
The Odds of Us

Minzy groaned at her aching bladder. Laying face down on her cold bedroom floor, she debated if she really needed to go to the bathroom or not. It had been the debate of the hour or was it hours? She couldn't remember as she lay wondering if urinating on herself would be taking it too far. 

Yes it would, Jiyong answered. 

I can clear your mind of your lover boy if you want. I already told you it would make things easier, Seunghyun said in a matter of fact tone. 

"You both can go yourselves and get out of my head," she hissed as she forced herself up. Stumbling to the door, she unlocked her bedroom door and steadied herself against the hallway wall. It felt like she had walked a mile as she threw herself onto the bathroom door. Using what little strength she had, she pushed the door open and slowly made her way towards the toilet. Shoving her pants down to the ground, she plopped down onto the cold toilet seat. After such a long journey to the bathroom, she had to convince her bladder that she really did make it to the toilet. Trying to focus, she let out a grunt being able to relieve her waters. 

Your room smells like death, Jiyong said as he entered her room and cracked opened her window. 

Seunghyun went about picking up trash and dirty clothes, sighing Minzy Bom can come over and help you get all cleaned up if you need.

"Get out of my room," she mumbled out loud. Feeling light headed for trying to shout out to her intrusive brothers, she leaned over the counter to help support herself. Go home to your own families. 

Yeah, father put us in charge of taking care of you while he's away, Seunghyun replied

"I can take care of myself," she mumbled as she stay seated on the toilet, finding it hard to stand. 

While you're in there can you take a long bath? You need it, Jiyong shook his head in disgust at the filth she had been living in. 

Pulling up her pants, she crawled and tumbled the rest of the way into the tub fully dressed. Pushing the handle with her foot, she curled up as the water trickled out of the faucet. The water was a little too cold, making her shiver. But she didn't make a move to change the temperature, instead she lay feeling like a hallow shell as the water began to envelope all around her. 

Minzy sighed as she laid her head upon the kitchen table and watched mother cook something that smelt delicious on the stove top. She felt so calm and at peace, as she listened to mother hum along to the tune playing on the radio. "Dinner is almost ready dear," mother called over her shoulder. It was right on cue as her stomach grumbled. Groaning as she clutched her stomach, she was delighted to have a big bowl of noodles placed before her and just the way she loved it with lots of spicy goodness. Inhaling the heavenly aroma, she smiled brightly at mother who took a seat across from her. Picking up her chop sticks to dig right in, she stopped as mother looked at her in a scolding manner. "Minzy, you of all people know better. You knew that loving that boy would end badly yet you did it any way. Why?" Minzy sighed as she placed the chop sticks down and thought about what mother was asking. "Well," Minzy began. "I guess I got tired of waiting for something that would never happen. And when it did, it wasn't what I expected." Mother reached out to take her hand in hers and gave her a loving squeeze, "And what were you expecting?" "I don't know," Minzy shrugged. She couldn't find the words to explain what she wanted. "I know dear. And it will be what you expected, it just hasn't happened yet." Minzy scoffed as she doubted her mother's words. "Mother go and rest. You deserve to move on. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine," she tried to reassure her. "Then get up! Get up," Mother began shouting. Minzy felt her body being pulled away. Panic enveloped all around her as a large body of water came rushing all around her. She began tossing and turning as the waves of water continued to keep pulling her further and further into something deep and dark. Sinking further into nothingness she felt herself losing consciousness.

"Minzy get up," Jiyong growled as he pulled her to sit up in the tub. 

Minzy's eyes shot open as she gasped and coughed up water. Trembling, she reached out and took hold of her furious brother. The dream of mother fresh in her mind had her in tears as she let her brothers see what she saw. The memory silencing Jiyong as he began to tremble, holding his shivering sister. Seunghyun followed behind, embracing the siblings as they shared the thoughts of their guardian mother. 


