Chapter 13

You Make My Life Colorful

"Hyung, are you mad at us?"

In the middle of lunch, Jin had asked Namjoon and Suga to talk to them separately from the group. They were both extremely nervous when Jin had pulled aside. Although he normally had his 'Gentle Umma' appearance, recently he had been scaring the heck out of the two. While he was acting normal (if not, even more motherly) to the rest of the boys, he would almost literally shoot Namjoon and Suga with his 'eye-lasers'. Honestly, they were surprised they hadn't melted into a pool of congealed flesh and blood already.

Jin took a deep breath, trying to control his frustration, "Yes, yes I am."

Suga and Namjoon looked down sheepishly, ready to take any lecture that would come out of Jin's mouth, "We're sorry, hyung."

"Do you know what you did?" Jin asked, amused by their submissive reactions. They shook their heads in response. "Did you know that I know what happened at the mall while Jimin and I were in the store?"

Namjoon and Suga looked up at Jin in shock, then looked at each other, then at Jin again. Suga was the first to speak, "Really? How?!"

"Jungkook told me. I want you two to apologize to him."

Suga and Namjoon nodded, "We're sorry, hyung. We'll do it as soon as we get back."




"Why is Jin-hyung talking to Suga-hyung and Namjoon?" J-Hope asked.

"I don't know," Taehyung answered.

"Me neither," Jimin piped up.

Jungkook stayed silent and the three others looked at him. Taehyung asked, "Do you know why, Kookie?"

Jungkook shrugged and shook his head. It probably has something to do with what happened at the mall. I shouldn't have told about it! He looked nervously at the two cowering boys and Jin glaring at them. "I hope the hyungs are okay, Jin looks really scary."

The three boys shortly returned to the table shortly after. Namjoon nervously spoke, "Jungkook? Can Suga-hyung and I talk to you?"

Jungkook nodded sheepishly and the three others looked at him in disbelief. Jimin shouted, "Yah! You did know!"

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head as he followed Suga and Namjoon.




"Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked nervously.

"We just wanted to say sorry for what happened at the mall," Namjoon started.

"It wasn't really nice and we feel really bad about it," Suga said.

Jungkook smiled, "It's okay, hyungs. I'm really sorry, too, for yelling at you."

"It's okay, Jungkook-ah," Namjoon chuckled. "We deserved it."

Suga laughed along, "Yeah, we kinda did."




J-Hope snuggled into Taehyung's side, humming happily. Taehyung sighed softly which could be easily mistaken for a swoon. J-Hope planted a kiss on Taehyung's cheek and giggled giddily. Jimin and Jin cringed, contorting their faces and squirming uncomfortably. 

J-Hope attempted to pepper Taehyung's cheeks, nose, and forehead with soft kisses, but Taehyung covered his face with his hands to create a makeshift barrier. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened in his house a few days before. Why did Jungkook do that. Does that mean that he likes me, too? Does he see in color, too? I mean, he does stare at me in class sometimes. But, he could just be looking in my direction. Wait, but what if he likes me back? I shouldn't get so worked up about this, it wasn't even a real kiss. It was like the kisses my umma gives me, completely platonic and meaningless. BUT IT WAS STILL A KISS!

"Hey! Earth to Taehyunggie!" J-Hope shouted, waving his hand in front of Taehyung's face. "Are you okay?"

Taehyung snapped out of his daze, startled. His mouth moved too fast for his own good, "Yeah, I'm fine. Something's just been bothering me." Crap, why did I say that?

"You can talk to us if you want to," Jin said, trying to find out what Taehyung was thinking about.

"It's okay, thanks, though!"

Jungkook, Namjoon, and Suga came back to the table. Jin smiled brightly at Namjoon and Suga, "Good job. I'm proud of you two."

Namjoon smiled back, "Thanks, hyung." 

Taehyung absentmindly stared at Jungkook. I have to ask him about it. Taehyung cleared his throat softly, capturing Jungkook's attention. "Do you want to watch the rest of Digimon after school? You kinda bailed on me last time," Taehyung said, smiling weakly.

Jungkook looked at him with his lips slightly parted, surprised. "Uh, sure. Is Baekhyun picking us up again?"

Taehyung shook his head, "No, he's spending the night at Chanyeol's."

