The Gifted Ones [DISCONTINUED]
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Chapter 5



Jimin felt under the weather after what happened in the meditating class. He told Mr. Wu he wasn’t feeling well and was excused for the rest of the day. Jimin had shut himself in his room, away from the world. He was currently lying on his bed trying to sleep.


“Rex Regum.”


Jimin could still here the voice in his head. What does it exactly mean? Jimin sighed as he ruffled his hair in frustration. Jimin brought his phone and headphones out; surely music will help him fall asleep. He pressed play and listened to the soft riffs of the guitar. Jimin felt sleep taking over him.


"Rex Regum. Expectantes mi Rex."


Jimin found himself in the dark place again; everything was still pitch black around him like he remembered. He glanced up and saw that the colours have lowered a bit but were still spinning. 


He needed to find out the meaning. With determination he got out of bed and headed to the library.




When he pushed the heavy doors of the library open, he was glad to see it was fairly empty. Jimin walked towards the thousands of bookshelves. “What book should I exactly look for?” He muttered to himself. He put a finger to his chin in deep thought. “The words sounded like Latin or French, I can get the Translation Book.” He snapped his fingers. The books in the academy are not ordinary books, they are filled with power. The books come alive. Jimin spent a few more minutes searching for the book and grinned once he found it. He hovered his hand over the spine of the book, about to grab it when another hand, a much larger hand landed on top of his.


Jimin turned towards the owner of the hand where no other than Jungkook stood in all of his glory. Jungkook grabbed the book and walked away with a mocking smirk on his face, his cold eyes glued to Jimin's. I don’t understand him. One minute he is treating me nicely and actually acknowledges my existence, the next he acts cold. Jimin sadly saw the book going away from his sight as Jungkook’s figure left the library.

“So much for finding out.” He muttered bitterly. Jimin walked towards one of the empty tables and sat down with a deep sigh. What was he going to do now? The voice was bothering him to find out the meaning and understand. At the centre there was a metal tray supplied with paper and pencils. Jimin eyed them in deep thought. He could’ve easily searched the translations on Google but they were sometimes inaccurate and may not even have ancient words whereas the translation books in the academy has every single word. Some that have not been known, mentioned or spoken for thousands of years.


But stupid Jungkook had to take it away from him. What did he even need it for? Jimin huffed in frustration, why did he even allow Jungkook to take it away from his grasp? Why is he giving Jungkook so much power and control over him? Jimin stood up abruptly, his jaws clenched tightly as he stormed out of the room. He was going to get the book back, one way or another.


Jimin walked with heavy steps, his eyes narrowed. He marched towards his floor, his eyebrows scrunched into a frown. He targeted his eyes on Jungkook’s bedroom door and sped walked towards it. Jimin stared at the door with determination and annoyance; he intentionally knocked loudly on the door just to piss of Jungkook for extra points – a bonus. And that is what exactly happened.


Jungkook harshly opened the door with force - an annoyed look on his face. “Do you have to knock like that?” He gritted, his left eye twitching. “Give me the book Jungkook.” Jungkook’s annoyed face washed out to a neutral and emotionless expression. “I don’t have it.” He said with a cold tone. Jimin raised a perfect eyebrow with a really now? expression. “I literally saw you take it ten minutes ago, how can you not have it?” Jimin questioned, folding his arms. The tight white long sleeve leaving a little imagination on Jimin’s muscled arms. Jungkook’s eyes unknowingly darted to Jimin’s arms. His brown eyes roaming over them. Jungkook cleared his throat and looked up at Jimin’s waiting eyes, “I told you. I don’t have it.”


Jimin sighed in annoyance, before shooting Jungkook a sharp glare. “I know you have it. Just give it, I really need it.” He said, his patience slowly running out. Jungkook rolled his eyes, mimicking Jimin by folding his muscled arms too. The white t-shirt emphasizing on his biceps. Jimin forced himself not to look. “Look, if I say I don’t have it then I don’t. Understand?” Jimin scoffed in response. “Yeah, I don’t believe you. Either give it or I’m going to take it myself.” Jungkook smirked, “And how will you do that? You can’t step a foot into this room.”


Jimin gave him an equal smirk, “Try me.” He said confidently and lunged towards Jungkook. Within seconds Jungkook attempted to capture Jimin in his arms but was a couple of seconds late as Jimin sneakily ducked under his arms and entered the room. Jimin rushed inside but was stopped when Jungkook grabbed him by the waist from behind, trapping him from taking another step.


Jungkook pulled Jimin’s body to his, their back and chest touching. Jungkook tightened his hold on Jimin’s waist, “Told you.” He said in a husky tone beside Jimin’s ear. Jimin elbowed him on the rib making Jungkook loosen his hold on him for a second. But Jungkook was fast this time as he easily caught Jimin’s a

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asiankitty9509 #1
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need. I enjoy reading this story. Thank you for writing it!! Hope you feel better!!
Chapter 19: Don't worry... Take time for yourself.
We'll always be here to support you.

Take care. <3 I pray for you and your family's well being
ChocolateThunder #3
Chapter 18: I'm so confused and I absolutely love it
IheartKPopandJPop #4
I hope u update someday this story is amazing. I finished it all in less than a day
Chimkookie13 #5
Pleaseee. This is my fave story ?
Chapter 18: What is happen Happening omg.
By the way the layout cuts off some words at the sides. Just a heads up
kpop100 #7
Chapter 18: Please continue....i love this story
Chapter 18: omg omg omg
ceisyaxo #9
Chapter 18: Omg?!?!?!?!? WHAT HAPPEN????
JIMINNN. ..unleash your Power! Let them see the color of your eyes & your silver hair.....

Jungkook protect jimin~~~
thanks for the update.....Update soon~