 hours. '' said  V.

''Since when I had hired a security officer who is an alien.'' Said Suga. I'm a little laughing at the V's rather firm behavior because it's not his behavior which it a happy guy. '' After all the distance between the Suga's house and our home is quite far. If it comes to the house it must be late. We're all be tired and tomorrow we have a cast in the early morning. '' J-hope said at length.'' So what we want to do with it? '' Asked me. Everyone was silent thinking about the right answer to the question.

"What do you mean let Y/N sleeping in our house?'' angry Suga.'' Rap Monster did not mind about this. It's right?" Said Jimin who had suggesting his idea. "What? Oh~ I don't mind about it but aren't  Y/N accept that idea? '' Replied Rap Monster after his name was mentioned. '' I'm okay. What the J-Hope says is true. I do not want Suga and all of you tired because of me. '' I was agree with the idea. Suga just look at me with an unbelieving face. '' Yeah! Y/N sleep in our house! ''  Jungkook and V  are happy for what they have heard. ''Just this night. The next day Suga will send me back home. '' said me. ''Even for everyday it's doesn't matter to us. '' said Jin who seemed to have agreed with them.


''It does not matter  they love to fight each other. Just go to sleep in my room. Tomorrow morning I will send you back home. '' Ordered Suga . '' Oh~ We  can not sleep one room with Y/N ...'' said the sixth of them all.  Suga only looked sharp at them.

''Good night Suga.'' said I after lugging myself into a soft bed. ''Good night, sweet dreams. ''      My brother responded and closed the switch. The room was just lit with blurred light window curtains.

 * Y/N 'S P.O.V *

I was awake when everyone dreamed up. Then I glanced at the clock that was in my right hand. It's showed me at 2.30 am. Coincidence I felt very thirsty. So I decided to wake up and go to the kitchen. I see my brother sleeping well and also a bit snoring. 

After finishing my water, I decides to coming back to my brother's bedroom. But as I crossed the living room I saw Jimin sleeping in a shivering state. It can not be denied that the temperature of the night is quite cold and he sleeps without a pillow and also a blanket. He may be sleep there when watching television. I'm a little too reluctant to leave him in such a situation so I go take the blanket that I wear and cover him.

'' Do not leave me, please~ '' said Jimin when I was about to get out of there. I'm a little surprised at first but I just think of it as a delirium. Without wasting time I keep going back to my brother's room and then sleep. 



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gentle la kau tulis ni weyh?
madesunrene75ss #2