Chapter 55

My Unwilling Fiancé

*I thought I posted this chapter two days ago and was hoping to read comments today only to find out that it was hidden...Urghh.!!! but here it is anyway.. I'm quite nervous about this chapter though..Please leave a comment ^^*


“Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.” – Swedish Proverb.


Luna could still remember the day they said their vows never to part even after death claims them, she could still remember it as if the wedding only took place yesterday. She could replay it in her mind again and again; her heart had memorized the scenes too well. That day her unwilling fiancé said ‘I do’ and vowed to be her husband, to love her and cherish her, in sickness and in health.


It had been four years since the wedding happened and even her own sister had married Onew but not before Amber’s wedding to Key took place. Only Taemin and Jonghyun remained single. Taemin’s reason is that he has not found the perfect lady to give his heart to while Jonghyun said having a wife is not yet his priorities and besides he still enjoys dating.


Today is Luna and Minho’s fourth wedding anniversary they didn’t want a big celebration so they did not prepare much. Minho’s parents are still out of the country with their trip around the world following their youngest son’s footsteps though Taemin had gone home a year ago having completed his journey.


Luna’s life would have been perfect if only they have their own child. The doctors they consulted said she’s perfectly fine but why is she still not pregnant? It’s not as if they’re not trying, every night she prays that they be blessed a child. Her heart still grieves for the first one they lost, a mother would forever grieve for the death of her child. Of course she would not let Mino know this. He does not need to know, he has a lot in mind with handling their business. The Parks and the Chois companies had been merged into one and that’s why Minho got his hands full.


“Onew would kill us,” Luna heard Amber mutter when she saw just what Key had done. She shouldn’t have left him with her. She can’t even imagine the wrath of Onew. And of course there’s Krystal!


“Of course he won’t. We just made her look cool.” Key reasoned still not seeing why a baby can’t have piercings.


“Key babies aren’t supposed to look cool! They’re babies, they’re cute and cuddly and noisy.” Amber had to control herself not to strangle Key just now. She would just have to murder him first before Onew and Krystal arrives and choke him to death.


“But I think she likes it babe.” Key was thankful the baby didn’t wake up with all the noise Amber is making right now. What’s wrong with a piercing? He just wanted to give the baby a present. And the earrings are quite expensive. “And you can’t be upset our baby would be upset as well,” he reminded Amber. She’s now seven months pregnant with their second child. He still could not believe they did it again. Their first born is a boy and the second one would be a boy too. And he’s hoping the third one would be a girl. He really wants a baby girl. Of course he’s not telling Amber yet, she’d go berserk and tell him why not he tries to get pregnant and give birth.


Amber rubbed her very round belly. Their first child just turned three and now another one is on the way. “Don’t go yelling for help later when Onew and Krystal get here. I’m not pulling you out of this one.” She could still remember the day Key decided to get Jinri her first haircut, Onew almost fainted. Krystal was about to murder him if only Luna did not interfere. Key just had to do something when he’s not inside his big office, and most of the things he does is getting Onew’s only daughter a makeover.


Key just shrugged. Onew might not like the idea of their baby having an ear piercing but maybe Krystal would. She’s a fashion diva herself. It’s already been three years since he married Amber. A lot of things had happened.


“When will Minho get here?” Amber asked.


“They should be here any minute now,” Key answered and just as he said Minho came in with a little boy in his arms.


“Appa!” The little boy lets go of Minho’s hand and went running to Key. “Look what Uncle got me!” He showed his father the new toy car Minho bought for him earlier.


“Oohhh,” Key admired the new toy as well. “Did you say thank you?” His son nodded.


“Didn’t you have a hard time with him?” Amber asked his cousin.


“No, Chanyeol’s such an angel.” Minho answered.


Luna watched as Key and Chanyeol played with the new toy car. Chanyeol really looks like Key. If their baby had survived it’d four years old by now. Maybe it’s not yet their time. But as the years passed by and as her friends and even her sister had their babies. She’s getting more and more impatient, longing to have her own little angel.


