Chapter 4

As I Am

“Shin Sarang, what do you have to say for yourself?”

Sarang merely smirked at her grandmother before speaking. “If you think I look bad, you should see the other girl.”

“Yah!” Sarang didn’t even flinch when her grandmother yelled. “I wake up this morning to see your face on the front page of the paper, fighting another girl at a club. A club! Can you get anymore trashy?”

Sarang stayed silent, like she usually did. She wasn’t going to explain herself, at least not to her grandmother.

“I’m talking to you.” Sarang smirked again.

“I don’t want to talk to you.” Sarang simply said, tilting her head up a little. She knew she was being childish, but she didn’t care.

“Sarang, so help me, I will-“

“What, you’ll what? Nothing because dad won’t let you. You’re not CEO of the company, Aera. You have no power.” Sarang snapped out. She never called her grandmother ‘grandmother’.

“Shin Sarang, I will not have you speak to me like that.” Aera glared but Sarang matched the look with just as much malice, even more. Her grandmother finally backed down.

“Go, your brother has arrived to take you home.” Sarang walked out of the room, not even bowing to her grandmother and found her older brother, Jiho standing there as he scrolled through his phone. He looked up and immediately shook his head. Sarang merely grinned.

“You really are something, Sarang.” Jiho sighed as he led Sarang out of their grandmother’s home.

“Oppa, don’t you want to know who won?” Sarang nudged her brother as she sat in the passenger seat. She’ll get her car back and if not, she can buy another one.

Jiho was silent for a while before speaking up. “Did you win?”

“Of course! I’m a Shin! We always win.” Sarang grinned, causing her brother to smile as well.

“Why did you even fight in the first place?” Jiho wondered. He knew his sister. The media and everyone else of South Korea, including their grandmother, thought Sarang was reckless and while some things may be because Sarang felt like doing it, something like a fight was never without a reason.

“I told her to shut the up and she didn’t listen.” Was all Sarang said but judging by her tone, Jiho knew it was more than that.

“Aigoo, you need to work on your temper.” Jiho joked, reaching over to ruffle Sarang’s hair.

“Yah! Both hands on the wheel you little !” Sarang exclaimed. “And I don’t have a temper.” She grumbled.

The siblings got to their father’s home, Jiho parking the car in the 10 car garage in his designated spot. Jiho and Yooncheol still lived at home while Sarang decided to move in to the apartment right across from Minsung. Minsung and the Shin siblings have grown up together since their fathers were best friends. Minsung and Sarang became best friends even though Minsung is three years older than her but Sarang was constantly protecting Minsung from bullies and standing up for him against her own brothers and their own group of friends since Minsung was the one being picked on the most. Minsung and Sarang continued to be best friends, Minsung even earning the title of the adopted Shin. When Sarang moved back from the U.S. for good, Minsung demanded that she move in across from her so he could see her everyday since she was gone for so long.

“Dad!” The two yelled out when they entered the house.

“Aish, you two are so loud.” Yooncheol grumbled as he walked in, a glass of water in his hand. Jiho took it from him, gulping the water down.

“Yah!” Yooncheol yelled out, trying to get the glass back, only to be blocked by Sarang. It began a little tussle amongst the three siblings that didn’t break up until their father showed up.

“Children, please don’t make a bigger mess for the maids.” Yooncheol tried to push Jiho off his back and get out of the headlock Jiho had him in while Sarang sat on his legs.

“Dad, tell them to knock it off!” Yooncheol grunted. Their dad, Shin Sungwoo, easily plucked Jiho and Sarang off his eldest son and pulled them both into a headlock. It caused the two to cry out and protest, squirming to get out of their father’s grip.

“Dad, my hair!” Jiho complained.

“I’m injured!” Sarang whined. After squirming for a while, the two then called out for Yooncheol’s help.

“Oppa/Hyung!” Yooncheol merely scoffed as he stood up, dusting off his jeans.

“Yah, you two ganged up on me! As if I’d help.” Yooncheol muttered, walking away so he could refill his glass of water. Their dad kept them in a headlock for a few more minutes before finally letting them free.

“You two need to stop picking on your brother. He gets you two out of so much trouble and this is how you repay him?” Sungwoo roughly ruffled their hair, getting complaints from the two.

