
Our Winter Ballad

Today was the last day of filming, meaning that the spring was coming to an end as the start of summer was in a few days. We were at our finally location which was the Twin’s home, and after being told that this was the actual house they grew up in I couldn’t help but feel a chill run down my back. Entering the home, I could tell that they had been here before as there was stuff littering the floors from when Jackson shot his scenes, but I kept quiet not wanting to point out that they forgot to clean up. Laughing at my own thought, I was suddenly being ushered into a bedroom as they began to mess my clothing and hair up before telling me to lay still as they tied my hands and legs up. Taking a deep breath, they placed tap over my mouth and as the makeup noona came over she put majority of the makeup on my eyes as she was mumbling about some swollen eyed-tired look.

“Are you guys ready?” Looking over her, I saw the Director as he had a smile on his face, probably from this being the last day, and as Jackson soon entered behind him with his hair dyed black I wondered if he was going to keep it that way. “Now, we will be recording the scene where Taemin revealed that he is actually Dongmin, and after that it will be a few more in-betweens before the death scene, okay?”

“Let’s do this.” Jackson walked back out as I was supposed to be on my own for a while before he entered the room with the wig on.

“Okay, places everyone!” People were running everywhere and in that span of no more than a few seconds I was laying with my eyes closed as if I was only in a peaceful sleep. “Action!”

I tried my hardest not to blink or open my eyes before I needed to, but as soon as I started counting in my head I knew that it was harder said than done. The presence of the camera man moving above me was strange and as I heard a small ‘Now!’, I slowly opened my eyes before closing them as I had to give off the appearance of me being ‘woozy’, so opening them once more I moved my head around trying to crack my neck. Looking around the room, I was confused as this wasn’t the darkness of the place I once was and as it smelled like a teenage boy I started to freak out as he must be somewhere around me. Lifting my arms, I felt the tape move from my skin before sticking once more as it wasn’t enough for me to get my arms or legs loose. After a minute of getting nowhere, I sighed before scooting myself up as I could try to use the headboard but as my head hit it causing a sound to resonate through the room I stilled holding in my pain as no one could hear me anyway.

“Kwangho, I brought you your fav-what are you doing?” I stopped moving as I was reaching for the finger clipper that I happened to see by chance. “I said, what are you doing?!”

My eyes got big as he came towards me and if it wasn’t in the script I would have never seen it coming; he threw the food causing it to hit the wall next to the bed, and as he grabbed my legs yanking me away from the only thing I could use to escape I couldn’t help but struggle. Well, it was a horrible struggle as I couldn’t even sit up but as he crawled on top of me grabbing my collar instead I laid limp staring at him as if he was crazy, which he was.

“I forgot you can’t speak.” Grabbing the end of the tape that silenced me, he grabbed it ripping it off causing me to scream out in real pain as tears came to my eyes.

“You ing crazy son of a !” Those words were my own, as the pain was crazy as it caused my face to sting but as he lost the crazy look I remembered that I needed to stay in my role.

“K-Kwangho-o, I’m sorry, please don’t be made at me, okay? Does it hurt that bad? Should I get you some ointment or ice?” His hand shook as it gently around my mouth as I knew that it was bright red.

“Just d-don’t touch me, Taemin.” I was exhausted from everything that was happening to me and as my tears wouldn’t stop falling I could only imagine how much pain he must have been in, the real Kwangho.

“Ah, y-yeah, okay.” Getting off of me, he cleaned up the food as he made sure to wipe down the wall and as he left I up my snot but I couldn’t stop my tears.

He took a long time before coming back and when he did I was half-way asleep causing me to ignore him and his words as I shouldn’t let my guard down so easily. Hearing ‘Cut!’ after I fully closed my eyes, I forced myself to sit up as my face was screaming and I needed something to cool it down. The stylist came over with an ice pack placing it on my lips and even though it dulled the pain it was still there; why couldn’t they have used some less sticky tape, instead of straight off the role? Sighing, I used my fingers to wipe my tears and as I looked over at Jackson he seemed worried causing me to laugh as his dirty blond wig was sliding off his head.

