Second Encounter...

There's more to it than just Hard Work

In silence we walked, the streets were particularly busy. Those who passed by us, would give us looks. We passes by a group of girls about my age who looked at me with eyes of hatred. Shocked I looked Down to the ground.  What is going on...I thought. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "YAHHHHHH!" 

"are you okay?..." I looked up, Minho was standing infront of me bending down to my eye level. His face was full of concern. Did I just scream out aloud? My face started burning up, I took a step back. "I'm fine!" I said scratching the back of was giving a nervous laugh.  

"Are you sure?" He asked in a concerned tone. 

"Positive!!" I nodded and began walking ahead. Proving that I was fine. Suddenly my foot hit something and I lost my balance. I closed my eyes ready to feel the pain when I felt someones arms around me. Turning my head to the side I saw Minho. The first thing i looked at him, were his eyes. Something about them at that moment filled me with warmth. My chest began to hurt. Making me forget everything, my concerns, my worries, my stress....

" Be careful" Minho said in a frim tone while helping me stand back up. 

"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful.." I couldn't look him in the eyes. I felt as if I did my face would turn into a bright red and I've blushed enough already. No need to embarrass myself more. 

We continued walking, then came to a stop in front of a basketball court. Minho walked over to a bush and picked up a ball. He dribbled it and ran up to the hoop for a dunk. He seemed like a pro, I stood there admiring him

"Wanna try?" he picked up the ball and threw it to me. 

"I haven't thrown a ball in years." i explained standing there holding the ball feeling embarrassed

"Well then, time to start once again" Minho stood in front of the hoop, waiting for me to throw it. Giving in I walked closer to the hoop. Taking in a deep breath I throw the ball. The ball hit the rail and bounced off. 

"It's okay, practice makes perfect" he said with a smile on his lips. 

"Nah, I'm just not cut out for sports " I replied back with a laugh. 

"Don't say that, when you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything " He began walking closer . "So don't give up on anything " he patted my head with a warm smile. 

After our little game if basketball we decided to sit on a park bench. At first it was a bit awkward since none of is spoke. I had my hands together on my lap and kept my head down. I looked over at Minho who was sitting their quiet relaxed. His right arm was Stretched out On the bench and his left leg was over his right knee. He turned his head and looked at me. He spoke to break the silence "Are you from around here?" He asked 

"Since I've been 12." I answered back. 

"Really now?" he answered back with a grin. "and you say you didn't know who I was until today, correct?" 

"Yeah?" answering back unsure of where he was going with this conversation. I haven't met him before so why the odd question? "Maybe we went to school together?"

"I'm positive we didn't." He turned his head away from me to look at the scenery in front of us. 

"If you could sing on a stage everyday would you..." Asking out of the blue keeping his eyes set infront. I sat there thinking about that question

"When I was younger, it was my dream. To be able to go on a stage and sing my heart out. Make everyone smile, to bring happiness to them...."

He cut me off  "You say when you were younger? How come?"

I looked down at my hands which were infront of me on my lap. "Because...I grew out of it"

"it doesn't look like you did, up on that stage..."

He was right, being back on that stage made my dream come back. Perhaps after so many years, and re-living it. My passion came back

"Can I see your phone?" I looked up at him and nodded. I took out my phone from my pocket and handed it over thinking Why did he ask for my phone? 

"Here you go" I grabbed my phone back from him and began looking through it to see what he did,scrolling down my contacts there it was. His name. then looking through my messages he texted himself from my phone.

"Time to go" he said getting up from the bench. He stood over me with his hands in his jackets pockets. "Expect a text from me" he simply smiled and walked off leaving me on the bench holding on to my phone with a tight grip. 

After he left, I stayed sitting down in the park bench. Looking at the sky. What a long day I thought. First performing on stage after years, than running into Minho...the stranger who made my chest hurt. At that thought I put my hand over my chest. What is this feeling?.. Suddenly my phone beeped, making an noise when a message arrives. I unlocked my phone and saw the message. It was from Kevin.  " Min! I was walking by the city park today with some friends today and saw you performing! You are fantastic!!! :D  I tried to find you after the performance but I didn't have any luck :( Call me!"

Kevin was there? How did I now see him? Scrolling down my contact list I found Kevin's name and called him. He picked up on the first ring. 


"Hi Kevin!"

"I knew you didn't give up on your dream!"

"actually, it's a Long story how I ended up on that stage..anyway why did you want me to call you?"

"Right! Listen after seeing you perform, I talked to my company chairmen to allow you to audition for our company and he said it was okay!"!!?? 

"Kevin...what are you talking about? What company?"

"Star entertainment of course silly!" 

"Wait...YOUR A SINGER?!!" 

"You didn't know?" he laughed at the other end.

"No!! I'm just finding all this out!"

"Well surprise! Your audition is in two days, remember that! Anyway bye!!"

"Wait kevin!!" I screamed into the phone but he hung up on me.

Kevin, is famous? I would have never known that, He was just a normal person to me. Like everyone else.

Finding this out wouldn't change the way I look at Kevin, he's my best friend, and he's just a normal person in my eyes. At that moment I began remembering the day we hung out. I looked at phones keychain and took it between my fingers. Suddenly I remembered I mentioned about an audition. An audition?! I couldn't, I wouldn't! But...I want too...

I gave out a groan leaning my head back. Thinking about everything  that has happened to me was to much. But Was this another chance in my life I'm getting to peruse my dream?...Should I take it...>

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poppop3 #1
i wanted to apply but i cant! :(
what if she got in for both? o.o omg D:
59910192 #3
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minho came out tooooooo XD waiting for hyunseung's appearance :3
thanks for the update :) its awesome ^^
cliffhanger? XD
i like how the first chapter goes :) update soon ^^