
Our Winter Ballad

It was the 30th day of filming and I was already off my rocks. We had changed our location to the school as we were done filming at the first house and once we're done with the school we're going to another house, and then it's going to the funeral scene. And at this very moment, for some reason the paparazzi decided that this would be a great time to hound me with questions about people who are should I say...irrelevant to me. Sighing, I rolled my eyes before turning to look at Jackson as he was dressed in his uniform with the straightest most interested face ever as he was gripping my hand causing me to look down as I could only shake my head.

"How do you feel about the recent news of JB and Jinyoung's break up over JB's solo debut song?" Closing my eyes, I opened them giving these reporters the blankest stare ever because why is it always me?

"Am I supposed to feel some type of way?" Waiting for someone to respond they only shrugged before continuing on as if I didn't just say something.

"But, rumor has it that he made the song for you." Brushing them off, I turned around walking off as I dragged Jackson behind me seeing as how I didn't have time to hear such nonsense.

Going towards the director, I apologized for being late as he nodded saying that they have been waiting since early this afternoon for me. Apologizing to everyone, I let go of Jackson's hand as I went to go get my hair fixed seeing as how we were a little behind schedule. It wasn't like it was my fault but I should still be quick so that we can start. Finishing with hair and makeup, we went inside the school as it was dark seeing as how we were doing the running through the school scene causing me to pout as I was going to be out of breath, which meant everyone is going to know how unathletic I am.

"Okay, so first we're going to start with you walking down the hallway as you are looking for your classroom because you forgot your jacket seeing as how you didn't want to be late for your college interview. Walk slow and don't look around until we get to the classroom, and once there you will hear footsteps, okay? Now what do you do?" Cracking my neck, I began stretching as I needed to warm up my body.

"I look around and as soon as the footsteps get louder I begin to backup only to turn and run." He gave me a smile as he patted my head before turning only to start yelling at everyone to get into their positions as we needed to hurry.

Taking a deep breath, I held the phone in my hand using it as a flashlight and fixing my backpack I waited for the cue to enter and as soon as it came, I walked fast trying to hurry up as I needed to look rushed for some reason, probably I needed to get home. Walking up the stairs, I couldn't help the chill that ran down my back at how creepy this all was; I know it's just for the movie but still I'm starting to get freaked out. Shaking my head, I continued up the second flight of stairs making it to the floor the classroom was on, and fixing my backpack once more, I began walking down the hall only to hear 'cut'. I was suddenly blinded by light as people began running around me to get things in place for the next scene. I was walked back to the top of the stairs as that was where I was starting from, it didn't take long before the lights went out as I was left with only the flashlight on the phone and hearing 'action', I walked around the corner, going down the hall as I made sure to walk a little slower and as I made it to the classroom all I could hear was the sound of heavy steps.

Looking around, I shrugged it off as the sound had suddenly stopped and going for the door I was about to pull it open when the steps had become rushed; which meant that I needed to go. Backing up slowly, I turned around going into a full sprint as I ran down the hall turning the corner to go down the stairs. Stopping, I waited as they changed cameras as the camera person had grabbed a slightly smaller camera holding it as he stood behind me waiting for the director to yell for us to start again. Now running down the stairs, I tried to not make too much noise as I didn't know who or what it was, but as I almost fell down the stairs slipping on the step the person was now running even faster. Picking myself up, I didn't get a chance to get myself together as I continued down the 1st flight and towards the front door but to my luck it was locked. Grabbing the handle, I pulled on it but it still didn't move causing me to kick it as this was annoying.

"Kwangho~!" Jumping, I froze for a second as the voice caused my skin to crawl causing me to look around quickly before taking off down the hall as I could leave through the side door.

As I ran the footsteps seemed right behind me as they ran with me and sliding around the corner I saw the door as the moonlight shined through it causing me to give a slight smile as I was happy that I was getting out of here. Running into the door, I pushed it causing it to open but before I could step out I felt hands wrap around my body yanking me back causing me to struggle as this couldn't be real.

