
There's more to it than just Hard Work

After getting dressed and being thanked by Sohee I don't know how many times. I left the backstage area and walked into the crowd. Remembering the sunglasses I started looking around for him to return his jacket. Being unsuccessful I put it back in my bag and began walking to a food stand to get a snack. Boy was I hungry. That stage, that song, my singing. I smiled to myself at the thought of being on the stage once again....

I felt a tap on my shoulder and quickly turned around 

"You!" I said in a high pitched voice. 

"Me!" He replied in a laugh I opened my bag out and took out his jacket.

"Thank you so much." I said bowing to him handing over the jacket 

"it's okay, you can keep it. Anyway don't apologize. It was my fault for spilling my drink on you"  he bowed. "Please forgive me...what is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Min" I blushed.  At that moment He Took off his sunglasses. The first thing I noticed were his eyes. They had this warm feeling that made me not want to look away. 

"I'm Minho, but you problely know that already." 

"Minho, well it's nice to meet you. Why would I know you already? This is the first time I properly meet you. "

he look puzzled after my answer but simply smiled.  "Really now? Well would you like to get something to eat? My way of apologizing for what happened earlier."  Why was everyone staring at us. I swear lately each guy I talk to everyone stares. 

"Su...Sure" Minho put back on his sunglasses "It's settled then. I know this great place. Come on now"  

I followed him From behind.  Walking with him was a bit awkward. I felt quite embreassed  and found myself blushing a lot around Him. Sometimes i would Quickly look at him and Look away. After a while of walking he broke the  silence 

"You were really good up there"

"Th..Thank you" 

"was it your first time? I noticed that the leader pointed you out. "

"umm yes it was, I was actually replacing someone. I wasn't planning on performing. "

"Really? Now that's interesting. I wouldn't have guessed that. Your singing and dancing skills are quite good. Did you study somewhere?" 

"Yes, I actually attended a a music school when I was younger."

"I could have never guessed that. Oh look we are here!" We arrived at a restaurant which didn't look to fancy nor was it poor looking. "This place has the best food!"  Minho opened the door for me while I walked inside. I couldn't believe what I was doing! Having lunch with a stranger, but someone who I became lost in his eyes.  We ordered our food and sat down.

"Now tell me, where did you study?" I took a bite of my food and waited to sallow it. 

"mm I studied in America actually until I was 10 and came to Korea. "

"America?! That's incredible" he gave me a sweet smile which made my heart skip a beat.  

"Yes it is" I replied giving him a shy smile. 

"That school must have been a top school, because you looked like a pro up there. Do you still attend a music school now?"

"Actually i dont..."

"What?! Why not? "

I turned bright red "umm actually I wasn't interested anymore when I came to Korea..."

"But your passion up On the stage was bright as a sun, you owed it. Especially the rap part"  The kindness in his eyes reached my heart, I never felt anything like this.. We continued eating until we were done. 

"Would you like to go for a walk in the park?"

"O...Okay" We walked side by side. Even though we talk very comfortably this was still awkward. He walked with his hands in his pocket. Looking straight ahead. I started noticing his features. His brown hair.  This smooth skin... At this moment Minho turned his head towards me and smiled. I quickly turned away and put my head down. My chest was pounding hard and I could feel my face burning up.  

What was this feeling?...

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^