Winter *

Our Winter Ballad

Waking up to the sound of my Manager as he walked into my room telling me to hurry up seeing as how we had to be at the salon in 30 minutes. Sighing I rolled out of bed before running around the house getting myself ready and once I was done I walked out of the door as he followed behind me closing it. Already knowing that I would need to start exercising again I opted to take the stairs as he joked around asking if CEY was in the lobby, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Once downstairs and out of breath, we made quick steps towards the van but it seems as if this dude is really out to get me. He stood in front of me with his hood pulled over his head as he had on a face mask and a pair of sunglasses trying to make himself incognito.

“Move out of my way JB.” I pushed passed him causing him to grab my arm and looking at my Manager I told him that I would be there quickly which he sighed at before getting in the van.

“Can you give me a minute?” He pulled me so that we weren’t in front of the building anymore and instead on the side where people wouldn’t be able to notice us easily.

“Do you deserve a minute? You know Jr. came storming into my home an hour or two after you left looking for you? I honestly and truthfully am done with you and you are just causing more trouble for me. Can’t I just have a comeback in peace?” He sighed before pushing off his hood as I saw that he had that stupid snapback on.

“I’m sorry, okay? I just really miss you.” He started to sound all sad causing me to roll my eyes as I yanked my arm out of his hand as I straightened myself out seeing as how we were going to be late if I didn’t go now.

“Well I don’t, have a good day.” Running away from him I opened the door to the van as I hopped in causing Hyung to drive off as he began asking me what that loser wanted.

I laughed as he continued to joke on him and for once I was glad that he was my corny Manager, because if it was any other day the jokes would have been stale. When we arrived I got out quickly as I ran inside and was immediately seated down and as I waited for them to start on me seeing as how a few of my hoobaes were also getting ready I looked at myself in the mirror. Blonde hair. I think I need something new, because I have been rocking Blonde hair since debut and the only time it was a different color was when I got pink added into it.

“Hyung!” He got up from his seat as he brought me a coffee and I laughed because that wasn’t even what I wanted but I took it none the less.


“Should I change my hair color? Maybe get it cut differently?” He looked surprised at my sudden care for my hair seeing as how I usually just be like do whatever, and when he smiled at me before walking away I watched as he went to go talk to my normal stylist.

It didn’t take long before a cart pulled up as hair dye was on it already mixed with a pair of gloves and some aluminum foil on it. I was taken to go get my hair washed and when I came back my stylist was already standing next to my chair as she was getting ready. Smiling at her I sat back down as they changed my apron before she started parting my hair as she was putting hair dye in it. When she finished I sat there with a blow dryer over my head as I nodded my head back and forth to the song playing through the shop.


“Yes?” She came over to me as she checked my hair before shaking her head to motion that I wasn’t done yet.

“Who is this?” I acted very curious because I don’t usually listen to rap or upbeat songs seeing as how I am a ballad singer and my company is very adamant on making sure I know what a true one sounds like.

“Oh it’s that rookie rapper King J.” My mouth hung open as if she had just said the most shocking and life threatening thing ever, but damn he was good.

Nodding she laughed before saying that I only had at least another minute and she was going to be right back. And indeed when a minute had passed I was done. Rinsing my hair, I came back to look in the mirror as I was kind of shocked to see that I actually looked good with Brown hair. When I was finally done with styling and everything I thanked everyone before we left as I had to go to my photoshoot seeing as how this song was going to be on my new album which is dropping a few days after the single drops.

The drive wasn’t very far as it was just up the street and around the corner. Getting out of the car I walked inside as Hyung was right behind me. As I took a step inside I greeted everyone before being rushed into my dressing room. Being sat down they immediately began makeup seeing as how I didn’t want it done at the salon knowing that it was going to change over the next few hours. It took 30 minutes seeing as how my hair was already done, and now dressed and ready I went to go greet the director.

“Hello, I’m Seo Eunkwang and I’ll be in your…Sungjae?” I was honestly surprised to see that the neighborhood kid who I used to sing to on the weekends had actually became a photographer.

“Ahhh yeah and it- Hyung? Omo! How are you? It has been years.” I laughed noticing that he was still the same as always.

“Well I’m finally making a comeback but other than that things have been alright. I see you are still the same. Do you still hang out with that American kid Peniel?” He seemed to blush as I mentioned his name and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“W-Well we are kind of getting married soon.” I smiled happy for him because he always used to talk about Peniel as if he was the only person in the world.

