Trip to Seoul.

Promises that weren't kept, or were they?

Lily and Robert went to the airport around seven am. Her dad kept going on and on about what she needed. 

"Lily, do you have your passport, phone, charger with the correct adapter, camera, you ID, and the address with phone number to the embassy?"

lily looked at her dad like a really dad look. "Yes, I have them all. I'll be fine. Are you nervous."

"yes I am. I don't want to lose you as well."

"Dad, I'll be fine. I am only going to be gone for three weeks. I will contact you when I get on plane, and when I land as well. I will get a sims card for while I am over there so I will be able to contact you while I am there. Remember, mom and I wanted this. We wanted to travel. I promise that I will be safe."

Robert gathered her in his arms for a hug. He let as he said, "I know.. Julie would have been proud of you." 

Lily nodded. Twenty minutes they arrived at the airport. There were reporters there. The main one was asking if Robert was really going to be remarried and if so why were they at the airport. They also asked was the wedding really in ten days. Lily looked at her dad and smiled. 

Robert said that he was sorry but he would not be answering any questions today. That today was not about him but his daughter and he wanted to see her off in peace. 

The driver got Lily's luggage out of the car and brought it to her. Robert and lily went inside to check in her luggage. After they got everything settled she turned to her dad and asked what is up with all the reporters. 

Robert looked at her and gave Hera small smile. "The reporters were asking if I was going to be married about. They are correct.. I am. I know you wanted to go on this trip so I didn't stop you, because I know you would have rearranged everything to attend the wedding. We both have been busy that I honestly haven't had time to tell you. You will also have a step brother and sister. I'll make sure we are back from out honeymoon before you return."

"that is a lame excuse. I will message you when I find my gate. I need to get past security. I am going to miss you. Just so you know I am a little mad at you."

"okay lily.. I will talk to you later. I will let the wife know that you wanted to be here for the wedding."

"whatever dad. I gotta go." Lily hugged her dad and left to go through security. She found the air Korea area of the airport and found her gate. She sat down with her phones on and started listening to VIXX. They were the only thing that calmed her down. She listened to them for an hour and a hell. The flight boarding would be starting soon. She stood up and got in her lane to be boarded first. Lily got her ticket scanned and she walk to the plane. "Welcome aboard" lily received when she boarded the plane. She thanked them and found her seat. 

Lily messaged Robert to let him know that she was on the plane. Forty five minutes later they were taking off. "Korea here I come," she said to herself. She giggled and smiled as she turned in the tv. She put on one of her favourite dramas, Doctor crush. She feel asleep while watching the drama. She was woken up by an attendant and see if she wanted any breakfast. 

That would be lovely. Could I get coffee as well? " lily asked 

the flight attendant said that he would be right back. He offered a gift bag so she could freshen up while she was waiting. The flight are dang gave her a small bag and lily went to the bathroom. She returned to her seat about five minutes later. She felt better.  

The attendant came back with her breakfast and left lily in peace while she at. About thirty minutes she was checked on by the attendant asked if there was anything else she needed. She asked for another cup of coffee and put on radiant office. At episode four the attendant asked what she would like for lunch. Lily ordered a light lunch and relaxed while waiting for it. 

When she finished lunch lily went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she returned the attendant said most people want a shamal nap before landing. She told the man that it would have been nice to be asked but it was kind that he thought that far. She asked to be woken up in a couple of hours. Lily laid down to go to sleep. She didn't know she was asleep until she woke up to one flight attendant speaking over the speaker. 

"Attention passengers, if there is a doctor on board we need to see you. Please make you way to the back to of the plane." Lily got up and made a quick stop to the bathroom. Then she continued on her way to the back. She introduced herself and the attendant took her to the woman in labor. The leader attendant asked lily if she really was a doctor. Lily said she was a doctor. 

Lily asked basic questions about the labor.. She was told that the lady was due in a month. Lily talked to the lady found out more information rom her she was carrying twins. Lily took her with the flight attendants help to the attendants room" the lady walked around.after thirty minutes of walking around the woman stood with her feet apart and started to push. Lily knelt on the ground and caught the first baby. She handed him off to the flight attendant and then got ready for baby number two. She cut the  umbilical cord. 

The woman pushed baby number two out. It was a girl. Lily cut the cord and cleaned up both babies. The were both crying and so lily said that she needed blankets to wrap them in. The attendant left to go get them blankets. The lady stood there wile she watched on lily taking care of her children. After the kids were wrapped she told the mom to go lay down on the bed. The placenta has already passed. She cleaned he up and then cleaned the room up. 

She sat down on a chair the the flight attendants used for take off and landing when the captain came over the speaker. 

 " attention passengers, due to our emergency we are landing in thirty minutes into Seoul. Please be pace to with us while we get the mom, her baby's off the plane. We want to thank you for flying air Korea. "

 lily, the mom,along with the baby's left the plane upon arrival to the airport. Customs were there to speed them through everything. They took an ambulance to the hospital. When they arrived, lily gave her side of the story, along with times of births of each kid. 

The lady's husband thanks her for everything. Lily left not to long after meeting him and saying goodbye to the new mum, was she finally leaving the hospital. She went back to the airport for her luggage. The flight attendant was holding her items. She was told that the company would like to see her the following day. Lily took the card to the company head quarters. The lily then took a bus to her hotel. She checked in and went to her room to shower and change. She walked around the neighborhood. She found a street car. Ordered soju, and tteokbokki. She ste it all and then went back to her room and passed out from exhaustion. 

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VIXXate_98 #1
Chapter 10: Ok what the actual fudge? THAT'S LEO'S BABY!!!