Long Day...

There's more to it than just Hard Work

"Ahhhhhhh" I yelled while jumping up and down outside Star building. The rush of excitement hitting me. I Tan my fingers through my hair. "Wow...."I couldn't believe what just had happened. I looked at the time and it was Was about noon, having 2 hours to kill before meeting Minho at the restaurant. I decided to head over there since I had no idea exactly where I was and how long it would take. I started walking towards the closest train station, and looked at the map. Going toward namsan park would be a 20min train ride. I purchased my ticket and walked toward the platform. Standing there I could see the crowds of people walking on and out. I began thinking, what if when I debut one day these day are able to say 'i saw Min (or whatever name I debut with) at the train station!' I gave a smile. That would be a dream come true. Finally the train came and I took a seat next to the window. I took out my headphones and plugged them to drain out the everyday conversations of those around me with music. 

When the train arrived at my destination I walked out of the train with my bag at my side and my headphones still plugged in. Walking around the city park at this hour wasn't busy as it was on the days public performances where on. The music filling the air was missing. I gave a sigh and continued walking. It was only 12:40. Feeling thirsty I decided to go to small coffee shop to get some ice tea. Even though it was winter, I still enjoyed my raspberry ice tea. Walking in I took out one headphone and placed my order. Picking up my drink I went over to a small table in the back of the cafe. Taking a sip of my tea, I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out and looked at the name : Minho. A bit confused I opened it up to read it 
"Enjoying your drink? You should be nice and invite me"
"what?!" I re-read the message and looked around where I was. How did he possibly know what I was drinking. I'm in the back of the cafe and the window is in front. How could he see me? I opened my phone to reply back to his message 

"Stalker" I sent the message off and took another sip of my drink, keeping my phone open and going through my messages. 

"That's not every nice to call someone a stalker" Minho said standing right in front my me, holding out his phone to show me the message I sent.  I jumped a little when I heard him. 

"I was sitting right over there for your information" He pointed towards a table in the front. Minho pulled up a chair and took a seat on the other side of the table. He Took a sip from his Coffee and placed it down on the table. Rising his arms he placed them behind his head and leaned back on his chair.

  "So tell me, what brings you here so early?" he said with a grin. 

"Ice Tea" I said lifting my drink up and pointing at it. 

"So you came here for ice tea? Not because you couldn't wait to see me?" Leaning forward with his grin not leaving on his face. 

"Aigooooo!! ~" Sticking my tongue out at him "Actually I just came from somewhere and decided to head here before our set time to meet up" 

"In otherwise words, you didn't know how long it would take you to come here?" He said with a small giggle. 

I covered my mouth trying not to laugh "I guess I've been found out" 

"Your a terrible liar" He was shook his head with a smile. 

"I know..."

Minho stood up from his chair and fixed his jacket. "Well than since we are already here together, why don't we go for some lunch?"  I gave him a nod and stood up. We walked out of the cafe, and down the street passing the small stores along the way. At this moment I wasn't sure if I should let him know about my audition earlier this morning. That I've already been accepted as a trainee." Me a trainee?" I must have said that out aloud...

"If you pass your audition, than yes." He looked over with a kind smile.  I returned the smile, and kept walking.  We arrived at a small restaurant that wasn't to fancy nor shabby. It seemed as a quiet little hang out where you would come with your friends, or simply just to have some lunch.

"two please" Minho stood the waitress. We sat down at a table in the middle of the restaurant next to the windows.

"Have you ever been here?" He asked me

"Nope, I"ve never even heard of it" I said shaking my head

"Well, I welcome you to one of the best restaurants in town" Minho said extending his arms in there air. with a huge smile on his face.

"Ah thank you, thank you" I gave him small little bows, trying not to laugh

The waitress came and took our orders. I ordered a plate of beef teriyaki, my favorite Japanese plate. I couldn't pass up the chance to miss out on it, since not many restaurants that I knew of served them. Plus I was super hungry, after basically passing out, being stressed and dancing, You can't blame me.

"So...how was your day?" he asked looking at me with his elbows resting on the table, and placing his head on his hands. His face full of curiosity

"Eum?" I said, deciding if i should say anything about the audition. "I want to visit a friend who works around here..." A small white lie, couldn't hurt anyone

"Huh?" was all he managed to say. Being not sure if i should tell him, made me feel uneasy. I'll tell him after the SM audition. Minho leaned back in his chair and turned his head toward the window. I began thinking if he knew I lied since earlier he called me a terrible liar. I shook my head and looked down at my hands below the table. I could feel this was an awkward moment between us both, that i might have caused. Suddenly my phone started ringing.

"I'm sorry!" I told him, as i digged into my bag looking for it

"it's okay" he said in a unemotional tone

Finally reaching my phone, I answered


"Min! Congratulations!!!" Kevin yelled though the phone. I'm pretty sure Minho heard, he was now facing me, his eyes narrowed at me.

"...Thank you.." I said turning my head a bit looking away from Minho.

"We have to celebrate! It's not everyday, that you become a trainee!" She squealed. Crap....

"Su...sure..." Unsure if Minho heard him

"Great! I'll call you tonight to meet up! Byeeee!"

I closed my phone and put in my bag, trying not to make any eye contact with Minho.

"Friend eh?" Minho was looking me in the eyes with his arms crossed.

"Yeaaaah" Busted

After that we didn't speak anymore, until our plates came. The plates came nice and warm. The aroma made me smile. I grabbed my chopsticks and began digging into my plate. It was delicious! We ate in silence. I began thinking if I should say anything yet, but i still decided to say something after my audition.

When we finished our meals, Minho decided to pay. I tried to pay for my half. I even handed him back the money but he just pushed my arms back saying he didn't want it. Walking out of the restaurant I followed his lead. I walked behind him, keeping my head down. Unsure if i should bring anything up, maybe he didn't hear him?

"Ouch" I had walked into his back, which I thought it was...I took a step back and noticed It was his chest that i hit. "I'm sorry!" Quickly bowing

He shook his head, smiling. "Honestly..." Minho bent down to eye contact level. He was taller than me, but I wasn't to short, I was about average height. He flicked my forehead "Awake!" He yelled.

"AIGOOOOOOOOOOOO!~" I yelled "Rude!"

Minho started laughing hard. I became so confused seeing how that was funny.

"Come on, Let's sit over there." We walked over to a bench, that was on the sidewalk. "Min, the SM audition, you have to do your best eh? Don't daydream, like you were just now." He said smiling, biting his lip from trying not to laugh

"I will and I won't! " I smiled giving him a nod. Finally happy that those awkward moments are now gone.

"Good. Now, in the audition, you are going to have to sing a song. Do the song you sang the other day on stage. Than you have to freestyle to a song. Make up the moves. They could ask you to do a cover or something but that's rare. Ready? " He said standing up and hold out his hand for me.

"Got it!" I took his hand standing up.

"Great!" He said giving me a soft smile. "Just don't act like a child in there" with that he playfully pushed me. 

I turned around and stickled my tongue out at me, and he returned it,


I wasn't sure what just happened there, for a moment he seem a bit mad, or upset and now all of a sudden hes's not...Seriously boys...

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^