Winter *

Our Winter Ballad

Going home last night after listening to those idiots argue the whole ride I was honestly and genuinely happy to be away from them. When I woke up this morning I had no schedule so I laid in bed staring at the wall. Sighing I finally stood walking over to my bedroom door so that I can go to the bathroom before I pee on myself, because I’m too old for that. Using the bathroom, I came out refreshed as I washed my hair, brushed my teeth, and also took a quick shower. Drying my hair with a towel, I was brought out of my humming as I heard a knock on the door.

“Coming!” I walked fast wondering if Hyung forgot the code again but when I opened the door all I could see was a back. “Hello?”

“Does Seo…you look cute like that.” Speak of the devil.

The person turned around to reveal Jackson as he was wearing a snapback and what looked like a stage outfit, but I wasn’t judging. Sighing I looked around but no one else was with him, and looking at his hands he carried a duffel bag and what looked like McDonald’s. Shaking my head, I told him to come in as I ran around looking for pants because I was only in a sweater. Finally finding a pair, I came back out as I stood staring at him as he ate at my table with no manners what so ever.

“How did you get here? Actually, how do you know where I live?!” He laughed with a mouth full of food causing me to scrunch my face up in disgust because I didn’t need to see that this early in the morning.

“Internet. You should use it sometimes; it would help you get a younger audience. Also, I rode the bus and then walked the rest of the way. You aren’t that far from my company either.” I wanted to hit him and myself because this was all just crazy.

“Bus? Never mind, but I do use the internet for your information. Anyway, why are you here?” He swallowed this time as he took a sip of his coffee before turning to look at me as if I was stupid.

“We're going on a date.” My eyes almost fell out of my head from how big they got and honestly I didn’t expect to go anywhere today.

“Who?” He laughed as his voice suddenly got husky and I swear his normal voice and rapping voice sound totally different.

“Me and My Seorella. Now change into this so we can go before they get tired of waiting.” Tossing the duffel bag at me I caught it, and shaking my head I walked away to go get changed.

Creepy Creepers Creep. That all that repeated in my head as I got changed into this brand new outfit, it still had the tags on it, go figure. Looking myself over in the mirror, I noticed that it was the exact same outfit that he was wearing just in my size. Rolling my eyes, I fixed the snapback and walking out as I stood in front of him he looked up with a smile on his face but I couldn’t really return it. I could see the look in his eyes and I didn’t like it one bit. Sighing I went towards the door making a detour towards my shoe closet only to have him stop me as he handed me a box of brand new ones.

“Why did you buy me a new outfit and shoes?” He just smiled as I opened the box to see that he was wearing the same shoes and I was starting to get even more creeped out.

“Hurry up, or we are going to be late. I’ll explain when we get there.” Taking a deep breath, I put on the shoes as I grabbed my wallet and phone before tossing him out as I followed behind him.

Getting on the elevator, he reached into his back pocket pulling out two face mask causing me to sigh because he was too prepared. Handing me one, I looked at the design on the front before shrugging as I put it on before bobbing my head to the elevator music as it was getting better every week. When the bell dinged and the doors opened we stepped off as I saw people staring. Looking at him he shrugged before walking faster causing me to run after him because he was faster than I was. Once we made it out the doors I could hear cameras going off and shaking my head I began walking towards the bus stop as he followed behind me, and just this once I didn’t mind how close he was.

“You’re really prepare aren’t you?” I was being sarcastic as we pushed through the crowd of fans waiting on their idol to come out and I didn’t even have time to see mine.

“Quiet!” I turned around looking at him as if he lost his mind but he only pushed me forward until we were out of the crowd.

Stomping towards the bus stop I didn’t want to cause a scene as that would bring drama and ultimately reveal our identities. Flopping down on the bench I looked elsewhere as he arrived sitting next to me. He touched my arm causing me to jerk it away as he sighed before trying again only to get the same reaction. The bus finally arrived causing me to stand as it pulled up to a stop and pulling the fair money out of my pocket I paid for myself as I looked for a seat finding one in the back by the window. Taking it he took the rail standing in front of me, but ignoring him whispering my name I stared out the window.

“Baby! Are you really going to be like that?” He grabbed my hand causing me to stare at him once more as my face held totally confusion.

“What? Don’t call me that, stranger.” I took my hand back as he opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off as I heard another voice speak up causing me to turn to look at its owner.