"Kwangho, why must you run from me?" I couldn't turn my head from how tight he was holding my mouth causing me to close my eyes, as I "passed out", seeing as how I was already light headed.

"Okay!" Being let go, I jumped up taking a deep breath as I was glad that it was a good take because I couldn't do all that running all over again.

Seeing as how I did my scene good, I was left to stand and watch Jackson as they filmed him walking around the halls and him running after me. Once that was over, they began packing up as we would be filming the morning school scenes in two days as that was a student holiday meaning no one would be in the school besides the teachers. Taking off my costume, I changed back into my regular clothing as I thanked everyone before heading to Jackson's tent as we were supposed to go meet with our Managers as they wanted to go on a date or something.

"Jackson?" Walking through the tent opening, I couldn't help but wonder what was taking him so long and I finally got my answer as he was just sitting in his chair staring in the mirror. "Hey, are you okay?"

He turned to look at me before turning away as he rolled his eyes causing me to look around because this sudden attitude was weird. Going towards him, I sat down my jacket before taking the seat next to him as I wanted to know what was wrong with him; actually, he's been acting weird ever since the paparazzi was questioning me earlier.

"What's wrong with you? Is it because of the rumor that JB's song is dedicated to me?" Closing his eyes, he looked at me giving me this tight smile and I knew it just had to be that. "You know I don't care about him, right?"

"How am I supposed to be sure of that?" He stood grabbing his jacket as he tried to leave but I quickly reached for his pants holding on tight because why is he being so difficult?

"Huh? Are you implying that I'm cheating on you with him?" As he shrugged I could only scoff as he must have really lost his mind. "Wow! How could you think that?"

"I don't, Eun. How could I not? Every time I turn around its JB this, JB that and your name is always thrown into the mix. I love you, but why must it be this difficult?! Just tell me, are you still messing with him or not?" Taking back my hand, I stood as well because this was really crazy, even for him.

"You know what; maybe I should, seeing as how you can't trust me enough to see that I don't give a damn about him anymore; actually, I'm just going to let you cool off and get your mind-" I was suddenly being leaned over the dresser as he stood in front of me holding my shirt balled between his fist.

"If you even think about going to see him, then I'm officially walking away." Letting me go, he left leaving me to catch my breath as I couldn't believe how quickly things went a whole 180.

Standing up straight, I fixed my shirt but I didn't have an iron or anything so the wrinkles clearly showed where he had grabbed me; what the hell is wrong with him? Putting on my jacket, I left his tent only to see that a few people were standing around as they seemed curious about what had gone on but I chose to ignore it rather than address it as I was just ready to go home. Walking to the main street, I hauled myself a taxi seeing as how it wasn't far from the house and Hyung must have already went on his date, so getting inside I gave the address leaning back into the seat glad that the paparazzi left earlier.

Making it home, I got out paying as I ran inside seeing as how it started raining which was just great as it really lightened the mood. Opening my door, I threw/kicked clothing off as I went straight to the couch flopping on it as I just didn't want to think about Jackson or JB; I think I need a TV break. Sitting up, I grabbed the remote turning it onto a random channel before standing as I went into the kitchen as I was suddenly hungry.

"Today's hot new hit of the week is 'Think About You' by JB. Spin it DJ!" Rolling my eyes, I closed the refrigerator as I didn't feel like changing the channel even though this show was corny along with the song they were about to play.

I didn't know then.

I must've been accustomed to being alone,

Or I must've been too young.

But now I realized, I was irresponsible, breaking your heart.

But you still wanted to keep me by your side.

Baby I Miss You, I Miss You Girl

I was a fool, but I am back to where I was.

As he went into the chorus my soup was done warming up as it gave me just enough time to get back and change the channel before the second verse started. The song was good, but I didn't want to know or hear anything about it especially seeing as how it's ruining my relationship at the moment. Sighing, I went to the news as it was the only thing that made enough sense at the moment and downing my soup I couldn't believe how crazy today had been.