“Okay, let’s do the reveal scene!” Nodding, I laid back down as Jackson waited outside the door and as he was given the cue to start he entered sitting at the desk.

Following his every move, I watched closely as he began writing something down causing me to take a deep breath I let it out with anger as this was ridiculous.

“Yah, Lee Taemin! Why are you doing this to me, huh? I have never done anything to you, but you just can’t seem to stop bothering me. Is this funny to you, huh? Kidnapping someone and then forcing them to stay in dark dirty places, is this all a game to you?!” He didn’t say anything as he continued to scribble onto whatever he had laying down on the desk. “ANSWER ME! TAEMIN!”

“STOP calling me that!” Flinching as his voice became harsh and rough, I couldn’t help but feel as if I had hit a nerve.

“Then what am I supposed to call if you if not your name? Should I call you Mr.?” He turned around slowly in the chair causing it to squeak a little, but it wasn’t as if the chair needed oil or anything.

“Why can’t you notice that it’s me, Kwang?” He reached for his head before ripping off the wig causing me to in some air but it wasn’t anything too out there. “It’s me, Dongmin. Your best friend.”

“You know; you are really sick in the head to think that it is funny to try to make me believe that you are your dead brother? Why don’t you just leave him out of this, okay?” My eyes hardened as he only seemed to become irritated but this was no laughing matter. “And for your information, Dongmin hasn’t been my best friend since middle school, why? Because you forced me to stay away from him, you bullied me and beat me up while he watched and didn’t do a damn thing. So, if you’re going to impersonate someone make sure you remember everything that you did or said.”

“I’m Dongmin! Why don’t you believe me?! Look!” He stood lifting up his shirt as he pulled his pants down a little showing the small beauty mark that rested on his hip, and next to it was this small heart shaped tattoo. “Remember when I showed you this before the accident, you ignored me but I know you saw because you stared at it for a long time. You also know, that Hyung wouldn’t get anything so girly, as he would have put it. Do you believe me now?”

“I-Why? Why have you been impersonating your brother? Why did you lie to all of us? Why are you doing this to me?” Tears started up once more as the thought of being deceived by the person I actually didn’t hate was someone I could never imagine. “WHY?”

“Hyung decided that it would be funny for us to switch lives for one day, but honestly I think that it was because he didn’t want to take a test. He forcefully died my hair before doing the same to his and as he dressed me in his clothing I just didn’t feel like myself. After going the whole day, as one another, I was glad to finally be able to go home and change back to myself, but as we crossed the road the truck didn’t stop as I guess the driver didn’t see us. I was walking a few steps behind and as Hyung body was swept away in front of my very own eyes I could never forget the smile on his face as he had turned around only a second before telling me to hurry up. He had all my information on him so when our parents and the police came, they thought he was me and as my parents cried I felt like a terrible person. I wanted to tell them that it was Hyung but I never got the chance to, so in the end I was forced to act as the person who should have been rightfully mourned over.”

“No…you should have come clean right then and there; you shouldn’t have forced everyone to go through that. Do you know how many times I cried over the thought that you were gone? I even helped your Umma clean and trim your grave. H-How could you be so selfish?” His head fell as he wiped his face but I still couldn’t understand.

“I know, but I’m going to make it up to everyone.” He looked at me before turning back around as he started writing once more. “I’m sorry, Kwang. I really am, for everything.”

“Hold it…and, cut!” I felt as if I couldn’t breath as my chest was heaving up and down; this was really getting to me. “We are going to take a few more shoots from different angles then move on, okay?”

They set up a different camera, and as we went through the scene once more I couldn’t believe how draining it was to put all my emotions into something; I mean as a singer it was different, but this was on a whole new level. As he said his last line once more, and as I looked away from him I felt as if I died a little on the inside. Once it was over, I had my face wiped of the tears as my makeup was re-applied but this time it was on a higher degree than the original.