“That’s so good. I’m really happy for you, so don’t forget to invite me to the wedding. I’ll even sing if you want me to.” He seemed surprised by my proposal and when that smile came over his face once more I knew there was a reason I usual sung to only him.

“Y-You would do that?! I would love it if you could do that. I’ll tell you more about it after the shoot, okay?” Nodding I ran onto the set as they pulled out a chair telling me that this would be one of my many props today.

Sitting down I got some last minute touch ups before I began posing as I thought about the title for my album. The whole shoot I was laughing as Sungjae looked weird being serious, but that wasn’t the only reason. We were having so much fun playing around that I didn’t even notice Hyung as he was snapping pictures of me. As we wrapped everything up I got all the information from Sungjae as I wished him luck with his career as he did the same with my comeback, and with this I left his studio. Stepping outside the sun was high and bright but it wasn’t too bright meaning that it was after noon.

“Hyung! Let's go eat, and it’s on me.” He gave me this weird look before his phone suddenly came out as he took a picture of me causing me to blink in confusion. “What was that for?”

“Oh, nothing. Anyway let’s go eat, you said it was on you right? How about pizza? No, BBQ!” I rolled my eyes as I tried to catch up with his pace as we went across the street and a little farther down to a barbeque place.

When we walked inside I noticed that the walls were covered in celebrity photos and signatures and as I looked around there was a few scattered among the crowd, but they went unnoticed. Sighing I smiled as the ahjumma came over as she told us to sit where we liked, and Hyung just had to pick the table by the window. Sitting down I picked up a menu as I looked over it seeing a good selection of meat, but a bunch of hurried knocks at the window brought me out of my choices. Turning my head, I looked up as I saw the Headache with his Manager who was holding his head in his hand as he shook it. I cursed myself for looking instead of ignoring like I usual would and before I knew it he took the seat across from me as his Manager sat next to him across from mine.

“I never thought we would meet again! This must be destiny! How come you didn’t call me?!” He was being loud causing me to slap myself in the face with the menu as hard as I could wishing that I could die right now.

“J! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. We were on our way to do a casting call for his new MV when he said that he was hungry. I’m truly sorry for disturbing you. Let’s get out own table J.” I stopped hitting myself as I had the perfect idea as I told them to stop before opening up my menu as I pulled my Manager inside as I started whispering.

“I got the perfect idea.”

“And what might that be?” I laughed a little bit before peeking over the menu to see them staring at us and in return I nodded.

“I can count this as the date that he wanted to go on, and seeing as how you didn’t work out with your blind date, you know…” I left it open for him causing his eyes to explode as he began shaking his head as if it was the scariest thing ever.

“You mean a double date?!” I had to cover his mouth as he was causing a scene and once he was calm I motioned that if he was any louder I would kill him.

“Yes, that is what I am implying. Manager to Manager; Artist to Artist, and this is the one and only date so think of it as an outing with friends. Okay?” I whispered lowly causing him to sigh before he nodded as I pulled the menu a way smiling at the two who looked very confused.

“Sorry, so stay and let’s eat. What would you guys’ like?” We decided on the menu and as we waited there was an awkward silence that filled the table as we just stared at one another.

This was way more awkward than when I tripped and we first met.

“So Hyungs’ are you seeing anyone at the moment?” I started their conversation as my Manager glared holes into my eyes and if looks could kill, I’m just saying, dust.

“N-No not at the moment. Why do you ask?” I smirked big and wide as I pushed Hyung to talk to him and he just wouldn’t break eye contact with me and I knew I was dead once this was done and over with.

“Well Hyung is single too. Maybe you guys can talk about things and find out what you have in common, you know.” They both just stared at me and I was glad when the meat was brought to the table causing all eyes to leave me.

Offering to grill it I was quickly denied as Hyung told the story of how I almost burned down the house trying to make myself some bacon. I rolled my eyes as I pinched his knee because he was making those two laugh and I didn’t find it funny. It was an accident and I was too busy doing other things that I forgot, well that was until Hyung came inside asking what was burning? He threw water all over the place and it literally took three days to dry, I had to stay at his place because the smell of burning flesh and mold wasn’t pleasant. Also he didn’t even have any games or anything, so he has no reason to speak. Sighing I turned towards the window as I noticed that more and more people were coming out and that just made me sigh even more; more press. Feeling a tap on my arm I turned to see that the rookie was smiling at me as he waved at me and I furrowed my eyebrows in response.