“He knows we love him.” Sarang grumbled, fixing her hair with Jiho agreeing.

“Just be nicer to him, okay.”

“Yes sir.” Jiho and Sarang muttered in unison before following their father to the kitchen where Yooncheol was talking to Gohn, their father’s assistant.

“Oppa/Hyung!” Sarang and Jiho happily greeted their father’s assistant who they’ve grown up with.

“Hello everyone.” Gohn grinned, greeting the two with a hug.

“Don’t let them fool you, hyung. They’ll hug you but have you pinned to the ground the next second.” Yooncheol rolled his eyes, only to get pulled into a headlock/hug by Sarang.

“Aye, you know you love us!” Sarang roughly kissed the top of Yooncheol’s head after ruffling his hair before letting him go. The Shin family was all about appearance. In public, they were seen as a cool, chic, tight-knit family. But in the comforts of their own home and around certain people, they were still tight-knit, but they were all very playful.

“Gohn, while it is a pleasure to see you but it’s Sunday and there’s no upcoming event or project going on. May I ask why you dropped by?” Sungwoo inquired. Gohn shifted on his feet before snapping his fingers, causing maids to come in with loads and loads of magazines and newspapers. Sarang scrunched up her nose while Jiho bit back a laugh, both knowing what they were.

“I had the interns go around to pick up all the ones they could and was going to dispose of them before anyone could buy them but your mother-“ Gohn got an uncomfortable expression at the mention of Aera. Sungwoo chuckled as he clapped Gohn on the back.

“She threatened my mother if I didn’t bring them here for you to see them.” Gohn sighed.

“When will you learn, Dongsung that she can’t do anything?” Sungwoo wondered, using Gohn’s real name.

“I’m really sorry, sir, Sarang, but she’s really scary. And my mother hasn’t been well lately and I just~” Gohn trailed off as he tried to fight back his tears.

“It’s okay, oppa, I understand. Dad was going to find out anyways, she would’ve made sure of that.” Sarang patted Gohn’s shoulder while Sungwoo gave him a one arm hug.

“Go home to your mom, okay. And make sure to take her to the hospital for a check up.” Gohn sniffled and nodded his head, thanking Sungwoo and the Shin siblings before leaving.

Sungwoo picked up one of the newspapers and looked at the picture taking up half the page. Sarang and Jiho looked down in shame while Yooncheol got a magazine to see what it was. Sungwoo tsked while Yooncheol raised an eyebrow. Sarang lifted her head to give her dad and brother a grin.

“Don’t I look good?” Jiho elbowed Sarang in the side to get her to shut up.

“Shin Sarang, my office. Now.” Sungwoo used his ‘dad’ voice, earning a groan from Sarang as she followed him to his home office. Once at his office, Sungwoo took a seat behind his desk while Sarang stood in front of the desk, hands clasped behind her while she had her head down. It was silent for a while until Sungwoo finally spoke.

“Care to explain?” Sungwoo wondered. Sarang merely sighed before looking up.

“I warned her to shut up but she kept running .” Sarang simply said. Sungwoo knew his daughter enough to know that she wouldn’t say anymore so he just sighed before getting up and going around his desk to give his daughter a hug.

“Aish, you are so much like how I was when I was your age, it’s scary.” Sungwoo chuckled. “Just, try not to get into so much trouble, okay? Or at least try not to get caught. I know it sounds stupid because cameras are always on us, but try your hardest.”

“I’ll try to keep out of trouble, dad, just for you.” Sarang assured, looking up at her father.

“Thank you, sweetie. Go get one of the maids to look over your wounds, okay. Will you be staying the night?” Sungwoo asked. Sarang pondered over the idea before agreeing that she would.

“Oh, and dad, I need a new car. Aera confiscated mine.” Sarang pouted. Sungwoo chuckled while shaking his head. “Have one of your brothers take you to the dealers tomorrow so you can get a new car. Also, I have a photo shoot coming up for the opening of another mall. Do you want to model?” Sarang didn’t take long to agree. When it came to her dad and brothers, she would do anything.

“Just text me the details and I’ll be there.” Sarang said. After another hug, Sarang was allowed to leave her father’s office but she nearly crashed into Yooncheol who had been listening at the door.