“That was a good take, so we’ll move onto the next scene.” Nodding, I knew that the next few scenes weren’t much as it was only me lying in bed while Jackson moved around as he offered me things but I refused them.

Those scenes didn’t take long as they were going to be fast forwarded anyway, and as we were on to our actually final scene, I couldn’t help but worry. This was the scene where we died and as I laid in the bed, Jackson sat at the desk causing me to become extremely nervous as he was going to strangle me but I was told not to put up my resistance but that was going to be hard. We were cued for the scene to start as I looked away from the ceiling to where he sat a small smile came onto my lips.

“Dongmin-ah?” He looked over his shoulder at me and as he saw my smile he smiled back before going back to writing. “What are you writing?”

“My apologies. I don’t want Umma to feel as if she failed as a parent; I want her to be happy.” Looking away from his turned back, I in my lips before popping them out as he had told me a few days ago that he wanted to run away to a cloud, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he meant.

“Neither of our parents failed, they raised us right; instead it was us who failed, isn’t it?” He nodding before ignoring me once more causing me to sigh as I looked at the clock; it was almost time.

He stood after a few minutes, and as he grabbed a pair of scissors he made his way over to me; but I knew that fear wasn’t going to help me as he already had his mind seat on this. Cutting away the tape that bound me, he slowly got on top of me but as I laid still I could only stare at him as tears began to fall from his face. It wasn’t the last thing I wanted to see but an angry or deranged look wasn’t what I wanted to see as well. His hand shook as they made their way around my neck and as he began to squeeze I held his arm trying my hardest not to struggle but as time passed and he began to “squeeze” even harder all I could do was smile as my breath was leaving my body. I couldn’t say farewell to my parents or any of my friends, but the most I could do was give him a smile. He told me that he had loved me for a long time and that he wanted us to always be together, so as to show him that I wasn’t in pain I smiled through it causing him to cry harder as he continued to apologize. Taking my last breath, I let my hand slowly fall away from his arm causing it to fall next to me.

I remained lifeless as he scooted over my body before standing as he began to do things that I couldn’t make out; but as he got in the bed next to me, he took my hand intertwining our fingers as he gripped my hand tight. I could hear him swallow before he began to choke as he was telling how bad it hurt, but it wasn’t like I could respond in the first place. He laid down despite the pain and as he strained to take his next breath the room had suddenly gone silent. We were both holding our breaths, and as the director yelled ‘Cut!’ we both sprang up taking in a deep breath as we were finally able to breath.

“We’ll have to wait until it gets dark outside before we can finish the scene, so for now how about everyone goes outside to go eat.” Nodding, I let go of Jackson’s hand before racing out of the room as I had to use the bathroom.

Reliving myself, I knew that makeup was going to put fake bruises around my neck but just the thought of seeing it terrified me for some reason. I knew it was fake, but the thought of dying like that made me sad and scared. A knock on the bathroom door broke my train of thought, so washing my hands I opened the door only to come face-to-face with Jackson. He looked worried causing me to put on a smile as I made my way around him as I went outside to get something to eat; I just couldn’t be around him right now. Grabbing my food, I sat with Hyung as he was chatting it up with Junhyung Hyung which meant that I couldn’t avoid him even if I tried.

“You must be excited that this is the last scene?” Nodding, I just ate not really in the mood to talk with anyone. “Eunkwang, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little tired.” Hyung nodded before going back to his conversation leaving me to eat in peace.

“Eun?” Looking up from my now half-empty plate, I saw Jackson as he stood in front of me with his hands in his pocket. “Can we talk?”

“S-Sure.” Standing, I held myself as it had suddenly become cold and as we walked to the side of the house where no one was, I leaned against the wall waiting for him to talk.

“I’m sorry.” I was confused as he had done nothing to be apologetic about. “I noticed how you seemed a little shaken up after the take, so I just wanted to apologize as this is new for me as well.”