“Hey,” Minho kissed the top of his wife’s head and sat with her. He had been out with Chanyeol for a stroll when the child saw a toy store and as expected he bought what the child liked. It can’t be helped; he likes to spoil the kid.


“Minho don’t tell me you bought toys again for Chanyeol,” Amber said eyeing the bags Minho dropped on the sofa. “You already bought a lot for him last time. You’re spoiling him too much.”


“Amber these are not just toys, we bought clothes too.” Minho said. He can’t help but spoil the two kids.


Suddenly they heard Jinri cry, Luna was quick to get up and get to the baby getting her out of the crib. “Oh did we wake you up honey?” Minho got up too and went over to his wife and niece.


“So the little princess is up,” he cooed and kissed the baby’s tiny hands just before he noticed something new on her. “Uhm Amber I don’t think I’ve seen these earrings before.”


Amber sighed. “It’s Key, he went out with the baby when I was sleeping and when they came back. Jinri already has those.”


“Onew and Krystal would be here any minute,” Minho said as if giving a warning to Key and Amber.


“Should we just tell them it was Luna’s idea?” Key said and received a glare from Minho. “I was just kidding!”


At that moment the said parents arrived. Minho pulled Luna beside him. Amber also sat far away from the baby while her kid Chanyeol was busy with his toy car.


“Oh is my sweet angel awake now?” Krystal lightly kissed her two-year old daughter on the forehead. Amber waited for the outburst but it seemed that she didn’t notice anything. But all held their breath when Onew came to check on his daughter.


“Is that…?” Onew began and Amber was about to explain when he continued. “Did you buy new clothes for her again?” Onew was asking Luna.


“Yeah, we went shopping earlier.” Luna explained trying not to look at the Key making an escape.


“Oh that’s why I thought I could see something new on her,” Onew said. “Wait,” he got nearer Jinri and then that’s when he noticed the earrings. His eyes became wide as plates and it was only because of the kids that he didn’t scream. “Whose idea was this?”


“Uhm Onew…” Amber began to explain but failed.


“What? What’s wrong?” Krystal asked hurriedly getting the baby from Luna.


“Who gave my precious daughter piercings?” Onew asked again with gritted teeth. No one answered.


“It’s Lu –” Key could not finish his sentence because he caught Minho giving him the death glare.


“Really? Oh they’re beautiful,” Krystal said admiring the new pair of jewelry.


Key clapped once from excitement, forgetting instantly that he was going to escape. “I told you Krystal would like it!”


“You!” Onew yelled not able to control his emotions any longer. Why couldn’t they just leave their innocent daughter alone? Why not give their son earrings?


“Shhhh,” both Krystal and Amber said.


“It’s for style,” Key said. “And I got her diamonds. It’s really expensive you know.”


“I don’t care how expensive they are. Why would you torture my baby girl?” Onew exaggerates again. Krystal knows just how protective Onew is of their daughter.


“It’s okay Onew, it’s done anyway.” She’s been trying to convince him to let her do it to their child but Onew just won’t agree. She’s actually glad Key did it.


“You could have waited until you have your own daughter!” Onew still would not let the matter rest.


“But we can’t have it yet since Amber’s still pregnant with a son. Maybe after two years I’d have my own.” Key said casually.


“Yah I told you I don’t want to be pregnant again. Why don’t you try to get pregnant yourself?” Amber argued.


“Honey you know that’s impossible. And we should spread our good genes all over Korea,” Key said and Amber threw a pillow at him.


Luna bowed her head and Minho held her hand. He knew even if she does not voice it out that she’s thinking when they’ll have their own kid.


“Who said you have good genes?” It was Jonghyun who arrived. Chanyeol came running to him. Jonghyun always brags that he’s Chanyeol’s favorite uncle. “You’ve gotten a lot taller than the last time I saw you.”


