
Our Winter Ballad

Today was the first filming day, which I was excited about except for the fact that I had to wake up at 2am just to go to the hair salon. Then to top it off, I dyed my hair a darker shade of brown which left me to sit in a chair for 2 hours. I changed quickly after seeing as how we had to shoot with the sun as these were the beginnings scenes and as Hyung drove slow it only irritated me more. After we arrived, I was told to go meet with the director and as soon as I stepped into his tent the air was totally different. It was actually warm compared to the slight cold of the morning. 

“You’ve made it. Sit.” Taking the seat, he pointed at, he looked me over for what felt like forever as it made me slightly uncomfortable. 

“Hello…Hello…Hel-Eunkwang?” Turning I looked at Jackson as he entered looking…different?  

“Good Morning.” He said it back before tilting his head a little as he took the seat next to mine. 

“So, we are going to start off with the morning scene as he is getting ready to go to school, okay?” Nodding, I couldn’t help but feel nervous as this was on a huge scale. “Don’t be nervous; just think back to when you were 19.”  

“I don’t know what a normal 19-year-old is like. When I was 19, I was on tour with a bunch of Sunbaes; I couldn’t even attend my own graduation.” Everyone seemed surprised by my words but as I looked around I knew no one would be able to understand. 

“Hey, I might of went to mine but I was barely in school as I was always training.” Punching his leg, I stood as I was called to start getting ready.  

Walking into the house, I couldn’t help but remember the meeting I had with his Mother as she asked me to portray her son beautifully, and now as I was about to step into the role I intended to do her words justice. Jumping onto the bed, the stylist came over ruffing up my hair as to show bed hair and smiling at her I handed Hyung my jacket as he stood to the side awkwardly.  

“As long as you act natural that’s all that matters, okay?” Nodding, the director stepped back as he began getting ready to start. 

Laying back, I knew I was too stiff but then I didn’t want to be lax because I saw the pictures of him sleeping which was another weird experience in its own. it! I’ll do what I want! Spreading out, I closed my eyes as I was already prepared to go to sleep and if it wasn’t for the loud ‘Action!’ I might have actually fell asleep.  

“Kwangho? Kwangho?!” Jumping up, I grabbed my head before looking out the window before turning my attention towards the door. “You're going to be late, if you sleep anymore.”  

Flopping back down, I rolled out of bed before standing as I walked passed the camera. Hearing an ‘Okay!’ caused my heart to stopped pounding as I felt like I was going to pass out. They started setting up for the next scene as the Director gave me a starting point telling me to continue acting natural. We started again as I scratched my side making my way into the bathroom going to the sink as I brushed my teeth for the 2nd time this morning. Finishing the bathroom scene, I went into the closet closing it waiting until I heard cut causing me to peek my head out waiting on what to do next. 

“Eunkwang get changed for the next scene.” Nodding, I was handed the school uniform as it made me sigh because it’s been so long since I last wore one. 

After changing, I went back into the closet as that was where we were staring from and as the cue came I opened the door smoothing my hair down as I grabbed my book bag off the bedroom door. Opening it I walked down the hall before turning into the kitchen as I heard a loud ‘cut’ being screamed from the room. The other camera was already set up in the kitchen but as we all waited for the Director’s cue I looked around noticing that the pictures in the picture frames were real, as in the actual ones I mean. 

“Eunkwang for a rookie you’re doing great. Just remember to relax, okay?” Smiling I thanked the actress that was playing my Mother because she was really sweet. 

“Is this your first movie like this?” The stylist had come over as she began fixing my hair causing me to bend down a little vas she was shorter than I was. 

“Based off a true story? Yes. Thriller? No.” Nodding, I made a mental note that she would be perfect when it comes to asking questions. 


“Yes?” Thanking the stylist, she left as the Director took her place as he had a script in his hands. 

“Now, we are going to start going by the script. If you mess up its fine, we have plenty of film.” Laughing a little at his joke, he gave me a pat on the back before walking away. 

Running over what I had to say in my head, I felt worn out and we just got started. It was still dark but the sun was starting to peak as it was almost dawn meaning that I had to get this perfect. Taking a deep breath, I fixed my uniform and bag as I put my other arm through the strap as it sat perfectly on my back. 

“Places!” Calming myself down, I took a few steps back down the hall in wait. “Action!”  

“Umma, have you seen my phone?” Patting myself down, I looked around confused causing the Directed to yell cut. 

“Eunkwang, natural! Natural!” Apologizing, we started again as I tried to be less stiff. 

“Umma, have you seen my phone?” Looking around, I walked towards the table but it wasn’t there causing me to look up as I heard her snicker. “What’s so funny?” 