Awaking to the faint sound of voices chattering outside her room, she hoped they wouldn't hear her waking up. But it was all in vain as her bedroom door squeak open. Staying as still as possible, she wanted nothing more than to be left alone. "Minzy," Mino cooed knowing very she was awake at the sound of her breath and how her pulse picked up when he called out to her. Frowning at the sickly, heart broken young woman, he wanted nothing more than to take her sadness and to bare it for her. He had once been her place before and would not wish such feelings on anyone. Reaching at to brush her stray hairs out of her face, his frown deepened when she flinched away from him. Sighing, he knew it best to just come out with the truth. "I've officially moved back. I've moved back to my parent's home." She stayed quiet, surprised that he would do such a thing after not being able to set foot in his home since their bond ceremony. Figuring he had caught her attention, he continued, "I want you to move in with me. I would like to assume the responsibility of taking care of you." Shifting uncomfortably, he was unsure how she would take it. "After all, you are my wife."

Minzy's ears perked up at the last word. Trembling and feeling cold, she pulled the covers tighter against her body. This was the first time she had ever heard him call her that. Wife, she thought on what he claimed her out to be. Why did that sound like a loaded word with multiple means? This should have been yet another monumental moment in their relationship, but it felt like another stumbling block. She found herself comparing him to Bobby. If it were Bobby here in front of her claiming her as his wife she would believe it, no questions asked. But it wasn't. Instead it was Mino, where her life experiences had her second guessing him. "My life was bettter when you didn't let your ego get the best of you," she mumbled through her blurring vision. Finding herself thinking back to when she had seen him staring at her from afar, it pulled at her heart strings. "Why couldn't you just let me love Bobby like you had so many chances of loving other women?" The sting of hot tears falling from her already swollen eyes apparent, she couldn't look him in the eyes, "Move on Mino, go find another adventure. You don't need to take responsibility of me. I'll take care of myself." 

Mino was deserving of every blow. Though harsh and painful to his ears, he quietly took it. Knowing very well she had every right to say those things to him, it still was hard to hear. Inhaling deeply, he felt her sadness rooted so deep that he questioned if he could even pull her out of it. This was all his doing. He was such a horrible man and he didn't realize until this very moment just how bad he was. "I'm a bad man, a selfish one as you and I both know," he sighed. Reminding himself that if she wanted to continue to see him as the bad guy it would be okay as long as she wouldn't be like how she was before him. "But I will not let you waste away. When the time is right I will come to collect you. I need to first prepare our home so that it is fit for you and I." Minzy felt her stomach do flips as the man she envisioned from her letters sounded more real than the one she had grown up knowing and sitting beside her. Conflicted by her instincts that told her to trust his words, her mind helped her remember why she should be cautious of it. He had rejected her time and time again, what would make this time any different? Did he not understand what the feeling of rejection of a bonded mate was like? Painful couldn't begin to describe it. Mino could feel her hesitation, but in his mind his intentions were pure. He sincerely wanted to take care of her, if not out of love, but of obligation. Though she did not know it, he truly did care for her. It was in the their letters that he grew fond of her, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. He didn't want to taint such a memory. Subconsciously his hand began to reach out towards her again as if needing physical contact to help convey what he was trying to say. 

"Don't," her voice cracked as she sensed him moving closer. "Don't," she repeated herself not wanting to cloud her mind further than it already was. Meanwhile Mino struggled to fight the urge to listen to her words than react to his feelings. Focusing on retracting his hand, clenching his fist in frustration, he moved to take his leave for the fear that he might do something stupid like take her in his arms and hold her fragile body against his own. 


Minzy felt like a small child as she gazed down from her bed to see Seunghyun smiling up at her as he lay on her floor. It was his turn to take watch over her after that stunt she had pulled earlier. Her brothers felt obligated to stay arms length with her at all times. "You know I wasn't trying to kill myself," she mumbled.

"I know, but maybe mother will come and visit you again. I just wanted to say hi myself," Seunghyun tried to cover up his intensions, but she knew better. 

Sighing heavily, she turned to stare up at her ceiling, "Seunghyun would you hate me if I did kill myself?"

Seunghyun quickly reached out to his sister to take her hand in his, "If you loved me, you wouldn't ask me such a silly question." Minzy brushed the stray tear that fell from her eye with her free hand. She knew it was a dumb question to ask, but she couldn't deny the thought had crossed her mind. "Would you like me to help you sleep? I can help you have soothing dreams." 