“You just saw him two days ago Jonghyun,” Amber reminded him.


“Oh really?” Jonghyun said sheepishly and he wheels Chanyeol in the air.


“Did I miss anything?” Taemin arrived too with bags of toys for the two kids.


“Oh not you too!” Amber complained. It’s not that she does not appreciate the gesture but she could now build a museum for all the toys Chanyeol got in their house.


“What I can’t even buy my favorite nephew a few toys?” Taemin said pretending to look hurt.


“Onew hyung what’s wrong with your face?” Jonghyun asked and everyone turned to Onew.


The night went on with their celebration, turned out everyone actually prepared gifts for the couple and silently wished them happiness and their own baby to come sooner. Everyone is busy but they still make time for their little gatherings. Krystal is now a successful designer, while Amber and Luna teamed up for their jewelry business. Luna designs them and Amber is managing their business.


“Bye,” Taemin said as he got into his car waving goodbye to his friends, cousin and brother. He was the first one to go.


“Thanks for the gifts Minho, Luna,” Key thanked the couple as he helped Amber get into the backseat of the car. Chanyeol is already sleeping soundly inside.


Onew shook his head as he watched Key and his family drove away. “I still can’t believe Key ruined my daughter’s ears.”


“Get over it Onew,” Krystal said as he handed Jinri to his mother.  “Why are you still awake sweetheart?”


“Luna, Krystal said you promised to babysit Jinri while we’re away.” Onew turned to Luna.


“Yeah, when will you be leaving?” Luna asked.


“A week from now, could you promise me nothing will change with her? She’s still going to look like this when we come back right? The earrings are enough for now.”


Luna can’t help but laugh at this. “Of course Onew, I promise. I won’t let Key near her.”


Krystal let the other guys kiss her little baby before Luna finally got her turn.


“I’ll see you soon little angel,” Luna said giving a last peck on Jinri’s cheek.


“Jonghyun aren’t you going home yet?” Luna asked when Krystal and Onew left.


“Nope, I’m gonna have a drink first,” Jonghyun said.


“Okay then Luna and I will have to call it a night,” Minho said as he put his arms around his wife.


“Yeah right, I know you won’t sleep right away when you get home,” Jonghyun teased which caused Luna’s cheek to blush.


“Still not going to agree with the date?” Minho changed the subject before Jonghyun could say more.


“I already told you, I’m not interested.” Jonghyun said. Minho has been telling him to go on a blind date. He said he won’t regret it but he’s not buying that.


“She’s really nice you know and pretty too,” Minho added.


“Of course she is but I’m not interested. But if she’s anything like Luna maybe I’ll think about it,” Jonghyun winked at her.


“Who are you trying to let him date?” Luna asked her husband.


“Jinyoung,” Minho said. “And no one’s like Luna, you can’t find anyone like my wife out there.”


“Jinyoung? Oh Jonghyun you should really change your mind. She’s a great person.”


Minho looked at Jonghyun silently telling him that if his wife said she’s a great person then she’s a great person and he’ll be missing out this one.


“Well…” Jonghyun hesitates.


“Just meet her up,” Luna urged.


“Okay, but you two would have to set up the date and just call me when okay?”


“Good.” Minho smiled finally Jonghyun gave in if he had known Luna could convince him this fast he would have let her talk to him in the first place. “I’ll call you.”


They said goodbye to Jonghyun and drove home. Jinyoung is Minho’s secretary, she’s two years older than Jonghyun and she’s very pretty and smart too.


“I hope Jonghyun and Jinyoung would like each other,” Luna said as they got off the car. The house Minho bought is not too big and Luna likes it to perfection. She has the perfect house and a loving husband and the only thing missing is a baby.