“I swear; I don’t know who you get it from but it’s going to be the death of you.” She reached forward by my book bag causing me to follow her hands. “What would you do without me?”  

She placed in my hand causing me to smile sheepishly before taking my seat at the table. I watched as she sat the plate down and as she stared at me I couldn’t help but laugh as my skin was crawling a little. 

“Cut!” Flinching a little, I finally remembered where I was and how I messed up. “Why are you laughing?”  

“Sorry, it just seemed to drama like but I know some people’s lives are actually like that. I’ll try again, sorry.” He sighed before walking away as he said we were going to start from where we left off. 

Nodding, I got my head on straight as I kept telling myself that this was acting and I was basically telling someone else’s story. I need to get this right! As the film rolled once more the plate was sat down causing me to pick up the chopsticks as I had a delighted smile on my face. 

“Thanks for the meal.” She ruffled my hair before leaving me alone to eat as she went to get the laundry. 

I ate slowly as I enjoyed it before my phone buzzed causing me to pick up as I looked at the alarm that told me I only had 10 minutes to get to school. Jumping up, I stuffed the rest of the food in my mouth before running towards the front door. Slipping my shoes on, I threw open the door only to hear ‘Cut!’ as soon as it closed behind me. Hyung came over with a little bag as I spit the food in my mouth into it before throwing back the water he handed me because I was on the verge of choking from how dry my mouth was.  

“You’re doing great so far, keep it up, okay?” Nodding, I stretched a little bit before looking around as I made eye contact with Jackson as he seemed to be getting into character.  

“If you say so, Hyung.” The stylist came back over fixing my uniform and hair once more causing me to sigh as I was lost no matter how much they told me I was doing a great. 

“Eunkwang! We’re going to start on the next scene, so stuff your mouth again.” I was handed a bowl of rice and stuffing it in my mouth a chewed a little swallowing some of it as to look like there was less than when I ran out of the house. “Places!” 

Stepping back in the house, I heard the cue so running out of the door as I had a moment ago and grabbing the bike I ran right out the gate hopping on it as I peddled off as the gate’s door slammed behind me. I rode the bike until I got to the corner as I was still swallowing the food, and I was more than surprised to see something almost run into me. Falling off the bike, all the food in my mouth came out on the sidewalk causing me to look back as I heard laughter causing me to sigh as I sat up. Wiping my face, I looked at my hands to see that they were scrapped up but not bloody and I couldn’t help but look around because I was confused. I saw the Director as he told me to continue, and rolling my eyes I stood getting back on the bike as I actually went around the corner hearing ‘Cut!’. 

“Are you okay?” Nodding, I smiled because I was actually happy to fall of the bike; well after I realized what was going on. 

“I haven’t fell off a bike since I was 10.” Okay, that was kind of creepy of me to say with a smile on my face. 

“Let’s go do your makeup for the next scene.” Nodding, I happily followed behind Makeup as she took me inside the house.  

Everything was moving fast as I changed into another set of pajamas and with makeup done I was left standing in the middle of the living room confused. Letting some sir out through my nose, I finished my water bottle tossing it into the trash as the Director came up to me with the script once more. 

“This is a crucial part of the movie, so do whatever but be happy. After each small scene you’ll change into a different outfit so don’t tire yourself out too much.” Agreeing to his plan, I was pointed to a certain spot and sitting on the floor they went to get everything ready. 

There was a book and food on the table and as they had a drama from a few years back playing I wasn’t as nervous anymore. Taking some of the popcorn, I popped it in my mouth as I chewed slowly trying to figure out what this book was about. I completely ignored the cue to go as I didn’t even hear it and looking at the TV, I stared at it for a moment as it gave me a bad memory. Suddenly hearing ‘Okay!’ snapped me out of my thoughts as I was rushed to go change causing me to almost trip and fall into the camera. Changing into normal clothes, I was wearing an old school clothing style but I was fine with as I was told to dance if I could; of course I can. I immediately started to do my Roo'ra dance as I was killing it causing me to burst out laughing halfway through, and as Hyung was semi-cheering me on as he didn’t want to be loud made it even funnier. I did a scene in the room, in the kitchen, and one outside as they brought a dog on set causing everyone to lose their minds.  

“You have a 2-hour break as we are going to shoot other scenes. Actually, if you want, you can go home for the evening.” Nodding, I yawned at the thought of hoping home to a warm bed. 

“I’ll just wait in case I need to do a last minute scene; if that’s okay with you?”  

“Of course.” He walked away leaving me alone as I motioned for Hyung to come over.  

“Is the van close?” He nodded causing this huge smile to come on my face. 