"No, then I would be too disappointed when I awake to my reality," she continued to quietly cry. 


Minzy chuckled as she ran from her brothers through the forest in her wolf form. She was going to win this round of tag. Bolting through the trees she, panicked as she nearly went crashing into Mino who suddenly appeared before her. Tumbling into the cool dirt, she groaned gratefully missing the jerk who was ruining the game. "What are you running from," Mino peered down at her. Huffing as she sat up, she could hear her brothers gaining in on her. "Minzy," Mino called her name again, pulling her attention up at him. "Who are you running from," he rephrased his question. Kneeling before he, he took her hand in his and smiled, "Don't run from me. I promise you that you have nothing to fear." "Yes," mother called out to her from behind. "Believe him. He speaks the truth." "Why would I believe him? He could be lying to me," she asked as she thought she was only playing a harmless game with her brothers. "You know the answer to that question," mother said looking at her sternly. The feel of something heavy being placed onto her wrists caused her to gaze down. Heavy metal chains s around her wrists and ankles weighed her down. The more she struggled against the chains, the heavier they became to the point of her falling upon her knees. Panicking at the sight of the chains multiplying and wrapping around her she gazed over to mother in fear. "Mother," Minzy panicked as the chains tightened. But it was Mino who had stepped into view as he knelt before her and gave her a gentle smile as if letting her know that it was okay. Reaching out, he took hold of a chain and pulled. Seeing how his knuckles turned white from the pure force that he was exerting against them, he growled as he ripped through the chain making it obliterate right before her eyes.  

Springing up, she gasped as she sat up panting. She was soaking in her sweat, pulling off the covers she shivered at the chill that ran down her spine. Looking around, she was surprised to see that neither one of her brothers were in sight. Wanting to get rid of the flith she was in as well as the dream, she slowly moved to her feet. Making her way into the bathroom, she peeled the sticky clothing off and hopped into the shower. Letting the steaming hot water cascade down her body, she sighed as she placed a hand onto her shower wall for support. Her dream felt so real, at least the weight of the chains did as she heaved out of exhaustion from fighting them. 

 Turning off the shower, she slowly hopped out feeling somewhat relieved. Pulling a towel tightly around her small body, she couldn't bring herself to look at her reflection. Shuffling quickly past the mirror, she threw the door open and tried to rush out. Crashing into strong arms, she gawked at the young man before her. Confused at what was happening, it was Mino, in her home and in her hallway. Not to mention that she stood in nothing but a towel, she jumped away from him. "What are you doing here? Where are my brothers," she asked as she heightened her senses feeling that they were the only two in the house. 

Meanwhile Mino stood feeling pleasantly surprised to see her in such a natural state. When she had collided into him, she had fit like a puzzle piece as if she were meant to be in his arms. It only made sense. Speaking of sense, his sense of smell was heightened. She smelt like sweet strawberries, making his mouth water. Did she know that strawberries were his favorite? He couldn't recall ever telling her or writing about strawberries being his favorite thing to eat. But here she was, appealing to all his senses. Keeping himself in check he realized he had been having a conversation with himself right in front of her. Gazing at the young woman who he found almost irrestiable at that point, she held a look like she was expecting a response. Not know how to respond, he sheepishly blushed as he nervously chuckled. "Yes?" 

She scoffed as she moved past him. Irritated that he didn't hear a word she just said, she made her way towards her room, "Where are my brothers? Why are you here?" Her scent made him mindlessly follow behind her like some kind of zombie. His mind was powering down as his body acted on its own. Creeping behind her as she went about looking in her closet, he enjoyed the view of her figure. Meanwhile Minzy huffed not liking anything she had, she most definitely needed to go shopping again. As she made that mental note, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise at the feel of Mino's breath. Craning her neck back, her eyes widened in surprise to be face to face with Mino who stood gawking at her. She jumped back so far that she almost lost her towel and modesty or at least what could look modest in nothing but a towel. Stumbling back in slow motion, she debated if she wanted to break her fall and lose her towel or hold her towel and possibly get knocked unconsicous then have her towel fall. She couldn't win, she thought as she gripped her towel and hoped for the best. Feeling herself being caught, she felt a sense of relief until she looked up at her rescuer who stood staring down at her. His eyes were dark and his wolf ready to jump out. "Mino you psycho! What is wrong with you? Help me up!" 