He smiled to himself with triumph. He knew that his older brother would be gone and that his parents were staying late for work that day, leaving him and Jungkook alone.

Jungkook shuddered at the sight of Taehyung's grin and he had the slightest feeling that they wouldn't be watching Digimon that night.




Taehyung and Jungkook walked to his house after school. Every few minutes, their fingers would brush against each other, causing them both to blush uncontrollably. The walk was terribly awkward. Halfway through, Jungkook tried to start up conversation.

"So, when's your anniversary with J-Hope hyung?"

"It's still far away, why do you ask?" Taehyung asked, slightly panicked at the question.

Jungkook shrugged, looking for an excuse. "I don't know. I'm just curious. You two love each other so much and I hope I can have what you two have one day."

Taehyung chuckled to himself. A one-sided relationship? If only you knew, Jungkook. "Trust me, you don't want our kind of relationship."

Jungkook stopped walking, causing Taehyung to turn around. "What are you talking about, hyung?"

Taehyung sighed, looking up at the sky. "You'll find out one day, Kookie."

"Can't you tell me now?" Jungkook pleaded.

Taehyung gently held on to Jungkook's wrist, pulling him to walk by his side. Jungkook blushed like crazy and he looked down at the ground trying to hide his cheeks. Taehyung laughed and pinched Jungkook's right cheek. "Aigoo~Kookie's so cute."

Jungkook cheeks reddened even further and he playfully slapped Taehyung's arm. "Shut up, hyung."

Taehyung ruffled Jungkook's hair and moved his fingers from Jungkook's wrist to his hand and laced their fingers together loosely.




After a few minutes, they reached Taehyung's house. Taehyung didn't know what it was, but something took over his mind. Almost immediately, Jungkook was pinned against the wall. Taehyung held Jungkook's hands over his head and their faces were mere centimeters apart. Jungkook's eyes widened and he gulped almost silently.


"Why did you do that, Jungkook," Taehyung asked a bit forcefully.

"D-Do what?"

"Why did you kiss me the other day?" Taehyung whispered, his breath hitting Jungkook's neck.

"Hyung, stop," Jungkook pleaded.

"Answer me," Taehyung said firmly.

"I-I don't know," Jungkook whimpered. "It was an accident. Please let go of me, hyung."

Taehyung wouldn't let up, despite Jungkook's whines. He blurted out, "You like me, too, huh?"


"You like me, too, don't you." 

Before he could answer, Taehyung crashed their lips together. Jungkook's eyes widened, but they quickly closed on impulse. He felt like he was betraying J-Hope, like all of his efforts had gone to waste. He thought about what it would be like if J-Hope was watching them in that moment.

Jungkook's lips and mind worked against each other. Jungkook's lips moved gently against Taehyung's, who happily hummed into the kiss. Taehyung gently let go of Jungkook's hands and s his arms around Jungkook's waist. Jungkook was battling against himself, his lips still kissing Taehyung, but his hands pushing gently at Taehyung's chest in a futile attempt to get him to stop.

Taehyung moved his mouth from Jungkook's and kissed down to his neck. He gently, but hard enough to leave a prominent mark. Jungkook whined and pushed harder, trying to get Taehyung off of him. 

"Hyung," Jungkook whimpered. He opened his mouth to say more but gasped when Taehyung started nipping softly with his teeth. He started whimpering uncontrollably, which only fueled Taehyung even more.

Satisfied, Taehyung lifted his head, but kept his other arm around Jungkook's waist. He ran his thumb over the reddish mark, and said with a raspy voice, "There. Now everyone will know that you belong to me, and me only."

Jungkook's eyes widened, realizing that Taehyung had actually kissed him and there were possible consequences for his actions. He immediately glared daggers into Taehyung's eyes. He snapped at Taehyung, "Yeah. Just like how you're supposed to belong to J-Hope, and only J-Hope." Jungkook angrily shouted, "Why did you do that, hyung?!"

"Can you stop talking about J-Hope for one minute?!" Taehyung shouted back.

Jungkook stepped out of Taehyung's grip, surprised. But he quickly recollected himself, "Hyung, that's your boyfriend. How can I not talk about him?"

"Because he doesn't matter right now, Jungkook! That's why I did this because I know you see it, too."

"You just cheated on your boyfriend, with me!" Jungkook shouted, his eyes tearing up. 