I didn't mean to blow up on him, but I was just annoyed with JB's name always being associated with him; like, why can't these people see that he has me now?

Sighing, I pulled out my phone texting my friends telling them to meet me at the club and getting a bunch of ‘Hell Yeahs’ in reply, I continued walking as I had my hood on trying not to gather any unwanted attention. The walk was a good workout as when I arrived at the club, I was sweating even though it wasn’t even all that hot but ignoring that fact I showed the bouncer my I.D as he let me cut in line. Making my way towards an empty booth, I pulled my hood off as I waited trying to find something to take my mind off of my current sour mood. Leaning back into the seat, I chose to stare at my hands instead of at other people in their almost nonexistent outfits as I didn’t need to be getting caught up in anything that I had just accused him of doing.

“Yo! Jack Jack is finally in the house!” Looking up I was suddenly surrounded by 4 people as they were all smiling causing me to dap them up as I missed them.

“Hey, we’ve all been busy making this money; Jay and Kris especially.” Everyone began laughing at my words because it was true as they were making big moves as of lately.

“How’s your fairytale romance going?” Giving a tight smile we were interrupted by a server coming over asking us about drinks.

After giving her what we wanted they all turned back on me as if I was eager to answer the question.

“Honestly, lets not talk about that tonight; for this night only we are all single, I mean half of us are, but that doesn’t matter.” Rolling my eyes, I punched Jooheon as he must have been drinking before arriving.

We began talking about other random things and as I sat listening I couldn’t help but feel like I needed to apologize for blowing up on him like that. Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it about to pull up his name when my phone was snatched out of my hand as Namjoon slipped it into his pocket basically shaking his head at me. Shrugging, I downed the rest of my drink before asking for another as tonight I was free for the most part.

“Jackson you should get out there and show them your dance moves.” Blinking the song changed to something I could get down to causing me to jump over the table as I pushed through the crowd until I was in the center.

Starting slow, I worked my way into the dance and before I knew it I had the whole floor to myself as people were cheering me on causing Jay to join me as we began throwing down. We were both covered in sweat when we were done causing us to hug each other as I missed this, I mean; it’s been a while since we could be like this. Going back to the table, I grabbed a random drink sipping on it to quench my thirst.

“So, when is your comeback?” Everything seemed to stop as I realized that I didn’t even have a song to comeback with.

“I haven’t been able to write anything, so I don’t know.” They all shook their heads at me before I was being rushed out of the club and into a taxi.

“Go home and make some money, we’ll see you in a few weeks; also, apologize to Eunkwang. Anyone can tell that you did something wrong.” The taxi pulled off before I could say anything in reply causing me to lean back as this was for the best.

Arriving home, my actual home, I entered greeting the few people in the hallways as I haven’t been home in a long time as I spent majority of my time with Eunkwang. Sighing, I unlocked the door taking off my shoes as I went into my, at home, studio seeing as how I should start now before I really have nothing to write about. Flopping down in the chair that was now cold, I opened up my notebook as I flipped to a clean page and turning on my laptop I went to my instrumentals as I went through them until I found one that I liked. When I was done writing, I had two songs finished and as I choose one for the first instrumental, I found another for the second song.

I don't need one hundred other girls

I just need you, I just need you

Besides you, I don’t need anything else

I just need you, I just need you

Singing into the mic, I sighed before rubbing my face as I needed to finish this first song; I needed to do a lot of things as of lately, and it seems that this is the best way to get my feelings across.

No matter how much I tell you, you really don’t know my heart
Sometimes, if the way I express myself gets too rough, you get surprised
Love cannot be expressed with words
A guy like you does not make sense, does not make sense
No matter how much I tell you, you really don’t know my heart
Sometimes, if the way I express myself gets too rough, you get surprised
No other guy can compete with you
A guy like you does not make sense, does not make sense

My phone rang causing me to stop as I turned down the music and pausing the mic, I looked at the caller I.D to see that it was the one person I didn't want to talk to. Letting it go to voicemail, I tossed my phone across the room as I just wanted to be left alone with my music. Turning back up the instrumental so that I blasted in my headphones, I turned back up the mic as I started everything over so that I could continue where I left off.

