
There's more to it than just Hard Work
Min, it's your dream... 

"MIN! I'm going out! Breakfast is on the table ready for you!"

The sound of the front door slamming down stairs, woke me up from my daze. Rolling over to my side, I strached out my arms. Giving out a big yawn. Opening my eyes I saw my alarm clock. 9:37am. I closed my eyes again and turned over facing the wall, hugging the covers over myself. Last night I dreamt about what happened 7 years ago. When Hyunseung left. The whole scene played out in my head. I could feel everything I felt that same day all over again. Even if it was 7 years ago, it still affected me. Having your closest friend, leave you...it leaves a scar over your heart. At that thought I hugged my pillow. A feeling of sadness came over me at that moment. Wanting to cry, I broke my promise...a promise that he didn't accept. Holding back the tears I began thinking where was he, what is doing, is he okay, does he remember me? Am I just being childish for still remembering all this? I shook my head and pushed it all back. Taking in a deep breath I decided to finally get out of bed. Sitting up I strached my arms out and got up. I walked over to the mirror and tied up my hair, before heading down to breakfast. I ate my breakfast, took a shower and got dressed. While I was brushing my hair in the mirror I noticed it was 11:05am. it took me me so long to get out of bed? I thought. I was never this lazy. I shook my head and looked at my phone. There was a missed call. It was from Kevin. He didn't leave a voicemail or sent a text message. I pushed the call button to call him. 


"Kevin, you called?"

"Min! Yes! Wait..how are you?"

"I'm good haha, I just woke up actually not so long ago"


"What! Min aren't you going to practice?"

"practice? For what?"

"Yaaaaaaah! Min did you forget already?!"


"yaaaaaaah! Meet me in front of the train in 30mins!" and with that he hung up. 

Confused on what was going on I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag and went out the door. To catch the next train. Still have a sleep I was partially i falling asleep on the train. 

Arriving at my stop i got out and began making my way toward the exist of the train station. I walked with my hands in my pockets keeping my head down. My eyes lids felt so Heavy....

"Woah min are you okay?" Kevin laughed. 

"AHH! I'm sorry!" I said Giving a bow

"It's okay, let's get some coffee?"  

I nodded and we began making our way to the cafe next to the train station. We ordered our drinks and took a seat next to the window to get a view of the town. 

"Min, I wanted to talk to you about the thing you apparently forgot." he gave a grin. 

"...." I looked up at him with a blank face not understand what we going on. 

"Auditon. Your audition..." he said as if he was giving me hints. 

"Audition?...." I sat there thinking about what he said, still confused until it hit me

"AUDITON!" I yelled out aloud standing up from my seat almost knocking over my chair. Everything hit me there. My Auditon at star entertainment....

"Shhhhh, calm down! Sit down!" Kevin said giving me signs to sign down. I sat back down in my seat, placing my elbows on the table and rested my head on my hands. 


"Min, your Auditon is tomorrow at 10am. You have to be there by 9:30 to fill out forms." 

"I....I can't...." the words came out of my mouth, broken.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my head. Lifting my head up I saw Kevin smiling 

"Yes, you can. You can do this. Just show them what you did up on that stage. That's all you have to do" giving off a warm smile. 

I sat there looking at him in his eyes, I could feel they were filled with warmth and promise. I looked away outside the window. An opportunity just opened up in front of me yet, i not sure if I want to take it. What's wrong with me? Any person who was given this opportunity would take it without even thinking about. Yet I'm here trying to figure out if I will. I covered my face between my hands. 

"Min? Please...I believe in you."

Uncovering my face I looked up and gave him a small smile and nodded. 

"Really?! Ah! I can see it now! You'll see one day we will both be on the stage together performing. " He clapped his hands with a bright smile.

After that we stayed in the cafe and began talking about how the audition would go. I would have to sing one song, we decided, the boys, since it was the song I performed on the stage. Then I would need to dance freestyle to a song, which will be their choice. He told me for the free-styling,  to dance what comes to heart. To close my eyes and just dance.  Also he told me he wouldn't be there with me tomorrow due to a scheduling. We said out good byes and I began my way home. On the train  I sat next to a window seat, thinking about how everything will go tomorrow. I heard my stops name and got off. Stepping out of the train station I noticed it was quite dark already. I gave a sigh and walked home. 

"I'm home" no answer.  "Typical" I took off my shoes and walked up to my room dropping off my bag on my desk chair and jumped on my bed.  When my phone started ringing. I digged into my pocket and pulled it out. 


"Min?" wait this voice ....

"Minho?"  I sounded surprised. There a slight pause. 

"How are you?" he said back in a more relaxed tone. 

"I'm good, thank you for asking. How about you?"

"glad to hear that, I'm doing well. Listen the reason I called you was because I have something important to tell you." 


"Listen, there's an audition coming up tomorrow and I want you to go..." He didn't ask me if I wanted to go.

Simply said I had to. 


"are you still there?" another audition? What is going on seriously. 

"Eum, sorry"

"It's at 4, can you came it" 


"Good than meet me at the restaurant we meet last time at 2, bye." 

"at 2!?!?" he hung up by than. 

I close my phone and throw it on my side. Why did he want to meet 2 hours before the actually audition. Why was he even telling me this? Why are all these auditions coming at me at once. What is going on?! This is the same question I've been asking myself since day 1...hopefully the answers will be unveiled soon...

I want to apologize for the late update but I became so busy! I will make it up this weekend <3 BTW Merry Christmas Everyone! Or Happy Hoildays!!

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^