Taehyung took a deep breath. He pulled Jungkook in for a hug, allowing him to cry into his shoulder. He firmly kissed Jungkook's hair and whispered, "I'm sorry, Jungkook. I like you, I really do."

Jungkook's tears soaked Taehyung's shirt and he whimpered, "J-Hope loves you so much more than I ever could."

Taehyung slapped Jungkook's shoulder gently, "Yah! Stop talking like that."

Jungkook's words were blocked by his choked sobs, but slowly he stuttered, "Hyung, y-you belong to h-him, not to me."

Taehyung frowned and broke the hug. He stared into Jungkook's eyes and at his lips. He felt a strong urge to kiss him again, but he forced it down. Jungkook's face was streaked with tears and his eyes were red.

Taehyung wiped the tears away with his thumb and whispered, "Jungkook, don't say that."

"I'm not supposed to be your side dish, I'm not supposed to be your boyfriend either. I'm supposed to be your friend and nothing more. You're supposed to be with J-Hope hyung."

Taehyung furrowed his brows, "Why?"

Jungkook thought about it, and when he couldn't find an answer, he shrugged. "I don't know, you just do."

"But I know you're upset about us being together," Taehyung said firmly. Jungkook hesitantly nodded and Taehyung continued, "Why?"

Jungkook looked up, "Because I want that to be me."

"And it can be."

"No, it can't. You're supposed to be with J-Hope hyung."

"But I want it to be you."

Jungkook looked down awkwardly. He desperately wanted to be Taehyung's boyfriend as well, but he just as desperately didn't want to tarnish J-Hope and Taehyung's relationship, although that had already happened. Taehyung peppered Jungkook's face with soft kisses, hoping to make his tears disappear. Jungkook pushed gently at Taehyung's chest, trying to make him stop. Thankfully, Jungkook's phone pinged at that moment.

From: Jin-hyung

How r u doing?

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. "Why is hyung texting you like that?"

Jungkook ignored him and texted back.

From: Jungkook

Yes, but I have something to talk to u about...

Taehyung said firmly, "Don't tell him about that."

"Why not? I've been telling him about everything else."

"Why? That should be between us."

From: Jungkook

Can I come over later so we can talk about it?

From: Jin-hyung 

By talk about it, do u mean u buried under all of the blankets with my pretty much my entire snack stash?

From: Jungkook


Taehyung laughed slightly, "When did that happen, Kookie?"

Jungkook blushed, "You don't need to know."

Taehyung pinched Jungkook's cheek, "Aigoo~"

Taehyung kissed Jungkook's cheek, but Jungkook quickly swatted him away, "Stop kissing me, hyung. I'm not your boyfriend."

Taehyung pouted sadly.

From: Jin-hyung

-.- I guess I'll get ice cream

Jungkook patted Taehyung's shoulder, "That's my call, I'm gonna get going. I'll see you later."

"Do you have to?"

Jungkook nodded, "Sorry, hyung. I'll see you tomorrow."




"WHY DID YOU LET HIM DO THAT, JUNGKOOK?!" Jin shouted after hearing the story.

"I don't know, it just happened!" Jungkook whined.

Jin lifted Jungkook's chin and found the mark made by Taehyung, "Aish, you'll never be able to cover this up."

Jungkook nodded, "What if J-Hope finds it?"

"He probably won't, he's too distracted by Taehyung's glory to see anything," Jin shrugged, then continued, "What else did he say?"

"He said that he knew that I liked him and that he liked me, too."

"What did you say?"

"I told him that he has to stay with J-Hope. But he said that he wanted to be with me," Jungkook said, blushing.

"Do you want to be his boyfriend?"

Jungkook timidly nodded, "Of course, he's perfect. I don't know what to do, hyung!"

"Me neither, Jungkook-ah."

Jin's phone screen suddenly brightened. Jin smiled at his phone, and Jungkook furrowed his brows with curiosity.

From: Namjoon

Hey, r u busy?

Jin texted back:

From: Jin

Not rlly, I'm just w/ JK rn

"Hyung, you're supposed to help me!" Jungkook pouted.

"But we both don't know what to do, we'll just have to see how it all pans out," Jin chirped.

From: Namjoon

K, Suga-hyung, and Jimin invited us to go see a movie with them. U can bring Jungkook, I don't think they'll mind

"Do you wanna come with us?" Jin asked.