Walking to the van, I began planning out how I was going to use these 2 hours just in case I can’t go home, and I already knew half of it was going to be a nap. Getting in, I grabbed the blanket and pillow I brought with me in the car this morning, and dropping the seat back I instantly fell asleep; well after setting an alarm of course. The hour felt like a minute and as I opened my eyes to see another face in front of mine I couldn’t help but jump back a little bit before realizing that it was Jackson. Placing my hand over my heart, I took a few deep breathes before sitting up rubbing my eyes as it was still kind of early even though the sun was setting.  

“Did you film your scenes?” Yawning, he shrugged before sitting down in the seat next to mine as I saw that Hyung was knocked out as well. 

“More or less. How was your nap?” And he was the one to scare the sleep out of me, real nice.  

“More or less.” He laughed as I was kind of mocking him, and now that I looked at the other hour I had I needed to figure out something to do. “What do you have planned for tomorrow, seeing as how we have it off?” 

“I need to start working on my comeback, so I’ll be in the studio. How about you?”  

“Same, but so far I haven’t been able to come up with anything.” Rubbing my face, I looked out the window as the houses around us looked nice; the whole area did. 

“Do you want to go grab something eat?” Shrugging, I nodded before reaching forward as I tapped Hyung awake causing him to jump up and it was a good thing the car wasn’t on our else we would have run into the pole in front of us. 

“Hungry?” He nodded as he looked around trying to figure out what was going on and as Jackson called his Manager over to the car I had to hold my laughter.  

Once we were all awake and in the car we decided on where to eat, and as Hyung drove I stared out at the city around us as it seemed lively tonight. A soft smile came onto my face as I listened to them talk and scream about their own opinions on a subject that I wasn’t interested, and as I turned to look at them lyrics began to fill my head as I couldn’t hold back the feeling that was in this moment. Making it to the restaurant, I kept repeating the lyrics over and over again in my head until they became stuck as I didn’t have anything on me to write them down on.  

“How was the first day?” Junhyung Hyung, finally got his name, asked as we waited for the meat to cook. 

“It was okay, actually it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.” Jackson nodded to my words because I thought it was going to be something harder as I never done anything this serious. 

“But, did you do that sitcom? Isn’t it the same premises?” Shaking my head, I grabbed a piece of meat as Hyung began placing them on the plate. 

“With the sitcom it was just one continuous shoot and if we messed up it became NG cuts later used for bloopers, but we would start again right away. Also, I only had a small part so I wasn’t always on set.”  

Dinner ended in the Hyungs being teased about their relationship as they both didn’t want to admit that they wanted each other, it was as plain as the sky was blue. We took Jackson and his Manager back to the set so that they could go about the rest of their day and telling Hyung to take me to the studio I made sure to call Hyunsik to make sure that he was free. Pulling up in front of the company, I bid Hyung good night as I would either end up sleeping here or making Hyunsik drive me home as he would stay late anyway. Walking into his studio, he was mixing a beat which sounded amazing and as he slowed it down a little bit, it had that RnB feel to it that I also wanted to try. 

“Can I have it?” He jumped almost spilling his coffee as he turned around holding his chest causing me to laugh as he needed to sleep more. 

“The mix? I mean, only if it sounds good because if it doesn’t I’ll scrap the whole thing and give it to someone else.” Rolling my eyes, I looked in the drawers for my lyric book as I needed to get this down before I forgot about it. 

“I came up with some lyrics earlier, and I feel that it would go good with this beat. I want my next single to be a dance song even if it isn’t Idol pop dance; I just want to do what I want for once.” He nodded as he told me to get to it as he finished up the beat.  

Listening to it on repeat, the lyrics were coming and going causing me to scratch stuff out for about 20 minutes before I finally had it together enough. Re-writing it onto a clean sheet of paper, I tossed it to Hyunsik as he nodded telling me to hurry so that he could get everything ready so that I could focus on the movie rather than my comeback. Going into the booth, I finally felt as if I was at home as everything was just comfortable and natural to me; this is what I lived for. 

“Go whenever you’re ready.” Giving him the thumbs up, I rode the beat for a minute humming a little as the intro. 

There’s no place I can lean on, 

There’s no one I can tell 

Yes, I was lonely 

It was tough and I was very lonely 

I didn’t know what I could do 

Even I couldn’t get a chance to say my true feelings 

It seemed my heart was bursting, so I thought it was over 

“How did it sound?” The music stopped as I pulled my headphones off causing him to look at me funny. 

“Sad, as ; are you sure this is a good idea?” Nodding, I smiled to reassure him as he was so worrisome. “I see that you inserted back vocals, so what do you want to do first?” 

