On a Date?..

There's more to it than just Hard Work

It was Saturday morning and the sun was up bright and early. I turned around and looked at my clock: 8:49am. 

"ughhh" I hated waking up early on days off. I threw the covers on up of my face and tried to go back to sleep. School was stressing me out but good thing winter break was around the corner. Just one more week. Today I wanted to be lazy. Wake up at 11 a.m., go out to town to do some shopping and watch a movie.  Right when I was starting to fall back to sleep my phone started ringing. Who turned and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. Caller ID: Kevin :D <3

"Hello" i responded in a sleepy voice it was pretty noticeable that I just woke up. 

"Good morning Min! I hope I didn't wake you up!"

"No, no worries" i said in a laugh covering up the truth.

  "Anyway I was wondering if you would like to go to town with me today? Can you?" 

"umm..Okay, sure that sounds like fun" Kevin Asking me out? Yay! :D "Really! Yeah! :)"

We decided on meeting up at 11am at Seoul park. Quickly getting out if bed I took a quick shower, got dressed, fixed my hair up in a lose pony tail, and had breakfast. I left my home at 10 a.m to catch the train on time to be there at 11am.

When I arrived Kevin was already waiting for me on the top of the staircase. 

"Min!" He shouted waving his hand. 

I shot him back a smile. "Hello Kevin!"

"Let's go!" Immediately he grabbed my hand into his and started dragging me out of the station. 

"Whe...Where are we going?" i asked puzzled. 

"Over here!" We were going toward a small store that was painted a bright pink color. We stopped in front of the store. "Wait here!" I nodded and he ran inside. I was so tired! I saw a bench and sat down.

A few minutes later Kevin came out of the store with a bag. "Here for you" he handed me the bag bowing. 

"You...You didn't have to get me anything!" 

"it's that I felt really bad for making you come here with me early today"

"Oh no! It's okay! I was planning to go to town anyway!"

"Either way I want you to have it, Okie?" He gave me the okay sign with his hand. I giggled and looked inside. Inside the bag was a small white bunny cell phone key chain and a white scarf. 

"Oh my god...Thank you! You didn't have too!" I gave him a hug. 

"Don't thank me! I wanted too! This is our first date anyway!" Date?...Oh no my face >.< ! I widened my eyes at the thought of a date. I've never been in a date. What...what is going on!! what do you do on a date?! Should I get him a gift too?!

"Can you hand me your cell phone please?" I obeyed and handed it over. Kevin took the key chain from the bag and put it on my phone. "There we go!" He smiled 

"Tha...Thank you!" I bowed and  Kevin laughed.

"Come Iets go for a walk." He held his hand out, and I places my hand and his and we walked through out town.  We went through different stores and admired all the small little things. I did some shopping, and even bought Kevin a black scarf which he kindly accepted after a while of him denying the gift saying he it wasn't necessary and didn't me to feel as if I owed him. He was quite sweet :)

"Min, what is your dream?" Kevin asked me while we were walking toward the train station. 

"I guess just to graduate school" In reality my dream was something else. 

"Aww I bet it's something else! Please tell me!!"

I sighed "Well...I wanted to become a singer but I might have outgrown it. " He stopped in front of him and grabbed my shoulders "You can't outgrow that! You can accomplish anything! Never give up on your dreams! I'll be there to support you and help you in anyway I can!" He voice was so calming, a sudden urge came over me and  I gave him a hug. A feeling of wanting to cry..

We must have been standing there for a long time because when I finally realized what was going in it was dark out. When I let go, i gave him a smile. Then I felt his hand on my check.

"I'll always be here for you..." 

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^