Jungkook shook his head, "It's okay, hyung. I just feel like staying inside for the rest of the night."

"Alright, see you tomorrow!"




Jin knocked on the door to Suga's house. Suga opened the door with a frown.

"Hyung, you're late," Suga scowled. "We had to wait to pick out the movie."

Jin rubbed the nape of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry guys, I had to help Jungkook with...something," Jin muttered.

Suga sighed, shaking his head, "Anyway, me and Namjoon voted for this movie," Suga said, gesturing to a horror movie. "And Jiminie voted for this movie," Suga said, pointing at a rom-com. "We were going to start the movie that we chose, but Jimin insisted that we wait for you so you could vote."

Jin shrugged, "We can watch whatever, but if you really want my opinion, I choose the rom-com as well."

Suga groaned and buried his face in a pillow. Jimin cheered and Namjoon rolled his eyes. Jimin asked, turning to  "Hyung, can we please watch the rom-com?"

"But you chose the movie the last two times!" Suga retorted.

"But the horror movie was really scary!" Jimin whined. 

"Can we please watch this movie, Jiminie?" Suga asked with a pout.

Jimin sighed in defeat, "Fine." Then he whispered to himself, "Aish, the things I do for you, hyung."

Namjoon and Jin laughed at the two bickering boys. Suga argued back, "Yah! Last time, I had to deal with you crying your eyes out at the end of the movie!"

Jimin foolishly blurted out, "Hyung, you're the one that made me sleep in the same bed as you!"

Suga and Jimin froze and looked at Namjoon and Jin, whose mouths were agape.

"You. Did. WHAT?!" Namjoon asked.

"Jiminie, why did you say that?" Suga asked menacingly. 

"Sorry, hyung," Jimin squeaked.

"Oh my god!" Jin squealed.

Suga slapped Jin's arm, "Be quiet, hyung. Nothing happened, I swear!"

"You sure about that?" Namjoon asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Suga sighed in exasperation, "Let's just start the movie."

Suga and Jimin sat on the loveseat couch and Jin and Namjoon sat on the floor in front of them. Jin rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder and Suga slung his arm around a trembling Jimin. Jimin clung onto a pillow as if his life depended on it. Jin clutched Namjoon's arm tightly whenever there was a scary or graphic scene. Suga sneakily pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of the two in front of him, chuckling to himself quietly, making sure they wouldn't here.

Jimin suddenly screamed and wrapped his arms around Suga's neck tightly. Namjoon and Jin jerked up, startled at the high pitched sound.

"Jiminie, I know that someone just got murdered in the movie, but that doesn't mean that you need to murder my eardrums."

Namjoon and Jin nodded in agreement. Jimin curled into a ball and leaned against Suga's chest. Suga sighed and rubbed Jimin's back trying to comfort him. The movie ended roughly half an hour later. Jimin was reduced to a shaking, whimpering, wide-eyed mess and the other three were even shaken quite a bit.  

Suga stood up from the couch, "I'm going to get water, I'll be back."

Jimin grabbed Suga's arm and pulled him back down, "Hyung, you can't leave me!"

"Jiminie, you won't be alone. You have Namjoon and Jin-hyung," Suga said, standing back up.

Jimin yanked him back down again and whispered harshly, "But they can't protect me!"

Suga sighed and leaned into the couch, "Fine." He added, "This is worse than you crying all over the place."

Jimin frowned and Namjoon and Jin laughed. Suga pinched Jimin's cheek and chuckled. "Hyung..." Jimin whined.

Suga yawned and pulled his beanie over his eyes, "I'm getting tired. I hope you guys get home safely." Jimin held himself and shakily stood up, and Suga yanked him back into the couch and chuckled. Jimin whined and Suga wrapped his arms around Jimin's chest. He smiled triumphantly, "You, stay."

Jimin sighed, "You have to give me clothes this time."




"Hyung, I'm scared."

Suga was laying in his bed, and Jimin was supposed to be sleeping in the living room on the couch. Suga grumbled, "The house is completely safe, go back to the couch. I was just about to fall asleep."

"But the couch is right in front of the door! How do I know that no one is going to come in?" Jimin whined.