Mino's wolf seemed to take over of the situation as he helped her onto her feet and moved to square off with her. Trapping his prey against the wall, he placed his arms on either sides of her. Staring down at her with intensity, he could see the fear and dare he say excitement in her eyes? Why did that excite him too? Letting his wolf take full control, he liked how she stood vulnerable before him. Descending down, he let his eyes bore into hers as if hoping she would take the bait. He wanted her to look into his eyes as if she were peering through the windows of his soul. But instead he found himself doing what he desired of her. Getting lost in her gaze, her eyes shimmered like tiny diamonds. The colors of dark chocolate with gold flakes had him melting inside. He was becoming like a puddle as he leaned upon his forearms, growing weak in the knees. What was his wolf doing? Why was it making him turn into mush? The answer to his questions came as his gaze trailed past her eyes down to her full lips. Did they always look like that? Did they always seem to have that hint of strawberry red? Maybe if she smelt and looked like strawberries she might possibly taste like them? His wolf fully agreed that it only made sense to taste them. It would be the only way he could clear his mind of all this none sense. 

Trapped and confused by what was happening, Mino had never in her life acted like this. He seemed to be in some kind of trance as she felt her back hit the cool wall behind her. The way he used his height to assert his dominance over her had her standing fairly impressed. Startled as he descended down to look into her eyes, she felt her heart rate pick up. Staring back at him his eyes flickered back and forth from its natural soft brown to pitch black as if he were having an internal battle with himself. Watching as his eyes shot completely black, it was his wolf that had won. He functioned purely on instinct as his eyes broke contact and he looked down to her lips. No longer wanting part of his internal warfare, she tied a knot and tucked the towel hoping it wouldn't fall. Reaching out to his strong chisled jaw, she cupped his face in her small hands and tilted his head so to force him to look back into her eyes. "Mino. Mino? Mino come back to me. Mino!" She watched as his eyes flickered back to its natural soft brown color and he looked at her bewildered. Grinning at him, she knew he had no recollection of what had just happened, "Are you okay?" 

He shook his head as he moved away from her, afraid that he would lose control again. "I..." 

"It's okay, your wolf in you was having a moment," she shrugged it off before turning back to her closet. 

Relieved to have her look away, he was able to break free from whatever hold she had on him. Racing out of her room in fear of becoming a mindless zombie, he called out to her brothers to come back and relieve him of his turn to watch their sister. Feeling his heart pounding in his chest, the further he moved away the more he was able to come to his senses and realize that he had a lot to do before he could see her again. 


"What the hell did you do to Mino," Jiyong yond as he walked sluggishly into his sisters room. 

She shrugged as she looked over to her brother who fumbled onto the bed next to her, "I don't know. It was like his body was there but he wasn't. Like his wolf took over while he was still in his human form. It was kind of weird." 

"Oh," Jiyong chuckled as he closed his sleepy eyes. 

"Oh? What does oh mean," she pouted as she nudged her brother on his side, causing him to groan in annoyance. 

"His bond is taking affect. Unlike you females where the bond makes you clearly see what you guys want, the bond makes us into mindless dumb zombies. We lose all sense and you become the center of the universe," he mumbled as he fell back asleep. Minzy frowned as she thought it cruel that the bond would do that to males. She figured they were already dumb, why make them dumber? Her brother chuckled as he shoved her head into her pillow. "You're the dumb dumb for trying to seduce Mino when there is no need to." 

"What," she smacked her brother's hand away. "I did not seduce him," she coughed a laugh. She had literally just taken a shower, that was it. 

"Whatever you say dumb dumb," he yond as he stretched his arms out. "If you don't want him turning into a dumb zombie keep your distance." 