“I’m not going to lie, I am shaken but I’ll just have to keep reminding myself that this is all just acting; plus, we only did it in one take so I won’t be dwelling on it for much longer.” He let out a sigh of relief before eloping me in a hug causing me to hug him back as this was just acting…it’s just acting.

“Good, now let’s go finish eating.” Taking my hand in his, we went back to our table as we finished eating allowing the light conversation to fill the awkwardness that was once there.

“It’s dark enough for us to finish the scene, so everyone back to your places!” Everyone stood as they made their way back inside and after having new makeup applied and other special effects, we were in the same position as before.

The bed felt more comfortable than before and as our fingers were intertwined once more, this time his grip was looser than before, leaving us to try and figure out how we were once before. We were told to take our “last” breath and once the film started we laid still making sure not to move as we waited for the actors playing his parents to enter. Even from far away, you could hear the front door open and as their voices filled the once quiet home I could feel my throat as it tried to tighten but I had to hold it in as my throat shouldn’t move. Their footsteps filled the house as they called for their son but as they got nothing the bedroom door flew open and in that short period of silence I couldn’t imagine how much pain they must have been in. His mother screamed for her husband and as they entered the room grabbing us, they shook us trying to wake us up but we didn’t move. Our bodies laid limp in their arms causing them to wail out in pain, and unconsciously I let a tear fall as I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“And, that’s all. Good job, newbies.” Taking a deep breath, I sat up wiping my face as I thanked the actor playing his father as he complimented me telling me how I did a good job. “Everyone have a safe drive home, and I’ll be seeing Eunkwang and Jackson in a few days so we can finish up, okay?”

Nodding, I thanked everyone as I couldn’t have done it without them and as I left I began to search for presents as a small thank you wasn’t enough. Getting into the van, I broke away from my phone as Hyung began telling me about my schedule for tomorrow and how I wouldn’t have to wake up until the afternoon as I didn’t have much to do. Making it home, I went straight to bed as I could wash the makeup and everything off in the morning; this was the most tiring thing I have ever done, but I’m glad I did it.

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing as it was Hyung telling me that I he would be here in a hour or so. Hanging up, I immediately went straight towards the shower and as I washed I watched as all the makeup ran down the drain causing the colors to mix as it made this dirty color that I have never seen before. Blowing drying my hair, I threw a hat on as I didn’t feel like styling it and getting dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I left out as I could already hear my phone ringing. We went to the company as he told me about me mentoring this group that was going to debut soon, and as I heard that I was suddenly meet with the thought of what happened a few months ago as Jackson was saying something about some trainee wanting to know more about me. Sighing, I thanked Hyung for the ride and as he drove around to park the van he told me that he would meet me in the studio. Okaying his words, I entered greeting those who greeted me and making my way to the practice room, I went to go meet the trainees that I will be spending the next few months with; I was also helping them with their debut album. I just hope that this isn’t a waste of time.

Knocking on the practice room door, I slowly pushed it open peeking inside first and as I saw the CEO talking with a few people as they watched two boys dance in the middle of the room. Stepping inside, I closed the door softly behind me before taking an empty seat as I didn’t want to disturb their evaluation. It has been a minute since I’ve seen an actual dance group, let alone mentor one, so I just knew that my expectations were extremely high. Once they finished getting their critic, I listened as the dancing was good but I had no idea about their vocals; I mean, could they even sing?

“Oh, Eunkwang! I didn’t even know that you were here, when did you become so quiet?” Smiling, I waved his words off as I’m not all that loud when I’m by myself.

“I’m never quiet.” He laughed before motioning for me to go meet the two trainees as they looked ready to debut.

“This is Mark, and this is Bam Bam. They will be the two you work with for the next coming months, okay?” Nodding, I looked at the two who stood in front of me and as they tried to act confident I knew that this was going to take a while. “I need them to debut at the end of the summer, I want their music to be stick into those kids heads until the next comeback; so I want good things, Eunkwang.”