Suga sighed and walked to the living room with Jimin practically hanging off of him like a koala. Suga flicked the light on, then showed Jimin the doorknob, which was locked and secure. Suga plucked Jimin off of him and led him to the couch. Jimin clung helplessly to the blanket, shaking uncontrollably. Suga grabbed the blanket and draped it over Jimin, then sat down and ruffled his hair.

"Everything's safe, now go to sleep."

Suga stood up from the couch but was intercepted by Jimin. "Hyung, can you stay?"

Suga grimaced, "No."

"Can I stay in your room?"

Suga shook his head, "I don't have a mattress or a sleeping bag and the floor is really hard."

Jimin frowned, "Fine. I promise I will be the first to greet you in heaven when you die."

Suga chuckled, "Are you saying that you're going to die overnight?"

Jimin nodded, "Yes."

Suga stood up, "You seem like you would go to hell. Good night, Jiminie!"

Suga walked to his room, turning the light off on his way. Jimin clenched his eyes shut, quivering in the darkness. Gory and gruesome things entered his imagination and he forced his eyes open and looked around while tossing and turning. He nearly jumped up when the light suddenly. Suga grabbed his hand and quickly led him to his room.

"I know, I'm a great friend," Suga smirked.

"Thanks, hyung."

Suga gestured to the bed and Jimin gladly laid down.

"I'll lock the door, don't be scared, nothing's going to happen, good night," Suga listed quickly, turning around.

"Where are you going?"

"The couch, where else?"

"You can't leave me here by myself! The closet's right there!" Jimin whined, pointing at the closed doors. He whimpered, "Please stay, hyung." 

Suga contorted his face, "But you're already here."

Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes, "Don't act like we haven't slept in the same bed before! And if I remember correctly, you were the one that asked for me to stay with you!"

Suga looked down, his cheeks flushed at the memory. He walked back and laid in the bed. Jimin smiled and snuggled into Suga's side. Suga his side so that he was facing Jimin and brought Jimin closer, his arm positioned protectively around the other's back. Jimin smiled and closed his eyes, letting all of the negative thoughts flow away from his head. He cautiously pressed his head against Suga's chest and listened to the heartbeat, which was erratic, beating slowly at some moments and racing at others. Suga's heart finally fell into rhythm, lulling Jimin to sleep. Suga smiled down at the younger who was sleeping soundly in his arms. Anyone watching would undoubtly mistake the two for a couple, but to them, it was purely platonic and friendly.

Suga closed his eyes happily. He would never say it out loud, but Jimin was definitely his favorite dongsaeng.



I'M BACKKKKKKK!!! I've missed this sooo much, you guys don't even know. And I know this is a little late but...DID YOU GUYS HEAR AGUST D'S MIXTAPE?!!! It came out literally half an hour before the first day of school and I was reduced to a screaming, fangirling mess. 

Also, I hope you aren't too mad about Jungkook and just had to happen. And you can probably guess that they won't be talking for a while, I mean, I wouldn't talk to someone if they cheated on someone with me ^_^;;

PS: One of my friends has challenged me and said that he would write a fanfic and get more subs than me, so SUBSCRIBE BC I MUST WIN!!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you next update!

Love you!

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bilai202 #1
Chapter 33: This is a cool story
bilai202 #2
Chapter 24: O I feel so so so sad for J-hope isn't he sad??? ?
Chapter 32: Wat an ending... It's true that BTS members can only exist when they are together as a group
Chapter 4: I'm quite confused with part tae n jhope can see color forever. Does that mran even if they found their love one they have to stay in contact to see colors?
Chapter 32: I think this Is my favourite fanfic ever! I love it so much! It’s so good! Thank you for writing this story! <3
I will definitely read this many times~
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 32: this is a nice wrap up for the story... :)

this is really cool...everyone is happy in the end...and the couples are stronger than ever...hoseok is single but hey, he is happy... hope he finds the right one for him one day... :)
Chapter 32: The ending oh my lord....its just so perfect
skyhica #8
 this ff is so great and really emotional!!! loved every single chapter I appreciate you so much ;^;;;
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 31: OMG!!! this is really good...i was emotional and crying...i felt jimin and yoongis struggle...their feelings for each other...and yeah it's hard to have a relationship with a celebrity...those fans...seriously!!! but i am happy that they are back together...:)

looking forward for the next update..:)
Aimz19 #10
Chapter 31: i finally can breathe normally