Star Entertainment

There's more to it than just Hard Work

Walking through the open office space, I began breathing in and out. Remembering Smell the cake, blow the candles I kept repeating in my head. The open space was filled with windows overlooking the city. I turned to the right and saw a large desk, 4 people filling up the seats there. Quickly I gave a 90 degree bow. 


 "Min" the man in the center said, he stoodw up and smiled "Welcome to star entertainment. I am the CEO. Kang Oh Hyuk" He gave a bow and a seat. He started going through a file which looked like they were the forms I had to fill out. "Let's see it says here you studied aboard, in a exclusive music school," he gave a nod with a smile on his face. "You've studied jazz, and ballet, since you were 6. Also qualified to be in the showcase every year since you started the school. Placed in the top 10%. " he looked up at me. " Yet you stopped attending music schools, when you moved to Korea" He leaned back and crossed his arms. "May I ask why?" Kang Oh Hyuk had a calm face. He didn't scare me or anything. His face seemed as of it was filled with kindness. 


 "I wanted a change..."was all I could answer back. 


 He leaned forward keep his eyes on me, with a smile on his face. He nodded.  "Okay, you do know how this will go? You will a song and then I will play a random song and you will dance to it. Got it?" I nodded " you may start" 


 I closed my eyes and put my hands in fists at my side. I took in a deep breath and opened my mouth.    " I can tell you're looking at me. I know what you see. Any closer and you'll feel the heat. GG. You don't have to pretend that you didn't notice me. Every look will make it hard to breathe. T R X. B-Bring the boys out"


 I began singing the song, to the beat that was playing inside my head. The word came out of my mouth easily. I kept my eyes closed and as soon as I realized I was done I opened them. What a nervous wreck i was, but I did my best to stay cool.  "Thank you....Now I will start the song and all you have to do is dance, okay?" he gave me a smile that relaxed me. "The song will be 'TopThat by U-Kiss," I nodded at him. He signaled for the music to start playing. When it started playing, I began moving to the beat. 


 Dancing to me was something that came from your heart. Where you can just close your eyes and it naturally comes to you. Moving your body to the beat. 


 When the song was over I found myself Out of breath. I ran my hand through my hair which was in my face. 


 I looked over at the desk where Kang Oh Hyuk was now standing at clapping. I found myself blushing.  "Min, you danced and sang with such passion that it surprises me that you haven't studied music in Years. I am impressed. You may step out while we speak about your results." 


 I gave them all a nod and thanked them. I walked out of the room and as soon as the door shut behind me I fell to the ground. A wave of relief came over my now that the audition was over. I began laughing to myself, perhaps because I never knew I found myself somewhere like this. In this situation. Finally getting a hold of myself I stood up and walked over to the lobby where I expected to see Kevin but he was no where to be found, giving a sigh a sat down. I closed my eyes, to just rest a bit... "Min you go inside now" Hearing the voice, I stood up right away and walked inside. Did I sleep? I began wondering but shrugged it off. I walked inside the open space again and found myself standing in front Kang Oh Hyuk  and his team with one more face. Next to Kang Oh Hyuk, Kevin was behind him with his arms crossed giving me a smile. Trying not to laugh I covered my mouth and gave a small smile.  "Min, you have passed the audition." Kang Oh Hyuk  said with a bright smile on his face. 


 At that moment I felt the world on my side. Never would I have thought I find myself in his position. Being accepted to become a trainee for Star Entertainment? 


 "Re...Really?! Thank you!!!" I bowed a 90 angle. I couldnt stop laughing and smiling after receiving the news. Kevin came running from behind the desk and pulled me into a hug. 


 "See I knew you could do it!" he said taking a step back letting space between us. 


 "Thank you, for believing in me" and with that I hugged again. He put his hand on my head pulling me closer to him. My head rested on his shoulder,feeling his comfort. I could feel my face blush. For a moment I didn't want to let go...


 After that, the agency gave me forms and documents I would need to sign and fill out if I decided to become a trainee for them. Kevin and I said our goodbyes and I began making my way out to meet Minho...


 Everything that has happened, is a dream come true...I passed!.But there's still one more audition to go. SM Entertainment, one of the best companies in the Korean music industry....

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^