“I’ll just record everything then, re-record the back vocals.” He gave me the thumbs up as I put back on the headphones as the verse I just sang played through it. 

But you you you 

You came to me 

Because you you you 

You became light to me 

Finishing the bridge, we began working on the back vocals as I sang over there like five times in different keys as if to make it seem that I had backup singers. After we finished that, I had the chorus then the second verse as the bridge played over again as did the chorus; I was being lazy, I know. 

(I was sad, sad) 

Until you came to me 

(It hurt, hurt a lot) 

Until you listened to me 

(It’s fine, fine) 

If you believe me 

I’m fine with just that 

If anybody walked in at the moment they would have thought I was crazy as I was going low, then back to my normal voice before dropping low again as to indicate which parts needed the back vocals. We worked on the second verse with ease as he finally let me hear it as I knew I needed to go back in and do adlibs; honestly, this was going to be the start to my semi-dance singer career because everything was just perfect. It was late when I finished as I took to laying on his couch as he was doing his own thing with the song causing me to sigh because it was just too quiet around here; which it never is.  

“I’m going to get something out of the vending machine, do you want anything?” He gave me his order as his eyes were glued to the computer screen, and as I left I made sure to slam the door as it would break his concentration. 

Walking down the hall, it was dark as the small lights lit the way which was fine with me because this was the least scary thing I have ever seen; who am I kidding? I should have stayed in the room. Running the rest of the way, I flew around the corner as I entered the cafeteria swiping my card as I quickly punched everything in wishing that it would hurry up. 

“ON CEY!” Jumping onto the machine, I almost died as the TV suddenly but when I looked around to see no one around I knew that it was my cue to leave. 

Grabbing everything, I held it tightly to my chest as I took back off down the hall only to feel a hand grab me as it yanked me back into the darkness causing me to scream but the hand was already covering my mouth. I just wanted to make it to summer! I couldn’t see anything and as the persons breathing filled my ears I held on even tighter to the stuff in my arms as I could use them as a weapon if this thing tried anything. 

“Still a scaredy-cat, I see.” Hearing the voice, I sighed in relief before removing myself as I turned around to see Eunji as she was laughing her off. 

“Still as strong as ever, I see.” She stopped causing me to sigh as I stood ready to take off any minute especially seeing as how the hallway was still dark. 

“I knew Hyunsik would be here, but I didn’t expect to see you. I thought you were working on a movie?” Nodding, I scratched my head as I haven’t seen her in a while. 

“Yeah, how’s the tour going? Did you guys just get back today?”  

“Yup, I had a meeting with the CEO as he wanted to talk about our comeback as it is spring; but everything is now figured out and we start working tomorrow.” Smiling as I was happy for them, especially seeing as how A-Pink, her group, hit it big with their latest song.  

“Well, I have to get back to Hyunsik before he has a fit, but I’ll see you later.” She waved me off as I tried to act as if I was fun but as soon as I turned the corner I took off as I threw open the studio door before closing it behind me as I had to be sure. 

Dropping everything down on the couch, I gave him his food before crunching on my own as I was ready to go but him being him I knew we weren’t leaving any time soon. I should have told Hyung to stay. 

“How was the honeymoon?” It was silent before I asked the question and even after as he continued hitting keys on the keyboard. 

“Fine, we had a lot of fun.” He sounded drier than my socks but I knew it was better to let him finish whatever as he was going to work on it tomorrow anyway. 

Laying back down, I closed my eyes just glad that everything was peaceful in life; well, for the moment.


I'm Good by Seven (x)

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Lulufarias38 #1
Chapter 28: Mpreg!Eunkwang please ;-;
Lulufarias38 #2
Chapter 28: What a wonderful ending! >_<
I'm sensitive these days because of Eunkwang and I'm crying right now lol ;-;
This is one of my favorite btob stories, thanks for sharing with us <3
I hope you write more Eunkwang fanfics TT
Lulufarias38 #3
Chapter 27: How sad that it's ending TT I love your story <3
Lulufarias38 #4
Chapter 26: Each chapter that passes the story gets better *-* and you write wonderfully well. Your Eunkwang is a delight to read ;-;
I love you <3
Lulufarias38 #5
Chapter 22: So beautiful T^T
Lulufarias38 #6
Chapter 21: This is so cute :3
Lulufarias38 #7
Chapter 20: You made me cry T^T
Seo Eunkwang is my weakness ;-;
It was so sad...
Lulufarias38 #8
Chapter 18: The chapter is so well written :) I loved it <3
Lulufarias38 #9
Chapter 17: I missed you TT
This fanfic is wonderful! <3
btob x got7, what a rare paring^^