He walked out the door not even giving me any chance to tell him that that might not be possible, but as he was a stubborn man I knew that I was going to have to make it work. Staring them over, they needed major makeovers as the cute look was done and over with meaning that they needed to go for either a strong or laid back look. It depends on what the lead single is about. Sighing, I crossed my arms over my chest watching as they both seemed as if they had something that they wanted to say but until I said something I knew that they were going to wait.

“Do you guys have a team name? Or do you guys already have your debut name?” They both nodded before gathering themselves as they bowed before the one that was pointed to as Mark spoke.

“Hello, we’re 1Day.” Rubbing my face, I shook my head as this was a lot of work.

“Is that all?” He nodded causing me to sigh as I told them both to take a seat as I sat down on the ground with them. “The name is okay, but you have nothing to describe yourself with and that isn’t going to grab anyone’s attention; so, let’s come up with ideas before anything else, okay?”

“Well since we’re 1Day, I was thinking we could say something like ‘We’re your future, 1Day!’, or something like that.” I agreed as that was one possibility, but there were also others.

“I like it, as it isn’t overly complicated and long. I think we should go with ‘We’re your future, 1Day!’.” As Mark agreed as well, I saw how Bam Bam’s face lit up almost as if he was about to blush.

“Then let’s go with that. How about introducing yourselves once more?”

“Hello, we’re your future 1Day!” They finally spoke together causing it to become more forceful and in your face which I really liked. “I’m 1Day’s Mark.”

“I’m 1Day’s Bam Bam, we’re pleased to be here.” Clapping as it sounded much better than before, I stood telling them to follow me to the vocal room, so that I can see where they’re at.

I went into the room I usually use causing them both to gasp in surprise as I decorated it to my liking, and it was going to stay this way until I decided that I didn’t want to be here anymore. Smiling, I offered them seats as I took mine behind the keyboard and as I made sure that it was tuned, they both took it upon themselves to figure out what song they were going to sing, or rap.

“Okay, what song are you guys going to sing?” They both nodded as if they had come to a conclusion causing me to in my lips as I hid my laughter.

“If You Do by Got7” Nodding, I knew I could play it but I wanted to hear acapella first, so instead I offered to start them off on the right key.

If you do it’s good, if I do it’s done
How can you always say that I’m wrong
You always want to win
Tears are your ultimate weapon


Mark started off causing me to nod my head as he had a nice voice but anyone could tell that he was shy about letting other hear it.

I was attracted to your confidence at first
But every day I went down on my knees
You magnified even my minor mistakes
And pushed me to the edge of the cliff

Bam Bam went next as he had a good voice as well, more so for rap as when he tried to hit certain notes it reminded me of a dying cat; no offence but this is constructive criticism. I let them finish off the song, and as I knew where they were at I began to start vocal training as I knew that I could get more out of the both of them. This isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.


If You Do by GOT7 (x)

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Thank you to everyone who loved this story! I hope to see you during my next story! Thanks again for reading.


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Lulufarias38 #1
Chapter 28: Mpreg!Eunkwang please ;-;
Lulufarias38 #2
Chapter 28: What a wonderful ending! >_<
I'm sensitive these days because of Eunkwang and I'm crying right now lol ;-;
This is one of my favorite btob stories, thanks for sharing with us <3
I hope you write more Eunkwang fanfics TT
Lulufarias38 #3
Chapter 27: How sad that it's ending TT I love your story <3
Lulufarias38 #4
Chapter 26: Each chapter that passes the story gets better *-* and you write wonderfully well. Your Eunkwang is a delight to read ;-;
I love you <3
Lulufarias38 #5
Chapter 22: So beautiful T^T
Lulufarias38 #6
Chapter 21: This is so cute :3
Lulufarias38 #7
Chapter 20: You made me cry T^T
Seo Eunkwang is my weakness ;-;
It was so sad...
Lulufarias38 #8
Chapter 18: The chapter is so well written :) I loved it <3
Lulufarias38 #9
Chapter 17: I missed you TT
This fanfic is wonderful! <3
btob x got7, what a rare paring^^