“This younger generation is always fighting. Son, just apologize already and stop getting on his nerves! He had the audacity to walk out of the house dressed like you even though he is mad. I can tell that he’s a keeper, so just apologize already!”  I thanked the old lady as she smiled at me and I couldn’t hide the laugh that came out of that statement.


“No Buts! Apologize!” I watched in amusement as he was shut up and as he turned to look at me I waited.

“I'm sorry for yelling and pushing you, even though it wasn’t harmful, but it still made you upset. Do you accept my apology?” I smiled in response causing me to nod as I scooted over allowing him to sit next to me.

He took the seat quickly and leaning close to me I shied away as he got close enough so that we were face to face.

“Be lucky that I like you, a lot, or else I wouldn’t have apologized to you.” Rolling my eyes, I pushed him away causing him to laugh as I went back to staring out the window.

We drove for at least an hour changing buses once more before we arrived in a small town off the shore. I didn’t look at the name closely seeing as how I was pinching that idiot because he kept on rubbing my leg. ert. Getting off the bus, I waited for him seeing as how he dragged me here and is now being extra slow. When he finally got off I was so close to just leaving him, but he came dragging me away as he said something along the lines of us being late, and I just couldn’t help but roll my eyes. We ran for at least a few miles before my legs got weak and I collapsed onto the steps of a building causing him to stop also as he stood in front of me as I caught my breath.

“We’re here.” Getting up slowly I turned around looking at the sign as it said something about a studio, but I was too tired to ask any questions.

Walking up the steps, I pushed the door open as a bunch of cool air hit me causing me to sigh in relief and as Jackson walked passed me and towards the front desk he began doing whatever he was doing. Taking this time, I looked around as I saw a bunch of photos of celebrities, and others, such as back up dancers. I even saw a picture of what looked Hyung. Pulling out my phone I took a quick picture of it as I turned around to see Jackson laughing at me and being the confused person that I am I scrunched up my eyebrows as he just told me to follow him.  Running behind him he leads us to a room on the top floor and pushing it open the sound of loud music filled my ears causing me to jump in surprise before peeking my head inside as I saw two people dancing, sensually, if I might add.

“Close the door! Why are you intruding on their dance session?” I pulled the door closed as he only laughed before opening the door as he pushed me inside causing me to trip over myself as I almost fell but arms caught me and I couldn’t be more thankful.

“Are you okay?” Nodding I stood with this person’s help and looking at him I was in shock because he was cute. “I’m Youngjae and this is my boyfriend Yugyeom.”

“Oh, I’m Eunkwang. It’s a pleasure to meet you two.” I bowed being polite as they did the same and all of a sudden that headache’s voice boomed through the room as he began screaming.

“YO! Yugyeom, what’s up?!” Shaking my head, I watched as Yugyeom walked over as they did a little handshake before hugging and I just felt so awkward in this equation.

“Nothing much, what has been up with you Hyung?” I watched with Youngjae as they talked and I shook my head before taking the snapback off my head seeing as how my forehead was sweaty.

“OMG! Y-You’re Seo Eunkwang!” I looked at Youngjae as he began freaking out a little bit and I couldn’t help but laugh because he was cute with this flustered look.

After he finally calmed down, by a lot, we talked for a minute and I found out that he was a pianist and I dabbled in the piano myself, but I never met someone who actually did it for a living and has won championships and awards. But we were interrupted by the other two who I forgot where in the room as they came over asking what we were talking about, but not saying anything I stood putting back on my snapback as I was starting to get bored.

“So why are we here?” I finally asked causing Jackson to jump up as he bounced around me and I just continued to shake my head as I put my head in my hands rubbing my temple.

“We are dancing! I noticed that you don’t dance a lot, and the way you look at people that do is so amazing that I thought that we could get dance lessons from my brother.” I was kind of surprised that he actually paid that much attention to what I did and didn’t do, and my interests, but brother?

“Brother? But you don’t look anything alike?” I whispered to him as he stood next to me and the smile on his face got even bigger.

“Different Appas.” I nodded in understanding and that was the last thing I said to him as we started the lesson, finally.

“So for this dance, the first we are going to show you what to do and then we will teach it, okay?” Nodding at Yugyeom’s words I watched as they stood together and as they started dancing I felt as if I was watching a music video.

When they finished I was already on my way out the door because I would not be dancing like that with that headache. But I was pulled back in by Jackson as he held me close to him causing me to frown at the thought of us dancing like that, why can’t we dance like normal people? Like hip-hop or modern or some like that! But no he had to bring me to a ing y dance class. I swear I’m beating his when we get out of here.