“I’m sure they will,” Minho said as he took her hand in his. He remembers the day they moved into this house, on that day they made love again and again. The house is never lonely with her by his side though he admits a little angel is what they need to complete their happiness. Even when he’s busy with work he never skips dinner with her and always calls her when he’ll be late. Luna is never demanding, she takes whatever he’s willing to give. He knows just how lucky he is that Luna is his wife.


“Do you want something to drink before we sleep?” Luna asked Minho while they get ready for bed.


He never fails to tell her just how much he loves her every day. He told her he has a lot to make up for, for every tear she had cried before.


Instead of giving her an answer Minho pulled her for a kiss. He always makes her feel helpless with his kisses, her knees left weak once his done. He likes to cradle her in his arms, letting her sit on his lap.


Luna felt his need for her and she let him trail kisses on her shoulder down to her hand kissing the ring he had slipped into her finger the day he married her. His hand traveled on her back underneath her silk nightgown to undo the clasp, he manages to get rid of the garment without removing her nightgown.


“Beautiful,” Minho whispered on her ear. She caressed his face and kissed his forehead, her hand traced his back feeling his body stiffen from her touch. Together they removed his shirt off him. Even when he’s busy Minho manages to look like a hunk because he exercises each morning. His desire is so apparent as each second passed. She moans his name when he cupped one ; he silenced her cry as he crushed his mouth into hers. Even after years of being together and loving each other Minho still can’t get enough of his wife, each touch is a promise of a wonderful union. As they moved into the music of desire and passion they have one thing in mind to let the other feel of their love and a prayer that this night would bring them their heart’s yearning.



LOL Onew ^^

I wanted to finish it with this chapter but it ended like this.. and now i need to write another chapter... how should i end this? LOL... I've been busy for real and it's hard to start writing when you mind's half awake.. so please stay with this story even though it's about to end... 

if one of you guys say that you don't like this chapter i might delete it... haha... LOL i'm just kidding i know some of you may not like it or the story is too long already but just like the first two fics i wrote i'm having a problem parting with it.. huhu..

and yes i'm shipping this couple so much i'm forgetting my first love which is TUNA....

Luna shared her drink with Minho ... O_O  aka K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

i've been digging everywhere for fancams of them and there's one where Onew was gulping down the energy drink and you'll see Minho standing behind them and going to Luna's side (you won't really see him in that fancam, but you'll notice Luna giving her drink to someone which is obviously Minho) he could have gotten one of his own but no he didn't.. it's probably just me but it feels like Minho was waiting for the moment Luna gives her a drink.. haha 

check out the fancam here:

anyways enjoy your day and don't forget to leave a comment, i love to hear what you think about this cute crackship couple..


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Another vote for MUF! So happy ^____^


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ChhanIvain #1
I used to really love this luna x minho ff, I read it ages ago but I guess I'll re-read it?
moccaberry #2
Chapter 5: authornim... cant you just make a jonghyun-luna fiction? i'm a jongna shipper! and this is minhoxluna fiction but why jonghyun who always kiss luna? ;-;
Man i just adore it , it's been a while since i'm Searching Luna and Minho's fanfic !
i'm reading it sweet heart
New subbie i love how u paired luna and minho i cant wait to read it :)
naue523 #5
Chapter 61: Beautiful story!!!
Chapter 32: Hey, I really love this fanfiction. I'm Cassiopeia too~ Good to see you then. I'm also Luna's fan. I just arrive at the chapter 29. Still make anxious about the end . kkkk`k~
Chapter 61: Okay, my first time ever reading a MinhoxLuna... or a Shinee fic ever. Anyway, this is story was great and like so much Luna in here. Actually, as I am not used to them at all, it seemed really hard to imagine Minho and Luna at some parts. The truth is that I've never pictured them together. Anyway, I will be looking over your profile to see if I found another one, finished of course. I can't handle be hang up to an unfinished story...
Chapter 61: finally luna got pregnant again :D
i love this <3
please make a sequel if you can :)
Chapter 61: Wow~ its nice..keep it up friend