The day has finally come

There's more to it than just Hard Work

After my phone call with Minho it was quiet evening. My house was empty My mo was still gone. I wasn't sure If I should bring up anything about the audition to her,  I decided not to say anything since it was just an audition, like I'll get in. 

The next morning I woke to the sound of my alarm at 7am. For it being a Sunday morning an waking up at 7am was a nightmare but somehow today it didn't brother me at all. I rolled out of bed, into the shower, got dressed in my favorite outfit. A navy blue blazer, a ivory lace tank too, dark blue jeans, with high heeled boots.After  i ate breakfast and out the door I went. 

Walking towards the train station, I instantly got a feeling of sadness. Something that I didn't quite understand, I shook my head and pushed it back. On the train I too a seat next to the window. In front of me 2 kids say down, around the age of 8. A boy and a girl. They sat there sharing laughs and many smiles. Sitting behind them made me think about the past. The best friend I once had. God why were all these feelings coming over me. I took out my phone and plugged on my headphones. Using music as a way to drain out the feelings. With that I leaned against the cold window. 

Finally arriving at my stop I took a deep breath in and Began my walk out into what could change my life. I took a look at my phone. 9:15am. I'm good on time. I took out the address I found online of star entertainment and began making my way. With  My headphones still in, I enjoyed my walk. It was early in the morning. Not many people were out and about. Usually the crowd would show up around noon. 

Arriving at the building, I took out the paper I had and double checked if I was at the right place. It was a tall building in the middle of the city. The windows looked as if they were mirrors, you could see your own reflection but couldn't look inside. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in, smiled and walked into what could change my life...

When I walked inside the building I went up to the receptionist and asked where I was suppose to go. She sent me to the 5th floor. Being in the elevator I notice there was 11 floors. Woah. Being in that evaluator heading into a life changing moment t, it finally hit me. My stomach became tight, my Chest got heavy, my body started shaking...I'm audition for a company. With all these feelings coming at once my vision became burly and everything around me was off balance. I must have hit the wall of the elevator because something it my left arm. I closed my eyes and tried to get a hold of myself. I put my hand per my chest, what is happening to me? "Min, Min are you okay?!!" I heard a voice call out concerned. "Min!?"  When I finally became aware of what was going on i blinked a couple if times and looked around me,I was on the floor of the elevator looking up at kevin,who was holding me in his arms

"Ah your okay!" he gave me a warm smile. A sense of relief seemed to have filled him. I tried to speak but somehow the words didn't come out. 

"You must have became dizzy because when the elevator doors opened i saw you leaning against the wall, holding on to your chest, with your eyes closing. Good thing I was able to catch you when you fell. " He placed a hand on my cheek. I could feel my insides becoming less Heavy.I gave him a small soft smile. 

"Thank You" I managed to finally say. 

Kevin stayed there with him until I felt I was able to get up. We both walked out of the elevator, him staying by my side as if he was making sure nothing would happen to me anymore and that I was alright.  We walked up to the front desk and filled out the forms they needed. They told me to sit down and wait to be called, they would be with me shorty. Kevin and I sat down in the lobby near the window, looking out the city. 

"I thought you weren't coming?"  I asked Kevin 

"Actually I was going to come the whole time. I wanted to surprise you!" he smiled. 

"Thank you..." I said tilting my head and giving him a small smile. Kevin being there calmed me down from the frantic I was in earlier. Still a bit dizzy I leaned my head up closing my eyes. 

"You can lay down on my shoulder if you would like. " I heard him say. 

I sat back up straight and looked at him and nodded. I rested my head on his shoulder, and a wave of calmness came over me. I closed my eyes and i felt like sleeping I must have dosed off because I felt Kevin shaking me on my side. 

"Min, it's time"  I rubbed my eyes and stood up. 

"Remember just do what you did on that stage. Everything was so natural. Don't worry! You can do this!" he gave me a quick hug then pushed me playfully. I laughed and walked through the door. 

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^