“It’s not that hard, right? Now we are going to be teaching separately and then together, so Eunkwang Hyung you go with Youngjae and I’ll take Hyung.” Nodding I ran out of his grip and by Youngjae as he giggled but I was just happy to not have to dance with him right now.

As we went to separate ends of the big room I looked at Youngjae in anticipation because this was going to be fun, well besides the other part, but I like to dance even though I’m not the best at it. Then again, practice makes perfect so if it has to be with Jackson then I will dance with Jackson but after this I’ll skin him alive if he tries anything funny. I watched as Youngjae repeated the first dance move telling me to do the same so mimicking him I did exactly he did and I’ve never felt so excited in my life, except for debut, but after the fact. I continued following him but I had to stop when he got to a hard part.

“I can’t do that.” I deadpanned him causing him to shake his head as he laughed telling me to get up so that he could show me.

“Now bend over a little bit…like that…and drop your hips a little bit and sway them…like that! See, you can do it.”  I felt embarrassed at the move and when I looked up in the mirror I locked eyes with Jackson causing me to look away quickly even more embarrassed.

We spent at least an hour or two dancing on our own before we had to finally come together and dance as one and I couldn’t be more nervous because he was staring me down the whole time I was practicing. But swallowing my excuses, I stood next to him as Yugyeom played the music before he ran standing behind Youngjae as they were going to dance with us.

Placing his hand on my hip I kind of jumped a little bit but as he slides closer following everything that Yugyeom was doing I shot my hands out following Youngjae as I swirled my hips before pushing him away slightly. Staring at him, I dropped down before turning as I laid on the floor causing him to lay down as he hovered over me as he began rolling his hips and smirking at him I pushed him over as I now hovered over him and taking my head I put it on his forehead as I moved off of him standing as I twirling my hips before stopping as I “popped” my hips as Youngjae called it. He came up behind me pushing on my lower back and dropping down once more I crawled away causing him to pick me up and I couldn’t help but yelp in surprise and as I looked at the other two they were doing the exact same thing. Relaxing a little bit, he slammed me against the wall and instantly my legs wrapped around his waist and as he twirled us around I leaned back as I was laid on the ground causing him to do that hip rolling again and I was just over it at that point.

When we finished the dance I was laying on my back in between his legs as he had them bent, and as I looked at the other two I couldn’t feel more accomplished even though this isn’t really what I expected, it was way better. Taking a deep breath, I rolled off of him as I stood up and right when I did my stomach began growling, and rubbing it I looked around for some water. I haven’t been this hungry since my trainee days and even then it wasn’t this bad.

“Who’s hungry?” I raised my hand high as Youngjae asked causing him to chuckle before he said that we could go grab something to eat.

Nodding I fixed myself as I stared in the mirror as I pulled out my phone to see that I had a few missed calls, and one of them was from JB, but I wasn’t calling him back so calling Hyung I waited as it rung before he picked up sounding out of breath.

“Why aren’t you at home?” He finally said as it seemed like his surroundings had finally calmed down causing me to wonder what he was doing.

“Jackson suddenly showed up, and dragged me out to go dance at his brother’s studio. We’re about to leave to go get something to eat and then we will be on our way.” He okayed me as I heard another voice in the background and if I know that voice correctly it was Jackson’s Manager.

“So... what are you up to?”

“Noth…” He was cut off by the voice as it told me everything and I couldn’t help but grin as he was probably more than flustered.

“Come back to bed, they are old enough to get home on their own.” I laughed so hard that I couldn’t breathe as he was shushing the other and I really was going to hang this over his head until they either break up or get married.

“I’ll let you two get back to bed, and I’ll call you when I make it home.” Hanging up I didn’t let him answer so that he can go back to whatever he was doing before I called.

Turning around I saw that they were waiting for me, so running towards them we left as they turned off the lights and it seemed like they were going to lock up. Once outside in the fresh air I took a deep breath as the wind blew causing this large shirt to flap around as I had untucked it and honestly it looked as if I was wearing a dress. We left the dance studio as we walked down the street and around the corner to this little place packed with people. The sun was going to be seeing soon but I’ve never seen so many people out at one time before night time hit. We walked inside as we sat down at a table in the corner where no one could see us and by the same light hanging over our table we couldn’t really see each other either.

“What’s going on?” I asked as I watched people walk up on the stage as they sung and some danced causing everyone to start cheering and hollering.