“Yes?” I finally asked seeing as how he was creeping me out.

“Why do you go by your real name instead of a stage name?” I gave him that really look but then again he probably already had his rapper name before he joined the company.

“Because I have nothing to hide. I am a Ballad Singer. That as important to my genre as saying that I am one of the best rappers alive. A fake, or stage name as you say, would only be used for me if I was in group and we were under a name. Other than that I am Seo Eunkwang and nothing else.” He nodded as I finished speaking causing me to look elsewhere as I reached over stealing a piece of pork.

“Are all Ballad Singers like you?” I chewed my food slowly as I tried to figure out what he meant by that.

“Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” He shrugged and at that point all I could do was nod. “Honestly I would have to say no.”

“Why is that?”

“Is this an interview or something because I need to be paid for airtime.” I joked with him but he didn’t really find it funny, but at least Hyung laughed. “I would have to say that because we all aren’t just Ballad Singers. Some want to do variety, others want to act, and other want to dance and do different genres. So we are not all one in the same, but I guess as long as we can call ourselves Ballad Singers then we are similar.”

“What do you want to do? Well besides Ballad.” I looked at him as I wondered why he was so interested in the genre that he probably doesn’t care for, but as long as he wanted to know there was no point in not tell him.

“I want to dance, or at least have the pop feel to my music. I’m not the best dancer but at least I try and if it doesn’t work then I will stick to what I am good at.” Shrugging it off I thanked Hyung for the plate as I began eating.

“Oh.” I stared at him for a while as the oh kept repeating in my head, and the way he said it seemed as if I didn’t give him the answer that he wanted.

“Well, since my interview is over how about I ask you a few questions.” He nodded as he picked at his food and he just looked like a kicked dog. “What’s your real name King J?”

“Jackson Wang. Wang meaning King and the J for Jackson, making me King J.” I laughed because it was so simple to the point where if someone didn’t tell you, you would have never guessed.

“Sorry, but why do you like me so much? I mean two different genres, two different companies, two different statuses. Also the first time we met I almost skinned my face off, so truthfully why do you like me?” He seemed a little thrown off by my question and he looked a little hesitant to answer, but I just had to know.

“I'm full. Thanks for the meal. Hyung, I’ll walk to the place and check everything out.” He stood grabbing his jacket causing all of us to watch as he walked around the table and towards the door, but he stopped. “I like you…just because I do. You don’t always need a reason when it comes to love.”

I chocked on my own spit causing Hyung to slap me on my back so hard that I almost threw up a few organs. Love? What the hell was he saying?! Everyone was just staring at us causing me to pull up my jacket as I covered my face trying to get rid of my embarrassment. I fumbled with my wallet as my face was starting to burn and pulling out the money I handed it to Hyung before standing as I stumbled out of the door needing some fresh air.

That was so embarrassing! Walking quickly, I searched for the van and once I found it I threw open the door glad that it was unlocked. Slamming it closed I sat all the way in the back and I curled up as I tried to stop myself from crying. But that didn’t work, at all. The tears came hot and fast and I just didn’t know why. Maybe it was because I was embarrassed, or it could be that this is the first time in almost 2 years that someone besides a friend or family member said that they loved me. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

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Thank you to everyone who loved this story! I hope to see you during my next story! Thanks again for reading.


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Lulufarias38 #1
Chapter 28: Mpreg!Eunkwang please ;-;
Lulufarias38 #2
Chapter 28: What a wonderful ending! >_<
I'm sensitive these days because of Eunkwang and I'm crying right now lol ;-;
This is one of my favorite btob stories, thanks for sharing with us <3
I hope you write more Eunkwang fanfics TT
Lulufarias38 #3
Chapter 27: How sad that it's ending TT I love your story <3
Lulufarias38 #4
Chapter 26: Each chapter that passes the story gets better *-* and you write wonderfully well. Your Eunkwang is a delight to read ;-;
I love you <3
Lulufarias38 #5
Chapter 22: So beautiful T^T
Lulufarias38 #6
Chapter 21: This is so cute :3
Lulufarias38 #7
Chapter 20: You made me cry T^T
Seo Eunkwang is my weakness ;-;
It was so sad...
Lulufarias38 #8
Chapter 18: The chapter is so well written :) I loved it <3
Lulufarias38 #9
Chapter 17: I missed you TT
This fanfic is wonderful! <3
btob x got7, what a rare paring^^