It’s not enough even if I tell you I love you a hundred times
When my feelings rise up, you pull me
Without you, I’m just a corpse
When you’re here, I smile more than any other time
Among the betrayals, scams, lies and other bad things, you only care for me
You’re on my side, you’re mine, you’re so pretty
So, I don’t last long when I’m with you, I take off your clothes often, sorry
Anyway, I’m so happy that I’m living in this world with you
Your personality, actions, everything steals my heart.

Finishing the first song, I felt something deep down inside of me doing little black flips as Eun ran through my mind the whole time I was rapping, and I just knew that he was the one that I was supposed to sing these songs for. Knocking on the front door brought me out of my studio as nobody seemed to get the idea that I wanted to be left alone, then again, it could be Eun. Throwing open the door, I was disappointed as it in fact was non-other than Mark (the one person I didn't want to talk to); sighing, I leaned against the door waiting on him to tell me what he wanted.

"Why didn't you answer my phone call?" Scratching my chin, I shrugged not really seeing a reason for me to answer.

"Why do I have to?" He sighed causing me to follow suit as this was starting to become awkward.

"I need to talk to you about something, and it's really important." Oh, now it's important for me to listen? This is really funny.

"Go ahead." I didn't want to let him inside as I don't need either of us breaking my stuff, again.

"I don't think it's a conversation appropriate for the hallway." Staring at him, I already knew what he was trying to do as this was how we got back together last time and I'm quite happy in my current relationship. "Fine! I'm getting a chance to debut as a duo with BamBam, and I heard that our mentor was going to be Eunkwang sunbae, so I was wondering if you could tell me a few things about him?"

"No, I think you should figure that out on your own." Turning around, I was about to go back inside when he grabbed my shirt pulling me back out the door. "Yah!"

"Why can't you just tell me?!" Turning to face him, I tripped on my feet causing us both to fall as I landed on top of him hard causing him to groan in pain.

"So, you blow up on me thinking that I'm cheating, but you're in the middle of the hallway getting frisky?" Jumping up, I saw Eun as he stood staring in between the both of us with the most disgusted look ever.

"I think I should go." Mark ran off without even trying to explain leaving me to kneel all on my own as this wasn't how this was supposed to turn out.

"Let me explain, okay?" He raised his foot as if he was about to kick me causing me to flinch but he soon brought it down stepping over me and into my apartment.

Scurrying behind him, I stood closing the door as I watched him flop down on the couch with his arms crossed waiting on me to start explaining. Sitting on the coffee table, I made sure that he was pay attention as I began to tell him what had happened making sure not to leave out the fact that he came asking about him, and once I was done, I waited on him to give me any type of reaction. He sat still for a few seconds before nodding and as he went to grab his bag, I pushed it aside as I had to apologize for my early actions. Taking his hands in my own, I started to feel even worse than I previously did causing me to pull him in for a hug but he didn't hug me back.

"I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating with JB. I know, he's put you through a lot but I was just so tired of hearing your names together that I blew up. I'm really sorry." His arms finally wrapped around me as he sat down on my leg so that his arms rested around my neck.

"You're forgiven, because I hear JB and me more than I hear about us; and a little tip, just ignore it, okay?" Nodding, I pulled him in even tighter as I was glad that we were on a good note once more.

"Oh, sorry, but why did you come here?" He stood walking away from me causing me to follow as he was acting a little weird.

"I called you twice and you ignored both of them, so I thought something bad had happened and without even thinking I ran over here. So, the real question is, what were you doing?" He called me?