“It’s show night.  Trainees to back up dancer from all over the place come and showcase their talents. Most of them time scouts or celebrities come and if they are impressed then they might get to debut faster or get into a company.” I nodded as I stared at the stage in immense interest as people came and stood waiting for it to begin.

After ordering, I looked back over as I noticed a familiar face as it sat down on the stool with a smile on its face as another accompanied him and I realized that it was Seungkwan and that goofy trainee. I watched as they performed and I was more than impressed, and if I wasn’t already all over the news I would have took my hat off to them, but instead I waited as they came off the stage and before they could leave I stood following them. As they grabbed their things and began making their way towards the door I grabbed both of them dragging them towards out table. They turned around scared causing me to lift my hat a little with a smile on my face and they both visibly relaxed.

“Sunbae! What are you doing here?” Telling them to sit they did as I smiled at the both of them wishing that they debuted as a unit unless there were others as good as them.

“I’m with some friends, and we got hungry. What are you two doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be training?” They both sighed causing a frown to come onto my face once more as I had taken a sudden liking towards the two.

“Mingyu had another commercial or whatever, and seeing as how we train a trio there was no point in us training for three when there’s only the two of us.” I nodded in understanding remembering how that used to hurt a lot because I was the one always having to wait.

“Is Mingyu the one with you the other day?” They both nodded and I thought about how Seungkwan looked when he heard him calling his name. “I see. Can I borrow you for a minute?”

“Uh, yes sunbae. DK can you wait for a minute?” I watched as the boy nicknamed DK nodded as he begins talking with Yugyeom, and taking this chance I walked him outside.

Getting far away so that we were alone, I looked out at the sea in front of us and the smell that came from it was calming. Looking out the side of my eye I noticed how he fidgeted and I knew something was conflicting him.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong?”

“Sunbae…” I cut him off as I hated the title because it made me feel old and I’m only in my mid-twenties.

“Call me Hyung, okay?” He nodded with a small smile on his face and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Well, Hyung, I just don’t know what I want anymore. I begin thinking if debut is what I really want? Is Mingyu who I really want to be with? And is DK still a friend in my eyes? I’ve just been really under the weather lately and when DK brought me here to get me some fresh air, but my heart fluttered and I felt really happy. Then again, Mingyu confessed first and I already accepted but I know he isn’t faithful because he’s always hanging around Wonwoo's neck. I just don’t know what to do anymore!” I laughed as he reminded me of myself so much.

“I was just like you when I was a trainee. After years of training I began thinking that my debut was never going to come so I was going to give up but then they said I debuted in a week. That was one of the happiest moments of my life honestly. I didn’t really have the boy problem until JB and just seeing him and Jr., all over each other all the time, it really hurt me. And when he broke up with me I literally felt as if my world was crashing to the ground but you have to realize that better days are to come. Debut will be right around the corner if you stick with it, and your heart is already telling what you want but your mind is telling you something else.”

We stayed in silence as I could feel his inner conflict and turning around I looked over at the glasses windows to see Jackson playing around with DK as they seemed to be having a good time with one another.

“Thank you so much Hyung, now I know what to do.” I smiled at him as I patted his back as we walked back towards the restaurant and I was hoping the food arrived because I was hungry.

“Oh, and by the way I like DK way more than Mingyu.” I whispered it into his ear causing him to still and I could only laugh as I sat back down as the sight of food caused my mouth to water.

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Thank you to everyone who loved this story! I hope to see you during my next story! Thanks again for reading.


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Lulufarias38 #1
Chapter 28: Mpreg!Eunkwang please ;-;
Lulufarias38 #2
Chapter 28: What a wonderful ending! >_<
I'm sensitive these days because of Eunkwang and I'm crying right now lol ;-;
This is one of my favorite btob stories, thanks for sharing with us <3
I hope you write more Eunkwang fanfics TT
Lulufarias38 #3
Chapter 27: How sad that it's ending TT I love your story <3
Lulufarias38 #4
Chapter 26: Each chapter that passes the story gets better *-* and you write wonderfully well. Your Eunkwang is a delight to read ;-;
I love you <3
Lulufarias38 #5
Chapter 22: So beautiful T^T
Lulufarias38 #6
Chapter 21: This is so cute :3
Lulufarias38 #7
Chapter 20: You made me cry T^T
Seo Eunkwang is my weakness ;-;
It was so sad...
Lulufarias38 #8
Chapter 18: The chapter is so well written :) I loved it <3
Lulufarias38 #9
Chapter 17: I missed you TT
This fanfic is wonderful! <3
btob x got7, what a rare paring^^