Happily Ever After

Don't You Dare Jungkook

    The next day, Yoongi replays what happened with Jungkook’s parents. He smiles for the happiness of his boyfriend but something was still missing.

    “Jungkook!” Yoongi calls from the front counter.

    “Yes, Hyung?” Jungkook comes out from outback.

    “How are you?” Yoongi fiddles with the accounts on his desk.

    “I’m very well,” Jungkook grins, “how are you?”



    “Incomplete,” Yoongi repeats.

    “Why, what’s wrong?” Jungkook takes a seat next to Yoongi.

    “Something didn’t seem, I don’t know, finished, yesterday.” Yoongi shrugs.

    “Is that so? I feel more relieved than ever.”

    “And I’m glad you do! Honest. But, I don’t know--nevermind.”

    Jungkook hums and decides not to bother about it for the rest of the day. He too replays the events yesterday in his head.

    Then it dawned on him.

    Jungkook lets out a yell of ‘ah-ha’ and runs out to Yoongi. He had realized that he didn’t properly introduce Yoongi to his parents, for one, and another, he was still on operation, “Make Hyung Comfy”. He also needed to thank Yoongi and Taehyung for being there for him. He felt that was the missing piece to Yoongi’s mood.

    “Jungkook, this is a small flower shop, do not run.” Yoongi says as he finishes a phone call with a customer.


    Yoongi backs away from shock and blinks a few times. “Um. I met them yesterday.”

    “I know, I know, but formerly.

    “I did introduce myself.”

    “No, no, like a proposal.”

    Yoongi chokes. “Like, a ‘hi, I’m your son’s boyfriend, please entrust him to me’ type of thing?”

    Jungkook excitedly nods.

    “I refuse.”

    Jungkook’s heart drops. “But why?”

    “Because it’s weird! It hasn’t even been more than 2 weeks since we started going out and you want me to get your parents’ approval for potential marriage?”

    “Yes. Though, it’s not even technically marriage. It’s like, living together.”

    “Uh huh, and how do you think they’re going to react when their son’s boyfriend is moving into that giant house that your dad is going to be staying in?”

    “I’ll move in with you!”

    “My apartment is not big enough to actually fit us both.”

    “We’ll share a bed and everything!”

    “Please listen when someone is talking.”


    “Graduate college, then we’ll talk.”

    “That’s in three years!”

    “Then we’ll wait three years.”

    “Yoongi-hyung~.” Jungkook starts doing those doe eyes to plead and Yoongi flinches from temptation.

    “It’s not like we have a good reason to not date each other in three years, right?”

    Jungkook sighs and just shrugs. “Fine, but you’re visiting me every weekend and spending every holiday at my place, and you said before that you’re picking me up everyday from school, and I’m allowed to visit you whenever I want.”

    “Yes, yes, I still intend on doing that. So, calm yourself, okay?”

    Jungkook pauses to think and he nods.

   “Plus, Jimin is giving his job to you so you literally still see me everyday, but because you have school, your schedule will be adjusted.”

    Jungkook pauses once more and couldn’t believe how dramatic he was.

    “Wait--who’ll take my place when I’m not working?”

    “I’ll find someone. But if I don’t, it’s not like I can’t handle this shop by myself.” Yoongi states matter-of-factly.

    “Oh! Tae needs a place to work, he needs a stable job because babysitting and random assistance isn’t going too well for him.”

    “Then he’s hired. He seemed to did a very nice job when I was sick.”

    “Then it’s all settled. Oh, and thank you very much for being there for me the past few days.”

    “What do you think I’m here for?”

    Jungkook grins and sneaks a quick peck on the check before going to draw in customers.

Three Days Later…

    Jungkook is now at his university and Yoongi is in the shop. Jungkook is still working on his operation and it’s been going along swimmingly. The posters and bed sheets came in yesterday and Yoongi hasn’t yet noticed. He plans to finish setting it all up by next week to surprise his Hyung.

