What is going on?...

There's more to it than just Hard Work

"Why did I have to have miss the train on Friday! Our of all the days in the week it had to be Friday!!! T_T" 

Friday, the day were  namsan park would be filled with the smooth sound of music coming from every direction. It was already 4:56pm and I was about 20mins away. I wasn't going to be to make it by 5pm. By the time it came, it was already 5pm.Cool. The train station was full and everyone crammed into it. Everyone was pushing and shoving each other wanting to get in as fast as they could. Why did I have to miss the last train...

"HEY!" I jumped as i felt a cold liquid runing down on my shirt, looking down on it I saw that someone split their drink on me.

"I'm so sorry" A tall man wearing a black leather jacket, dark sunglasses and a hat said looking at me with great disbelief. Great what else could happen to me. Ignoring this apology I opened my book bag and took out a napkin to wipe my shirt. 

"I'm sorry" Now this time sounded annoyed. I looked up, and just looked back down. "This isn't happening! I was already late to the performances which I look forward to every week and now I have to go home and change. "  "If you want you can have my jacket" Oops. Did I just saw that out loud? I'm in idiot. 

"It's Okay really, I'm pretty sure I have a sweater in my bag..." Opening my bag i started looking for it, it wasn't there. Fail.  i left it at school. Out of no where I felt a  leather coat over my shoulders. Puzzled, I looked up and saw him walking away already wearing a white shirt. "Thank you.." i said in a whisper. Who was that? 

When i arrived at my stop,  it was already 5:30pm. I missed the first performance, well might as well make the best of it. I started walking up the stairs out if the station. I felt the col winter breeze, It was incredible.The crowd was easily 400 people already. It's not a rare sight to see the park this packed. You could hear music coming from every direction. See the lights of food stands in the slights. Smell the food and hear the laughters of those here. The running footsteps of children. The couples holding hands, the friends who were having a good time.  It was basically a small festival, which was here every weekend. My home <3 I made my way to a small food stand that was selling Kimchi. My favorite. After picking up my order I went to sit down at a bench while I waited for the next performance. Taking out my phone I check for messages. 2 new messages. One from my mom 

"Min, I won't be home until next week. Your dad had a emergency meeting in Japan and he  wants me to go with him to Tokyo for the week. I left money there for your food! Take care! "

It wasn't unusually for my parents to go to Tokyo for the week. I let out a sigh and replied saying to have a safe trip. The next message was Kevin of course in English. 

"MIN!! I suspect your out of school about now. How was your day?! :D" 

Kevin and I have been texting and calling each other  non stop since that day from the Cafe. We got along so easily. I considered him as my best friends already. I closed my phone and decided I'll call him later to explain my stressful day. But my phone started to ring. 

"Hihi Kevin!"

"MIN!! You didn't reply!"

"Please forgive me I've had a long day!"

"Your not forgiven! Haha of course you are forgiven! Oh no! I do hope it has been going well!! "

"Thank you, but my shirt would say otherwise." I started explaining to him what had occur on the train including the stranger 

"Well if I ever meet him I will demand a apology! Just kidding! It was nice of him to give you his jacket though!"

We kept talking on the phone for awhile more, but Kevin told me that he had dance practice going on and had to hang up. I never understand why he had so much dance practice. Each time I wanted to ask him, it slipped my mind. 

 Taking out my headphones I started listening to The Boys by Girls Generation. Since that song came out it has been my favorite. I took a deep breath ad closed my eyes. Relaxed. As soon as I closed my eyes a image of the man from earlier came to mind. Who was he? He seemed to be around my age.For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about him....what was hiding behind those sunglasses? 

"Hey!" someone said while tapping in my shoulder. 

"ah Yes?" Standing in front of me was a girl with long brown wavy hair. She looked about my age. 

"That song you were singing was The Boys Right?"

I sung out loud. How embarrassing  !!! 

"Yes, Why?"

" OKAY! I thought so! Let me introduce myself! My name is Sohee, and I'm part of the cover group 'BMB'. One of our members couldn't make it today and we are suppose to perform that song but we aren't able to if I can't find a back up. But I found you signing the song very good!!! So where I am heading is...can you please take her place for today?" 

I could feel my eyes widen. Sing in front of this huge crowd. Looking around the area I felt my checks become warmer. 

"Your silence says it all! " Sohee grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the area where everyone prepared. I knew the song well, by heart and the dance as well. But somehow I couldn't bring myself to giving her an answer. This is something I've been wanting to do but...Since that day...I haven't performed in front of others...

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^