“Aish! Yah oppa, you scared me!” Sarang snapped at her brother, pushing him out of her way.

“Why did you fight Hae-Ju?” Yooncheol asked, following his little sister.

“Who said she was the one I fought?” Sarang answered his question with a question.

“Your face wasn’t the only one they got in the papers. She also texted me and said I had to pay for her hospital fees.” The statement caused Sarang to stop walking and turn to look at her brother.

“Are you going to do it? Oppa, you better not say you’re going to do it. I will make dad freeze your card if you lie to me and end up paying for her hospital bills.” Sarang threatened.

“Yah, you broke her nose and she needs some stitches. It’s the least I can do.” Yooncheol tried to reason.

“What do you mean by the least you can do?! She hasn’t spoken to you in six months and she dumped you on your 100 day anniversary. You don’t owe her anything so you better tell her that she can go and a because you won’t be paying her hospital bills! That is ing lucky I didn’t bash her face into the ing floor.” Sarang’s voice raised in pitch until she was full on screaming by the end.

“She wouldn’t have had any hospital bills if you controlled your temper and didn’t fight her!” Yooncheol yelled back. It took a lot for Sarang to calm herself down enough to where she didn’t say anything she regretted. The only time she had some sort of a filter was with her brothers and dad.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you but Yooncheol, if you pay for her hospital bills, you better be ready to attend that ’s funeral. Give me your phone.” Sarang demanded, hand out.

“Why?” Yooncheol scoffed. “Don’t argue with me, oppa and give me your ing phone while I’m asking nicely.” Sarang said through clenched teeth. Yooncheol rolled his eyes but gave his little sister his phone anyways. Sarang quickly unlocked it and after a bit, she shoved the phone back into Yooncheol’s hands.

“I did your job and erased everything of that from your phone and blocked her ing number. And don’t even think about unblocking it. If you don’t want to see me go to jail, you won’t talk to her anymore.” Sarang said before storming to her old bedroom and slamming her door shut behind her.


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AHHHHHH! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER!


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Chapter 26: OMG!!!!!! First of all I’m a bit offended that you didn’t tell me you updated, second of all I really loved this and I’m glad we got to see the whose nose Sarang broke but MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!!!! You NAILED Rhythm!!!! The hanger is real and very true and exactly in character! I loved it!!!!
Chapter 26: Omo omo omo! You mess with Sarang, you mess with ALL her high class friends !!! Rather than Sarang wanting attention, it is that who wants attention... ppfft... I love Sarang's friends and brother ♡

Thanks for the update!!! I was waiting for it and now worries! Take a break if you need^^ I'll be here if you need me!!! Oh and something for you to note. Please either have two spaces or lines when it's the next scene cause it's confusing when it's only one enter. I was happily reading Sanggyun and Sarang then suddenly the scene change and there was no big difference of change and end up I need to read like twice or thrice to notice that it was a change of scene ^^||
Chapter 25: I absolutely love this chapter and that is super adorable with Sanggyun being apart of the moms group! Sorry I read this so late I was on a Haikyuu! Binge again and even started reading a story about it lol
Chapter 25: OMG... I hadn't gone to AFF because I haven NOTHING updating... then today I went, YOU UPDATE!!!! Happiest day of my life!!!!!!!!!! Now to the story~

Knew it! When Bo Mi was going to start on her story, I knew it got to do with something Sarang's stupid grandma's line. One of the chapter her grandmother was like "Don't think I can't do the same thing to you again like in the past" SMTH ARD THERE!!!! The witch wanted to kill ALL 3 children! What a !! Just die! Now it's to see whether Sanggyun believes it or not.... I can't wait for that part!! It's scary tho... I mean... what kind of person would do that??!?!! And awwww~ If I was Bo Mi, I couldn't even say a word. HAHAHAHAHA

Thank you for the update!! And don't be sorry. I'm sure you have your own life to attend to. And yoy're loyal fan will always be here!! XD
I miss you xD Hope you're doing well with life! Cause seeing you update is the only thing I know that you're fine^^ Anyways~ I miss you!! XD and of course the story xP But seriously I miss you too cause you always reply on comments xP