    Today, Taehyung was supposed to drop by to help out and Yoongi was going to talk to him about work. He didn’t realize how quiet it would be without Jungkook there to nag him about stuff. He was slightly lonely but he would be seeing Jungkook in a few hours so it works out.

    “Hyung!” Taehyung’s familiar tone rings through the door with the bell.

    “Hello, Tae. I’m assuming you’re well?” Yoongi finishes handing a bouquet to a guest.

    “Yes, yes, very well. Hoseok-hyung was nice to me today!”

    Yoongi chuckles. “That’s wonderful.”

    “How’re Namjoon and Jin-hyung doing?”

    “Sappy as usual. They’re dropping by later to take us to lunch.”

    “Awwww, how nice of them! Jiminie is also doing well I suppose?”

    “Yes, he is. He’s going to an interview in about two weeks to be a manager. I think he’ll be eaten alive but it’s Jimin so I’m not too worried.”

    “That seems stressful.”

    “Yes, it is. I’m writing a recommendation letter for him because they apparently need one for more confirmation.”

    “Oh wow. I think he’ll get the job.”

    “I think so too.”

    “It seems like you have everything under control but is there anything I can help with?”

    “Yes, there is. Jungkook told me you’re not doing very well with all the random jobs you have. I was wondering if you’d like to work here.”

    Taehyung brightens up. “Really?! You’re willing to hire me?”

    “Yeah. After hearing you talk about the walking dogs and babysitting stuff a while ago, I don’t think it’s okay for a student to not have some stable financial aid when there are more important things to worry about. Plus, the hours are flexible, just don’t slack off.”

    Taehyung embraces Yoongi in a tight hug. “You have no idea how thankful I am Hyung!”

    “Oh don’t worry, I have an idea.” Yoongi mumbles.

    “What about Jungkook?”

    “He has school every other day and I need some help on the days he’s not here and that’s where you come in.”

    “Nice, nice. It’s funny because he and I don’t ever have the same classes on the same day. Ever.”

    “That’s even better!” Yoongi beams.

    “What do I do?”

    Yoongi pauses, looks Taehyung up and down and smirks. He tells Taehyung to just go stand outside.

    Taehyung is puzzled but does so anyway.

    Back inside, Yoongi smiles to himself. “I’m so lucky to have a good-looking boyfriend and he is so lucky to have an equally good-looking best friend.”

    Squeals of compliments come from outside and Yoongi sees Taehyung sit down as two girls enter the shop to buy a bouquet.

    Yoongi is satisfied with life, his love-life and his shop’s sales.

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Chapter 6: I’m like in love with this
OtakuSensei #2
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: the question is: If yoongi hid the basement again and the secret door is under the couch, who moved the couch again after yoongi? :D So it's official now that the ghost story is real! :D (Dear author, it'd be good if you had added a ghost in this chapter. İmagine, the ghost was real and she thought little Yoongi is her son and things get a little creepy with a good comedy :D )
mumumomo #3
Chapter 33: Thank you so much, you've work well..
Chapter 26: Are you kidding me ! I love this fanfic so much , you are not bad at it plus you are a human too , like you have stuff to deal with and so on , keep it up!!♡
mumumomo #5
Chapter 26: No no no you're doing all good but instead you just have lacking confident.. I really love your writing huhuhuhu
Chapter 21: Bless. Im so glad it wadnt ! I'll take tickling any day!

They are so cute at the end of the chapter. My heart sings :)
Chapter 20: Oh, and I was extremely dissappointed when this chapter didn't end with a scene after all XD Almost.... Almost....
Chapter 20: I don't think so though. Because at that point Seokjin wouldn't be laughing and he would have taken a chunk out of the wall and hit the woman with it instead of calmly drinking tea. But for some reason I'm all up for angsty Yoongi stories and can't help to be horrible and wish something along the lines did happen. Judge me all you want ^^;
Chapter 18: Well, at least Jungkook won't want kids for a while XD Yoongi is enough for the whole squad for the time being. It's kinda like a package deal - you get a kid and a lover at the same time XD Wait, does that sound weird? Yes? Sorry. I'll shut up.