Going into the studio, I grabbed my phone seeing that he had called me while I was recording meaning that I definitely didn't hear it. Holding my phone, he shrugged before sitting in the chair that I once occupied and as he hit the play button my voice filled the room as he listened to what I had just got done recording. I don't know why but I suddenly felt nervous as he nodded along to the beat. As the music faded signaling that it was the end of the song, he pulled off the headphones before staring at me as he gave me this somewhat shy smile; and from my experience, I could tell that he liked it.

“I have another song to record, do you want to help me before you leave?” He nodded causing me to reach over him as I pulled up the instrumental, glad that I had it pre picked. “Do you know what to do?”

“I’ve composed and produced many of my own songs. I know what I’m doing, sir.” Laughing, I back off taking the seat by the mic and fixing it so that I could look at him, I put on my headphones giving him the thumbs up to start.

Where are you going with those two skinny legs?

Rose, this is a field where wolves are roaming

I’ll become a lion

I’ll become a lion I’ll become a lion


He turned around staring at me but I continued as it was a song meant for him even though I changed the lyrics so that it could apply to others; I don’t want to become an artist that only writes about a pure love.

Don’t worry

This song is my theme song about you

My heart that won’t change like the mountains

I got you baby, I got you baby

I got you baby, I got you baby

I’ll take care of you when no one is around

I’ll always be with you when no one is around

From all the animals out there

I have to save you

Sometimes even bugs stick (to you)

Trying to win your love

I keep on imagining you smiling in front of them


He was feeling it until I went onto the next verse causing his face to turn up a little but I knew that it was better to explain once I was done rather than interrupt my flow. Smiling at him, I dropped my head taking a deep breath before starting again.

But because that’s your business

I won’t interfere

You take off your clothes

And they touch you

Sometimes, even in front of people who are your father’s age

But you don’t get flustered

You’ll do your best

Do I have to understand that?

If it’s your family’s problem

Do I have to understand that?

I cried all night yesterday


Finishing the song, I watched him for a few seconds before hanging up my headphones as I wanted to know how he felt about the song. It wasn’t about him, but I just feel that he should know that I’ll take care of him no matter what happens; even if he did have to sell himself, which I hope never happens as I would be there to catch him before he falls that low. He was clicking around fast as if he was producing the song himself which was a weird sight to see but as I squatted down next to him, I could see that he was holding this confused look.

“It’s something I came up with after trying to find something to write about; I think a lot of people will like it. How about you, do you like it?” He nodded slowly before, turning to face me finally allowing me to see his full reaction.

“I love it. When did you get so good at writing?” We both laughed together before I stood grabbing us something to drink as I figured that he wasn’t going home tonight.

I can’t wait until this movie is over so that we can do more than eat dinner after filming.



Gary (LeSSang) - Motto Zola (x)

GIRIBOY - Take care of you (x)

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Thank you to everyone who loved this story! I hope to see you during my next story! Thanks again for reading.


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Lulufarias38 #1
Chapter 28: Mpreg!Eunkwang please ;-;
Lulufarias38 #2
Chapter 28: What a wonderful ending! >_<
I'm sensitive these days because of Eunkwang and I'm crying right now lol ;-;
This is one of my favorite btob stories, thanks for sharing with us <3
I hope you write more Eunkwang fanfics TT
Lulufarias38 #3
Chapter 27: How sad that it's ending TT I love your story <3
Lulufarias38 #4
Chapter 26: Each chapter that passes the story gets better *-* and you write wonderfully well. Your Eunkwang is a delight to read ;-;
I love you <3
Lulufarias38 #5
Chapter 22: So beautiful T^T
Lulufarias38 #6
Chapter 21: This is so cute :3
Lulufarias38 #7
Chapter 20: You made me cry T^T
Seo Eunkwang is my weakness ;-;
It was so sad...
Lulufarias38 #8
Chapter 18: The chapter is so well written :) I loved it <3
Lulufarias38 #9
Chapter 17: I missed you TT
This fanfic is wonderful! <3
btob x got7, what a rare paring^^