
There's more to it than just Hard Work
" I am Lee Soo Man, Chairmain, Welcome to SM Entertainment Min." 

At that moment I felt as if I was dreaming. Being accepted into SM, I couldn't believe it...In the position I was in many people would have killed for it. Finally waking up from my daze I gave him a 90 degree bow "Th...Thank you!" I managed to yell out. 

"Don't thank me, The talent and passion that you hold is what will make you successful."

After leaving the office I was walked over to Pick up some paperwork that needed to be filled out. The secretary told me that I had to turn in the forms in 2 days if I was going to accept the offer. I quickly thanked everyone and told out my phone. Scrolling down my contact list I found his name:

"Hello?" he answered on the 2nd ring 

"I passed!" I squealed

"....Waaaah?!" I could hear the excitement in his voice, suddenly coming from behind me. Before I could turn around Minho was hugging me from behind. "Congrats!" 

I felt my cheeks burning"Th...thank you!" I managed to say with a giggle. 

Minho took his arms off me and stood there looking away scratching his head. Quickly I looked away looking down at that ground pulling my hair behind my hair. 

"I...I have to go but I'll text you later." he slightly bowed and walked off. 

I began thinking what mystery does he hold. Minho walked in his building as if he knew it well. Maybe he worked here? I shrugged the thought off and began making my way out. 

Outside the building I breathed in the fresh air all around me. Closing my eyes taking it all in.  Ah how good it felt. Finally opening my eyes I began making my way towards the train station, placing the packet of papers in my bag. 

The streets of Seoul were filled with people laughing and talking.  "One day I won't be able to walk these streets without getting my picture taken." I mumbled to myself, with a small giggle. 

Becoming accepted into two companies, was a dream come true. Having the chance to fulfill my dream has shown up. I guess I was able to keep my promise....

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. 

"Hello?" I answered in a cheery voice. 

"Dinner plans today!" it was Kevin. 

"Aigooooo! I almost forgot!" 

"Don't worry! I bet you have been daydreaming about becoming a idol" he said in a laugh

"Maybeee." giving him a laugh

"Shall we have dinner at your house?" 

" house?" 

"Mhm! I'll bring Over the food. Just send me your address in a text and I'll see you at 6! Byeeee" click he hung up. 

Giving out a sigh I sent him a text message with my address. After sending it out I closed my phone and held it in my hands for a min.

" idol?..." I pulled my hair back behind my ear. Thinking about the thought I couldn't stop laughing and smiling. I ran my fingers though my hair. It's finally coming true....

After I calmed down I realized I was standing in the middle the sidewalk. By now people must think I'm crazy. I put my hands behind my back and began whistling while I continued walking. 

Arriving at the train station I took my usually window seat. I took out my headphones and plugged them in. When I began listening to my music I opened up my bag and there it hit me. Inside my bag was two packets of forms. One from Star and the Other from SM. Each folder containing my future. "Aigo...." I said in a low voice. I ran my fingers through my hair pulling it back. Having those two folders meant I had to pick one. Only one. My first thought that ran through my head was two names 'Kevin or Minho....' I shook my head, no my answer must be based on what each company has to offer me. Not where my friends go......

(I apologize for the short update! It's not my best >.< I felt bad about not updating in about 4 days. Updates for the next few weeks may be short since exams are coming up which means projects -.- But I'll make it up this weekend!! Until than short updates but there will be updates daily!)

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^