Taking her pillow, she wacked her brother in the gut, "I didin't mean to!"


As nice as it was to have her brothers around the clock, she couldn't have felt more grateful to have father home. This meant that she could finally have some alone time to breathe. Embracing father, she couldn't help but feel relieved that he was back. Helping him unpack his things, father talked of his trip and she couldn't help but smile thinking that mother would be proud of him for being able to take care of himself. "You know, mother came to me in a dream," he sighed as he sat upon his bed reliving it. "She told me I was too hard on you, that I should have been a little more kind to the human."

She sadly grinned, thinking back to the days that mother had help calm father's temper, "And?" 

"And I feel it is in your best interest to let your brother erase your memories of the boy," he revealed. Minzy was taken aback at father's words. How could he ask that of her? Though it didn't surprise her that he would say such a thing, it did surprise her that her father wouldn't trust her enough to let him go. "No my sweet daughter, do not let your thoughts betray you. It isn't that I don't trust you. I just don't want you to hurt." He sighed as the thoughts of his sons finding Minzy drowning herself in the tub invaded his mind. "I just lost your mother, I'm not ready to lose you too." 

His words stirred something deep inside her, gazing over to her father he looked defeated. As much as her heart was hurting, so was everyone else. She felt so selfish and ashamed for wishing death upon herself. Doing so would drive father into further depression or even worse. The chilling thoughts of putting her family in more misery was just too for her to bare. Walking up towards father, she sat next to him and took his hand in hers. Leaning into him, she sadly grinned as he draped a comforting arm around her, "I understand where you are coming from father. But I need you to trust me, I need these memories of Bobby. I can't forget him."

"Child if you can't clear your mind and heart of him, you won't ever make room for Mino," he clarified.

"Why would I need to make room for Mino when he never made room for me," she threw it right back.

He fully agreed with her arguement, but it couldn't trump the fact that she was still and forever will be bonded to the young man he wanted to destroy himself for making her hurt so much. Gazing down at this stubborn girl of his reminded him of a young man he had not thought of for so long. Himeself. Though she may not know it yet, this heartache would only strengthen the bond she had with Mino, "But he has sweetheart." 

Gazing up in her father's grasp she found it hard to believe, "When?" 

"You know the answer to your own question," he sighed as he held her tighter. Hearing the words of mother echoed through father, she couldn't argue it as she stewed in her anger. "Fine I trust you. Just trust me enough to know that Mino is coming around." Internally agreeing to disagree, she snuggled against father letting her anger disolve in his embrace. 


Author's Notes:

Here's the next chapter. I find it hard to resist changes when I read and reread what I've written. Does anyone else ever get like that? Like I want to change this and that, but you need to find the balance before it changes all the other up and coming chapters? Yeah, maybe it's just me lol. But thank you for reading! 

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Okay I think I fixed it. If not, then please let me know. Thanks!


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jiwonku #1
Chapter 28: It's been so long I don't open asianfanfics everyday because I waiting for the next update like this
jiwonku #2
Chapter 27: I should wait for the last part before read this :( now I eager to know why he left? Can you make it quick please, how if I can't sleep haha.
1andonly #3
Chapter 26: where did Mino go?? T.T but I love Bobby and Minzy's relationship here
jiwonku #4
Chapter 24: i love this series so much. i love the character and how mino madly in love with minzy. keep going authornin hehe
Chapter 24: This story is my favorite so far. I really like how you conveyed the feelings of each characters, whether it’s sadness or love or something darker and how they are not 1 dimensional. There’s no good and bad. And I can see you getting better and better through each stories.
jiwonku #6
Chapter 23: hurry update authornim. i always check this every single day
jiwonku #7
Chapter 21: just telling you, i will always be here to read all this mice short stories. i will always be here even if not on time. so please continue this nice story. thank you for writing this beautifully
Chapter 18: I really love these short stories.
jiwonku #9
Chapter 10: am i dreaming? am i late?? two update?? wawww. thank you authornimmm
1andonly #10
Chapter 5: why does Mino have to be so slow??? Dying right now TT....TT