The Start...

There's more to it than just Hard Work

The day wasn't a beautiful day you could say. Winter was coming in and it was already hitting hard.   It was pretty dark already for 4pm, and i was able to see my breath in the cold. Having my hands in my pockets and my headphones in, I couldn't careless about the weather or my surroundings. Almost home. Walking down the streets of central Seoul , was a part of my daily routine which consisted of waking up at 6am, getting ready for school, taking the train, school, and walking back home. Pretty dull, nothing exciting...but in Here in namsan park   the streets were filled with lively music. Those who had dreams of being signed on to a entertainment company would perform here. Usually covers of songs and I must say, this is reason I loved walking pass this city. Today was Monday, there's never any performances today. Fridays is when the streets come to life. Huge crowds of fans everywhere. Enjoying the music in the air. Sadly it's only Monday and I would have to wait. Lookig at the town square where it look place was empty. letting out a sigh, I kept walking. One day ~

Music is a big part of my life. Ever since I was younger I would dance and sing my heart out. Giving small performances for my family at every gathering or just simply standing up infront of the television and copying what the idols did. At the age of 5, my parents enrolled me in a music school to training in  singing and dancing. I admit I had dreams of making it big. Becoming a idol, being able to perform in front of thousands but that was every little girls dream. It was mine too...until I woke up into reality. 

"Goodbye my love love love Take care my love love love Even if the tears filling up soak my whole body Now good bye good bye good bye Leave me and please be happy One step, one step, you’re going farther away"  'What a depressing song', I thought.

Never in my life have I had a boyfriend. I'm 17 and almost done with school, yet I hadn't experienced that love and compassion most people my age have and desire. Still, my friends at the school let in me in all the drama going on in their relationships and for that reason I learned. No dating, but What would it feel like to be in love? Was it wonderful? Was it as what they showed on television, was being in love wonderful or was it painful?...

"Ouch!" a voice yelled.  "My Apologizes!" I automatically yelled  back while giving a bow. I didn't dare look up. How embarrassing!! Thats what i get for thinking to deeply.I could feel my Checks burning up. 

"It's okay, no worries!" a mans voice who seemed to be amused  responded back.  It's a guy! My eyes widened and I straighten back up. 

" Please forgive me for being more aware of where I was going" I looked at him for the first time and his eyes where so warm and had a welcoming feeling that made me feel good. He Seemed to be around my age. He had brown hair with blonde streaks in it. My first thought:  He's so cute! 

" Don't worry about! Honestly, it happens to everyone. By the way my name is Kevin, it's a pleasure bumping into you" Giving a bright smile. 

Giving a small laugh: "It's a pleasure to meet you Kevin. I'm Min" Smiling back at him. 

"Min...I'll be sure to remember your name. I was in my way to get some tea and I was wondering if you could care to join me?" Kevin gave me one of those smiles that anyone would die for. instantly felt  I felt my self blush.It was the first time a guy, who wasn't my friend asked me out somewhere. I knew it wasn't a date, but still!!  I hoped he hadn't noticed. 

"Su...Sure" He chuckled at my response. Kevin noticed my bright face. 

"Lets go then!" Out of no where he took my hand into his. WHAT IS GOING ON! I yelled in my head. I just meet this stranger yet he acted as if I have known him already. Not saying anything, I kept walking. Hand in hand. People were staring at us. Which I find it really odd. Pushing it back in my mind, I finally asked where we were going.

" Oh just a small cafe that should be right about....There!" he pointed to a small building that was painted a light brown color and had a patio outside. But who would sit outside now a days in this freezing weather. We walked into the cafe and Kevin started to order his drink. 

"It's my treat! Order anything you would like Min" Ah his smile. So sweet! I ordered a small green tea. My favorite. Simple and delicious. When out drinks were read Kevin and I walked to a empty table inside and took a sit. 

"So Min, tell me about yourself?"

"Um..Well I'm 17 and a girl?" oh I sound like an idiot. 

Kevin laughed "I'm pretty sure I knew that. Let's see what are your interests?"

"Music" Didn't even have to think about that. 

"Really?!" Ah the smile! "Tell me about it! You must have a reason why?"

"Back when I was in the America.."

He jumped out of this seat giving a heart attack.  "So much in common!" Now he spoke in English. Who was this kid?!

"You do understand me right?"

"Of course, I lived in the states until I was 12" I replied back in English. He seemed so amazed at my ablity ti speak english, as if it was rare for him to hear someone speak it,

"and why where you living there?" Keeping eye contact with me. 

"Well my father was transferred to Seattle for work and well my mom followed. Then I was born there, nothing exciting." 

"Oh, and if you don't mind me asking why did you move back?" "Because my parents missed our family and friends back in Korea then here I am!" 

" Well I hope you don't miss the states! You have me now and we can speak English together so you'll feel like if you were back in the states!" 

"But we just met?" 

"True, but I've gotten along with you so well that -takes out his phone- I want to be friends. May we exchange numbers?"

He handed my his phone and I gave  him mine. Putting in my number in his phone I started thinking if I was really going to see him again or if it was just a one time meeting. When I finished I handed him back his phone 

He jumped up from his seat "Look at the time! Its almost time for practice. I am going to be late and Eli is going to kill me!" Kevin smiled at me gave me a bow. " Well Min i hope you can forgive me for leaving but until our next meeting American friend. Be sure to expect a text message from me soon" and with that he smiled,  turned  and left the cafe. Leaving me there confused. I put my head   down on the table trying to re-call want just happened with this stranger. It was quite odd for someone to act the way he did. I mean I've seen it in dramas and Manga where you cross paths with random strangers and a exciting adventure starts..but never expected it to really exist. Why me?! Still Iaying my head down on the table,and gave out a big groan. At that moment my phone vibrated. One new message, The caller ID displayed : Kevin :D <3 I blushed and wasn't sure if I should read it.

" maybe I should read it in a hour and reply what would be rude"  I bit my lower lip and  opened my phone:

"It was a pleasure meeting u today! ^^ I do hope we will see eachother soon! Until then let's keep in contact via text! My American Friend <3" Reading the message over an over again. I realized that this stranger, with the blonde highlights named Kevin was going to be part of my life. 


(Note: Kevin already had debuted in U-Kiss but being the clueless Min she is, she didn't recognize him) 

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^